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The Life After War Collection

Page 457

by Angela White

Marc used his charm, but he also added a healthy burst of his newest skill.

  Angela tensed as a hand slid down her cheek to brush hair from her face. “Wow.” She stared. “Where’d you pick that up? Julia?”

  Marc froze. He’d forgotten about Julia. “Uh, Charlie, actually.” Marc caught her frown and distracted her. “I didn’t know about Cody.”

  “You’ve made a habit of that.”

  Marc felt his heart drop. Please don’t view it that way. Like with you, it was a special circumstance.

  “She lied to you.”

  “Is it so hard to believe that a man in a moment of passion would accept the woman’s word on birth control?”


  “Then why are you mad at me?”

  “Because she isn’t here to be a target for my jealousy.”

  “It was years after us.” Marc paused. “You’re jealous?”

  “Not enough to kill her, but I could have shoved her into a wall a few times and still slept okay.”

  Marc snorted, thinking of Adrian. “That’s only level one, baby. It gets a lot worse.”

  “Heard you two had a sit down.” Angela came in a few steps, happy with the stacks of kits and boxes that had been gathered. It wasn’t just weapons in this room anymore.

  “We talked for a bit.”

  “Anything I should know about?”


  Angela heard the tone. “Marc?”

  He peered up at her with a childish stare of innocence. “Yes, dear?”

  Angela groaned. “Oh, hell. Look, I’m sorry, okay? You forbid me–in public. I had to.”

  Marc nodded, tucking corners of clothes around edges of more clothes. “I hear ya. You had to do it. I get that.”

  “Oh, man. Please?”

  “Trade me for something.”

  Angela felt the trap, but she didn’t know how to avoid it. “Like what?”

  “Don’t bust my balls over Julia again.”

  “In exchange for you not ragging me about being reckless since the quake?”

  “If you don’t keep doing it.”

  “Don’t forbid me. Convince me or take me.”


  Angela made a face at his immediate agreement. “You plan this?”

  “I’m just keeping to our deal, baby-cakes.” Marc found a stray corner to labor on in dedication.

  “Uh-huh.” She studied his efforts, enjoying the vibe he was throwing out. “What do you have planned for tonight?”

  “You should get a shower. No offense, but you stink a little.”


  Marc ducked the lighter she threw, chuckling. “I’ll be down after you.”

  Angela grabbed the new kit he had put together for her and stomped from the room.


  “Where’s the boss?”

  Kenn jerked a thumb toward the top level. “She got a shower and went to sleep. What do you need?”

  “Where’s Marc?”

  Kenn made the same gestures. “Got a shower and went to sleep.”

  Adrian’s mood fell. “Well, I guess that’s good.” He held out a sheet of wrinkled paper. “Updates.”

  Kenn put it in his pocket. “What else?”

  “Just a vibe. I’m doing a sweep.”

  “Good or bad?” As soon as Kenn said it, he realized Adrian was only wearing boots and jeans. It had to be bad to bring him from sleeping in Nancy’s arms.

  Kenn began listening, hoping it was minor.

  A gunshot ruined that dream.

  Adrian slapped the gun from Stanley’s hand. “Use your knife!”

  The clumsy rookie flushed as sentries came from every direction. He grabbed his knife and hurried forward to stab at the three big ants that squealed in anger.

  Stanley jumped backward, letting out his own squeal.

  Adrian sighed.

  Stanley flushed darker. “I’m sorry.”

  Adrian spotted Marc coming through the tunnel, also in jeans and boots. “You aren’t yet, but you will be.”

  Adrian went the way he’d come. “Bye.”

  He went to the bottom floor to let Kenn know what had happened. Then, the former leader took a liberty that he didn’t think Marc would mind. Adrian sent out a strong wave of sleepiness. He couldn’t do it for long, but the blast usually hit everyone. He hadn’t used it much on Safe Haven because it would make the guards sleepy too, but Adrian was willing to take that risk. If these people didn’t get a full night of sleep now, even Angela wouldn’t be able to control them tomorrow.

