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Unexplored - Rise of the Crimson Kingdom

Page 22

by Alara Branwen

  Shiva’s party followed Larkin, Bigbelly, and Padwin until they reached a large settlement by a small lake. It wasn’t the size of Rotten Gut, but like that village, several different races lived there.

  Shiva’s party watched Larkin and his group talk to the villagers. The villagers were frightened by Larkin’s presence, but a scrawny bald goblin with grey tufts coming out his his ears still came out to meet them.

  Larkin spoke to the old goblin and the wrinkled green creature cowered before him, nodding repeatedly each time the shadowed figure spoke.

  “Now is the time,” Shiva said. She spurred her horse toward the village and everyone follow.

  “What should we do? Do we need to get ready for a fight?” Estelar said.

  “We might, I don’t know what will happen,” Shiva said. “Just be on your guard.”

  Estelar, Tatarna, and Fonwilsia gave each other worried glances as they rode up behind the troll.

  The elf’s fingers trembled. He figured it would come to this, or actually, he didn’t. He just threw a plan together and this was what happened. He never stopped to consider what would happen if it actually worked.

  Now it looked like they were in a showdown with a powerful wizard, a massive ogre, his former friend, and their coterie of ogres and leather clad warriors. His party was tough and he definitely wouldn’t want to meet an angry Shiva in a dark alley. But knowing what Larkin’s power was like, he knew that the wizard could probably kill them, even if they turned that entire village against him.

  A thousand possibilities ran through the elf’s mind. All of them were as grim and grizzley. There was no way they could do this. Or was there? Estelar closed his eyes and hoped that his luck could carry him through.

  Padwin was in the middle of an impassioned speech to the villagers when he turned to see Shiva’s party riding up. His eyes fell on Estelar and he scowled.

  “Hello Estelar,” Padwin said. Venom dripped from his voice.

  “Shiva. Why you here?” Bigbelly said clasping a gargantuan club in his massive hands.

  “Hello Bigbelly, thought we could have a talk,” Shiva said.

  “We do not talk to traitors who spread lies,” Padwin said, his eyes still locked on Estelar.

  “Spreading lies? I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Estelar said.

  “Don’t play dumb, you know what you did,” Padwin grew more irate.

  Larkin threw out his hands. The gesture was meant to be peaceful, but given his dark, chilly presence, it made all who watch it cringe.

  “Everyone, please,” Larkin said. “Let us all remain civil. We’re here on a mission of goodwill. If this lady Shiva wishes to speak, we will speak to her.”

  The villagers gathered to listen to both sides speak.

  Larkin bowed to Shiva. “How may we help you?”

  “Larkin. I’ve come because I want to speak to you about some messages you told one of your followers to deliver to the different tribes in this area.”

  “Messages? I don’t know of what you speak.”

  Shiva reiterated the messages that Estelar created. As she spoke the crowd gathered closer as she explained the issue that caused great concern and excitement in their own village.

  “I have heard of the things you speak, but those messages were not created by me.”

  “They were created by him,” Padwin said, pointing to Estelar. “He created those messages to cause unrest in the villages of this area.”

  “I did no such thing,” Estelar said. “I delivered messages as I was instructed by my guild, the Crimson Warriors.”

  “You are not a member of my guild,” Larkin growled. “Our guild does not employ those who deal in treachery.”

  “Speak for yourself,” Tatarna said. “The Crimson Warriors are all about treachery. Ask those who you hired to perform robberies, only to have them killed by your own warriors.”

  There was confusion in the crowd. Tatarna began to tell the story but Larkin cut her off.

  “These were all activities that you and I believe our messenger both willingly took part in.”

  “That’s because we were foolish,” Estelar said. “We blindly followed you because we liked the gold that came with the job. Now we’re trying to atone for what we’ve done by not letting you do it to others.”

  There was another round of rumbling through the crowd. Some drew closer to get a better view of the proceedings.

  “I’m not sure what you’re referring to,” Larkin said. “I have come to spread goodwill to the peoples who have been neglected by the so called civilized kingdoms that consider these noble and wise people barbarians.”

