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The Life After War Collection

Page 496

by Angela White

  Marc forced himself to watch, to feel it. He and Adrian were still teamed.

  Nothing else existed for Adrian at that moment. Angela was kissing him back, arms going around his neck, body leaning into his. He’d never felt her willing before. He would be hers forever now.

  I know.

  Angela broke the kiss, stepping back.

  But until I call for you, the rules apply.

  Adrian winced, but didn’t fight what was coming.

  “Adrian Mitchel, your banishment stands until such time as the camp overturns it. Be out of our perimeter within the hour.” She motioned for a guard to stay.

  Shivering with need and misery, Angela put her back to Adrian and left him standing in the darkness.

  Marc closed the door on his connection with Adrian and followed Angela.


  Adrian dropped the keys for the mess truck into the guard’s hand and climbed into the RV that was too warm. He’d gotten lucky to find the flatbed nearby. The battery charger Angela had placed in his kit had been perfect for the job.

  Adrian slid into the driver’s seat and started the engine, and switched the A/C on. He would run it long enough to bring down the temperature while he got settled for the night. After that, it would be cold and dark.

  Adrian pulled the seat up as far as it would go to clear more space behind it. As the seat slid, a small pouch rolled out, catching his attention.

  Adrian picked it up, recognizing the smell that came. He took out a small packet of food and then two bottles of water. Next, came two mags for his gun. Adrian took out the empty notebook and pen from the kit, and placed them on the small utility table that slid out of the dashboard. As he placed it on the dirty table, Adrian saw a title had been scribbled onto the front of the book. Eagle training after the mountain.

  In the bottom of the pouch, pressed between the folds and a foil package, Adrian found his dog tags.

  Smiling and crying, he slid them over his neck. She does love me.

  Adrian recovered quickly, sensing someone coming toward the RV. Not sure what to expect, he swiveled the seat around, hoping whoever it was didn’t linger. Dozens of new ideas had come to him during the last months. He was eager to put them on paper.

  “Coming in.” Kevin hurried into the RV, hating the wind. He shut the door and dropped down into one of the rear seats. “Do you mind company tonight?”

  Adrian assumed Kevin was thinking about Cynthia. He had expected to spend the evening the same way. If not for Angela’s gifts, he would have. “Not at all.” Adrian pointed toward the rear of the RV that was no longer jammed full of boxes and gear. “There are two bunks back there.”

  Kevin tossed his kit in that direction, but didn’t follow it. “Feel like playing some cards or something?”

  Adrian started to say no, that he would rather have quiet, but it occurred to him that his duty wasn’t done. It was very possible that Angela had sent Kevin to him. She would have known that Adrian was happy with the work she’d given him, so that meant it was for Kevin’s benefit. Assuming Angela wanted Kevin back in the fold, Adrian shrugged. “I got the time if you do.”

  Kevin pulled out the rear utility table and began to root around in his pocket. He didn’t want to play, but he didn’t think he could sleep. Cynthia’s death was haunting him.


  Adrian and Kevin were both surprised at the three men who came into the RV. They would have thought that Neil, Kyle, and Tommy would be asleep.

  Morgan came in behind the trio and dropped down into one of the remaining seats. “Who brought a bottle?”

  Adrian realized this was the Eagle way of showing support even though the camp had upheld his banishment. Adrian wondered if Neil and Kyle had voted yes on it, but he wasn’t dumb enough to ask. Them being here at all was a huge concession.

  Kevin motioned toward an empty box in the rear. “Pull that over and we’ll have a better table.”

  The team leaders assembled a playing area while Adrian opened his last gift from Angela–a baggie wrapped in foil. “It’s stale cookies, with a lot of burnt ends!”

  Cheers filled the RV.

  Kevin began to deal the cards.


  Adrian was floored as Marc stepped in the RV and closed the door.

  The other Eagles were also surprised, but hid it better.

  “You want me to deal you in?” Kevin looked at Marc.

