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My Last First Kiss

Page 78

by Weston Parker

  “Some date you have, that woman I saw you with.” I gave him a wink and raised a glass I’d slipped from a passing waiter.

  “Yeah, I only met her tonight. She’s a doctor.” The man slicked a hand over his hair and glanced towards the bathroom.

  “Yeah, well a woman like that, could get in a lot of trouble.”

  His smile spread wider showing his pearly whites. “Yeah, if I’m lucky.”

  “You going to nail her?”

  “Wouldn’t you? She’s ripe and revving to go.” He put down his glass and headed off to meet her as she came out of the bathroom.

  She glanced at me and then took his hand as he led her out on the balcony. I walked to the door and stood behind a large plant feeling like a total asshole.

  Nora was smiling and laughing and in that moment, I was angry at myself. I’d never get to make her laugh like that if I didn’t do something.

  Then the two came back into the room and joined Harper and Luke. I walked up as she was making introductions to her new friend.

  “And this is Luke’s brother, Tanner.” All the enthusiasm left her voice.

  “That’s right. I met you a minute ago.” The man’s expression faded as if he was remembering what he’d told me.

  “Yeah, I’m the guy you talked to about nailing Nora.” The man’s eyes widened and he gave her a nervous glance, but Nora wasn’t fazed.

  “On that note, we’ll be going.” She took her friend’s hand. “Sis, don’t wait up.”

  It was like someone had thrown a bucket of ice water over me as I watched her walk away.

  “Way to go, brother.” Luke shook his head as Harper gave me daggers.

  I took off to the bar and grabbed another drink as the chairman in charge of the event walked up. “We’re looking forward to a hefty donation this year, Mr. Daniels. We’re going to make a memorial on the other side of town.”

  “A what?” I couldn’t believe that they were going to put up some two-bit tribute to honor the dead instead of using my money to take care of the living.

  “WW2 memorial, it’s going just on the other side of town behind the bank.” The balding man was dressed to the hilt, with at least three rings, a gold watch, and a necklace so thick it would make any rapper jealous. I wondered how many bonuses he’d given himself, how many vacations had he taken; how many dinners in fancy restaurants he’d eaten all on my dime.

  “You know what? I don’t think I’ll be donating this year. I’d like to know my money is going to something that will actually help the people of this town and not some dead hero relative of yours.” I slammed my glass down on the nearest table and headed out.

  I wasn’t about to stick around and deal with any more of that nonsense. I could drink better liquor at home.

  I went out front and waved over the valet and while he went to get my car, I stepped over to the side and spotted Nora leaning against the wall, her eyes red with tears.

  “Fuck,” I mumbled under my breath. The last thing I’d wanted to do was ruin her night or embarrass her, but it had all gotten the better of me and to top it off, I had made her cry. I felt like a class A jerk. I walked over and when she spotted me she shook her head.

  “You really know how to ruin everything don’t you?” She wiped her eyes and sniffled.

  “I was trying to protect you. That asshole was no good for you.” I looked to see how far out I’d been parked.

  “You could’ve let me handle it. I did just fine refusing him on my own, thank you very much.” She stood away from the wall and started pacing in her tall heels and every now and then she’d wobble.

  “Have you been drinking?” The thought of that asshole plying her with alcohol made my blood boil.

  “No, I only had two glasses of wine. I just can’t walk in these damned shoes.” She propped a hand against the wall and undid her strappy heels.

  “Let me take you home.” I offered her my hand and when she took it I breathed a sigh of relief. I was so scared she wouldn’t let me and I’d have to drag her away screaming. I could see the headlines now. She wiped her eyes and I pulled her closer to my side. “Don’t cry, Angel. I didn’t mean to make you.”

  “It’s not that, it’s everything. You can’t just do me like that.” My car pulled up about that time so we went to get in.

  Once we were settled in and up the road on our way home, I glanced over and found the tears had ended.