  Shiva laughed. “What foolishness. You came here because you want nothing more than what others have wanted from the villages in this area, to exploit us and use us for your own gain. You should ask your friend Bigbelly over there, he’s had quite a bit of practice.”

  The crowd threw dark scowls at the large ogre. He scoffed.

  “You one to talk Stinking Shiva. You try to bend people to your whim all time. If not for me, you be evil queen of all Monster Plain.”

  “If you call giving the hungry food and giving the questioning council advice “bending them to my will”, then I guess your appraisal is correct, I would be an evil queen. Perhaps you threatening to bash in a chief’s head if he doesn’t do what you ask is considered being a generous dictator?”

  “I use tough methods, but you can’t say you haven’t done same.”

  “I never claimed to be a saint. But my dealings don’t involve using the people in this area for another’s gain.”

  “You talk dumb. No one use anybody here for anyone’s gain.”

  Shiva looked to the crowd. “Instead of arguing this point, I’d like to appeal to your wisdom. Bigbelly, who has never worked with anyone in the past, and has done many things to exert his will over others, has chosen to ally himself with a powerful wizard. This wizard sends his men out to pass out gifts to elders and promises more gifts in the future. Does this seem like two powerful leaders getting together to show their generosity, or a person who wants something from us and has aligned himself with a powerful person in the area to get it? Please, tell me.”

  The crowd nodded and spoke among themselves. Larkin looked to the crowd and held up his hands.

  “People of this village. I ask you to listen.”

  The people quieted down and Larkin continued.

  “I have come for nothing but to open relations between my guild and your people. In the past I have committed atrocities, as the elf and that tiger woman will tell you, but they were against those who oppressed and opposed the people I see more deserving of praise: yourselves. I wanted to open relations with you when no one else would.”

  Estelar moved as he was about to speak but Larkin turned his blood red gaze toward him. Ice gripped his throat. His heart slammed in his ears. If he said something, he had a feeling that Larkin would repay him with a fate worse than one thousand game deaths. His eyes went to the many spectators, then to his friends, his real friends. This was about more than himself. He had to keep going, no matter the cost.

  “You speak lies,” Estellar said loudly so all could hear. “During my first mission, you slaughtered a tribe of goblins whose only crime, that I know of, was opposing your agenda. Padwin would know, he was there. You don’t care who you help or hurt, man, elf, goblin, or kobold. As long as it furthers your ends, you’ll do it.”

  “This comes from the person who spreads lies to the people of this region,” Padwin says.

  “How dare you speak of me that way. I took you into my guild and treated you with kindness, and this is what you do. You spread lies to the people, and accuse me of trying to bedevil these people with no proof. You know nothing of my plans,” Larkin said.

  “How can we know anything about your plans, you deal in nothing but secrets. You say what to do but never why you do it,” Tatarna looked out to the crowd. “The same fate awaits you all if you side with h

  “How much faith can you put into the word of one who betrays her guild,” Padwin said.

  “I did not betray my guild. I ran from the suicidal action you caused. You betrayed Estelar and me by attacking us for no reason.”

  “There was a reason. You and Estelar are traitors. Estelar has shown his nefarious colors by spreading lies.”

  “Are you certain he spreads lies? From what I’m hearing about Larkin and his dealings, I don’t know who is telling the truth, if anyone,” Shiva said. “It is possible Larkin, and the messenger Estelar by proxy, is working as an agent for a human kingdom to spread chaos among us, and maybe come in to wipe us out.”

  Larkin laughed. “Of all the preposterous things I’ve heard, I think that one is the worst.”

  “How can we be sure of anything, especially your motivations behind all of this.”

  “Some of the messages did good things,” one of the villagers said. “I heard cruel leaders were overthrown because of them.”

  “A perfect opportunity to sow the seeds of chaos, wouldn’t you agree?” Shiva said. “From the stories I’ve heard, Larkin is a cunning man. He probably used those issues as an excuse to work his wicked scheme.”

  Angry murmurs came from the audience.

