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My Last First Kiss

Page 95

by Weston Parker

  “You’re younger than me, and you have breasts; you’re a girl. Are you sure you don’t want to go to dinner with me?”

  “I will go if you take me to the party first.” I thought a compromise might work. If he didn’t have to stay long, maybe he’d at least make an appearance with me.

  “Never mind. Have a wonderful time. And don’t forget your key. I’m going to be late tonight. Don’t wait up.” He cut his eyes, and I tried to keep the disappointment off my face. This was the way things were. We weren’t a couple, or dating, or anything more than friends and one silly kiss in a weak moment hadn’t changed a thing. He was a nice guy who’d only offered to help me because I reminded him of his sister.

  I left without another word and waited for the elevator. When it opened, I found a man waiting inside. He stepped aside and gave me a puzzled look, but I entered the elevator absolutely speechless. I knew him.

  As the door closed me in, I turned and faced it trying to keep my cool.

  “I’m sorry to pry, but it’s not every day I see a woman coming from that room who isn’t going down. Are you attending the party?”

  “Yes, I’m a guest of James Thomas. And you’re Darek Dillon. I’ve seen your programs. ’Dream it. Believe it. Live it.’”

  “That was the early days, but yeah, that’s me. It’s nice to meet a fan.” He held out his hand. “What’s your name?”

  I took his hand. “Maya Benton. I’m staying with James.”

  “You’re a southern girl. Your accent sounds like you’re from the New Orleans area, am I right?”

  “That’s impressive. I’d guess you’re from South Carolina.”

  His eyes lit with surprise.

  “I read a story about you in the airport lobby on my way up.” I’d always thought the guy was a little cheesy, yet fascinating. Anyone who would work their way up the ladder of success like he had was an inspiration.

  “Us Weekly or People?” he asked as the elevator came to a stop.

  “People.” I was a little star-struck and surprised that he didn’t run off and leave me when the elevator doors opened.

  “I guess you have to find Mr. Thomas.” He gave me a regretful look.

  “Actually, no. He’s not coming. He has plans of his own, and I didn’t want to be stuck at home alone.”

  “You two aren’t dating?” His eyes lit with surprise as a cool smile played around lips.

  “No, we’re not together. I’m just a guest.”

  “Well, I’m alone too, and I can introduce you to a few people here if you’d like.” A man approached and offered us some wine from a tray, and we both took a glass, and he quietly walked away.

  “Whose place is this?” The posh furnishings made the place look like a palace, which was fitting since most of the people in attendance were in a class far above mine. “The invitation didn’t say.”

  “No one knows, and I think finding out is the reason his parties are so popular.”

  “How do you know that the ’he’” isn’t a ’she?’” I shrugged.

  “You’re absolutely right; it very well could be.” He let loose a laugh and flashed his million-dollar smile. Then he took my hand and led me around to meet some of the other guests, but after a half-hour or so, we stepped aside and grabbed another drink.

  After our third drink, we were becoming fast-friends and engaged in laughter over one of his stories, which any other time, I wouldn’t have found funny. My face felt hot, and I realized that I hadn’t drunk quite so much in some time. I knew I had better slow down when I realized he had his arm around me.

  Darek was charming and handsome with a great body and chiseled features that had made women adore him, and men throw their money at him. Billions of people were mesmerized by him, and many wanted to be him. Any woman would have been happy to be receiving his attention, but there was just one thing wrong—he wasn’t James Thomas.

  Chapter 9


  I had resigned to let her go and got in the shower fully prepared to clean up and go down to Club Expose where I could hook up for the night without any complications from feelings and confusion over what to do with them. I would walk in, scan the room, take my pick and find a nice back room or even a hotel to get lost in meaningless sex for the remainder of the night.

  I didn’t need to let things get so complicated with Maya. She’d kissed me purely out of curiosity, and refusing her had been not only the right thing to do but the smart thing.

  I’d planned a nice little fuck fest for the night, and after my shower, I dressed thinking I’d show her that even though she was living with me, we had a no strings deal too.