  Angela stretched out on the warm, lumpy bed, trying to stay awake until Marc returned. She’d told him to let the Eagles handle Stanley, but his answer had lingered.

  “I want that place in their minds.”

  After some of the thoughts from the camp, then his comment, she had a suspicion she wanted to confirm before she fell asleep and forgot about it.

  Right outside the room now, Marc paused. Damn. I shouldn’t have said that. He waited for a moment, keeping his mind secure behind the new shield he’d been playing with all day, but it was clear she was waiting up for him.

  Marc descended to the bottom level. He found Adrian next to Kenn. Both men stared at him in wary, weary resignation.

  Marc stopped on the ladder. “Can you do that again?”

  Adrian nodded. “Yes.”

  Marc waited, looking upward.

  Adrian realized why Marc was waiting. He grunted. You get a new gift and she’s the person you practice it on?

  Marc’s grin widened. “You were first. Now do it.”

  Adrian bowed in sarcasm, then sent out the blast, using another chunk of energy to make it a strong dose. Despite what Marc was using it for, he had asked for something. Adrian would deliver.

  Marc yawned so hard that he shuddered. “Damn. Nice.”

  Adrian beamed.

  Kenn rolled his eyes at the blatant manipulation, but kept his mouth shut. You won’t get me so easy.

  Marc gave him an approving nod for keeping his mouth shut, adding a light blast of approval.

  Kenn fought the urge to bow in return.

  Marc smirked at Kenn’s confused expression, then went up the ladder.

  Adrian shook his head as Kenn yawned. “I knew this would happen at some point, but I believed I’d be able to hold out longer.”

  Kenn shook off the daze. “On what?”

  “Becoming a convert. He’s actually a good leader. It’s hard not to respect that.” Adrian walked away before Kenn could ask another question. “I’ll be around.”

  Marc snuck into the weapons room and pushed his boots off. He moved slow as he slid up against Angie’s warm body. They’d almost been asleep when the gunshot echoed.

  Marc tucked the blanket around her shoulders and put his head down. He’d rubbed her back for half an hour. She’d been jello under his tender hands. He’d been hard enough to dig them out of the cave.

  “You’re awful slick these days.”

  Marc tensed.

  “Anything you want to tell me?”

  “I’ll rub some more if you let it go.” Marc’s face was buried in her hair.

  “I’ll let you do more than rub if you confess. Don’t make me torture it out of you.”


  “Don’t give me that innocent crap.” Angela rolled over to face him, not trying to find a comfortable position. She’d given up on that yesterday. “You know what I’m talking about.”

  Marc leaned down to kiss her, wishing it had been longer since her injury. “No deal.”

  Angela snuggled up against him. “Hold me like we used to?”

  “Anytime you want.” Marc shifted, pulling her onto his chest.

  Angela was sleeping a minute later.

  Marc spent some time enjoying the sensations of her warm body, the rise and fall of her chest, her scent. I’ve missed this.

  Angela snuggled closer, hand gripping his hair.

  Marc smiled in contentment
and joined her in sleep.

  It took Adrian another hour to figure out that Marc had put him on duty without assigning him to it. Marc had known that the sentries would fall asleep if someone didn’t keep them alert. He’d also known that Adrian would worry over it and be the one to keep them all awake.

  “He’s getting better at this too.” Adrian headed for the mess to check on the kids. “I’m never going to be able to keep up.”


  “Got a minute?”

  Simon paused at Kenn’s question, worried and angry. “Did Angela send you?”

  Kenn ignored the other camp members in the water chamber who were helping Theo and Ozzie get the supply tube reconnected to the cave plumbing. All of them were pretending it didn’t stink bad enough on this level to make their guts churn. The bodies in the tunnel were rotting. They would have to be dumped soon.

  “Of course.” Kenn leaned against a wall, out of the way of the early morning crew.

  Simon’s expression slid into relief. “I’ve been waiting for the vet.”

  Kenn snorted. “She’d send Marc for a public execution.”

  Simon paled at the reminder of Tony. “I didn’t have anything to do with that plan.”

