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The Life After War Collection

Page 451

by Angela White

  Marc stood up, glowering at the man. “I do. The descendants have chosen to follow their alpha.”

  “All of them?” Simon asked incredulously. “Willingly?” He had counted on having at least a few magic users to help them. “What about all the orphan kids?”

  The kids that Neil and Seth’s teams had rescued from the boarding school ran over to Marc.

  Tony scowled when more kids and teenagers went to stand with Marc.

  Watching, Angela was proud for her mate and still glad that Adrian wasn’t here to be hurt by a show of support that should have been his to enjoy.

  “We’ll die without you.” An old woman sitting by Marc’s feet stared in tearful reproach.

  Nursing a black eye, Tony added his support. “You’re making us come. We won’t survive without magic users here.”

  “You’ll die even with us here.” Angela waved a hand at the cave. “Didn’t you notice that we can’t protect you anymore? The hundred bodies weren’t a clue?”

  Tony flushed scarlet.

  Angela signaled Kenn to go on.

  “Five days from now, we will do what I’ve already told you and then anyone can take their things and go.”

  “What about the refugees out there?” Simon had been nominated to replace Angela as the leader staying in the mountain. Tony was collecting people to head southwest.

  “They’re dying.” Kenn didn’t believe censoring his words would help, so he hadn’t. “We have the badges now and later, we’ll have the cameras reconnected to prove it.”

  “Is it from fallout?” Logan didn’t care. He just wanted a distraction from the voices in his mind.

  “Yes.” Kenn wondered why Neil hadn’t been given this part of informing the camp. “The conditions out there are bad. Five more days in that toxic soup at those levels will kill them all, like with Mikel’s men. We believe the Mexicans are already gone. That means you have to hit the ground running. Once you’re cleared to go, hit the gas and don’t stop. And for crap’s sake, don’t go east. The cloud was drifting east the last time we had a readout, which was two days ago.”

  “Some of them may be alive.” Marc wanted everyone prepared, but he also wanted camp members to fall in line behind the Eagles–where he believed they belonged until they could care for themselves. “There may be fighting, but we expect that will happen while we’re trying to prep the vehicles. That’s another reason for you to wait until we get things ready. Let us fight them for you, like we’ve been doing since the war.”

  Marc’s bitter tone brought varied reactions. For a few of the camp, it was resentment that they didn’t have powers, but for most, it was guilt. They’d taken a free ride without trying to change.

  “We request that all groups keep radio silence for the first few days and that you don’t call here to the mountain at all. If refugees believe it was all destroyed, our survivors who stay might have a chance to rebuild.”

  “That brings us to the bigger threat.” Kyle gestured toward the top. “What happens when we do go out?”

  “Yes.” Kenn fed the next lines with passion. “The descendants will handle the UN like we did the other problems that have challenged us–without mercy!”

  Eagles cheered, as did a few of the camp members.

  “When are they coming?” Tony asked worriedly. He wanted to be gone before then.

  “Six days.” Angela was depending on Cody’s timeline. There was darkness whenever she tried to look. She’d never felt so weak, even when shot. “If you go out before we handle it, there’s a high chance you’ll be caught and used against us.” Angela swept the camp, making contact with some of those who wanted to leave. “I won’t negotiate for your return. I can’t.”

  Telling them if they were caught, she wouldn’t save them.

  “Will there be another big fight?” Gus asked. “Like when you took down the government?” He had heard the radio calls and those stories from the men and women who’d been there.

  “I think so,” Angela answered. “But I’m too weak to use any magic right now and all the kids are too young to even make the connections. Coming here hurt us in many ways, but please, you must know I’d kill all of them for even one of you if there were a choice. Just let us handle things first and then you can go in peace, without staring over your shoulder every night.”

  Those words were like a magic balm to some of the camp. Worries over resentments from magic users had caused more than a few of them to hide their choice until now.