  “Not yet.” Marc took the passenger seat next to Adrian. He swiveled it around so that he could watch the game, then leaned back and crossed his ankles. “I didn’t come to lose my pants. I came for the good vibes.”

  It was Marc’s way of adding his support. Adrian didn’t know what to say.

  “There’s that speechless thing again.” Marc snickered. “I can get used to it.”

  Everyone laughed, including Adrian.

  Kevin finished dealing the cards as Tommy opened his bag. “It’s cheap hooch, but it’ll do.”

  As the bottle began to make a circle, Adrian studied Marc. He still didn’t know what to say.

  Marc crossed his arms over his chest. I dare you to find a gesture that will match this one in her eyes.

  Adrian laughed, unable to be mad. “You are one sneaky son of a bitch.”

  “I’ve also had a good teacher–you.”

  Three hours later, men were beginning to yawn and Adrian ended the game. He pointed toward the camp. “You have duty. Don’t use me as your excuse.”

  Chuckling, the tired men left. No words were said about Adrian having their support now, but he knew that he did.

  Adrian started to latch the door and then realized Marc hadn’t left.

  Adrian lifted a brow. “You sleeping here?”

  Marc snorted. “And miss Angie’s arms for this uncomfortable chair? Not a chance.”

  Adrian settled into a rear seat, curious as to what Marc wanted. He wasn’t expecting ugliness so he didn’t brace for it.

  “This is our evening meeting.”

  Adrian frowned. “I had assumed we would do it another time. We’ve all had a very long day.”

  “I was going to skip it, but something’s bothering me. I’ll sleep better if I have an answer.”

  Adrian pushed off his boots, going ahead with his bedtime routine. “I’m all yours.”

  “You mentioned that I’ll have to keep her busy on the boat with lessons, but I can’t figure out what kind. Everything that I can teach her, she already knows.”

  “That’s not true. She really hasn’t gotten into the complicated plans yet.”

  “But that’s not what you mean by lessons, right?”

  Adrian stripped his weapons and sat them on the utility table that was covered in ashes, cards, and tiny rocks that they’d used for betting. “No. She’s fighting the evil inside. The lessons she needs have to center on that. Angela has broken every rule for our kind and then a few that we didn’t even know existed. She needs you to be her conscience.”

  “She has a conscience, otherwise she wouldn’t feel bad.”

  “She no longer listens to her conscience.” Adrian decided to share his observations with Marc. “Why do you think she ordered the vet to kill so many people?”

  Marc considered it. “Most of them were assassins in disguise.”

  “What about Michelle?”

  Marc scowled. “There was no reason for that.”

  “To her, there was.” Adrian handed Marc the almost empty bottle. “It was payback. One baby for another.”

  Marc was revolted, disgusted, and completely understood at the same time.

  “She’s as hurt and furious as she was when it first happened. If you don’t help her get back on the right path, she’ll do all of this again and maybe worse, but this time we’ll be on a boat where a bugout won’t be possible.”

  “Angela would never hurt the camp.”

  Adrian didn’t answer.

  Understanding that the former leader was worried about tha
t, Marc took a small swig off the almost empty bottle. “This is why I’m still here. Tell me how.”

  Notebook forgotten, Adrian gave Marc as much information as he could, hoping it would be enough. The darkness in Angela’s heart was growing. If it didn’t stop soon, she would be consumed.

  In the tent not far away, Angela laid next to the sleeping twins, but she wasn’t at peace. Her mind raced over the things she’d done and was willing to do in order to save the lives around her. There isn’t anyone I won’t kill now.

  The kids around Angela felt the evil in her, but they were comforted by it. As long as Angela was the alpha, kids would never be hurt. Females would never be slaves. Men would never be forced to choose between doing what was right and survival. Angela was going to save the world and the kids were going to help. They didn’t care if she was a killer, because she was theirs.


  As dawn approached, Marc held up a hand. “I have to ask something personal.”

  Close to drunk now, Adrian gestured for him to go ahead.

  Marc gave him a sheepish look. “How many kids do you have?”

