My Last First Kiss

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My Last First Kiss Page 75

by Weston Parker

  “No, but if you’re in the market and on his radar, I’d call you a lucky lady.” About that time Jimmy turned around and saw his mother and grinned.

  “I see you’re living up to those expectations of a boy.” Katy stepped in and gave him a big hug and our conversation about Tanner was over. When Beth was done and my supplies were all in place, I scrubbed my hands and stitched him up.

  He was a trooper and told his mom about the ice cream Tanner promised the team.

  “That sounds like him.” She shook her head as the boy got distracted with his sutures then she stepped closer.

  “Did he really take care of everything? I mean Tanner— with the bill?”

  “You’re all set. He paid it in full.” Or he would when I billed him for it along with the others he’s footed the day before. If he wasn’t careful he’d fund everyone’s healthcare.

  He placed her hand over her heart. “Oh, thank goodness. Our insurance deductible is so high that paying out of pocket is the more reasonable option and I’m not sure I’ll make it until payday. I swear that man is a lifesaver.”

  “You really think highly of him. Why did you break up with him?” He couldn’t have been so wonderful if she wasn’t happy enough to keep him.

  “Well, it may sound horrible, but I assure you, I’ve changed. But I always thought he was too good for me. I was a wild child and my ex seemed like the better fit. And of course, no one knew that he’d be a gorgeous billionaire. He was just a rich, awkward kid at the time and I wanted a sexy bad boy.” She smiled fondly as if remembering the younger Tanner. “Joke was on me, I guess.”

  “I thought he was a bad boy.” Or had I always just assumed.

  “Oh, I’m sure he is now with his parents dying and all the money. That kind of thing takes a toll. But look at his brother; the big tough guy with a heart of gold. They’re two branches off the same tree. Their mother raised them right.” She gave me a wink and took her son by the hand as we walked up front together.

  I handed her a prescription for Jimmy and had Beth and Amy take care of the rest as her words sank in. I remembered the gorgeous butterfly room and realized the good I’d heard about him strongly outweighed the bad.

  Then I remembered something else Katy had said. Could I really be that lucky of a lady?

  Chapter 8


  To say that I was disappointed in Nora for not showing up for me was an understatement, and I had thought about giving up on her altogether when I saw her across the yard on her back porch. I’d gone out to eat my ice cream and enjoy the nice weather and get out of the house a bit. I wasn’t used to being alone and with my brother out of town the empty house was too much.

  Nora gave a little wave when she spotted me and then as I waved back, she got up and headed my way.

  I wasn’t sure if I could handle much more of her rejection, but instead of ducking in the house to avoid her, I waited until she was halfway across my yard and headed out to meet her.

  She was dressed in loose shorts and a tight tank top that was cut so low I could see her wide cleavage and the soft swells of her breasts. Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun and she’d washed her face clean of any makeup, leaving her flushed, creamy complexion.

  “So how was Jimmy?” I dipped my spoon into the bowl and dragged it through the ice cream as I thought about Katy’s kid and how much he was like her.

  “He is fine. He’s really looking forward to that ice cream you promised him. You’re quite the giving man. I guess you got a head start?” She gestured to my bowl as I put another spoonful in my mouth. “Hey, that reminds me I got a call earlier from the Chamber of Commerce about —

  “The charity event? I did too.” I wondered if I should ask her to be my date, but decided against it.

  “Are you going?”

  I turned to head back to my house where the patio chairs were on the front landing with a small table. “Of course. You?” I had seen her at a few.

  “Yeah, I think so. It’s for the Beautification Project.” I offered her a seat and took one of my own.

  “Considering how much money my brother and I have put into this town, it should be the hottest attraction on Earth. Instead, they always buy more plants and flags. I can see them eventually erecting a statue of my brother; maybe something in bronze depicting him on that motorcycle. They’ll plant flowers in the tailpipe or something silly like that and I’ll get a plaque to thank me for my contribution to the mold.”

  “Feeling bitter?” She giggled.

