My Last First Kiss

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My Last First Kiss Page 98

by Weston Parker

  “You’re going to look back one day and wish you’d signed with us. We’re the biggest company out there.”

  “The biggest, sure. But not the best.” I turned and walked out with my head held high, and my wheels were turning to figure out my next move.

  I felt a weight lift from my shoulders and a new rush of excitement as I planned my future. The only person I wanted to share that moment with was back home. I left the building in a hurry and headed out to my car hoping the commute would go smoothly.

  I had to make plans and not only for the drug but for me and Maya as well. I wanted to be with her, like in a real relationship, and even though I still wasn’t sure how we’d end up, I wanted to try and make it work.

  As I passed the offices of PharmCorp, I had another idea. As much as I wanted to get home to Maya and share the good news, I needed to make one more stop.

  I walked a block and headed back into the parking garage, but this time I walked across the street and into the main entrance of PharmCorp.

  All I needed was a place to package the product, and I could work with the FDA and bring the product to the shelf all on my own. It would be costly at first, and the legalities and government regulations were going to eat me alive, but if I could have PharmCorp handle production, I just might pull it off.

  I knew it was a lot to work out, but I went inside and made an appointment, and then as I left I got my accountant, Gene, on the phone.

  “You want to what?” Gene’s voice got a little higher and cracked.

  “I want to bring the product to the public on my own. I won’t take a deal that doesn’t stay true to the cause.”

  He made a sound as if he was in deep thought and then let loose a breath that sent static through the line. “My cousin is allergic to bees. He said that he got stung last year and nearly died because his pen had expired. His wife was upset because they couldn’t afford a new one. She felt responsible.”

  “Yeah, there are too many people out there taking chances. My sister was allergic to peanuts. Her shitty boyfriend used to threaten her with them. It came out in the trial that he’d sent her to the hospital a week before with them.” I remembered having to keep a close eye on my sister that she didn’t make contact with any peanuts. Even peanut butter was not allowed in our house, and I’d resented her for it until I’d moved out on my own and realized I wasn’t missing much. Peanut butter was not a favorite after all. We had to always be on the lookout, even being in contact with shells and wrappers was dangerous for her. I’d always thought that would be the way she died, but I’d had no idea her fucking boyfriend would murder her. She’d been stabbed and brutally beaten, and left to die a slow, painful death before anyone found her. If I’d been a better brother, I would have. But I was too worried about my work, and nothing else had mattered.

  “Find out what you need, and we’ll make it happen. Maybe you could find a few investors to help.”

  “Maybe. There are plenty of people who can relate.”

  “Amen, brother. Much too many. Mark told me you have a houseguest.” Mark and Gene had been friends longer than me and either of them.

  “Yeah, she’s special too. I’m actually on my way to tell her how I feel about her. I think she’s the one.”

  “Yeah? Marks’s been worried, but I told him the right girl would come along sooner or later. We’re all settling down, my friend. It’s just that season.” He’d been seeing his girlfriend, Piper, for months and had proposed a month ago. The two were planning their dream wedding and had even discussed starting a family according to Gene.

  Mark had been on the hunt for Mrs. Right longer than anyone I knew but had yet to really find her. Just when he’d think he’d found the one, something would happen to end it.

  I couldn’t go another day not telling Maya how I felt, and even though I wasn’t planning on getting married or settling down with a family anytime soon, I could see me doing those things with her. She’d be a beautiful bride, a wonderful wife, and a loving mother.

  “Thanks, man, I’ll let you know how it goes.” I hung up the phone and headed out to my car for one final mission for the day. I had to make Maya mine.

  Chapter 16


  As soon as James left, I hurried to pack my things. I had already arranged an Uber and was on my way down when I bumped into Darek Dillon in the elevator.

  “You look like a woman who’s going somewhere in a hurry,” he said, as I entered the elevator with him. I dropped my bags on the ground at his feet. I’d only packed the things I’d recovered from Craig; the things that were my own, and made sure to leave anything that James had provided.

