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The Life After War Collection

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by Angela White

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  Deleted Scenes


  “Angela called for everyone to come eat lunch.” Adrian found Marc knelt down by a body near the entrance. “She’d like a personal check-in from you.”

  “Is she okay for a little while?”

  Adrian noticed Marc’s dazed expression and joined him in the snow. “Yeah. What’s up?”

  “Market town.”

  “Ah.” Adrian resisted the urge to keep talking.

  “They know Dirce is dead. They know the troops are gone.”

  “Are they leaving, by any chance?”

  “They’re glad jobs have opened up. They’re getting the town ready to fight us.”

  “What gear do we need?”

  Marc’s expression was as cold as the wind. “None. She already told me how to do it.”

  “You needed to make sure that it was required?”

  “None of us wants to do this again, do we?”

  Adrian swept the frozen battlefield that was sprayed with scarlet in more places than he cared to count. The Eagles out here were on duty over the entrance and Marc. Everyone else had gone in to avoid the views and smells of death. “Not unless they have to.”

  “She promised a break. These people need peace.”

  “That won’t happen here. You know it.”

  “Yeah.” Marc stood up, wiping away snow from his pants. “We already have what we need–trucks and men willing to drive them overtop the enemy. It’ll be enough.”

  Adrian followed Marc toward the passage. “You’ll keep scanning to make sure nothing changes before we leave?”

  “Of course.” Marc signaled toward the half dozen men on duty. “You have point.”

  Adrian took the post, happy Marc wanted him to do something.

  Marc didn’t tell Adrian that he wanted one of them on the entrance at all times until the door was up. Theo’s crew was laboring on it, but it would be dark before the basic barrier was even in place. That team would work non-stop to get it installed.

  Marc was glad of the tepid warmth when he entered the passage. He hadn’t realized how cold he was or how long he’d been out there.

  Marc motioned to the men on duty to stay alert, then proceeded to the top level, where they’d agreed their citizens would sleep over night. Now that it was noon, most of the adrenaline from the fight was be gone and fear had replaced it. Marc assumed Angie was getting bad vibes and wanted him inside to help reinforce the impression of safety among their group.

  Angela chuckled. I got tired of cold toes and want you to come in and warm up.

  Marc smiled as he climbed the ladder, relieved there wasn’t a new set of problems in here to handle. Picking off loose ends for hours was depressing.

  I’m sorry about that.

  You didn’t make them come to America with plans to conquer. Not your fault, baby. You did what you had to, to keep our country alive.

  Thank you.

  Marc stiffened as heat flooded him, groaning. That’s nice.

  Angela ran a mental hand over his brow, caressing. I need to rest now. You have point.

  Marc realized she hadn’t felt safe to rest without him nearby. I’ve got it, baby-cakes. Sleep well.

  He could feel her drift off almost right away. The mood of the cave was ugly without her light flowing through.

  Marc sent his own blast of calm, sensing the unrest on the bottom level, but not the top. It felt as if their people were all taking a nap, while Jimmy’s clan was furious about having to spend another night with the descendants. Marc didn’t pick up any plans of betrayal, but he went straight to the bottom floor to speak to Jimmy anyway. The doctor needed to know that in this mood, if there was a single problem overnight, Angela would kill them all and Marc would help her. The best thing the Mountaineers could do was go to bed early and sleep late. Safe Haven would be gone when they rose, without more deaths.

  Marc heard low, vicious whispers before he made it to that floor. He dropped down the ladder in a fast slide. “Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy. How can you be a leader if your people don’t follow orders?” Marc pointed at a trio of two men and one woman in a far corner near the body corridor. “They’re planning bad shit, Jimmy, but I’m not going to just take it out on them when they do it. You’re the leader. You’d better lead them.”

  Marc stayed to support Jimmy as the doctor demanded to know what they were planning, and then afterward, while he tried to figure out how to control his people. Marc believed it was a lost cause, but he only needed one night of peace. Jimmy needed a lifetime and he wasn’t even going to get a week. Angela’s visions of the mountain future had been grim to say the least.

  Marc didn’t try to convince Jimmy again or allay his fears over this last night in here with the people he hated. The Mountaineers needed to toughen up and they needed to do it fast or there wouldn’t be any peace for them–only survivors.

  Deleted Scene #2


  Marc slid against Angela’s warmth while smothering a groan. The shower had felt good, but being against her while lying down was indescribable.

  Angela shifted towards him, letting their bare skin connect in that special way.

  Marc hesitated for a split second, making the choice.

  Angela felt it and waited. Last time, she’d taken the choice from him. Before that, neither of them had known what the future held. Now, it would be a conscious choice to create a life.

  Marc slowly rolled her over to face him and sealed their lips.