  “No, but I wish they’d do more with the money. Maybe fix the streets and improve the park for the kids or a decent library. Instead, they waste it and I’m not entirely sure it’s not going toward someone’s vacation.”

  “Tell them what you want them to do or get on the board and be the one to make the decisions.” She eyed my bowl of ice cream and shook her head with a playful smile.

  “What? Would you like some?” I dipped my spoon and took another bite. It was melting fast, but I’d really piled it in so there was still some solid in the middle.

  “I was just noticing the flavor. They say ice cream preference tells a lot about a person’s personality.”

  I gave her a smoldering glance. “I’ve heard the same thing about ice cream, but it supposedly told more about a person’s sex life than their personality.”

  She crossed her arms and leaned in. “Is that vanilla?”

  She thinks I’m vanilla? She knew better. She’d seen my box of toys. “It’s salted caramel white chocolate truffle with macadamias. I added a little bit of cream and cinnamon for a little extra kink.”

  “You mean kick.”

  “No, but I assure you, I’m no vanilla.” I gave her a sly smile and watched as she shifted uncomfortably in her chair beside me.

  “Well, it sounds delicious.”

  I scooted my chair closer and leaned in until I was a breath away. “You should have a taste.”

  She pulled her lips in tight to keep from smiling and then shrugged. “Just a tiny one.” She reached for the spoon, but I pulled it away and scooped her a bit making sure that it had a little of everything. I wanted to give her the total experience.

  As I put the spoon forward a tiny drop of the ice cream landed on her breast. She took the bite and moved to catch the drop before it slipped between them. I stopped her hand and our eyes met, hers brightened. I slowly lowered my mouth to her and licked the ice cream on her breast as a little whimper sounded from her lips.

  “It’s good, isn’t it?” I lifted my head and was so close to her lips I decided to taste them too. She didn’t deny me. She leaned closer keeping her eyes closed. As I claimed her mouth I thought of all the other ways I wanted to claim her and my cock twitched in my pants. Her hand moved to my knee and I gripped her just above the waist.

  “Mm, it is delicious,” she murmured sensually and picked up the spoon to take another bite of the ice cream.

  “Careful or—

  Another drop hit her breasts as she deliberately tapped the spoon. “Oops.” She met my eyes with a smile and my cock punched hard against my jeans, begging for attention.

  I leaned forward and dragged my tongue along her breasts as she panted beneath me. She placed her hand in my hair and threw her head back.

  I pulled away and captured her mouth again, this time much harder and full of need. My balls started to ache and I knew that if we didn’t stop, I’d lose all control. I couldn’t handle her pulling away from me. This wasn’t a time for teasing. I moved my lips to her ear and she moaned as I spoke against them, “Do you want this?”

  “Yes,” she said with a hungry whisper, her voice was nothing more than a strangled breath.

  “Are you absolutely sure, Nora. Because once I take you upstairs I’m not letting you change your mind. I’m going to take what I’ve been wanting for so long.” I kissed her neck and made my way down, cupping her breast as I kissed it.

  “I do want it. I want it with you.” She was wig
gling in her seat and I wondered how ready for me she was, but I couldn’t take her right there in the backyard. She was a virgin and deserved everything to be special. No matter how much I wanted to take her across the small table and rip her panties down, that wasn’t good enough for her first time.

  I stood up and offered my hand, knowing that if she took it, there’d be no turning back.

  Her hand fell into mine and I pulled her to her feet only to wrap her in another embrace as I kissed her with much more fevered passion. I wasn’t sure how much restraint to use, but dammit, she’d made me wait so long. I swept her up into my arms and carried her inside.

  I paused in the living room. My cock was aching and I didn’t want to wait to climb the stairs. “Couch or bed?” I gave her the choice and was surprised with her answer.

  “Both.” She played with my hair and smiled.

  I carried her to the couch and placed her down on the soft black leather. They were more like large beds with the built-in ottomans on each end and even though I’d always wanted to, I’d never had sex on them. Not with my brother lurking around.

