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My Last First Kiss

Page 103

by Weston Parker

  He didn't think she could do it. He didn't think she had the talent to write music, he didn't think she had the talent to sing country music, and now he was insinuating that she couldn't sing at all. Narrowing her eyes, she ignored the soft music coming from his guitar. Taking a deep breath, she belted out the few lines that had spun around in her head for the past few days. "They say it's your smile. They say it's your touch. You could melt my heart, it wouldn’t take much, but I'm begging you to let me be the one who got away."

  His back stiffened, and he didn't turn around. For a moment, silence hung between them. Finally, he started to play. "Sing it again." His command jarred her, but his tone was softer. Slowly, she walked around and sat on the couch. As he watched her intently, she sang the lyrics again, and when a slow smile crossed his face, her heart skipped a beat.

  "Maybe you'll do after all," he muttered to himself. "Don't think this means anything. We still have a lot of work ahead of us."

  "That's all right. I've never stepped down from a challenge."

  Something burned in his eyes as he started strumming the guitar again, and she felt a small thrill of satisfaction. She felt like she'd won a battle, but she wasn't so certain that she knew what the war was about.


  He tossed and turned in her prissy room, the one with the damned faded pink flower wallpaper. The tension between them was so thick all day that he could have cut it with a knife, but then again he supposed she liked it that way.

  She’d smoldered when she told him she liked a challenge and he really hoped she meant it.

  He rolled over onto his back and stared up at the ceiling. His hair was still damp from the shower, and the house was so warm he’d have sworn the air conditioning was out. A light beading of sweat coated his chest and forehead, and he kicked his legs against the covers. It wasn’t so much the heat as it was his erection making him uncomfortable. He didn’t suppose it would be very couth to stroke one off a room away from Addilyn, but he supposed it beat walking over and seducing her.

  What was it about that woman that got under his skin? Sure she was attractive, dammit she was, but that attitude. He really wanted to put her in her place. On her knees. A voice inside him said. Preferably with his cock shoved deep in her throat.

  That was it. He couldn’t stand it anymore. He glanced to the nightstand and found a box of tissues. Yeah, he was really going to do it. He took a deep breath, cursing his aching balls and gripped himself.

  He pumped it a few times, trying hard to think about other women he’d been with. He didn’t want to let himself think about her, but that didn’t work out for him. Not when he could smell her perfume in the air.


  He thought of her long legs and how she looked in those heels the other day at Peter’s office. He liked that most of her had been left to the imagination, and imagined undressing her, kissing her perfect mouth as he did. He bit his lip and stroked closer to this base, reaching down with his other hand to tug on his balls, massaging and kneading them until he glistened at the tip. He worked his thumb around and spread the pearly dew across his broad head.

  As her perfume hit his nose, he thought of how she’d taste and imagined himself going down on her, licking her soft lips and into her channel. He imagined her beautiful voice breaking around her pleasure, choking out his name.

  As much as he hated to admit it, she was turning him on with that smart mouth of hers, and he knew just what to do with it. He imagined putting her on her knees in front of him where she’d smile and then open her mouth nice and wide. He’d seen her do it many times when she sang and he could imagine it there before him, wide open and waiting for him.

  He’d step up and place his cock on her tongue, and she’d close her mouth pulling him inside. He wanted her to worship it with her mouth and throat, and as he imagined himself about to bust one off in her throat, he realized his own orgasm was on the horizon.

  He pulled the covers back out of the way and pumped himself through his release, all the while imagining her hazel eyes fixed on his.

  As he wiped up, he knew it wouldn’t happen if he could help it. It was a harmless fantasy, so what could it hurt?

  He got up and went to the room’s adjoining bathroom where he flushed the tissues, and on his way back to the bed he noticed the small tube of lotion that had been beside the bed all along.

  He got a sinking feeling that she’d put it there on purpose, knowing exactly what he’d be doing.


  She was in his head.

  Chapter 6

  It felt strange having a man in her home, eating her food, watching her work. As she sat at the kitchen table, she pulled her feet up on the chair and hummed a few bars in her head. Scratching the lyrics down, she frowned. It just wasn’t fitting.

  “Your wear these bold and colorful designer dresses when you’re out, but when you’re here, you dress in yoga pants and sweatshirt,” he commented as he watched her.

  “There’s no press here, so I can actually let my hair down,” she said with a shrug. “But don’t get me wrong. I like dressing up. There’s no reason that I can’t enjoy both.”

  “I can’t argue with that. I certainly like both.”

  Slightly irritated, she put her pencil down. “You don’t look like you’re working.”

  Pulling out two chairs, he sat in one and put his feet up on the other. He looked incredibly sexy and at ease as he lounged and smiled lazily at her. “I’m always working.” He pointed to his temple. “There always some tune or some lyrics stuck in my head that’s just dying to be a song.”

  “How’d you get started? You don’t look like a songwriter.”

  “What does a songwriter look like?”

  Someone who wasn’t covered in tattoos and looked like sin. “Not you,” she muttered. She was already regretting trying to start a personal conversation with him. It was like there were two different sides to Kade. When they were talking work, he was cool and professional, but when they weren’t, he looked at her like he wanted to devour her.

