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Bullied by the Alpha (The Alpha Shifter Collection Book 9)

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “What?” he asked.

  She ran fingers through her hair and repeated herself.

  “Are you alone when you’re here?”


  “Then what happens?”

  “It always starts the same. An endless staircase. In my dream that goes on for hours, and you’re always there. You’re holding my wrist, and you’re pulling me down, but it’s not like that. You’re leading me.”

  “How do you feel in your dream?” he asked.

  His voice seemed to go deeper and had lost its anger.

  “I’m excited. It’s like I know what’s about to come.” Her cheeks heated at the possible reference there. Glancing around the room, she tried to look everywhere but at him. She didn’t feel comfortable with him in the room.

  “Then what happens?”

  “We always get to this door, and then you look happy, like I’ve passed some kind of test. You have the key in your hand, and you’re holding my wrist. I can’t wait, and you open the door. I wake up, the end. That has been my dream for a long time. I know this is your private room, but I had to know what was behind this door.”

  “And now?”

  “And now, it’s kind of interesting. Also a little weird that you’re leading me down to your dungeon room. Wonder if I oversalted your mashed potatoes or something.” She tried to make light of it, so he didn’t get offended that she had invaded his privacy.

  “You know what this room is.” He closed the door, and she noticed he put the key in the lock from this side, twisting it, locking them both in together.

  Heat flooded her body, and she couldn’t help the little thrill of excitement that rushed through her.

  Abel didn’t advance into the room. He leaned against the door, watching her, waiting.

  “I know. It’s like a Dominant and submissive room, right? Only you don’t have a lot of whips and stuff. I’ve seen the movie and that entire craze that swept through the world. You’re missing a lot of stuff.”

  “I wouldn’t describe myself as a Dominant.”

  “Then how would you describe yourself?”

  He stepped into the room and reached up, holding the cuffs. “I like to be in charge. I like my woman to submit to me.”

  She swallowed past the lump in her throat. “Is that why you’re not interested in any of the women of the pack? They couldn’t submit to you?”

  “I … my strength makes it hard for me to be with a woman. I like to give a certain level of pain, and I like complete control. I’m the one in charge. I give the orders, not the woman.”

  “If you like pain where are all the other things?”

  “I’m a wolf, Cassie. I have my hands, and my mouth. I don’t like anything impersonal when I’m down here. I like to have my fill of a woman, not feel her through some leather.”

  Her pussy was slick with arousal.

  Seeing his large hands and imagining them on her body was almost too much for her to even think about.

  “I’m sorry that I invaded your space.” She didn’t want to leave. With just the two of them inside the room, it felt intimate. She felt close to him.

  “It’s fine. I can understand your need if it all came to you in a dream.”

  She smiled and took a step toward him. “Have you ever brought a woman down here?”

  He shook his head. “No. Jessica knows about it because she went snooping when she first came here, but I’ve never brought a woman here.”

  Cassie heard the sadness in his voice. “Have you wanted to?”

  “This room is part of who I am. I will make sure any woman who thinks to claim me is shown this room. If they cannot handle me here, then I don’t want them by my side.”

  He moved out of the way, flicking the lock and opening the door.

  She stepped out of the room and made her way toward the stairs. When he closed the door, the echo made her jump and wince.

  Finally, she glanced back, and she felt this need, this compulsion to go back to the room, to make him open the door and share more of himself with her.

  Instead, she made her way back upstairs, leaving the gym as she did.

  A few of the pack were playing basketball, and she quickly moved out of their way, heading back to the kitchen. Only when she was inside her domain was she able to collapse against the door.

  Her heart was racing, warmth all over her body. His room intrigued her, and even though it was covered in mirrors, she felt a pull within her. When it came to Abel, she found herself drawn to wherever he was.

  It was why she went to do the laundry, or clean a room where he was. Her wolf and her own desires wouldn’t let her leave, and that scared her. She was acting against her own desires.

  Was it possible that her wolf wanted Abel?

  Pushing those fears aside, she got to work making dinner.


  Cassie was once again in the pool, and Abel stood back, watching her. She floated on her back, looking up at the sky through the glass he’d kept in place. He loved it when the moon was full and shining down on him.

  They’d been training today, and he wanted to come and see if she was okay. He’d made her attack him, to unleash the full force of her rage. He didn’t have a single bruise on him, but he saw a couple of hers that hadn’t healed just yet.

