My Last First Kiss

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My Last First Kiss Page 99

by Weston Parker

  “Looks like she got a piece of you first.”

  “Not before I got a piece of her.” He smirked, his eyes not leaving mine. Darek went and checked the other rooms as I stood guard on the asshole and thought of ninety ways I wanted to bash his skull in.

  “She’s not here. She must have left for the airport.”

  “If you’re going after her, all I got to say is good luck. She’ll screw you over too. Just like she did me.” I knew the guy was all talk. Maya hadn’t done shit to him.

  I pulled back my fist, and he flinched. Piece of shit wasn’t worth it. But what the hell. I turned to go, but turned back, making my connection. “Stay away from her. Next time, I won’t stop with one.”

  “Come on, man. We have to catch her.” Darek held the door open, and then we rushed back out into the hall and into the elevator. “She’ll be at the airport. She’s got to be.” He got his phone and checked the flight schedule as the elevator made its descent.

  Once in the car, he passed me his phone and had me check as he drove us out. With any luck, we’d catch her before she left, but if we didn’t, I was on the next flight out to New Orleans to find her.

  Chapter 18


  I got to the airport in time to purchase my ticket, and my phone was charged enough to make a few calls home. My first one had to be to Rosie, so she’d be expecting me. I dialed her number as I found a seat and dropped my bags in a pile at my feet. Rosie answered on the fifth ring.


  “Yeah, it’s me. Hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time. I wanted to call and let you know I’m on my way home. I just wanted to make sure that couch is still available as well as the job.” There was silence on the other end and then Rosie released a short breath.

  “I’m sorry, Maya. My uncle is pulling the extra shift at the shop, and well, I’ve kind of moved Roger in with me, so I’m not so sure the couch is going to be the best place for you. It’s just, things are kind of new with us trying to get back together, and I don’t think another roommate is going to help things. I’m sorry.”

  “Rosie, I’m at the airport. I just spent everything I had on a ticket, and now the only place I have to go is my mother’s; assuming she wants me.”

  “I know it’s rough, I know that’s a sore spot, but she’s your mother. Of course, she’s going to want to help you.” She didn’t know my mother. My mom had been jealous of me since I was sixteen years old and her boyfriend of the month had tried making a move on me. When she’d confronted him, he’d lied, and she’d believed him. So, when it happened again when I was twenty, she told me to get out and never come back. Luckily, I’d had a job and could support myself at the time, but it didn’t make it any easier. Our relationship hadn’t been good since.

  “Yeah, Rosie. Thanks.” I hung up the phone and stared at the ticket. I should have called home first, but Rosie had made it all sound so definite. I looked down to my phone and dialed my mother.

  The phone rang so long; I was just about to hang up when her gravelly voice sounded on the other end. “Yeah?”

  “Mama, it’s Maya.”

  There was a pause, and I heard footsteps that sounded like she was taking me out to her usual back porch swing where she did all of her phone conversating. “I guess you’ve done gone and gotten yourself into a mess.”

  I wanted to hang up then and there, but I didn’t have much choice. “Actually, no. I’m not in any mess, I just want to come home, but I’m a little strapped and need a place to lay my head until I can save up. I was going to stay with Rosie, but she’s got Roger staying with her, and she didn’t think it would be a good idea.”

  “I can’t blame her, with your track record for screwing around with other people’s men. I mean, how many of mine did you try to use your wiles on? Three or four?” It had been two of her stupid men pawing all over me without invitation. “I don’t think it will work out here either. I’ve got a man of my own, and I’d like to keep it that way. What happened to that pretty city boy you brought home? Did he cheat on you? I didn’t think it would last.”

  “As usual, Mama, you’re a real joy. But thanks for caring.” I hung up and vowed to never call her again. I hung my head and tried to think about what to do. My phone was about dead again, and I needed to find a charging station. I wasn’t sure I wanted to go home to New Orleans as there was nothing there for me. I could always go back to The Avalon and pretend I’d never left. Hopefully, he’d be none the wiser. At least he did care about me. I was a fool to leave. What if he knew I had? He’d probably hate me. I was just so confused, and I needed something to be normal for a change.