  “I created no wicked scheme,” Larkin said. “The one you should be asking about schemes is that elf.”

  A small flame appeared in Larkin’s shadowed palm.

  The threatening gesture only emboldened the elf. He turned to the audience.

  “I stand by my story. The message was given to me by Larkin. However, let’s focus on the more important issue at hand. A shady leader you do know has formed an alliance with a shady leader you don’t know, and wants to give all village chiefs in the area money for a reason you don’t know. Perhaps I speak from a cynical point of view, but that sounds odd to me.

  “On the other hand,” Estelar continued, “a shady leader whose ways you do know is telling you not to listen to them. All of us who speak to you now carry some form of sin. But it’s better to stay with those whose ways you know..”

  “You filth. You were only in all this for the money and the women, just like I was,” Padwin said.

  “I know, and I realized I was a dumbass for it, the same way you’re still a dumbass now.”

  “This is all a great farce,” Larkin said, “I could claim that your motives are as shadowy or pure as mine.”

  “Larkin speak truth, this waste of time,” Bigbelly said. “Great wizard come in to bring gifts and maybe greatness to us all. All Shiva and her goons want do is crap on him and me.”

  “No, this once, I’m trying to keep you from crapping on all of us,” Shiva turned to the villagers. “You’ve heard the arguments. The choice is yours. I urge you to pick what is best for you and your village.”

  The villagers turned to each other and spoke. The murmurs only went on for a few minutes before a few of the villagers walked over and whispered in the chief’s ear. The chief shook as he turned to Larkin.

  “Larkin, I thank you for the gift you’ve given me a few days ago. But I feel it’s in the best interest of this village if you leave.”

  The wizard stood silently for a moment the cold aura he emanated greatly strengthened and grew. It went so far that Estelar and several of the villagers began to shiver.

  “Don’t say no. Side with Larkin,” the gnoll from the burned village screamed.

  Everyone in Shiva’s party looked at the gnoll, shock frozen on their faces.

  “If you don’t, he will kill you all. He burned my village to the ground.”

  Many villagers drew their weapons and stepped forward.

  “I fought in self defense. Your village attacked me for no reason.”

  This quieted the gnoll but Estelar took up the attack. “Are you sure? I have seen for myself how bloodthirsty you are. I saw you level one village, what would stop you from destroying another?”

  Larkin turned to rebut the claim but the villagers were charging forward, weapons ready to strike. The wizard threw up his hands and a rippling green wave came out in all directions. The wave hit Estelar and he fell to the ground off of his horse.

  Estelar Lvl. 8

  HP: 100 Status

  Stamina: 100% Severely Nauseous

  Mana: 100%

  He saw booted feet running up to him. He didn’t know who it was but was afraid to find out. He threw up his hand and launched his spell. The spell connected and the booted feet paused right in front of him. He used all of his strength to turn his body over and saw Padwin with a sword poised above him.

  Padwin pulled himself away from the scintillating drops and swung his sword down at Estelar. The blow was met by a small military hammer carried by Fonwilsia. She swung her hammer around but Padwin planted a boot in her chest and kicked her away.

  Estelar pushed himself onto his hands and knees and saw the scene of a battle unfolding. Larkin launched balls of ice and fire into the crowd of villagers, dropping several of them. Bigbelly wildly swung his club into the crowd and knocked down or killed many more.

  The Crimson Warriors fought in a tight knit group, bringing their weapons down on any that came near them. Kobolds, goblins, lizard men and gnoll villagers fell to them, their nausea keeping them from fighting cohesively.

  Bigbelly’s ogres were more spread out. However, the eight large creatures were able to wreak havoc on the disorganized and faltering villagers.

  Shiva tried to drive her horse forward, but the beast was still affected by Larkin’s first spell. She dismounted and clutched her stomach as she ran with speed that belied her size toward one of the ogres.

  He saw her running toward her and swung his club around to meet her charge. The troll jumped over the blow and, when she landed, launched herself toward her opponent. The ogre was not able to bring his club around in time and Shiva slammed the green mace into his thick stomach.