  “I want you naked,” I whispered against her mouth then I slipped my fingers into the hem of her shirt and tugged it up over her breasts. She wasn’t wearing a bra and her tight nipples were hard enough to cut glass. I captured one with my mouth and then teased it with my tongue. She moaned out and held on tight to me as if hanging on for dear life. But I was about to make her fall.

  I had to touch her. I licked my lips and caressed her tight ass and as she ground herself against me. I took it as an invitation. I slipped my hand into her shorts and cupped her ass, pulling her closer. I carefully moved one of my hands to the front and applied firm pressure to her mound. I let out a growling sound and kissed her hard, caressing her tongue with mine. She wiggled beneath me and bucked her hips upward against my hand.

  I slipped my fingers into the side of her panties and through her folds gathering her nectar along the way. She was more than ready for me, so I rose to my knees and tugged down her shorts and revealed a pair of soft pink lace panties that were a perfect complement to her creamy complexion. Her eyes widened and she slipped her fingers into the straps of her panties at her hips and slowly pulled them down offering herself to me. I wasn’t sure I was worthy, but I’d damned sure try to be.

  Chapter 9


  I couldn’t believe I was lying there naked for him to not only see but to do with whatever he pleased. I had never let myself be so vulnerable and my only hopes were that he’d be kind and I wouldn’t live to regret it.

  He stared down at me, his lips still swollen from my hungry kisses. “You’re beautiful, Nora, so beautiful.”

  “I want to see you.” Our eyes met and he gave me a mischievous grin.

  Without a word, he pulled off his shirt and tossed it to the floor with my clothes, then he undid his buttons in one tug and pulled off his pants, raising his knees to step out of them. He stood before me in a pair of black boxer briefs and my eyes took him in from head to toe.

  In my line of work, I’d seen a whole lot of bodies, but his was one of the most impressive physiques that I’d ever laid eyes on. It was all mine for the moment and I swallowed hard as I sat up and noticed his thick erection that was held tight against him from the confines of the cotton and elastic.

  “If you want it you’re going to have to unwrap it.” He stepped closer and I smiled as I reached for the waistband and slowly peeled them down.

  His cock jutted out from his hips and with him standing it was the perfect height, I wrapped my hand around his shaft and began stroking it nice and slow. I knew his length would never fit in my mouth without some work, but it has been way too long since I’d done that. I prepared myself for it and licked my lips, but before I could lean into it and open my mouth, he got on his knees and kissed me.

  His arm urged me back and so I let myself lean against the black leather as he nudged his way between my knees. “I want to make you feel good.” The words were a surprise. Not only had he not encouraged me to service him orally, but he wanted to pleasure me first? I’d always been led to believe that’s how it starts like it was my duty, but the few times I’d done it in the past, I’d been used and pushed aside.

  “Have you ever had anyone do this, Nora?” His question was barely audible as I focused on him. He dragged his finger back and forth from my ass to my clit, and the other was kneading my breast. The pleasure was already so intense but it wasn’t like I had much to compare it to.

  “No. I haven’t had much experience at all.” I felt like an idiot admitting that, but his eyes smoldered as if it was the hottest thing he’d ever heard.

  “Well, I’m going to take very good care of you.”

  No one had ever taken care of me. I’d always been the one to ease others, whether it was work or the few sexual experiences I’d had.

  His mouth fell upon my mound as he planted a soft kiss there. Then he teased me with his finger, rubbing my clit and licking my sex. Suddenly his hands were gone and there was nothing but his soft, long, warm tongue flicking against my clit making me squirm with pleasure.

  I moaned out and he made a sound of approval. “That’s right, feels good, doesn’t it?” He spoke against my pussy and it sent shivers all through me.

  “Yes, Tanner. It feels amazing.”

  “Mm. I love my name on your lips especially when I’ve got my tongue in you. You just let the feeling take you there and tell me when you’re about to come.” His eyes were on mine as his tongue lapped and I nodded.