  I wiped my tears with the back of my fingers, and when I looked up, there was a handkerchief in front of my face. I looked up to see James who had Darek with him. The other man stood just behind him and gave me a sympathetic look.

  “I’m not sure you want me here, but I couldn’t let you go like this Maya. Darek told me where you’d gone.”

  “Sorry, but he looked desperate. And you didn’t tell me that your ex was abusive, or I’d have never let you go either.” He spoke with a scolding tone, and I knew I’d been wrong to take off as I did.

  “I’m sorry. I guess things got too real.” Warm tears fell down my cheeks, and Darek stepped up to shake James’ hand and whispered something. He patted his shoulder and then gave me a wave as he left. “What’s that all about. I thought you hated the guy.”

  “I do. So, what are you going to do? Are you going to leave? Do you want to go somewhere and talk? Do I need to buy a ticket to New Orleans?” He looked so helpless, and suddenly so tired. I hated that I’d done that to him.

  I held out my ticket. “No, I bought this, but I don’t have anywhere to go now. My plans fell through. My mother doesn’t want me at her house.” I felt like a loser having to admit that my own mother didn’t want me around.

  “Then it’s her loss. Let me get a car to take us home?” I nodded and took his hand. He reached down and gathered my bags and led me out to the entrance lobby where he took out his phone and made a call.

  “I’m sorry I’m so much trouble.”

  “You’re never any trouble, Maya. I care about you. I bought a big bouquet and headed home to tell you how much, and that’s when I found you gone.”

  “You bought me flowers?” I wiped my tears.

  “Yeah, I tossed them in the back of Darek’s car. I didn’t take the deal with Wright. I’m going to manufacture the product myself. What’s the use in having all of my money, if I can’t put it to good use. Besides, once I get things up and running, I’m sure I’ll develop more—

  I fell into his arms and kissed him. “That’s wonderful!”

  “It’s not the fashion industry, but maybe there’ll be work for you until you figure that out? I noticed you’re pretty handy with a pencil, so I thought you might design our new logo?” He looked down at me with hopeful eyes before our car pulled up and turned his head.

  “Yes, I think I can manage. You know, I only left because I don’t want to be hurt again. I need something more than being your assistant, and maybe this is it?” He took my hand, and we hurried to the long black car, and once we’d settled, he pulled me into his arms.

  “I rushed back home to tell you that I don’t want to ever be with you. I don’t know where this is going, but I want us to try and have something real. You can live with me, and we’ll figure it out together. Does that sound okay?”

  “It sounds wonderful.” His mouth fell against mine, and he kissed me deeply, his hands holding onto me so tight as if I might try and leave again. “I’m not going anywhere again unless you tell me.” I gripped his hand and leaned down to kiss it, noticing his red and bruised knuckles. “What happened to you?”

  “I went to Craig’s hoping you wouldn’t be there. He got mouthy, and so I punched him.”

  “I wish I could have seen that.” I had given him hell with my elbow, and I was sure I’d have a bruise of my own.

p; “I’d like to do it again if you want to stop by on our way?” He let loose a chuckle, and I kissed his swollen knuckles.

  “No, I just what to be alone with you.” I ran my hand up his side and then cupped his strong jaw before kissing him much deeper than before. He pulled me across his lap, and his hands roamed my skirt until he’d found his way beneath it. His hand burned against my thigh as he stroked it softly and the desire ached in my core until I moaned. I wanted his hands to soothe me. I rolled my hips, and he slipped his hand up higher, working his way up the elastic of my panties.

  “I don’t know if I can wait until we’re home,” he whispered. His breath tickled my ear.

  I glanced to see the privacy glass between us and the driver and turned back to kiss James’ mouth. “Then don’t.”