  The spikes stuck into the ogre’s skin and a tinge of green came into his cheeks. Shiva followed up with several more heavy strikes that landed before the ogre could bring his huge club down on her.

  The ogre’s skin took on a green tinge and the blood that came from his body took on a sickly green hue. It stumbled and fell back into a crowd of villagers. They moved out of the way of his body, and when he hit the ground, they fell on him with their weapons. Within seconds his life was gone.

  She turned her attention to another ogre fighting three wounded kobolds. She rushed forward and swung her weapon at the creature. He blocked it with club and moved backward as the troll continued her attack.

  The ogre’s attention was preoccupied with Shiva, so he didn’t see the villagers he once attacked sneak up behind him. They drew daggers and stabbed the ogre in the leg. One severed his achilles heel and he fell to the ground. A few strikes from Shiva’s mace ended him.

  The remainder of Shiva’s party – save for Estelar, Tatarna, Fonwilsia and the gnoll from the burned village – were inspired by her and pushed their bodies past their nausea to charge the enemy. They ran toward one ogre who brought his club down on a gnoll’s head, smashing it like a grape.

  The ogre turned and attacked the charging group, smashing a goblin with its club. The remaining attackers surrounded the ogre and attacked her from all sides. She was unable to attack again as all of them brought their weapons to bear on the ogre and brought it down.

  The other villagers fought the remaining ogres in teams. They used their numerical advantage to overwhelm the larger creatures and cut them down, one by one.

  Bigbelly saw his fellow ogres fall and knew there was little hope. He turned to leave, only to see Shiva standing behind him, mace drawn, covered in the blood of the ogres she felled.

  “It’s time for you to rot in the depths of the hells, you malignant string of code,” Shiva gripped her mace.

  “Not know what that mean, but you die troll bitch,” Bigbelly said.

  He charged at her with thundering steps, club held high. He
swung it downward and the troll sidestepped it.

  “You fat, hairy sloth, you couldn’t even strike a slug,” Shiva said.

  He swung his club and Shiva dropped to the ground. There was a breeze as the wood passed over her head. She quickly got to her feet, smiled and gave him a rude gesture.

  Bigbelly roared and charged, swinging his gargantuan club as easily as a baseball player would a bat. Shiva backed away from him. Several of the swings came close to her. One massive downswing came within a hair’s breadth of her large nose.

  Worry came on her face as the ogre’s strikes came closer. She was a powerful troll, but if one of those swings hit her, she’d be crushed to jelly.

  She narrowly dodged two swings and barely leapt back in time to see the club come close to her feet. She grabbed the club and Bigbelly brought it up with both hands, carrying her with it. The ogre opened his eyes to see a wickedly grinning troll sliding down the weapon.

  Shiva dropped to his right arm and quickly slammed her mace into his shoulder. Bigbelly roared and she continued hammering her mace into him, rending flesh with the spikes and shattering bone. The massive ogre tried to shake her of his useless, dangling arm, but she held on.

  His arm swung upward Shiva reared back with her mace.

  “Batter up, motherfucker.”

  She swung her mace with all of her strength. The ogre tried to bring his hand up to catch the strike but it was futile. The mace slammed into Bigbelly’s head, sending blood and bone flying.

  The large ogre stumbled backward. A couple of villagers ran up to stab the massive monster. But it wasn’t needed. He was already dead before he hit the ground.

  The Crimson Warriors rolled like a tide over any villagers that came close. They were cut down and smashed to death by the veteran warriors.

  The gnoll whose village was burned down screamed and ran at them with his spear. He screamed a war cry and leapt at them. Before his spear came down, an axe split his skull. His body fell lifeless to the ground. His body faded and a blue flame flew into the sky, leaving only his club and a small satchel.

  The other villagers steeled their nerves and backed away from the crimson warriors. They dodged two large fireballs from Larkin and marched forward. Their newfound cohesion allowed them to stand up to the crimson-clad fighters and push them back. Crimson Warriros and villagers duked it out in an even melee, slowly taking each other out.


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