  By the time I walked out into the elevator, doubt had started to overtake me. Too many emotions plagued me, and I decided my best course of action would be to head straight down and get the hell out of the building before I hit the top floor button and headed up to check on her. As the doors closed, I hit the button. “Fuck!” I pounded my fist on the elevator wall and shoved my hands in my pockets to keep from doing it again.

  I couldn’t help myself; I had to know what she was doing. I had to know if one of these fucking guys was pawing at her, or plying her with alcohol so he could take her down to his suite and take advantage of her.

  “I’ll just peek in and leave. She’ll never know I’m there.” The doors opened revealing the thumping beat of the music and laughter which brought my head around. Maya stood across the room with Darek Dillon. Her head was thrown back in laughter, and his hands were all over her; his eyes are staring up and down her body like she was his instrument and he knew just how to play her. My blood boiled.

  The asshole had already ruined a perfectly good relationship by whispering his ‘Be it, Live it, Love it’ shit, and I was ready to shove one of those rainbow fantasies up his smug ass and punch him in the teeth. I took a step forward and turned around knowing I had to compose myself for Maya’s sake. She didn’t need some alpha douche bag coming up and baring his teeth and showing his temper.

  I took a few deep breaths, and as I did, her eyes met mine. She immediately looked down to her waist and stepped out of his grasp. The handsy bastard.

  “James! You came!” She stepped over and embraced me, but my eyes stayed fixed on Darek Dillon, who looked like he’d just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar; my fucking cookie jar. And he wasn’t sorry.

  “Yeah, I thought what the hell. I figured I should come up and protect you from some of the assholes who like to get beautiful women like you drunk and take advantage of them.” I took the drink from her hand and handed it over to Darek.

  He placed it near a plant on a table beside him. “How are you, Thomas? You shouldn’t have changed your plans; I would have looked out for her.”

  “That’s what I was afraid of.”

  “I didn’t realize you knew each other.”

  “Yeah, you could say that, but it’s not like we really do,” Darek gave me a cocky grin and then extended his hand. I looked at it, but I wasn’t about to shake his fucking hand.

  Darek Dillhole placed his drink on the table next to hers. “Okay, I can see I’ve overstepped my bounds with you once again, but maybe if you’d had come with her in the first place, we could have avoided this awkward encounter.” He turned and walked away as Maya stumbled forward.

  “Wait; why is he leaving?”

  “Because he’s an asshole and if I hadn’t gotten here when I did, he’d have you wasted and horizontal on the sixtieth floor. Trust me; I know all about the guy.” I took her hand and led her to the door in a hurry.

  “Stop, why are we leaving?” She glanced around to the others staring, and I tugged her hand, and she followed me to the elevator. The last thing I had wanted was a scene.

  Once inside, she spun around and got in my face. “You had no right to come up and bust up my good time.” Her hot breath smelled of alcohol.

  “Are you saying you wanted that guy all over you?” I couldn’t believe she would really want th
at, but if she did, she could stay with Darek and be his fucking assistant. I wanted no part of the guy around me or anyone working or living with me.

  “No. I mean, he wasn’t all over me.” Her speech slurred and she wobbled a bit on her feet as the elevator stopped on my floor.

  We exited the lift, and I had to help her walk to the door. “How much have you had to drink?”

  “A few; maybe four.” She lifted her shoulders and put out her hands. “I didn’t keep count, but I didn’t know there’d be a quiz.”

  “This is just like him. Did you tell him you stay with me? Did he tell you that he convinced my last girlfriend to leave me? For him. And then days later he dumped her. The guy’s a class A jackass.” I walked her toward the couch, but she took the closest chair instead.

  She pulled her lips in tight as if trying not to smile and then she burst into laughter. “You’re jealous of Darek Dillon.”