  His cock responded to the sight of her naked. She didn’t know he was there, or if she did, it didn’t show in the way she displayed herself.

  Her tits were so big, with large nipples that he just wanted to press together as he teased them with his tongue.

  She was a fuller woman, rounded in all the right places.

  Since he’d caught her in his private room, she’d been avoiding him, he knew. He rarely saw her around his home, and today was the first time he had to actually summon her to get her near him.

  Glancing down her body, he stared at the small patch of hair. Her thighs were closed as she floated along the water, which was a shame. He’d have loved to see her pretty, pink pussy.

  Stepping out from his secluded spot, he was done being a voyeur or a peeping tom.

  She gasped the moment she saw him, and quickly covered herself in the water.

  “You don’t have to hide from me,” he said.

  Abel didn’t even try to cover his arousal.

  “Keep your eyes on me,” he said.

  She didn’t look away as he peeled down his boxer briefs, uncovering his dick for her to see.

  Wrapping his fingers around the length, he pumped his hand up and down before releasing his dick.

  Climbing into the water, he prowled toward her.

  She didn’t try to escape, and he was rather impressed with her.

  Standing in front of her, he cupped her chin, and forced her to stand up and come toward him.

  He didn’t hurt her. There was no need to.

  Cassie followed his instruction as if it was something she had to do, and he fucking loved it, relished it even.

  Running his thumb across her bottom lip, he stared into her green eyes and waited.

  “I don’t want you avoiding me anymore,” he said.

  “I’m not.”

  “Are you going to lie to me?”

  She pressed her lips together, no sound coming out as he stared at her.

  Stroking a finger down her neck, he felt her pulse beating rapidly against him, and he smiled. “You liked my room?”


  “What did you like about it?”

  “I don’t know.”

  He raised a brow, waiting.

  “It was … different.”

  “You surprised me how calm you were looking around. Most women would run the other way.”

  “I’m not like most women.”

  “No, you’re not. You’re incredibly strong.”

  He’d felt the power she possessed and had wondered if fate had brought her to him as she was his mate. He wouldn’t know until the full moon, which was still over a week away.

  Abel d
idn’t know if he could wait that long to have her.

  His cock right now was so fucking hard.

  When Cassie reached out, placing a hand on his stomach, his wolf was fucking joyous, her touch calming him even as his arousal stayed the same. His need for her was building with every passing second.

  “I liked it. I … my dreams have been getting more intense.”

  “Do I still lead you to the room?”


  “What happens when I open that door?”

  “You’re there, locking us inside. No one will interrupt you when you’re in the zone. It’s become our own little safe haven.” Her cheeks were bright red.

  “What do I do to you?”

  “You know what you do,” she said. “You don’t need me to spell it out.”

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, he pulled her close at the same time, tilting her head back. There was a bite of pain in his touch, and she gasped. Her nipples were tight, pressing against his chest.

  They felt like fucking heaven, and he didn’t want to let her go.

  “What do I do?”

  “You fuck me, Abel. You make me watch, you take control. You don’t allow me to cover up or to hide. In that room, I’m yours, and you make sure I know it. If I don’t, then your hand is always there, spanking my ass, making me realize that I belong to you. That when I’m inside that room, I’m nothing but yours.”

  His cock pulsed.

  This was what he wanted as well.

  He fucking ached for her.

  Her lips looked so inviting that he couldn’t resist. Slamming his down on hers, he held her tight against him, taking away her choice as she kissed him back. At first, she didn’t respond, almost as if she was shocked that he’d decided to kiss her. He couldn’t not have her lips on him.

  As he slid his tongue across her mouth, she opened it, and he plunged inside, tasting her. His wolf was close to the surface, urging him to continue to keep on kissing her, to claim her, to fucking own every single inch of her.

  Cassie whimpered, and the hands on his chest moved up, circling his neck, holding him close.

  Running his hand down her back, he grabbed her ass, drawing her those last few inches closer to him. His cock pressed against her stomach. She didn’t even try to fight him, or to fight this as he held her.

  She was pure fire in his arms.

  Only the sound of someone clearing their throat had him stopping.

  It was Carl.

  He’d been one of the few of the pack not to leave. Their training was still going strong.

  Cassie pressed her face against his chest, and he felt her shaking.

  Stroking her hair, he stared at his friend, who was smiling, looking so happy.