  I didn’t want to owe him anything. I wanted to make a clean break and move on with my life.

  I’d considered if I was doing the right thing but knew if I stayed, things would end in tears. I was falling too fast and too hard to let it go on.

  I wiped a single tear from my eye hoping he’d think it was allergies. “You could say that.” I pushed the button, and he leaned against the rail, and I turned to see him giving me a judgmental look. “What?”

  “Are you running out on James Thomas? I hope it isn’t because of what happened at the party. I mean, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t trying to hit on you, but I didn’t realize how serious things were with you and him. You didn’t exactly let on that there were feelings between you.”

  “It’s not because of that, but that was what made things spark the most. You might say you threw a match on things.”

  “Well, apparently, that wasn’t the best thing I could have done. You might be staying, otherwise.”

  “He’s a good guy; it’s just not going to work.”

  “For some reason, I think there’s more to it.” He folded his arms as the elevator stopped and the door opened. A man got in, and I pushed my bags out of the way, and the two of us were quiet until he got off on the fiftieth floor.

  “Well, he did make me question his integrity. But, it doesn’t matter. Everything I touch turns to ruin. I only moved out here hoping to get into the fashion business, not to be someone’s assistant. I don’t even know who he is, you know. Besides, I’m tired of settling for less. It’s time to do something for me.”

  “Good for you. Where are you headed?” Darek held his thumb up and smiled as the elevator made it to the ground floor. “May I help you with your bags?”

  “Sure, and wish me luck. I’ve got to go try and get my phone back from my ex and then I’m headed to the airport. I want to be home in New Orleans by the evening. I’m going to stay with my friend, Rosie. She said there might be a job opportunity where she works.”

  “That’s wonderful. I hope you get everything you want. If I’m ever in New Orleans, come on down to one of my seminars. Show this card.” He reached into his pocket and handed me a business card. “I’d love to see you after and maybe take you to dinner.”

  “Thanks. I’ll do that.” Darek was a nice guy, and I wondered why James didn’t like him. James was hard to understand at times. But then, weren’t we all.

  Darek wished me well at the car, and then helped the driver load my bags. He waved as I drove away, and I cried all the way to Craig’s. I was worried about what would happen when I showed up and demanded my phone. I wondered if he’d try to fight, or worse, ask me to stay. I wished I’d never met the guy. My life would have been so much better. I’d quit my job and left everything after putting my trust in him. I’d uprooted it all to have nothing. Now, I’d make the most of going home, and at least I’d be around people I knew and loved.

  My heart ached. People I loved. Deep down I’d wanted to love James, and maybe I did, but it was all too much too soon, especially after Craig. Maybe I was just confused and clinging to the first man who tried to rescue me from that fucked up situation. I couldn’t use him as a crutch or force him into a hero role, and if it was meant to be, he’d look me up in New Orleans. He had to know that’s where I went. I second-guessed leaving without saying
goodbye, but if I had, he’d only talked me into staying.

  I went up to my old apartment and held my breath hoping that Craig had left my phone behind this time. I never expected him to be home on a workday.

  He stood in front of the door when I turned the key and pushed it open. “Well, well, well. I wondered if you would come back.”

  “I’m not here to fight, Craig. I want my phone. I’m on my way home, and I need it. People are expecting me.” He stepped closer, but I knew it was only to intimidate me. It worked.

  “I threw it out.” He shrugged.

  “It’s no matter. I just hoped to get my contacts. I’ll call the company when I get home. My plane leaves in an hour.”

  “Where’d you get money to fly home? You know, I heard you came here to get your things with some man. I guess you fucked him to get your way home. Did you think it was love, Maya? Did you think it could be like what we had?” I wanted to engage, and tell him I hoped it was better, that the sex was better, and that I hate him, but I knew I was better off leaving. I turned and stepped toward the door behind me, and he rushed forward, putting his arm around my front to pull me close.