  “Okay, I will. It feels so good.” I writhed against his mouth and he kept up the pace, his tongue licking and flicking against my clit until I felt as though I was going to come apart. I cried out and my channel began to spasm. “I think I’m coming.”

  “Mhm. You are and it tastes so fucking good.” He lapped and licked until I stilled.

  He rose up stroking his cock. “Don’t go anywhere.” Then he disappeared for a few seconds. I was about to be angry that he’d left me when I realized he’d must have gone to get a condom.

  Sure enough, when he returned still priming his perfect cock, he had a black and gold wrapper in his hands. He wasted no time sheathing himself and then he leaned down to lick at my tender, soaking channel again.

  “You’re so wet and tight. Are you ready for me, Angel?”

  The endearment took me by surprise and turned me on even more. I’d always wondered what someone would call me someday and hoped it would be something sexier than Doc. “Yes.”

  He leaned down over me and centered himself right at my entrance and pressed against me. There was some resistance and then a splintering pain which wasn’t as awful as I’d always been told as he then inched deeper, his girth stretching me to my limits.

  “Are you okay?” He worked his hips and soon the pain turned to a glorious pleasure that had me moaning and grinding up against him.

  His mouth was on mine, as I stayed focused on his thick cock intrusion me. It felt amazing, but I was certain I’d be tender after this. My legs were spread wide before he grab them to place them over his shoulders. His cock worked me at a whole different angle and I cried out as another orgasm ripped through me. He picked up his pace and made a sound like the pleasure was getting to him too.

  He leaned down and slipped his hand up under me, lifting me up to turn us over. As he pressed his back the couch, his cock speared me hard and I cried out as my walls gripped him. Then he rubbed my ass to encouraged me to ride him. My knees gained purchase beside him and I rolled my hips, feeling him slide in and out of me. As I eased myself down more, his wide base spread me even further. I pulled back a little and let him work me. His arm shifted between us and then he pushed his index finger between my lips. I sucked it and his eyes stayed burning on mine. Then he took the finger after I’d gotten it nice and wet he slipped it down, pulling back my hood to rub my sensitive bud.

  The gesture had me bucking and moaning and Ta
nner sat up, twining his fingers in my hair behind my neck. His eyes stayed fixed on mine and the moment was so intense that I couldn’t look away either.

  I looked away and he kissed my hair before forcing me to lift my chin. He brought his mouth down to mine. After a nice, long lingering kiss he stood up, taking me with him, then he carried me up the stairs and to his room, never leaving my depths. He laid me back against the bed and then pumped his hips against me, thrusting deep and hard as he stood between my legs. His bed was the perfect height and it didn’t escape me that it was probably a deliberate effort on his part. With his little box of toys, which I wanted no part of right next to us, he had probably had more than his fair share of women here.

  I was just another one in the bunch.

  “You’re so fucking tight, Nora. I’m going to come so good.” He worked his hips against me and leaned down to kiss my breasts, pulling my nipple between his teeth. I moaned my body took over and I came apart all over again, this time trembling all over. My core milked his cock and soon his cock pulsed in my depths as he ground against me through his release.

  My whole body still trembled and he helped me to my feet, my knees weak and buckled, as he held me tight against him. He pulled back the cover and I froze.

  “What are you doing?” My lip quivered.

  “I thought we’d get into bed and I’ll hold you. You’re trembling.” He kissed my shoulder but I stepped away.

  “No, that’s not what this is.” I was suddenly even more determined not to fall for him and I’d start by not falling into his trap. He had been so sweet to make it all about my pleasure and while I appreciated the gesture I couldn’t help but wonder if he’d done that just to hook me.

  “What are you talking about? What is it then?”

  “Come on, Tanner. You didn’t think I was some naïve girl who’d fall in love with the first man who took her virginity. I wanted this as much as you did and I’m quite sure for the same reason. But that’s all it is. I’m not saying I’ll never do it again with you, just that you can’t possibly expect more from this.”


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