  Deep in the man’s mind, Kenn was able to tell that was true. “Why do you want to be the leader here?”

  “We have to have someone normal to lead the normal people.” Simon had let his voice carry.

  Mutters echoed from those in the shower line who had heard him.

  Kenn felt his dander rise and smacked it down. “And?”

  “I don’t trust anyone here enough to vote for them.”

  “Why do you get the deciding vote?”

  Tall, muscular, and arrogant, Simon stared back with blank brown eyes half hidden by his shaggy brown hair. “Why wouldn’t I? My father was a governor. So was his father before him. My family was born to lead.”

  Kenn didn’t waste any more time. He headed up the ladder, thinking the camp had adjusted to careers like Simon’s better than he’d ever imagined they would. After Samantha’s confession and leadership defending her, the herd had realized government employees weren’t to blame. Adrian’s confession had also helped with that. He’d pointed them at the real culprits.

  Passing the blocked training rooms, Kenn stopped, drawn by movement. He spotted Ray sifting through a rubble pile, alone.

  Kenn joined him, off duty until Angela woke. He waited for Ray to speak.

  Ray was smothered in dust, dirt, and horror. Dennis was dead. Dale believed Ray had asked Angela to do it. I’m an Eagle. I have honor. I wouldn’t do that.

  Kenn believed him, but he also knew Angela wouldn’t have interfered in their personal life that way. She had more important issues to spend her time on. Kenn thought about the images that their camp was going to view in the morning, then about how few Eagles they had now. “We could use you for protection over the boss.”

  “Which one?”

  “Marc.” Kenn adapted, hoping Angela wouldn’t be upset.

  Ray gave him a curt nod. “I need to clean up.”

  “Visit Dale on your way through. He’s awake.”

  Ray stiffened. “He’ll scream again.”

  “Maybe.” Kenn headed toward the ladder, yawning. It was exhausting to read minds. “Stay away from the vet. He’s off-limits.”

  “He did it?”

  “Yep. Marc spoke with him.”

  Ray followed Kenn, interest piqued. “Bet that was fun.”

  “Come do rounds with me during breakfast. I’ll drop you off with Marc when he’s ready.”

  Ray brightened. He wanted to be busy and he trusted Marc.

  Me too. Kenn sighed, tired of ladders and ropes. “We’ll begin with the shower line. I hear a fight.”

  Ray listened hard, but he didn’t hear anything.

  He did by the time they made it to the bottom floor. Camp members were harassing someone who had gone over their allotted time in one of the two portable showers.

  “Break it up!”

  “Stop it! Get in a damn line!”

  Ray’s barking shocked more people into obedience than Kenn’s did. Ray sounded as if he wanted to tear them all apart.

  Kenn scanned the tired guards, flashing an old signal that never failed to please. Shift ends in half an hour.

  Men grinned, straightening. They returned to their posts without scolding the camp members.

  Kenn saw Greg, Morgan, and Natoli’s group coming from the top levels to help. He sent them a quick signal. We’re 5-by.

  All of those men were due down here soon for the next shift. “We’ll hang out here until duty change.”

  Ray didn’t respond. Dale was sitting behind the ladder they’d descended, staring at him. Ray couldn’t tell what Dale was thinking with all those shadows hiding his expression, but he could guess.

  “I’ve got this.” Kenn gestured toward Dale. “He’s calm. Go try.”

  “I don’t know what to say to make him believe me.”

  “The truth. Angela wouldn’t have done it. Neither would you.”

  “I’ve tried that.”

  Kenn took a chance, wanting to be able to help his friend. I’ll listen, if I can. Kenn sent it mentally to find out if Ray was okay with him being so personal.

  Ray didn’t care. He would do anything to help Dale. He walked toward the man with slow steps, giving his mate time to react.

  Dale tensed, lips coming together into a thin line.

  Ray forced himself to keep going.

  As he neared the ladder, recovering wounded and camp members waiting to shower quieted to listen. The guards prepared for noise. Dale wasn’t speaking to anyone without making a scene.

  He’s not sure how to react. Go slow. Kenn stayed out of Dale’s line of sight while he concentrated. New, he hadn’t learned to mask his facial responses yet.