  My whole body went rigid as fear gripped me, but he reached his other arm around and held my phone in front of my face. I reached up and placed my hand on it, but he didn’t let go. “I’ll be a good guy and let you have this. But I want to know if you did it. Did you fuck him? I bet you did. I knew you were a filthy little whore when I moved you up here. All of those dirty little things you used to do for me on the camera. Remember our sessions? I do, I still think about them. What are you going to do to get your phone back?”

  I gripped the phone tight as I brought my foot up behind me and kicked him hard in the groin, but despite, doubling over in pain, he grabbed hold of me twisting my arm as I tugged to get away. He grabbed my hair, and I swung an elbow at his head, and when he fell away, he let me go long enough to get to the elevator and luckily, I shut the door before he could follow. I had my phone, and Mr. Uber was still waiting for me. I jumped in the car and told him to punch it. As he drove away, I looked back to see Craig running out behind the car.

  I turned around in my seat and caught my breath as the man drove me toward the airport. I clutched my phone in my hand and decided to turn it on. It was dead. “Do you have a phone charger?” I had to get some charge on the phone, so I could call home. I hadn’t considered that he’d let the battery run out, but then, why would he do anything to help me?

  “Sure, here.” The man handed me a wire, and I plugged my phone in.

  With any luck, it would charge by the time I got to the airport. “Thanks.”

  “Are you okay?” the guy asked.

  “Yes, I’m fine.” I wasn’t fine at all. Was I doing the right thing?

  Chapter 17


  I made it back to my building and parked in the garage, but then I went out to the front walk near the park to buy a bouquet of flowers from a street vendor before I headed into The Avalon. I couldn’t wait to tell Maya the good news and how I felt. I rounded the corner and gave George a nod as he opened the door for me. I was on top of the world, and as Darek stepped inside behind me, holding a bag from the café, I didn’t even mind holding the elevator.

  Not even he could bring me down from the clouds.

  “Are those for Maya?” he asked as he entered the elevator with me.

  My chest swelled with pride as I pushed the button for our floors. “Not that it’s any of your business, Dillon, but yeah, they’re for Maya. I’ve got great news, and I’m going to tell her how I feel about her.”

  The guy’s expression faded as the elevator went up. “Look, man. I know we don’t see eye to eye, and I’m the last person who wants to do you a solid, but I feel I must tell you, you won’t find Maya upstairs.”

  “What the hell do you mean?”

  “She’s left you.”

  My blood turned cold. The last time one of my girlfriends had left me, he’d kown before me then as well. “What? Did you see her? What the fuck is going on.”

  “Look, man. She’s not up there. I saw her earlier and helped her carry her bags to an Uber. She said she’s doing something for herself for a change and something about your integrity.” The elevator came to a stop on his floor, and he stepped out into his lobby. I followed, gaining a narrowed stare as I grabbed him by the arm and spun him around.

  “Wait, what else did she say? Where is going?”

  “New Orleans, I’d guess. She said something about getting her phone, and heading to the airport.” He gave a shrug then pulled away from me as the elevator carried on its way to my floor without me.

  My heart turned to stone and dropped to the pit of my stomach. “Her phone?” I turned and looked at the floor as I started to pace. “She wouldn’t go there alone. She knows he’s unstable.”

  “Who is unstable? The ex?” Suddenly Mr. Personality was concerned. “As in abusive?”

  “Yeah.” I frantically hit the button down on the elevator, and when the door opened, he rushed in behind me. “The guy is not safe. He’s progressively getting obsessive and possessive. I’d asked her not to go there without me. He took her phone, and I guess she’s not leaving New York without it. I have to go check on her.”

  “I’m coming. If this guy is abusive, it might not be a bad idea to have an extra hand or fist as the case may be.” I could take care of myself, but I’d let him tag along. I needed answers, and he might have more than he was telling me.

  “What else did she say; you know, about my integrity.”

