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My Last First Kiss

Page 46

by Weston Parker

  “You look nervous,” he said, sipping his wine.

  “I am, a little,” I said. “I’ve never been to something that I needed such an expensive dress for.”

  He gave me a reassuring smile. “You’ll be fine. You can’t be anywhere as close to disastrous that I was when I went to my first fundraising gala. I had no idea what to expect, how to dress, what the procedures were or anything. I was like a child wandering into the big kid party, just gawking at everything. They have an open bar there, which I thought was great since I was nervous, and it would loosen me up enough to talk to people. Well, it did just that. I was loose and carefree, but still, no one wanted to talk to me. So, I kept drinking, without really thinking about it. Let’s just say I drank a little too much that night, and I ended up thinking the Prime Minister of Australia was my valet. I had to send quite an apology to him afterward. It was mortifying, but I lived, and I learned.”

  “Oh my gosh.” I laughed. “You poor thing.”

  We sat there laughing at the table like old times, and I watched as he continued the story in an animated way. He was so funny, and I had almost forgotten that. I did appreciate the story too. It was an excellent reminder not to drink too much the next night. I didn’t want my first event to be nerve-racking and devastating at the same time.

  Chapter 36


  Dinner had been amazing like it had the first time we’d gone out together. She laughed at my jokes, flirted, and even swiped her hand over mine at one point. For the first time since we got to New York, we were both more interested in the conversation over dinner than we were for the food that was being served. It was really an amazing feeling. When we were done with dinner, we decided to walk back to the penthouse, taking the park as a throughway. The sun was starting to set, and the colors were beautiful in the sky. It was wonderful being with Sara.

  As we walked, we talked about different stories from our past, the funny ones, and just had a great conversation. We stopped for a few minutes and watched the ducks on the water, the reflection of the sky coloring the small wakes. I didn’t overstep my boundaries, but I sure as hell wanted to. Everything in me wanted to take her hand or wrap my arms around her, but I wanted to ease into that, not ruin the whole night by assuming she would be okay with it. We turned from the lake and walked down the path, enjoying the warm summer air. All of a sudden, in the not very far distance, a clap of thunder shook the air and lightning traced across the sky. Before we could even look at each other, a hard rain started to pour from the sky. Sara let out a yelp and covered her head. I looked around and the grabbed her, pulling her under a group of trees on the side of the path. The lush branches shielded us from the majority of the downpour.

  She shook herself off, and I shook my head, letting the water spatter out. We both started laughing, watching the downpour soak the lush green field areas. It looked as if we were the only ones in the park, something I wasn’t used to after living there for so long and always expecting people to be close by at every second. The smell of the warm steam rising from the asphalt filled my nose and made me think back to when I was really little and still allowed to be a kid and play outside. I looked over at Sara who was breathing heavily and watching the rain. Her hair was soaked, and water was running down the sides of her neck and down into her breasts. Her white blouse was soaked through, revealing a black lace bra underneath with just a hint of the curvature of her nipples showing. My eyes rolled over the fabric clinging to her tight body and watched as her breasts heaved up and down from her breathing.

  She was so damn sexy all the time, but right then, it was the hottest I had ever seen her look. She looked like a model out of some ad in a men’s magazine, something that would get a man’s head spinning. I had to admit, my head was definitely spinning. Instantly, my cock hardened so tight, I almost winced from the rush of blood. I adjusted myself quickly, standing up straight when she turned back toward me. At that moment, I didn’t think. I just acted, reaching forward and cupping her face in my hands. I stepped forward, pressing my body to hers and leaned down, kissing her passionately. I could feel the heat between us, and it was so hot, I was surprised the rain around us didn’t turn to steam on the spot. Her lips were so sweet, so tender, and even better than I had remembered. I had wanted to kiss her since the moment she’d broken things off with me, and this time, I was going to show her what passion really was.