  Ray stopped a few feet away. “Can I talk to you?”

  Dale didn’t want to be sedated again. He controlled his anger. “I’m okay for a minute or two…I think.”

  Ray knew not to get close. He struggled to find an opening that would reach the troubled man. “I wouldn’t do it.”

  “She would.”

  Don’t lie.

  Ray didn’t. “She would if she found something bad.”

  Dale’s hands clenched into fists. “Yeah.”

  “I don’t believe she told Chris to do it. I think he was trying to be a friend.”

  “To you!” Dale spat.

  “Maybe. I want to ask him when they find him, but…I’m scared to know the answer.” Ray’s voice cracked. “How am I supposed to live with it?”

  Dale hadn’t known Ray was experiencing that too, but it didn’t ease the rage. “You’re going to the island?”

  Ray shrugged. “I want to. Will you come with us?”

  Dale immediately shook his head. “No. We’re through. Please go with your masters.”

  Ray swallowed that blow. “You can come. You’ll be safer with us.”

  Dale glared, tears starting to roll down his cheeks. “You should leave. I can’t take your lies.”

  Ray wanted to say more, but he wasn’t sure if anything would succeed. Dale knew the vet had killed Dennis without orders, but that didn’t matter. He was hurting and taking it out on everyone. “Please don’t do this. Let me help you.”

  Dale began screaming.

  Ray backed away as the doctor rushed over to sedate the man.

  Jimmy had been observing with everyone else, but he’d also instructed a student to get a syringe ready.

  Ray walked to the ladder with scarlet cheeks and stiff shoulders. When he went up and out of sight, Kenn didn’t blame him. The Marine wanted to help more, but Dale’s mind was full of bright rage. It would be a while before he could be reasoned with, but even then, he would never trust another descendant. Half the camp felt that way. Kenn didn’t believe Angela would be able to sway those people into going. The earthquake had taken over a hundred. The
aftermath was removing double that number. When Safe Haven rolled out, it would probably feel like the old days when Kenn had first joined Adrian’s camp.

  Kenn tried not to be happy about that part of it and failed. He had hated it here. The only thing that made it tolerable was when their leaders were happy. Now, they were all stuck in here with misery beyond levels that anyone could tolerate. Kenn couldn’t wait to be free of this cursed ground. He doubted that he would ever agree to try a mountain settlement again, no matter what landmass it was on or who was in control. Humans weren’t meant to live in the earth. He hadn’t appreciated that before. Adrian had, though. He’d known it wouldn’t work.

  Man, I wish the camp had listened to him.

  Chapter Fifteen

  A Father’s Love



  Kenn jumped at the voice behind him, spinning around to fight.


  Kenn tried to recover, not wanting the guard to know he hadn’t been paying attention to his surroundings. “Yeah, I’ve heard that about you.”

  Morgan chuckled. Dressed in Eagle gear, he had blended into the shadows of the tunnel. With so many noises from repairs, he couldn’t hear problems coming, so it was important to be able to see them before they saw him. Even in this grave situation, he hadn’t been able to resist scaring Kenn. That opportunity didn’t come around often.

  Kenn continued to the mess, aware of the camp waking. It sounded almost normal, but they were all on borrowed time. Marc getting the thin flow of water running a month ahead of schedule was almost a miracle. They had weeks of food again, thanks to the butchering done without the vet’s sullen attitude. The power would hold for a little longer without outside repairs, but none of that mattered. The vibes were clear. These folks couldn’t endure more bad luck. At the next crisis, the camp would stampede, forcing Eagles to shoot inhabitants or let them out. Kenn didn’t know what Angela would decide on that. She wanted to save everyone, but she had also helped nature and the second war to kill off large chunks of the post-war population. Kenn paused in his steps toward the short line for a cup of Britani’s strong coffee. She’s thinning the herd again.

  It’s not me. Angela entered the mess, not glancing at Kenn so he wouldn’t be able to absorb her pain. She still didn’t want to bond with him, for any reason. Fate has control now.


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