  “You don’t get it do you, Nora. I don’t want to ever hurt you. I thought I was doing what was best for us both, but the truth is I love you. All I’ve ever wanted was to be with you and make you happy. When I saw you with that guy, I just lost it. I know it’s me that’s supposed to be with you, even if you can’t see it.”

  She was still beside me and when I looked over again her face was soaked with tears again. “Do you mean it, Tanner? Do you really, really mean it?”

  “Let me take you home and show you just how much.” I reached over and touched her thigh as she leaned forward and kissed me.

  Chapter 15


  He swore he meant it and as we pulled up to his house I knew he meant it. His hands had been all over me since that kiss, and we wasted no time jumping out of his car and rushing into the house.

  Our clothes were making quite a trail as we headed up the stairs and I knew that my sister and Luke would find them when they got home. I wasn’t going to waste time being shy about my bra being on the stairs, but when we got upstairs I wasn’t about to leave my panties in the hall. Instead, I pulled them down as we went inside and left them on the floor.

  He stood in front of me naked in all his glory, his thick cock jutting out proudly from his hips and I sauntered over and dropped to my knees and gripped him tight around the base.

  I gave it a few pumps and then leaned in to close my mouth around his bell-shaped head. I tongued the rim of it too and let it pop in and out of my mouth with a slurp.

  I was going to savor that moment, I’d dreamed about it for too long. I rolled my tongue around his veiny shaft and he mumbled a pleasure-filled noise that had me smiling and full of pride for his approval. I wanted to make it good for him like he’d done for me that very first time.

  I relaxed my throat and took him to the depths, pushing myself against him hard, so hard that I felt his mushroomed head as it snapped behind my tonsils. I pushed through the gag reflexes and forced myself to push that limit, and sure enough, it subsided and I was deep-throating him.

  I worked him over a moment more and then he urged me to my feet. “Come on, Angel, let’s go to the bed. I want you.”

  I walked over and stretched out on the bed and he pulled me to the edge, letting my head hang off. His cock was just inches away as he leaned across me and his mouth fell on my clit folds.

  I stroked his cock and knew once I put it in my mouth it was going to be back in my throat. I held onto his perfect ass and guided him in. Sure enough, he was back deep in my throat and after a moment a splash of pre-come hit the back of it. I pulled off a little letting the rest drip on my tongue and then it was back for more.

  We stayed like that feasting on each until he pulled away and stood up. My jaw was aching but I felt empty when he pulled away. He fished around in his nightstand and found a condom which he promptly put on.

  I sat up and let the blood drain back to my head and then I lay back against his pillows. I licked my lips seeing his big erection which was even more red and swollen and begging for attention. I wanted to mount him, let his thick base spread me apart farther than normal. I gave a little whimper as he nudged his way between my thighs knowing what I was about to get. I hadn’t had anyone but him, and it had been a whole month since I’d gotten off. If you didn’t count the new vibrator I’d bought. Turns out over the past two weeks I’d developed a new appreciation for sex toys.

  My knees fell apart and I was more than ready for him when he pressed the tip of his cock against my center and rubbed it in my juices. He spread my juice aro
und and then pushed his way inside of me, inching it slowly, which still gave me a painful feeling as he stretched me. I didn’t think I’d ever get used to his width, and I controlled my breathing as I stretched around him, then he slowly pumped in and out of me, working my tight little channel until the friction was almost too much.

  He leaned forward and kissed me tenderly, not caring that his taste was still on my lips. He nipped at them hungrily and then he leaned down to my ear and his teeth tugged at my lobe, as he blew into my ear, making me squirm.

  Chills spread across me and I cried out with a giggle in my voice. “That tickles.”

  His breath hit my ear again but this time as he spoke, “I love you, Nora. I always wanted this and more.” He ground his hips into me, pushing deep and deliberate. “Tell me you wanted it too.”