  “Please, a guy like that? What do I have to be jealous of? I’m smarter, better looking, and I guarantee you, I’ve worked harder in life than Mr. Personality. I’ve made my fortune helping people, not feeding them lines of bullshit to make them feel better about themselves. Success? Do you want to know how to be successful? He gives you a thousand ways in his seminars, but no one is to be a fucking leech like him as a motivational speaker. I bet he’d lose his cool guy persona if another person was so interested in his fucking livelihood.” As I ranted, pacing the room and waving my hands, she continued to laugh. “And you; how the hell does he know if I might be interested myself? He doesn’t. He just assumes that the world is his for the taking, and it doesn’t matter what. So, no, I’m not jealous of his fucking money.”

  “I don’t mean his money. I mean me, silly.” She rose from the chair and stepped in front of me to put her arms around my neck and look me in the eyes. “You were jealous because you thought I wanted him.” Her hands slid down my chest, which heaved beneath my shirt as I tried to catch my breath.

  She was the beauty calming the beast in me as she slipped them lower around my waist and lay her head against my chest. “I think you deserve better. Is that so bad of me?”

  “You haven’t even considered what I’ve wanted, have you. You’re so angry.” She tilted her head back and stared into my eyes.

  “What do you want?” I barely had time to get the words from my lips before hers crushed against them. This time I wasn’t going to pull away. She’d have to first.

  A moment later, once my body had fully responded to the action, she pulled away and looked into my eyes. “You stopped me last time.”

  “I didn’t want to. I was trying to do the right thing. I should stop you now, though. You’re drunk, and I’m not sure you’ll remember this later.” She needed to know there were good men in the world.

  She ground against me. “I’m sober enough.” She slowly unbuttoned my shirt as she stared up at me with those big blue eyes. “I wanted you to go with me tonight because I wanted people to see me on your arm. I wanted to feel like I belonged in a big fancy place like this.”

  “You do belong; it’s me who doesn’t. I’m not like the others. If you want me, this is what you get, Maya.”

  “So, don’t stop me.” She reached the last button and spread my shirt open and off my shoulders. Then she worked at undoing my pants and fumbled a bit as she lifted on her toes to kiss me.

  A gentleman would have stopped her. I wouldn’t be any better than Darek fucking Dillon if I took advantage of her in this state, but as I gripped her hands and pulled away, she gripped my shirt, holding me close.

  “We shouldn’t do this, now. Maya.”

  “Shh. Don’t you want me?” She licked the side of my face, and my cock twitched, punching the front of my pants where she tugged at my zipper. “I want you right now, James.”

  How could I say no to that?

  Chapter 10


  James was so hot when he was angry, and it was nice to see that his anger wasn’t focused on me, unlike Craig’s which always had been no matter who else was to blame.

  I was so turned on from touching him, and I’d finally gotten that damned zipper down so I could touch more. This was the time he’d try and stop me for good, but I searched his eyes and slipped my hand down into his pants to stroke his thick erection anyway. He was much bigger than I’d expected and quite bigger than Craig, who had been average at best. Maybe that’s why he stayed in a bad fucking mood.

  My hand gripped him tight at his base, and he sucked a breath through his teeth, hissing with pleasure and tugging his pants down around his thighs. “Are you sure you want this, Maya? Once you get me going, I’m not going to want to stop.”

  “Then don’t.” I kissed his pouty lips and pulled away giving him a smile. “Undress me.”

  His hands reached behind me and undid the long zipper he’d done up for me hours earlier. I slipped my arms free and then let it fall to my feet. “You’re beautiful, Maya. I knew if you wore that dress someone would hit on you. Anyone would be crazy not to want you.” He cupped my breasts and took turns kissing them back and forth, his warm lips falling upon them to suck my nipples and tug them with soft, tender nibbles.

  My plunging neckline hadn’t afforded me a bra, but I had worn a soft lace panty beneath, and that’s all I had left covering my sex.

  One arm came around me, pulling me closer to kiss me deeply, as the other slipped beneath the lace and stroked my bare mound.