  Even worse, she wanted him to.

  “I used to jot down lines of poetry when I was a kid. I won a few contests, but it didn’t really go anywhere for a long time. It was more a hobby than anything else. I kept at it, and then Christopher offered to sell a few songs. After that, he started introducing me to artists.”

  “But you don’t work for him?”

  He shrugged. “I like working on my own terms. Christopher did me a favor for those first few songs, but once the interest grew, I started paying him a headhunting fee.”

  Addilyn cocked her head. “You two are friends,” she observed softly. “That explains his willingness to put up with you.”

  Rather than be offended, he just chuckled. “I met Christopher when I was in high school. He’s probably the only person I would consider a friend, but he also makes a lot of money off me. He certainly should want to put up with me. You of all people should understand that.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “It's obvious that this country thing wasn’t your idea. You talk about letting people control you, but the only person that I see controlling you is Peter Homes. He makes more than a lot of money off you.”

  Addilyn stiffened. “Peter was the first person who gave me my big break. His daughter and I were acquaintances, and he’s always protected me. Do I make him an obscene amount of money? Yes, but when my PR teams wanted to parade me around in next to nothing on stage, he supported my decision to avoid sexualization.”

  “There’s still tension between you two.”

  Staring out the window, Addilyn remembers all too well Peter’s threat to drop her if she didn’t make the switch to country. “We don’t always see eye-to-eye,” she muttered.

  “Do you have friends?”

  “Of course I have friends!” She was offended that he’d insinuate otherwise. “When I’m in the city, I’m rarely alone.”

  “Those aren’t friends,” Kade sa
id as he rolled his eyes. “Those are people who want to be around you, and I know you’re smart enough to know the difference.”

  She swallowed hard. He was right, of course. “Gia, my assistant. I treasure her as more than an employee. And I have my friend Phoebe. We met when I was doing a concert at a runway show. She’s a model. We just clicked. I only get to see her a couple of times a year, but we frequently talk over the phone.”

  “You have two friends. That’s pretty sad.”

  “You have one,” she snapped. “Not counting your kid of course. I’m sure it doesn’t know any better.”

  “It is a girl, her name is Cadence, and she’s never complained in all her eleven years.”

  “So you’re really a father? The fact that someone procreated with you is astonishing. You’re obviously not married with your reputation.”

  “No, I’m not. Cadence’s mother left when things got tough, and had the good sense to stay away when things got good again.”

  “So you’re daughter and one friend. What a life.” She scrunched up her nose still not believing he was a father.

  “It’s by choice. I stay out of the spotlight.”

  “Unless you’re sleeping with someone,” she muttered under her breath.

  Kade raised an eyebrow. “What was that?”


  “It sounds to me like you said unless I’m sleeping with someone.” Gazing at her intently, he put his feet back on the floor and rested his elbows on his knees. “Is there something that you want to ask me, Princess?”

  “I told you not to call me that. You can save those silly nicknames for your daughter.”

  His eyes suddenly hardened, and he stood. “I’m going for a walk. Finish your lyrics, and I’ll look them over dinner.”

  His immediate switch in personality stunned her, but she didn’t stop him. Just when she thought she might be getting somewhere with him, he threw a wall up.

  Just what made Kade tick? The chemistry between them was evident, but he’d done nothing to act on it. If he was the Casanova that Gia thought he was, why wasn’t he putting the moves on her?


  “Today I have singing sensation America Holden with us, and let me tell you, she is a hard woman to get in touch with. I hear that’s because you’ve got something truly special in the works.”

  A week after he’d left Addilyn’s place, Kade turned up the television and tipped his beer back. They were taking some time before they started recording. His songs were flawless, but the ones that she was working on still had a couple of hitches that they were trying to smooth out.

  Still, he had to admit that she was talented. She just didn’t have the kind of practice that he did, but soon she wouldn’t even need help. Peter Homes was an idiot. He should have given her this chance years ago.

  Working next to her was one of the hardest things that he’d ever done. Her scent was intoxicating, and even when she hid behind her beloved t-shirts and sweatshirts, she still couldn’t hide the curve of her hips and breasts. More than a couple times, he’d missed a chord because he was too busy imagining how she’d feel his arms.

  How she’d taste on his lips.

  She’d had a meeting with Peter a week ago, and he took that opportunity to leave the city. There was nothing more they needed to do together except work out the kinks in the recording studio, but first, she needed Peter’s approval. Normally he met with the producers, but he’d reached his limit. If he spent one more second with Addilyn Wheeler, he’d have her naked and bucking under him.

  He knew that it pissed her off even more that he’d ignored her phone calls, but this was supposed to be a break, and God knew that he needed it.

  “And now you’re writing your own songs. How is that?”

  Addilyn grinned. “Exhilarating. One of the most amazing things about this industry is that artists can test their limits of creativity, and this opportunity has been amazing. I’ve had a little help from songwriter Kade Hardy, but I’m so excited to share with the world songs that coming from my heart and soul.”