  I closed my eyes as he took over my other all my senses, his scent and taste, the feel of his skin and the sound of his breath in my ear. “I do, Tanner. And I love you too. I’ve just always been too afraid to say it.”

  He pumped his hips a little faster but still gently and a moment later he rolled us over so I sat straddle him. His cock never left my depths and he was working a tender spot that was giving me a little pinch inside. It was so wonderful, that I bucked my hips to encourage more.

  He lifted me up against him, digging in and grinding hard as he held me close. I was holding on for dear life when he shifted us around and stood up, putting me against the wall. I had to rely on him and he was strong enough to hold me. I arched my back and ground against him. My release was building and then his hand slipped down and he was rubbing my little clit. Every nerve in my body began to fire and I screamed out as the orgasm burned through me, leaving me spent and sore.

  My body wanted to protest the position, but he held me up as I went limp in his arms and steadily fucked me.

  “I’ve got you. I’m so close, Angel.” He pumped into me so hard that my teeth rattled and I could feel another wave of release about to crash. As it did, I milked him, my tight channel pulsing and working him until he cried out.

  “Fuck, yes.” He moaned so loud the sound bounced off my eardrums and I could feel his cock twitching and releasing as he came. I couldn’t wait to feel that inside me and was going to suggest it for next time. It would be a first considering I’d never had that before.

  The two of us stilled against the wall and then he carried me to the bed and we nestled down with one another. “I’m sorry I embarrassed you at the event.”

  “I’m not mad, I’m glad you did.”

  “Because you might have gone home with him?” His eyes seemed to search mine.

  “No way, I wouldn’t have. You’re the only man I’ve wanted and I was hoping you’d make a move. I just didn’t think it would be against me. But maybe I deserved it for plotting against you with that dress.”

  “You really did dress up for me?” He seemed surprised but I assumed that Luke had told him all about it.

  “Of course. Do you think I’d wear those damned heels for anyone else? No, you’re the only one I’d torture myself for.” I had too. That entire month without him had been torture. “Do you think next time we could try some of your toys?”

  His eyes widened. “I think that could be arranged. Are you sure you want to try them?”

  I nodded. “I’ll bring one of my own if you like.”

  “Adventurous. I like that.” He pressed his lips to mine and then pulled away and brushed back a loose strand of hair from my face. “I was adventurous too. I took some of your advice.” He let out a little chuckle and I nudged him playfully.

  “What did you do?”

  “I told that smug prick who’s over the Beautification Committee that I wasn’t making a donation this year and that I wanted to see something more suitable go up. I was thinking like a newer, larger medical center. Something with an ER so when people need it they don’t have to go all the way to the city.”

  “That sounds amazing, but it could put me out of business.” I let loose a little laugh at my exaggeration.

  “Nope, I want you to head it up. Think of it as an expansion project for your own clinic. You’d be in charge of it from the ground up and I want it to be state of the art, the best care possible, and fully functional.”

  “You sound like you’ve been thinking of this for a while.” I knew dreams like this didn’t happen overnight.

  He rubbed the little scar in his hairline. “I’ve had a little over a month to think about it. Maybe it was you putting me in that infant room that made me realize it was long overdue or all those people in the waiting room, but at least I’d know my money is going to a worthy cause, and it would help the people.

  “You’re amazing, Tanner. You’re so caring and I’m just sorry it’s taken me this long to tell you how much I love you.” The heat that rose to my cheeks wasn’t from embarrassment, no. It was pure heated lust and as he leaned up over me to meet my mouth and I felt the hard erection pressing into my thigh.

  I was completely sold out for him, and from what I could tell… we were both ready for round two.


  Author Note: Hope you enjoyed that. Just a fun novella we did a year or so ago. Ali included her Risky Business, which is a past project that she’s hoping to eventually turn into a trilogy, but for now, it’s just sitting in a folder - which she HATES! Enjoy it. Someone needs to.