  Angela watched people ask for the notebook to be passed back so they could add or change their decision, heart sinking. She’d known that comfort would allow more of them to run, but it still felt as if they were abandoning her. In fact, the names being added right now were an awful blow. She stared at Neil in hurt surprise.

  Neil didn’t talk as he scrawled Samantha’s name and then his own on the bottom line. He added ‘Group of two’.

  “She woke up an hour ago. We made the choice together. Don’t bother her. Let her rest.” Neil left the meeting to go make sure of it.

  Angela’s heart unclenched. She held herself in check and didn’t react again.

  Neil’s choice sent a fresh wave of abandonment through the crowd and there was only mutters and paper rattling for a few minutes.

  Adrian wouldn’t like this, Marc contemplated. He’d be talking them all into staying with him, into trusting him even when they knew they shouldn’t.

  That’s why Adrian isn’t here. Jennifer tried to make sure only Marc caught the thought.

  Angela doesn’t want them to go?

  Some of these people were destined to die on the trip to the island or after.

  She’s saving them. Marc calmed down about how she would react afterwards. By not encouraging them to go, she’s hoping it changes their future.

  Yes. Amazing, isn’t she?

  I’ve always thought so.

  She adores you.

  Marc waited for more, but Jennifer left it there. Angela was regarding her with a lifted brow that made the teen wonder if the boss had been listening. Jennifer didn’t want Angela to suspect that she was passing secrets or anything else.

  I don’t. Angela finally let Jennifer in all the way. Not even you can keep me out, Jen. I’m not the same anymore. The call…changed me somehow.

  You’re an alpha.

  Yes, but it’s more than that.

  From the life forces you’ve taken?

  From being connected with the Creator for a split instant. He marked me.

  For good or worse?

  That has not yet been revealed.

  Marc winced. He didn’t tell the women that the same thing was happening to him and he hadn’t even been there for the call. It felt like a battle was coming and he was in training for a major role in the fight. It had felt this way since the day the war had destroyed the world.


  “This is Kendle. Anyone there?”

  Angela denied Kenn when he lifted a brow. “We can’t answer radio calls from anyone.”

  “They’ll think we’re dead.”

  “Yes. So will others.” Angela stored the papers with the camp choices in her pocket, but she didn’t ask how the vote had gone. She assumed Simon and Tony had been chosen. Both men were a far cry from the leaders who’d come before them.

  “This is Kendle, calling Safe Haven. Come in, Safe Haven.”

  Kenn was curious if Kendle had found the boat.

  “No.” Angela only answered so that he would know she was getting his thoughts. “That wasn’t Kendle’s true mission, though she wasn’t told either.”

  “What did you send her out for?” Kenn had a terrible idea forming.

  “We couldn’t beat them on their own turf,” Angela surprised both of them by explaining at all. It showed trust in the Marine. “I needed them to come to us. Now, they are.”

  “I never stood a chance, did I?” Kenn half joked.

  Angela stared at him. “If not for the war, I would have rot
ted in your prison to keep my son safe. I thank fate every day for that release.”

  Kenn winced and went in the other direction. Some mistakes from the past would never be erased or forgotten about. He understood that now. Part of his reform was living with her bitterness. She had a right to it.

  “This is Kendle. Come in, Safe Haven!”

  Angela switched the radio off and went to the crushed level. They’d brought out chunks of meat that she thought were beef, but could have been pig. Now, they were hauling out flattened chickens. The smell was enough to make grown men gag, but it was better than the basement of dogs they’d rescued. Everyone was on break right now, trying to clean up.

  “We got the last assassin!” Brandon blared through the corridor as he and Kyle joined her. “It was Pam. She just tried to stab Neil.”

  Angela didn’t speak. I miscounted. One of these days, it’ll get me killed.

  “Damn it!” Kyle swore, following her line of sight.

  Jennifer didn’t struggle under Francis’s blade. Autumn was in his other arm, being squeezed so hard she was having trouble breathing.

  Francis jerked his chin at Angela. “I’ll trade you for these two. Say no or use your gift and I’ll kill them both.”