  Instead of laughing, Adrian’s expression filled with pain. “I have one daughter.”

  Marc sensed he had hit an important topic and kept going. “How many sons?”

  Adrian sighed, letting out a belch at the same time. “At last count, I have fathered eighteen sons.”

  “Holy shit.”

  Before Marc could ask, Adrian gave him the next answer. “Four are still alive, that I know of.”

  “Why are you in Safe Haven instead of searching for your kids?” Marc couldn’t have hidden the contempt in his voice even if he’d wanted to.

  Adrian’s responding tone was just as incredulous. “Why would I need to search for them?”

  Marc had assumed Adrian’s children were missing. He hadn’t considered that the man had stashed them somewhere. “You know where they are and you didn’t go to them instead of doing your job for the government that caused all this?”

  “All I would have been doing was leading my enemies straight to them.”

  “Don’t they need you?”

  Adrian shook his head. “The only thing they need is for me to stay away.”

  Marc wanted to let it go, but an unfinished story really would bother him. “What happened to your other kids?”

  Adrian gave a scornful look. “You know what happened.”

  “When you went rogue, they were rounded up.”

  “Of course. I was too young and stupid to realize that would happen. I thought they would only come after me. When I realized what was going on, I rescued the ones that I could and hid them.” Adrian stopped, hating Marc even more for bringing up the nightmares from his private crypt.

  Marc didn’t like Adrian’s pain. He also didn’t like Adrian’s choices, so it was hard for him to offer sympathy. Instead, he chose to ask the next logical question. “How many of your kids were like Cynthia’s would have been?”

  Adrian winced. “Over half. That’s why they had to be rounded up. They took after their father too much.”

  “That’s what I thought.”

  Marc, implying that the kids didn’t deserve to live just because they were his, enraged Adrian. “You have no idea what you’re talking about. Kids are not born evil. They’re made that way!”

  In that instant, Marc understood the bond that Adrian and Angela shared. They were both parents who were missing their dead children. In Adrian’s case, he was using the camp kids to cover his pain at not being able to be with any of his own.

  “She’ll do the same thing.” Adrian finished the bottle and let it fall to the carpet.

  “Why? Because you have?”

  Adrian shook his head, closing his eyes at the buzz. “Because it works where nothing else does.”

  Marc waited for a minute and then asked his last question. “Ten of the kids were payback for your team. What about the rest of them?”

  Adrian made a gagging noise. “Only seven came from my team. Three of those guys had wives that even I wouldn’t touch.”

  Marc almost fell out of the chair.

  As the laughter faded, Adrian grew pensive. “The others were gifts.”

  Marc frowned. “Gifts?”

  Adrian reclined his chair, trying to get comfortable. “I’m virile and some people are not. When I felt like I should, I helped couples conceive.”

  Marc immediately thought of dirty movies.

  Adrian denied the images. “This was for longtime friends that wished for a child in their lives. They were able to care for them, they just couldn’t conceive. I considered it a part of our friendship to help.”

  Marc snorted, tone laced in scorn again. “And you got to enjoy their wives.”

  Adrian thought back to some of the moments and grimaced. “Actually, if not for Viagra, some of them wouldn’t have happened.”

  Marc chuckled, not believing him. Adrian’s reputation with women had grown since the war, but it was clear from his story that it was well earned. He had seduced seven women in three years, and gotten all of them pregnant. Marc wasn’t sure about the rest, but for thirty-six months at least, Adrian had been a very busy man. The only way he could have succeeded was by lying or using his gifts.

  Adrian didn’t tell Marc that the women had been unhappy in their relationships, making it easier. If Marc thought about it all, he would know. It was hard to take a loyal woman away from a man she loved, as evidenced with Angela. Adrian had been trying for a long time now, with very little success.

  Marc sensed the direction Adrian’s thoughts had taken and pushed into the man’s mind.

  Adrian refused to hide anything anymore, even from Marc. The only punishment they could give him now was to banish Conner and he knew Angela wouldn’t do that unless Conner deserved it. That meant he didn’t have to hide his true nature.