  Kade practically choked on the beer. Did she really just say what he thought she said? Immediately, he reached for the phone. “Christopher,” he growled. “Did you just see this fucking interview?”

  “Kade, take a breath,” his friend warned. “Yes, I saw it. I spoke to Homes yesterday, and he’s thrilled with what you guys have come up with. She’s not trying to keep you from getting paid.”

  “Some of those songs are my best work,” Kade snapped. “I’ll be damned if Peter pays me to keep quiet.”

  Before Christopher could say anything, his doorbell rang. Going to the window, he opened the curtains and peered out. “Never mind. The pop princess is here. I’ll ask her myself.”

  “Kade, don’t do anything—“

  Hanging up on his friend, he tossed the phone on the couch. He was seething with anger. He did expect Addilyn to be the credit hogging type, but it wouldn’t the first time he’d underestimated the greed of a singer.

  Kade threw open the door and glared at her. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he hissed. He turned to make sure Cadence wasn’t around, but then remembered the girl was upstairs studying for a test.

  "It's nice to see you too," she said coolly. Without waiting for an invitation, she brushed past him. "I can see that you're a little upset."

  "A little upset?" His eyes glittered with anger as he whirled around and stalked her. "I just saw your interview. You just told millions of viewers that I provided a little help on your new album. A little help?"

  "If you had answered any of my phone calls, this wouldn't have taken you by surprise. Peter Homes didn't even want to put my name on the lyric credits. I only did this so I could show people that I'm more than a pretty face, and there isn't a chance in hell that I'm going to give all the credit to you. I worked just as hard as you did!"

  Furious, he stalked to the bar and poured him a drink. Downing it one fluid motion, he slammed the glass down and glared at her. "I haven't gotten paid yet, Addilyn. Peter Homes can tear up my contract if you continue spouting that I didn't do my share of the work. Did you even think of that?"

  "Of course I thought of that!" She snatched the whiskey bottle from him and poured her own glass. Without breaking eye-contact, she tipped it back. Something primal shot through him when she moved the glass and the bottle out of reach and stepped closer to him. "I didn't do this to screw you, Kade. I spoke to Peter before the interview, and he's not going to let it affect your payment."

  Her body pressed against him, and he narrowed his eyes. "What are you doing, Addilyn," he whispered. "What are you doing here?"

  "I want to know why you're treating me like this," she murmured. "I want to know why you're so hot and cold."

  It took every ounce of control to step away from her. "I've just been working, Addilyn. Just because we have a few songs done doesn't mean we're done. Your producer wants an album, and I just get more work done when you're not around." When she stiffened, he knew he'd made a mistake. Raking his hand through his hair in frustration, he grabbed her and pulled her close. "You're too distracting, Addilyn. You make me want to do things that I know is not a good idea."

  She opened her mouth to speak, and Kade lost it. Lowering his head, he captured her sexy little mouth and drowned out whatever it was that she was going to say. A low moan escaped her throat, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body closer to him.

  Circling her waist with his hand, he turned them and trapped her against the counter. She tasted every bit as sweet as he'd dreamed, and the more he deepened the kiss, the more he wanted. Growling, he slipped his hands under her shirt to caress her silky skin.

  "Kade," she moaned, and he broke the kiss and tilted her chin so he could stare at her.

  One kiss and he was ready to strip her naked. Never had a woman affected him as much as her.

  It was dangerous, but God knows he wanted more.

  "Fuck it,
" he muttered and dipped his head again for another dizzying taste of the woman who could very well ruin everything for him.

  Chapter 7

  Addilyn told Gia that she needed a little something wild in her life, and that kiss with Kade was a damn good start. Her toes continued to curl as she thought about the heat of his body pressed against hers and his mouth assaulted all her senses.

  She’d melted against him and was ready to give him everything, but he’d stepped away and shattered all her fantasies.

  Go home, Addilyn.

  That was it. No attempts to get her naked, and no explanation for why he was turning her out. He told her to go home, kissed her again as though he desperately wanted her to stay, and walked away.

  She’d wondered if it was because of his daughter, the eleven-year-old he claimed to be raising alone. Or perhaps the housekeeper he’d mentioned. Maybe that was all it was, and she was ready to test that theory.

  Today, she’d dressed altogether differently than usual. The green dress cut low across her cleavage and stopped high on her thighs. When she walked into Peter’s recording studio, his eyes practically bulged out of his head, but he didn’t say anything. She offered no explanation. He didn’t need to know that she’d dressed a little more daring because this was the first time she’d seen Kade since his heart-stopping kiss.

  She had seduction on her mind, and she couldn’t wait to test the strength of Kade’s control.

  “Addilyn,” Peter said quietly He cleared his throat and nervously fiddled with the buttons on the control board. “I know that things have been strained between us for the past couple of months.”

  She shot him a steely look. “You threatened to drop me if I didn’t move to the country.”

  “But look at how excited you are!”

  “I’m excited because I finally get to sing my own songs,” she said coldly. “We could have gotten here years ago if you’d just listened to me.”


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