  “I want to taste you.” He dipped his finger into my channel and stroked as I moaned out loud, and then he raised his hand to my mouth and pushed his glistening fingers between my lips. I sucked the salt from them, rolling my tongue and licking them seductively. He walked me back to the chair I’d been in minutes before and turned me to lean me back against it.

  I rested on my elbows as he kissed down my tummy and across my aching bud which throbbed with need. As soon as his mouth made contact with my clit, I screamed out with pleasure and bucked my hips. He got to his knees to worship it, and reached up, gripping my ass as he pulled me closer, flicking his tongue deep into my channel and pushing two fingers against my walls, which were already quivering.

  He rose up and whispered into my ear. “You’re ready for me, you’ve wanted this all week, haven’t you?”

  “Yes, James. I knew I’d do this if given a chance the moment I laid eyes on you.” I did too; I’d been instantly attracted and had even fantasized about us being together just before the kiss and every second after.

  He pumped his hand faster, and his long, nimble fingers worked my most sensitive spot, and I screamed out coming hard, and he rose up and kissed me, my taste still fresh in his mouth as his cock brushed against my sex. “You wanted a taste of me too, didn’t you, Maya?” He looked into my eyes and then stepped back, stroking his cock and holding it out as if it were an offering. “Taste me. I want to see your beautiful lips around it.”

  I licked my lips and slid down to kneel on the hard floor in front of him. Though my knees ached on the marble tiles, I took him into my hands and used both to stroke him. I fondled his heavy sac as I licked the salt from his veiny flesh and gazed up into his eyes.

  “Fuck, yeah.” He rested his hand on top of my head and caressed me as I worked him. The need built between my legs, so I slipped my hand down and played with my clit until my release had me moaning on his cock.

  He put his hand under my chin and pulled away as I got to my feet. I barely had time to stand when he lifted me up, taking me into his arms, and carried me to his bedroom.

  “I need you inside of me,” I whispered against his flesh, and then he lowered me to the bed and braced himself above me, kissing me with a passion that had ignited between us. It burned like an inferno as I wrapped my legs around his waist to encourage him.

  “I need it too.” He centered his cock and nudged it inside me, inching it slowly down into my tight channel. It filled me up to my limits, stretching me farther than anyone had. He paused a moment and m
et my eyes. “Are you okay?”

  I nodded, and he pushed it the rest of the way in, my walls stretching even more as he worked himself down to his base. He thrust hard, his balls slapping my ass as he found a steady pace.

  It was heaven. His cock filled me up and stroked against my g-spot until the pressure built up like a dam about to burst. I ached for it too, needing the release that his throbbing member had worked so hard to give me.

  I hadn’t been fucked like this before; not ever from Craig, and since he was only the third man I’d slept with, I hadn’t had much to compare him to. The two before him hadn’t counted for much, being we were just fumbling high school kids at the time, but this; this was magical.

  James knew when to speed up and when to go slow; when to go hard, and when to caress. I orgasmed twice before we’d even gotten started, and he had me limp with rapture before his own consumed him.

  He pounded his hips hard and then jerked his cock free. Hot jets shot forth, soaking my tits and he leaned down and sucked my nipples getting a taste of himself before collapsing next to me. “I need to get you cleaned up.” He rose up on his elbow and leaned over to kiss me. “Come on dirty girl, let’s get you to the shower.”

  “I’m not sure I can walk.”

  He chuckled as he took my hand. “You can make it; I’ll carry you if I have to.”

  I eased over to the edge of the bed and sat up, my legs wobbling beneath me like a baby fawn. He pulled me in for a kiss and then walked ahead of me, holding my hand the whole way, until it was time to turn on the shower.

  “Do you like it hot or cold?” He ran his hand beneath the spray and then stepped inside the shower which was surrounded by large natural stones like it belonged somewhere in the country. Upon entering, I realized for the first time, how it had been specifically designed for sex, the bars, and stones, even the glass walls, put in just the right places.

  He stood behind me and washed his seed from my supple skin and kissed my shoulder. “I want more,” I whispered as his hand dipped lower to wash my slit.


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