  Marc watched the replays of Adrian’s leadership lessons with Angela, seeing how the man had pushed his alpha waves at every opportunity. He had indeed tried to seduce Angela, almost since her first month in camp. Instead of the rage that Marc had expected to feel upon having that suspicion verified, all he could do was laugh.

  Offended and not sure why, Adrian waited for Marc to recover for the explanation.

  Marc wanted to leave the man hanging, but he knew Adrian was smart enough to figure it out on his own and Marc wanted this moment of seeing Adrian’s expression when he realized he wasn’t as smart as he thought he was.

  Adrian felt something awful coming and tried to brace for it. “What? What did I miss?”

  “I just figured out why she made you tell us that story.”

  Adrian was confused on the quick topic switch. He didn’t see how the two were related. “Why?”

  “It was a message to you in front of witnesses. They’ll figure it out once they spend a little time on it. You would have too, but I didn’t want to miss this.”

  Adrian was suddenly sure he didn’t want to know, but the challenge in Marc’s expression wouldn’t let him ignore it. Adrian began adding up the clues Marc had just given him.

  Marc observed eagerly as Adrian finally put it all together.

  “She knows.”

  Marc laughed at Adrian’s stricken expression. “Yeah, even while she let you dig a hole by acting like the victim.” Marc mimicked him. “Haven’t I been paid back enough yet? You pissed her off there.”

  “Oh, shit.”

  “Yeah, she’s figured out that if you hadn’t been using your gifts on her, your bond wouldn’t exist in this life. She knows you betrayed her.”

  “I didn’t betray her.”

  Marc shrugged. “I doubt she’ll agree, but you can always try that.”

  “She can’t know or I’d be dead.”

  “It took me twelve hours to figure it out. How long do you think it took her?”

  Adrian paled as the obvious answer came. Angela had known all along that he was using his gift to seduce her.

bsp; “Oh, man, are you in trouble.” Marc stretched, feeling better than he had in a long time. “I sure wouldn’t want to be you.” He stood up, once again enjoying Adrian’s speechlessness.

  Adrian couldn’t form a response. He was thinking about the kiss and her declaration. How could she love him if she knew he’d used his gifts to soften her heart and lure her in?

  Marc spun around and punched Adrian in his mouth, sending the man to the floor. “Because it worked, you piece of shit! The spell worked!” He followed Adrian, grabbing him by the dog tags he’d spotted upon entering. “You lied to all of us! You said you wouldn’t go after her! I didn’t deserve a payback!” Marc shook Adrian with brutal anger. “Why did you do this to us?!”

  Adrian shoved Marc backwards, sending him over the other chair, but he didn’t get up.

  “Because I couldn’t stand to see another woman ruined the way my mother was!” Adrian spat out blood again, knowing this split lip would stay. Marc wasn’t going to heal him again. “I set her free. I set them all free!”

  Marc had leapt up, but he stopped at the accusation. “Kenn was the one keeping her prisoner, not me! Why not destroy his relationship?!”

  “I did! I got both of you at the same time!”

  Marc wanted to keep beating on Adrian, but he already knew that didn’t work. Desperate, he sent the strongest alpha wave he could muster. “Tell me how to break your hold over her!”

  Adrian didn’t need to fight it. “You already know how.”

  Marc lunged forward as he drew his gun, putting the warm Colt against Adrian’s forehead. Even Angela wouldn’t be able to bring him back from a bullet to the brain.

  Adrian might have accepted that fate if Angela hadn’t let him in tonight. “My life doesn’t belong to you!”

  “Let go of her!”

  Adrian shook his head even though he could see Marc’s finger tightening on the trigger. “Never.”

  “You said she’s free, but not from you. Let her go!”

  “I can’t!” Adrian shoved the gun away and leaned against the seat. “I can’t. Even if I wanted to, I can’t.”

  “Why not?!”

  “Because it backfired.”


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