  “Just that you made her question it. If it’s any consolation, she didn’t seem right. She didn’t really seem sure she was doing the right thing.”

  “Then why let her do it? You could have stopped her. Was she crying? Was she pissed?” We hurried off the elevator when it hit the bottom floor and made a blur as we passed George so quickly there was no time for formalities or his usual witty words of wisdom. We went into the garage and headed to our parking spaces.

  “Let’s take mine; you’re in no shape to drive.” I had always wanted to take his car for a spin, but I wasn’t about to tell him. He didn’t need anything else feeding into that massive ego of his. “Just hurry. I’m not sure what he’ll do to her. We had to sneak over with security to get her clothes, and only did that when she knew he'd be out for a shoot.”

  “He’s a photographer?” The guy narrowed his eyes.

  “Yeah, his name is Craig Hendrix. They met online, and he moved her up here. Once he started getting physical, she bailed. I actually had to intervein when he came to her job. He was an aggressive asshole. I gave her my card and offered to help.”

  “Because of what happened to your sister.” It wasn’t a question. “I’m glad you were there, man. You have no idea how bad that kind of thing pisses me off. My mother was abused. If both of my parents hadn’t died in an accident, I probably would have ended up killing my old man myself.” He pulled out of the parking garage, and I motioned which direction to go.

  “Yeah? Well, it looks like we have something in common. Because if this asshole has laid a finger on her, I’ll bash his fucking brains in.” I meant it too. Sign me up for an orange jumper, because I wouldn’t care if I saw her crying.

  “You love her, don’t you? Not like Jen. You didn’t really love her, not like you thought you did.”

  “Fuck you. You don’t get to talk about Jen to me, especially with the mood I’m in.”

  “I’m just saying. Besides, she didn’t love you. She loved your money. She loved my fame. That’s why it took me all of two weeks to kick her ass to the curb. We’re both better off without that one.”

  “Looks like we agree on something else then.” I was so pissed I could have spit nails, but the guy had a point. “I was on my way home to tell her I am going to manufacture the new allergy drug I formulated and bring it to market on my own. I decided not to go with that piece of shit ex-boss of hers.”

; “She must not have trusted you to do the right thing, then. She questioned your integrity.”

  “My integrity is intact as usual. But it’s not easy when you’re trying to do the right thing in business.” I typed up the building in my phone’s GPS and passed it over. “Here’s where we’re going.”

  “You’re doing the right thing by going after her. She’s a nice girl. I think she just got a little turned around. We all do at times. Hell, I make my living off of people who are a little turned around.”

  I didn’t want to talk about how he made his living. “I think she’s the one, you know. Or thought. Who knows anymore.” I lost myself in deep thoughts, replaying the last few days back in my mind, and wondering what I’d done wrong, as Darek followed the instructions.

  We pulled up at the apartments and parked and then we hurried inside, grabbing the elevator.

  “I wonder if she’s still here.” I didn’t have to wonder long. The elevator came to a stop, and I rushed down to the apartment and banged on the door. Darek came up behind me, and we waited. I banged again, and finally, the door opened a crack. I didn’t wait for an invitation from the asshole. I pushed the door open into his face, and he stumbled back holding a rag to his mouth. There was blood.

  “Where’s Maya?” I kept walking forward until he was backed up against his couch.

  “Oh, I should have known it was you.” He laughed. “Two of you. It figures. She is a dirty little slut. I have some old videos on my laptop if you want to watch. We can compare notes.” Darek stepped up, and the guy’s eyes widened. “Hey, I know you.”

  “Yeah, well, I don’t know you, asshole. So, how about you tell us where Maya went and what happened to your fucking face.” Darek cracked his knuckles, and I turned to see the gleam in his eye. He might have been a pretty boy egomaniac, but he was ready to throw down too.

  “Yeah, make it easy on yourself.”

  Craig’s lip curled, and he pulled his rag away from his lip which was split deep. “She took her phone and bailed.”


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