  Angela wrapped her arms around his neck, sighing happily as he slid on top of her.

  Marc tugged her jeans down and quickly lined them up, using his eagerness to lube the way. As he gently pushed into her, Marc claimed her mouth again and sent his hands roaming.

  Angela let him go for a minute, listening to his pleasure, feeling her body adjust and accept his. As his knowing fingers began to stroke and rub between them, she let the sensations carry her away.

  Marc waited until she was on that edge and then shoved them both into the light together. As he strained against her, aware of her being locked down around him, Marc sent a request. Please let this one live.

  “Do they need us?”

  Marc shook his head, wrapped around her and shuddering.

  Angela let sleep take her far away, but she kept her hands clamped around Marc’s wrists, refusing to let go of him even for a moment.

  Marc shifted over, breathing evening out. He listened to the footsteps and voices, glad the rest of their group was up here with them now. He shut his eyes and drifted in light dozes until exhaustion finally yanked him under.

  Deleted Scene #3


  As the RV pulled away from the campsite, Angela sent her own well wishes. She w
ould worry the entire time they were gone. It had been rough with Adrian banished, but with Marc out of camp too, the mood would plummet into misery and joyless traveling through the land they used to know. Both men carried enough hope for the future to banish any shadows. Angela didn’t have that ability. She only knew how to kill for their love.

  Wishing a speedy journey, Angela got into the lead truck with Kenn and Tonya.

  The cat in the box yowled in rage as Tonya held the flap closed. “I think he might live.”

  Angela knew Tonya wanted to show her the tabby, but the animal’s noises implied that now was a bad time. “I’d like you to keep working on it, no matter his outcome. We’ll need your research in the future.”

  “I’m already having the Eagles bring me back any stashes they find, but only what we talked about.”

  Angela wasn’t worried over it anymore, but she’d made it clear before the quake that the testing of chemicals in Safe Haven would be rare, limited occurrences based on their need to survive. She glanced in the mirror and found lights flashing. “Make the call. We’re leaving now.”

  “What’s the rush?” Tonya wasn’t ready to be on the road again.

  Angela put her feet on the dash and tried to get comfortable. “I need to see a man about a boat.”

  Marc chuckled in her mind at the copy of their words as they left. He should have known that Angela was monitoring the RV instead of sleeping.

  My witch does it for me now and reports to me when I wake up. Saves me a lot of energy.

  Marc immediately demanded to know how to do it, glowering at his demon for not telling him.

  Angela left them to spend a moment with each person in the RV. Kendle and Kevin didn’t know she was there. Kevin was still sleeping off his drunk and Kendle was concentrating on running over ants as she drove. Angela didn’t disturb either of them.

  Adrian felt her arrival in his thoughts and opened the door wide. Before he could extend a greeting, a vicious plan of attack appeared in his mind.

  Adrian groaned.


  “Is everything okay?”

  The team woke quick and hard.

  Adrian sat up, grumbling. “Yeah, it was supposed to be a quick pick up, but she just sent me this.”

  Marc and Kendle blanched at the battle plan.

  Kevin didn’t notice. He was busy running to the bathroom to vomit.

  “She wants us to go the UN airfield first and make sure all the troops are gone. If we find a base, she wants it destroyed.”

  Tell them the rest.

  “She also wants us to team when we get there and stay that way, no matter what happens–all four of us.”

  Fresh moans and mutters filled the cabin, including Marc’s this time.

  Angela laughter was harsh and cold.

  Adrian shoved her out of his head, grouchy, sore, and frustrated that she hadn’t told them.

  Why do you think she did it this way? Marc wasn’t unhappy with the order. In fact, he thought a new adventure might be just what he needed.

  Adrian grimaced as he realized Angela had done this to hurt him. She won’t forgive me.

  Did you ask her to?

  Adrian groaned again as he realized he hadn’t even apologized yet. “Damn it!”

  Marc’s laughter brought a smile to Kendle’s lips. “This should be fun. Maybe your old lady isn’t so bad after all.”

  “She’s amazing.” Marc settled back down to sleep, not caring that Adrian and Angela were still communicating. He had the man under his thumb now and that’s where he would stay. It was the first of many who would come under control before they reached the island. Nothing would be allowed to interfere with their chance. He would labor on the society and when it succeeded, he would be rewarded. Marc only wanted one thing now and it wasn’t Angie.

  Adrian shivered as if a ghost had gone over his grave.

  Connected, Angela felt it and knew her devious plan had finally succeeded. The fight was over. Marc had won.