  Chapter 19


  We arrived at The Avalon twenty minutes later, and I’d managed to work her through two orgasms and edged my own. She righted her clothes, and we stepped out to greet George Worthington who opened the door with a devilish grin.

  I wondered if Darek had told the man about what happened or if we looked as if we’d been up to no good in the backseat.

  In the elevator, I pulled her close, and she gripped my cock through my pants. “I can’t wait to make you come for me,” Maya whispered. “When we get upstairs, it’s your turn.” She kissed me hard and deep as I caressed her breasts.

  When the door opened to my floor, I took her hand and led her inside, but she made good on her promise, not letting me get too far ahead.

  She pulled me back to her and kissed me deeply, so I lifted her up and carried her to my room.

  She squealed and then let out a giggle as I placed her on my bed. “You really couldn’t wait, could you?” I stripped off my pants which she’d already managed to unbutton along the way, and I watched as she peeled her own clothes off nice and slow for me.

  “No, and I’m not going to hold back with you, not my feelings, nothing. When I was sitting all alone in that airport with nowhere to go, I realized I had nothing to run from. I was scared because the last time I felt this way, it didn’t work out. Craig turned into someone I didn’t even know. But you, you’re nothing like him. I know you care about me. Coming after me was all the proof I needed.

  “Good, I was worried I’d not be able to express to you just how much I want this to work. I want you to let me take care of you. I’m not going to hurt you, Maya.” I wanted to promise her the entire world; all my money could buy, but she wasn’t like the others either. With her, all I had to do was hold her.

  I stretched out next to her and cupped her breasts, pulling her tight pink nipples into my mouth. Her lips were pouty as she moaned and I reached up and kissed her hard, pinching her nipples between my fingers as she moaned.

  “Touch all of me.” Her voice was strained and low, and I wasted no time giving her just what she wanted. I dipped down between her thighs, and she gave a soft chuckle. “I’m supposed to be giving to you, aren’t I?” She stretched her foot out to graze her toes against my heavy sac and held out her hand so I could pull her up to sit in front of me.

  She was eye level with my cock and reached out to grip it, giving it a nice firm stroke from my base to my tip before taking it into her mouth. “Fuck, yeah, baby.” Her warm, wet mouth felt so good, as did her tongue which licked against the rim of my head and down across my veiny shaft.

  My balls twitched as I splashed her tongue with a bit of salt and she didn’t let it deter her in the slightest. She relaxed her throat and took me deeper, and I gathered her hair and held it behind her head.

  “Mm.” She rolled her tongue around my head and teased my slit. “I want more.” I looked deep into her eyes and felt the swell of my cock that meant I was about to give it to her.

  “I’m close.” I met her eyes, and they widened as she worked me with much more enthusiasm. “Naughty girl. I’m so going to give you a taste.” I pumped my hips, and she stilled letting me fuck her mouth until I gripped both sides of her head and held her down on me, my cock exploding on her tongue and throat.

  She gulped and worked me with fervor and then she pulled away and lay back spreading her legs. “I need you inside me.” I was ready to go too. She had sucked me through my release, and I was hard craving her hot little slit.

  Hovering over her, I aimed my cock and pushed it deep. She gasped at every inch as I slowly slipped it inside her and once she’d settled, she thrust her hips upward to fuck me.

  “You’re so amazing, baby. How’d I get so lucky?” I was so glad I’d caught her at that airport. “I thought I was going to have to go to New Orleans to get you back.”

  “You would have gone all that way?” Her breath panted against me, and she gripped me tight with her channel and milked my cock.

  “Yeah, angel. I would have torn the French Quarter apart looking for you. You’re my girl.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  “Mm. Me too. You’re mine, baby.” I fell against her, burying my cock deep as I made love to her mouth; caressing, stroking, licking, sucking.

  “I’m going to come!” She hissed a breath through her teeth, and I did the same as she milked and soaked my cock.