  Do it! Face almost calm, Jennifer was mentally screaming at Kyle. Do it!

  Angela lunged forward right as Kyle drew and fired. She caught the baby and spun out of the chaos before she could be hit with either falling body.

  “Jenny!” Kyle rushed forward.

  Angela checked the crying child, relieved to find her scared but not injured. She glanced at Jennifer.


  Angela took the baby toward the top floor as Kyle started shouting, cooing. “She’ll be okay, sweetheart. Don’t connect right now. Let’s go check on Samantha. I heard you can talk to her babies.”

  “Medic! Help!”

  Angela climbed the ladder around Eagles sliding and jumping down to answer Kyle’s shouts. “Is that right? Please tell them they’ll get to view the island. I promise.”

  Kyle held his hand over the gushing wound, once again in torment. This time, it was his heart lying there bleeding.

  “Let me by!” The tired doctor hadn’t been awake long.

  Jimmy lifted Kyle’s hand and probed the angry wound, ignoring Kyle’s flinch and impatience. He dug deep.

  “It went through.”

  “I know that.” Kyle’s curt tone sharpened. “It’s my slug

  “Cover it up.”

  Kyle did, about to panic.

  Jimmy ripped open a trio of packages. “We watch for infection for a day and then close it up. She’s young and strong. She’ll be fine.” Jimmy paused to frown up at Kyle. “Unless she’s pregnant?”

  “No! We haven’t broken the rules!”

  “Good, cause that might drain her. If there’s no infection, she’ll be fine.” The doctor liked Kyle even though he didn’t want to. “…I thought you were the best.”

  “He pushed her into it when he saw me firing.” Kyle lifted his chin. “But I would have shot her to kill him, so stick that up your ass.”

  Jimmy chuckled without amusement. “Of that, I have no doubt. When the boss says fire, you do it.”

  “No one ordered me to shoot.” Kyle watched. If the doctor knew that was a lie, then he’d read Jennifer’s order and that meant the man was another hidden descendant.

  “It’s how they train you.” Jimmy began cleaning the wound. “I’ve watched it for months. They tell you killing is okay, that it’s good.”

  Kyle picked up the tone of someone trying to convert followers for a dangerous, unapproved mission. He stared. “You’re not going with us.”


  “How can you abandon the people who saved you?”

  “How can you support the people who blew up the world?” The doctor had never labored in conditions like this. Even right after the war, they’d had power for a few weeks and then he’d found a group at a hospital. This was a nightmare.

  Kyle had stopped talking. The doctor didn’t think he’d won, but it bothered him that the mobster had stopped talking. Instead of loathing, the doctor often felt sorry for the way Kyle was used by leadership.

  “You deserve a better life than to be their killer.”

  Kyle stiffened. Jennifer had said that to him right after the meeting…and now she’d been shot.

  Jimmy stuffed the wound with cotton from the maxi pads they’d found and torn apart. They’d used all the gauze in the medical bags that Neil had found.

  Kyle waited. And he thought. Jimmy was both wrong and right, as was Jennifer. The opinion that mattered the most to him hadn’t weighed in on the subject yet, but he couldn’t discuss it with her. Autumn would never understand why her daddy had to kill. That’s why he’d told Jennifer yes, they could stay or go off on their own if she chose to. He wanted Adrian in charge. There was a tiny chance that the former leader would stay here if enough of his core group did too. It would get him away from Marc and Angela.

  Not far away, Charlie caught that contemplation and immediately began designing ways to make it happen. Adrian here, while his mom and dad were on a romantic southern island, sounded perfect to the fast-maturing teen. He hadn’t forgotten that Adrian was a threat.

  Chapter Ten

  Fighting Fate


  Marc leaned over the narrow gap as Adrian crawled through it. “Where have you been?!”

  Adrian jumped, banging his hurt shoulder on a sharp rock.

  “Damn it, Brady!”

  Marc snickered, straightening.