  At first, I wasn’t sure how she was going to react, and I braced myself for the worst. She could pull back, yell at me, or even tell me she was leaving. I had broken my promise to be a gentleman, and I had done it pretty quickly. To my surprise, though, she didn’t pull away at all or even stiffen up. A small whimper escaped her throat, and she lifted her arms up around my neck, leaning into the kiss. Passion exploded between the two of us, and it was everything I had hoped for, imagined even, and more. That spark was still there, the one that drove me to Sara’s side, the one that made me want her all the time, and the one that initiated that protectiveness I felt over her.

  We stood under the tree in a warm embrace, our lips moving over one another’s. It wasn’t frantic or needy but sensual and full of emotion. I had never made out with someone as much as I did with Sara, but I wasn’t complaining because it was out of this world. We stood there for quite a while, even when I felt the chill of the evening slipping into night. We had no idea what was going on around us, but we didn’t care. We were lost in each other. However, as people began to move back into the park, someone let out a wolf-whistle, driving her back away from me in embarrassment. Her cheeks were glowing red, and she looked down with a smile, wiping her lips and shaking her head.

  “I guess we’re in the clear.” She smiled up at me.

  “Huh?” I said, still entranced by her beauty.

  “The rain,” she said, looking out over the park. “It’s stopped. We don’t have to hang out under the trees anymore.”

  I smiled. “Well, that’s a shame.”

  “Ryan.” She backhanded me in the gut and looked around to see if anyone heard. “You did not act like a gentleman.”

  “Sure, I did.” I smiled. “I got you out of the rain and made sure you had warmth. To create heat, you need friction. So, you see, by kissing you, I was creating enough heat to see you through the storm. And what do you know? It worked.”

  She laughed and shook her head, putting her arms in front of her chest and shivering just so slightly. I pulled my jacket off and put it over her shoulders, rubbing her arms quickly to warm her up. She smiled again and pushed her arms into the sleeves, wrapping it tightly around her body to shield her wet blouse from everyone else. I put my arm around her shoulders and looked up at the path.

  “You ready to go home?”

  “Sure am,” she said with a sexy smile, making my pants tighten again.

  We headed out from under the trees and down the path, nodding at anyone passing by. I felt like I needed to say something, offer an explanation, or just plainly tell her how I felt. It was one of those times in life when you know you have only one right moment to do it, but when the moment passes, those words are lost forever. I was afraid, though, that she wouldn’t feel the same or that she would scoff at my feelings for her. I cleared my throat, knowing it was now or never, knowing if I didn’t say it I would always regret it.

  “So, I know I promised to be a gentleman.” I chuckled. “And I know we make jokes about it, but I was serious when I said it to you. I really had no motive or thoughts of breaking that promise.”

  “Yet here we are,” she said with a chuckle.

  “Here we are,” I repeated to myself. “Sara, I want to tell you something.”

  I stopped her and turned her toward me by the shoulders. “I know I promised,” I said. “But I just can’t help myself. You did something to me when you came into my life, something that’s sometimes overwhelming and confusing. You make me feel things I’ve never felt before for any woman. I’m not just giving you a load of bullshit here.
I’m being dead serious. There is something about you and me that just makes sense, and my attraction to you is off the charts. I feel like we’re magnets pulled together in the same direction. I cannot keep myself together when I’m with you. I completely lose all self-control when you’re in the room.”

  “Or the park,” she quipped.

  I laughed loudly, pulling her in and hugging her tightly. “Or in the park,” I repeated. “Come on, let’s get back home and get dry and warm before we both end up with the flu.”

  We walked close to each other through the park and out on the street, facing the apartment building. I looked down at her and smiled as we quickly crossed the street and walked through the lobby, laughing quietly at the water that left a trail behind us. We went to my private elevator and took it up to my floor. As we stood in the elevator rocketing toward the top, we stared intently into each other’s eyes. The sexual tension between us was so thick, I could have cut it with a knife. Enticing tingles moved over my body as she reached forward, running her finger down my wrist and over the top of my hand. My cock was rock-hard in my pants, and I didn’t even care at that point if she noticed.