  Once she stilled, still panting and practically purring like a kitten, I rolled her over on top of me. “Ride me, Maya. I want to look up at you. You’re so beautiful.” She gave me a shy smile and straddled my hips, inching herself down on top of my throbbing hot cock.

  “You make me feel beautiful.” She lifted her arms up behind her head and wiggled her hips as she rode me. I cupped her tits and licked and sucked them.

  “I want to fuck these,” I said. And before I knew it, she was off my cock and inching down between my legs. I sat up, and she gathered her tits around my cock and opened her mouth to suck my head. I fucked her tits and mouth, and she moaned until I was close.

  “Where do you want it, baby?”

  “Come on my tits.” She backed away, and I stroked my cock a few times as my release shot all over her breasts. She raked her finger through the hot, wet nectar and licked it clean.

  It was so hot, but I couldn’t wait for the day I could fill her up and pound it deep. I took her to the shower, and after we were done, we laid in the bed for more caressing and kissing.

  I stroked her hair and spoke softly. “I want you to pursue your dreams with me, Maya. We can have a happy life, and I can help you financially to make those dreams come true. I want you to let me.”

  “I want to work and earn my keep.” She met my eyes, and hers were so full of worry, that I smiled.

  “You can and you will, but there won’t ever be a reason to worry about a thing.”

  “I’m not worried. I’m going to dream it, believe it, and live it.” She tried to hold a straight face for as long as she could, but then she burst out with laughter.

  “Very funny. You know I can’t stand that guy.” I didn’t want to like him. I really didn’t.

  “Be nice. Besides, he helped you today, and I think the two of you will be wonderfully unlikely friends.”

  “I think you’re crazy. I’m going to kiss you again so you’ll stop making sense.” I leaned down to kiss her mouth, but she was too busy giggling.

  “So, you admit it? He’s not that bad, is he?” I could tell by the side eye I was receiving that she meant business. I wasn’t going to get another kiss until I admitted it.

  “Okay, fine. Yeah, he’s okay.”

  “Who’s okay?”

  “Darek Dillhole, he’s not such a bad guy, for an asshole.”

  She cleared her throat.

  “Fine, Darek Dillon’s not so bad.”

  “Say, he’s your friend.”

  I belted a laugh. “Now you’re pushing it.” I leaned over and tickled her until the sound of her giggles faded into our kiss.



  Things had been blissful for the past ten months with James. Not only had we begun plans to
add a studio to our home, but I’d been able to make a few connections and get my foot in the proper doors of the fashion industry. A lot of buzz had been created when he’d taken me to a red-carpet charity event as his date, and I’d shown up on his arm wearing one of my original dress designs, which I’d spent weeks making.

  The next day the outfit was featured on the Best Dressed list, and people wanted to know all about me since James had donated a big sum to the charity. He’d finally made the news for something positive, and the media was being much kinder to him. That coupled with his life-saving product hitting the shelves at the same time, we were the next hot society couple.

  It had opened doors that I would never have believed, and I’d been asked to design dresses for several Golden Globe nominees and two Oscar hopefuls.

  Suddenly, our lives were in the fast lane, and even though it was so exciting, being alone with James, whether it was making love or hanging out watching bad TV, was still more exciting.

  He loved to spoil me with flowers and kisses, and we’d even started cooking classes together.

  “I’ve got everything we need for class tonight,” I said as I unpacked groceries. “The menu called for steak, so I hope I did a good job choosing.”

  “It looks great. It’s much better than chicken again.” We’d been stuck making chicken dishes for the first half of the classes, and we were more than ready to move on to something with a bit of red meat.

  “I’m ready for the seafood gumbo class.” Being from New Orleans, I couldn’t wait to see the instructor’s idea of gumbo, but I’d give him the benefit of the doubt. It might taste delicious.

  “I’m ready to learn how to do fish, but more importantly, I’m ready to see you handle that big nasty fish.” I’d already expressed a trauma from my childhood had me not wanting to handle a dead fish, but he’d thought my icky face was adorable, and now he’d been asking me to do it since. “Do the face, baby.”


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