  Risky Business

  Chapter 1


  "You nervous?" Dr. Darren glanced over at me as we stood beside the stage. The auditorium was filled with his advanced finance students who were peppering the speaker before me with rather intimidating questions.

  "Never." I winked. "And even if I were, no one will know it."

  He chuckled and pressed his shoulder against mine. "Somehow I knew that would be your response."

  "No, you didn't." I gave him a cocky grin and moved up onto the stage as the speaker before me made his exit on the far side of the platform. The clap was lackluster at best. Dr. Darren had been my advisor throughout my five years at NYC and was an excellent professor. He cared for his students and took far more time helping me not only understand the value of an invested dollar but many of the other skills I would need to access in front of the crowd of sharks in front of me.

  "Class," his voice boomed through the room, "please help me welcome one of my favorite students, and a top graduate from our program last year. Miss Olivia Desmant."

  "Hot," someone muttered and the class snickered.

  I tugged at the collar of my white button down and gave them a tight smile. "It is rather hot in here... isn't it. Maybe we should turn the air on."

  Another round of snickers, this time they were welcomed.

  "I'm Olivia and after working for one of the top investment firms in New York for the last year, Dr. Darren asked that I come back and tell you all the things you might not know, and perhaps wouldn't want to." I smiled and let my eyes move across the room. Half the people staring back at me would never make it in the dog-eat-dog world of financial investments.

  "Let's start with a quick experiment and then I'll give you some statistics." I brushed my hands together and pursed my lips as I moved to the edge of the stage. "If you're a female please stand."

  The girls in the room stood up, half of them giving me an eat-shit-and-die look. It was almost comical.

  "If you're over the age of forty. Please stand up." I spoke softly but kept my tone steady. They already believed me to be less than worthy of their time, regardless of my credentials. I was a pretty blonde female. I had multiple strikes against me. Where most would pull the covers over their heads and go back to bed over some of the shit I took on each day, I almost enjoyed overcoming the odds.

  "If you're timid, shy, or have a speech impediment of any kind. Stand." More stood and glanced around at the others as if they might attack any minute. A third of the classroom were still seated.

  "If you enjoy eating lunch, sleeping at night
or taking a piss. Please... stand."

  A chuckle resounded around me.

  I pressed my fingers to my lips as everyone stood but one handsome guy. Tilting my head to the side, I gave him a warm smile.

  "You there... how about sex. If you enjoy the warmth of having a woman in your bed. Or a man." I shrugged. "If you enjoy that in the slightest - stand on up."

  He popped up like his ass was on fire and the room broke out into laughter.

  "Good." I clapped my hands. "Now, look around. Every one of you."

  They glanced around the room and shuffled back and forth a little bit.

  "If you think you're capable of not only making it as an investment manager but rising to the top and owning your own firm... please, sit down."

  Four males sat down and several others started to but seemed to waver in their belief about the future.

  "Right. Everyone sit down. Let's be clear." I moved to the podium and pulled out my notes. "This isn't a career, it's a life. And if you're not one of the chosen few who might be ushered to the top, you have a long life ahead of you."

  I glanced up and crossed my arms across my chest. "So why do it? What would be your reasons? Fame? Money? Prestige?"

  "All the above," Handsome called out and winked at me.

  "And what is that promise worth to you, Sir? Would you sell your last second in the day? The last warm meal you might ever experience? The last romp in the sheets you might get?"

  The room was solemn... right where I wanted them to be. I stood in stony silence and ignored Dr. Darren's chuckle from beside the stage. He knew where I was going. It was a lesson he'd taught me far too well.

  "Right. That's step one in making this thing work. What would I be willing to give up for the fame I'm capable of reaching and step two... how do I get the confidence to grab ahold of it when I see it."

  I moved through the rest of my presentation, dragging the students back into an interactive discussion about all the parts of the investment world and what to truly expect. My time was over far too quickly.


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