  When the doors opened, I took her by the hand and opened the front door, letting her walk in first. I closed the door and locked it, turning around and finding her standing there with my jacket on the hanger. Her wet clothes clung to her sexy curves, and immediately, I stepped forward and pulled her into my arms. The smell of her shampoo pulsated through my nostrils, arousing me even further. I looked down into her eyes and pushed my hips forward against her, rubbing my hard cock against her body. She gasped as I leaned down and rubbed my lips gently across her cheek, and I could feel the goosebumps rise up on her skin. She was as aroused as I was, and I wanted every part of her soaking wet body.

  I leaned down and grabbed her around the waist, picking her up in my arms and pressing my lips against hers. I kissed her wildly and with intense passion, feeling her gasping into my mouth. I couldn’t have been any happier when she reached up and grabbed my face, kissing me back with the passion we knew before. She put her arms back around my neck and grabbed onto my shirt, digging her fingers into my back. I groaned into her throat, feeling my cock pulsing in my pants. Her breasts heaved against my chest, her mouth moving wildly over mine, and our tongues intertwined. She pulled back slightly and sucked my bottom lip into her mouth, looking up at me with dark eyes.

  I set Sara back down on her feet and stepped forward, pushing her against the wall. I ran my hands down over her breasts and massaged them tightly, feeling her nipples hard and round in my palms. She cooed, pulling one leg up to my side and grabbing my ass, pulling me up against her. She ground her hips against me, my shaft rubbing hard against her pussy. I groaned, tightening my grip on her breasts and let her rub her body against me. Her breath was growing heavier by the second, and I wanted her so badly. I wanted her right there against the wall. I wanted to do things to her that would leave her weak in the knees for days. I wanted every inch of her, and I was sure it was headed in that direction.

  Chapter 37


  His hand slid down my thigh and squeezed as he pushed his hips forward, allowing me to feel the girth of his cock. My hips waved over him, grinding against him, as his mouth moved over mine with force. I whimpered into his mouth softly, grabbing onto his hips as I pleasured my body against him. Even through the thick fabric of his dress pants, I could feel exactly how much he wanted to be inside of me, and it turned me on even further. I wanted him, and I wanted him badly. In fact, I was so enthralled and completely committed to the moment, I ignored my phone buzzing in my purse on the floor. In fact, I ignored it more than once and prayed it wouldn’t go off again. I needed to feel him inside of me, to have him drop my clothes to the floor right then and there and press me against the wall. My attraction to him was at its peak, and it was at a point where I could barely control myself. However, as the sound of my ringtone echoed out for a third time, I dropped my hands and groaned, leaning my head against the wall.

  “Just ignore it,” he whispered.

  “I can’t,” I said, putting my leg down and grabbing my purse. “No one ever calls me like that, so whoever it is, they must really need something. And I hope it’s important, like fire important because I’m sacrificing my sanity to answer this phone call.”

  I pulled the phone from my purse and cleared my throat, turning it on and putting it to my ear.

  “Hello?” I said with irritation.

  “Sara?” Alison’s tearful voice rang out, and immediately, I came to attention.

  “Alison, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”

  “God,” she sobbed. “It’s terrible. I’ve been up since early this morning trying to figure out what went wrong.”

  “Wait, what went wrong with what? You need to calm down and tell me what is going on,” I said.

  “When I got up today, I went through to round together the horses because Jimmy had let them out into the pastures for me before he left for work,” she cried. “That’s when I realized several of them were missing.”

  “Missing? How could that happen?” I shook my head with my heart sinking already.