  Crushed and delighted at the same time, Angela locked down on her emotions and broke the connection with her men. She’d figured out that the battle would never stop unless both of them found something they wanted more than her. With Adrian, it had been easy. He wanted his people to stop suffering. With Marc, it had taken an ugly shove, but she’d replaced his need for her with his need to kill Adrian. Letting Marc see the kiss had pushed the tiger back into a cage and he’d lashed out exactly as she’d expected him to–he’d made a deal with the Creator that no one else could have. Because he’d been so betrayed, Marc had the right to ask for justice. If she or Adrian had tried, they would all be dead.

  Will it work? Can Marc do it?

  Angela considered Jennifer’s mental query. The girl hadn’t helped with the schemes, but she’d been aware of them. Angela hadn’t tried to keep her out. She was teaching Jennifer everything she knew. Marc doesn’t know how to fail and I’ll stir him up if I have to. She paused, hating herself for being willing to do this to him, but he’d traded her life for Adrian’s death upon success and that offset it. Yes, he can, but he’ll be just like me by the time it’s finished.



  You won’t be able to stay after it’s built.


  Neither can I.


  Will we come back here?

  For a while.

  And then?

  Then we do what we were born for–we’ll die.

  I don’t understand.

  We’re the martyrs, Jenny. We have to die in service to the God who left us here to rip each other apart. The society buys our loved ones a chance to be forgiven and taken home. It doesn’t mend the rift between humanity and the Creator.

  How will our dying fix it?

  I have no idea. I can’t see any further than the final fight. I assume because I die there. Afterwards doesn’t exist for me.

  Jennifer immediately began searching the future and this time, she didn’t skip the forbidden doors or methods. She’d slaughtered a hundred men. She was definitely corrupt. What did one more strike matter against knowledge?

  Satisfied she now had all of her army on the path to accepting what a grim, yet glorious future waited for them, Angela tugged her hood over her face and cried. She couldn’t stand what she’d become, what she’d done, but she also hated herself for what she’d gained from it. The people who whispered she was ruthless had no idea how far off that was.

  If it saves my kids and my people, how can I not be this way? I didn’t ask for this destiny, this awful, awful duty, but if I’m the only who can do it, don’t I have to? Humanity has been cursed since the garden and it no longer matters why we have the mess. We just have to clean it up, by any means necessary. That’s why we were born into this time and place. It wasn’t to sit or stand in safety, but to run headfirst into the darkness and challenge the demons waiting there.

  Angela forced herself to lock it all away in her crypt. That future was years ahead of them. They had made it to the start of a small break that would give them the strength to handle it. After being the most manipulative bitch on the planet for the last six months, Angela was ready for everyone to enjoy the peace that she had traded so many lives for.

  Tears drying to her cheeks, Angela went to sleep. It was all up to Marc now.

  All Angela White Books

  Life After War Series

  The Survivors

  Adrian’s Eagles

  Nuclear Ashes

  Dystopian Stand

  Fight for Survival

  Carved in Stone

  Shattered Dreams

  Dearly Departed

  LAW Backstories

  Marc and Angie

  Marc and Dog

  Related to LAW

  The Alexa’s Travels series

  Other Books by Angela White

  The Bachelor Battles Trilogy

  HOP-17: Human Origins Program

  Marc and Angie


  Angela White

  Title: Marc and Angie

  Edition: 2016

  Length: 655 pages

  Author: ©Angela White

  Publisher: C9 Publications

  ISBN#: 978-1-945927-09-6

  Copyright © 1991 by Angela White.

  All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this publication may be replicated, redistributed, or given away in any form without the prior written consent of the Angela White or C9 Publications. Made in the USA.

  C9 Publications

  Dear Reader,

  This work of fiction is loosely based on a true story.

  What does that mean?

  Some of it is real and some of it isn’t.

  What parts are real?

  Here are three:

  Marc and Angie exist. So do Frona, Georgie, Mother Brady, and the cast of characters. Even Ticker is real, though I think old age would have taken him by now. It’s been many years and time is rarely a friend.

  The locations, including the clubhouse, did exist. Progress and nature covered some of them over the decades, but I bet hard evidence could still be found. It would be a bit like an excavation at a forgotten site from history. There would be broken tools and charred pottery, remnants of a life spent there…but the ghosts probably wouldn’t just leave our shoulders when we finished digging up those old bones. In so many ways, it is cursed ground.

  The events are documented facts. I have taken liberties with the dates. That prevents it from being historical fiction, along with it not being 50 years or more in the past. As a result, it made picking a category difficult for this title. I’ve chosen ‘coming of age’ because that’s what happened in the grand scheme of things. During all of those wonderful, awful moments, Marc and Angie grew up.

  What isn’t real?

  You’ll have to decide that for yourself, but personally, I still believe in magic. It swirls around every word I put onto paper, carrying the potential to be amazing or terrible. If I can’t see something, that doesn’t mean it isn’t there and I’m wise enough to accept that fact, even if I don’t like it. The world is scarier without my glasses.


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