  Grumbling, Adrian pulled a large bag in and then began closing the gap with heavy boulders.

  James and Booth hurried to help him.

  Marc glared at the soldiers on duty, certain they’d helped Adrian get out and then recovered the gap.

  “He had orders.” Peter shrugged at Marc’s glower. “Sorry, man, but she’s the boss, and she’s back, you know?”

  Marc grunted. That was what he wanted, but it didn’t include all the sneaking around.

  “Where have you been?” Marc followed Adrian when the man went by him with his burden.

  Adrian spun and shoved the bag into Marc’s arms. “Those eggs go to the cook. This corridor comes out on a ledge that’s being used as a nursery. I got about a quarter of them before I was chased off.” He didn’t tell Marc that Lawrence’s body was still out there.

  Marc spotted the feathers in Adrian’s hair and snorted at the images.

  “Our stash is there, but if the refugees come up any farther, they’ll find it. The temperatures are nasty and it’s keeping them in their tents and cars. When it breaks, our barrier won’t hold.”

  Marc kept quiet, smelling game bird and coldness.

  “There are hundreds of them. Some are sick. I didn’t want to talk in front of the soldiers.” Adrian rubbed his cold hands together, wishing he’d found gloves. “One of them may be like us, so I couldn’t send messages. Sorry for ignoring you.”

  Marc noted the possible new magic user. “How did you vote?”

  Adrian stopped, but didn’t turn. “Bet you can’t guess.”

  Marc’s lips thinned into a dangerous line. “Despite your banishment, you’ll tag along.”


  “Have you spoken to Angela about that?” Marc asked bitterly.


  “Then I won’t hold my breath.”

  “I wish you would, though,” Adrian confessed, walking again. “Your jealousy will be what kills her. Even Kenn knew when to quit.”

  “Stop it.”

  Angela’s order brought the men to a halt. Expecting a tirade, they faced her angry stance in the shadows.

  “I don’t need you, either of you.” Angela drew in a deep breath and tried one last time to fight fate. “Maybe it would be better if you both stayed here.”

  As she vanished, Adrian turned to Marc in shock. “What have you done?”

p; “Beyond restarting the old shit with you just now, nothing.” Marc scanned his rival. “What have you done?”

  Adrian sighed. “The right thing. I’m staying.”

  “And I’m letting you.” Marc went down the tunnel without saying anything else.

  Adrian went to the portable shower on the bottom floor, where the water barrel was low. If not for the bird shit on the eggs, he would save the water for someone else to use. After he was cleaned, he planned to go dig out their refrigerator and get it working. They had a lot of meat to store. Not happy, but at least content to be useful, Adrian missed the silence. He was alerted to someone being there by a footstep.

  Naked, Adrian listened for the attack. Never gonna be rid of all the assassins.

  “I’m not an assassin.” Marc smiled coldly. “At least not in the normal sense.”

  Adrian’s heart thudded. “I’m getting out of your way. What more do you want?”

  “The same as you, of course.” Marc’s evil smile fell into disappointment. “But if I can’t have your death, being a thousand miles apart will be a good start.”

  “So what do you want?”

  “You can’t lead another camp. You’re a traitor.”

  “Kyle and Kenn will lead.” Adrian gestured at the bag in Marc’s arms. “I’m a scavenger.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  Tiring of the intimidation, Adrian dumped the bucket to rinse.

  Marc was relieved to hear that Adrian wasn’t going to be a leader, but it also worried him. “You’d stay for that?”

  “For her.” Adrian gave complete honesty this time, hating himself for the truth. “I’ll never be able to leave her alone. I want her too much, need her too much. This way, I can’t hurt the dream anymore.”

  Marc left. He really went to the new cooking area this time to deliver the food, but he didn’t believe a single word the former boss had spoken.

  Adrian sighed. Marc would never trust him again, but the herd would once he was useful enough, but he still wouldn’t take leadership. He’d had that honor and burden. He couldn’t carry it anymore.


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