  “It was the east paddock,” she sobbed. “Something or someone damaged the hell out of the fences, and I think that’s how they escaped. I found it when I went out to check on the most skittish horses. You know I put them out there together so they wouldn’t be bothered by the sounds of the equipment running and cars driving in and out. The hole in the fence was big enough for two or three to go out at one time, and you know those horses, anything would spook them into a run.”

  “Oh god,” I said, walking into the penthouse and sitting down on the couch.

  “I know,” she whimpered. “I’ve been trying all day to get them back. A few volunteers from town came out to help me search, but its difficult because as soon as you have them in your sight, they bolt. I’m terrified they’re going to get hurt out there with all the small back roads and how muddy it’s been because of the rain we’ve gotten lately. With how old-school some of these farmers out here are, they won’t hesitate to put down an injured horse, even if it isn’t their own. They think it’s the only humane thing to do. Even after having me here for all of these years, they don’t think about calling me first. They just grab their rifles. These horses are here because of their health issues and old injuries, so they aren’t safe out there like that. I can’t lose these horses, Sara. The poor things must be so scared out there all on their own.”

  “I know,” I sighed. “Take a deep breath, okay? Call the sheriff and call the mayor and let them know what happened. Then, call the local radio station. Timmy runs it, so have him make an announcement that the horses got out and that they’re not to be harmed or approached if they’re spotted. Most of the farmers have that station on all day listening for deals on feed and weather reports. They should hear it. The mayor spreading the word will help too.”

  “Okay,” she sniffled. “You always know what to do.”

  “No.” I chuckled. “I’m just calm because I’m not there. Do you need me to come home? Seriously, I will board the next flight to the area and be back there before the morning.”

  “No, no, no,” she sniffled. “You are out there for a reason, and you deserve to enjoy your time out there. You can’t come running back for every emergency. I already called the vet from one town over to be on call if anything bad were to happen to the horses. I just really needed someone to cry to who would understand why I was so upset.”

  “Where’s Jimmy? Is he helping?”

  “Yeah, right,” she scoffed. “He’s probably down at the saloon getting hammered like he always does. I called him immediately, but he’s being a complete and utter asshole. He told me I was acting like a baby. He said it was obvious the horses didn’t want to be in captivity, and if they wanted to be free, I should just let them go. He thinks it’s nature’s way of taking care of the injured animals. He’s a complete and
total waste of oxygen these days and is going to be no help whatsoever.”

  “What an asshole,” I sighed. “I’d like to give Jimmy a piece of my mind. He forgets we have known each other our entire lives, and I’m not above kicking his skinny little ass like I did when we were in the fourth grade.”

  “He does need another black eye like that.” She laughed through tears. “He is a punk ass. But you know he’s never been a fan of the horses. Over the last six or more months, he’s become less and less supportive of my efforts with the organization. He’s constantly telling me I’m wasting my time and money.”

  “Alison, you really sound like you need help, and no one knows those horses medically like I do, so if something goes wrong, I should be there. I’m serious. I can come home right now,” I said.

  “No,” she insisted. “I love you, but you need to stay in New York. Janson is asking all over for you, and no one is saying a word about where you’ve gone.”

  “Because you’re the only one who knows,” I said. “I told my clients it was just vacation.”

  “Good,” she said. “Stay there, have fun, and enjoy the attentions of that handsome billionaire you have on your hip.”

  “Thanks.” I laughed. “He’s standing here staring at me, looking worried to death.”

  She laughed. “Tell him your other billionaire lover showed up to find you.”

  “Right.” I giggled. “I don’t think he would believe that. Anyway, please keep me posted, and I mean the whole time. If something happens at three in the morning, call me and tell me about it. I’ll have my phone on me. I’m here for you if you need me.”

  We got off the phone, and I sighed, leaning back against the couch. Suddenly, I was no longer in the mood for anything but sleep. I explained to Ryan what was going on, and he assured me if I needed to get back at any time, he would set up the jet. Then, I went to bed, and though it probably disappointed him, I just wanted to be alone and fall asleep.


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