  “What is it, Carl?” he asked.

  “There’s an alpha here, and he wants to see you.” Carl’s gaze landed on Cassie. “It’s Cassie’s old alpha. He calls himself David.”

  This brought Cassie’s head up, and she glanced over her shoulder to look at Carl. “What?”

  “He doesn’t want to see you, Cassie. He’s here to talk with Abel.”

  Abel nodded at him. “Thank you.”

  “No problem.”

  Carl left them, and Abel returned his gaze to Cassie.

  “I don’t know why he’s here. I swear.”

  “I believe you.” He pushed some hair off her shoulder. “If you want this to continue when I finish my meeting with this David, I’ll be going to my room, Cassie. If you’re there, then I will consider that your permission to explore this.”

  “And if I’m not?” she asked, biting her lip again.

  He pulled her lip from her mouth. “Then I know you want no more, and I won’t pursue this or you. You’ll be free to be part of my pack, and I will continue to train you. Nothing will change.”

  He’d just have to fight his interest in her.

  “I don’t want to hear an answer,” he said, pressing a finger to her lips. “I’ll be waiting, or I’ll be there.”

  He climbed out of the pool, pulling on his boxer briefs before grabbing a pair of pants. He’d have opted for a shirt, but he decided this asshole was on his land, uninvited.

  Making his way toward the office, he saw Jessica standing outside his door.

  “Do you want me to come in with you? Show strength within the pack?”

  “No, thank you.” He entered the room and was sure to close the door behind him.

  David looked … guilty.

  He also wasn’t alone, and Abel didn’t like that. There was a woman with red hair and green eyes, similar to Cassie. This had to be her mother.

  “I didn’t extend an invitation. You take a great risk coming here,” Abel said, folding his arms.

  “Yes, well, it was brought to our attention that Cassie was here.”

  He saw the woman was twisting her hands, looking nervous.

  His wolf went on high alert. They looked every part the troubled pack, but something told him they were far from it.

  “Cassie is now part of my pack, yes, and she’s been accepted by everyone here. She is well-liked, and her food is well-loved.”

  There was a slight twitch to their faces at the mention of food. He didn’t like this, not for a second.

  “Now tell me what you’re doing on my land without me having sent for you first?” Abel asked. This was his land, and here he was alpha.

  “We would like for Cassie to return to her pack.”

  His wolf growled, snarling. These people were not here to care for Cassie. They just wanted their victim back.

  “That will not happen.”

  “She’s part of her pack. You cannot keep her from us.”

  “She is not part of your pack after you rejected her. Her place with us is already secured. You have nothing to worry about. She won’t be going feral anytime soon.”

  “Cassie’s different,” David said. “She needs guidance that only a pack can provide.”

  “You mean her strength scared the shit out of you, and now you’re worried after the years of abuse that she’ll turn her strength and that of my pack against you?”

  There it was.

  The flash of fear.

  The truth comes to light.

  “You don’t know what you’re dealing with!”

  “I know very well. You’re a monster, and you.” He made sure to glare at her mother. “Cassie is a beautiful woman, and you made her feel gross and ugly. You abused her for years. You made her so afraid of her own strength that she kept it locked up for a long time.”

  “No, Cassie was never strong,” her mother said.

  “Cassie’s strength was there when she was eighteen. For a long time, you’d been living with a ticking time bomb. Constantly poking, prodding, hurting her. It was only a matter of time before she snapped, and snap she did.” Abel smiled. “It must have been a terrifying sight for all of you to see your victim finally be the victor.”

  “This is outrageous. Her lies against my pack—”

  “You insult me by coming onto my land and making demands. You insult me for saying one of my pack is a liar, but your lies also shame yourself. I can smell your fear. Get the fuck off my land, and do it quietly. You so much as come near me again, I will bring all the force and the strength of a thousand Cassies knocking at your door.” He stepped up to David, staring into the other alpha’s eyes. He didn’t see any leadership within him. This man was weak. “And I’m not some man you can push around. Test my threat. See how far that gets you.”

  Chapter Six

  Cassie paced the room before taking a seat on the edge of the bed. She didn’t know why her old pack alpha was there. He’d looked rather smug the last time she saw him as he stripped away her pack rights. Casting her out had been a pleasure for him. After years of humiliating her, abusing her, hurting her, he’d finally gotten the last laugh as he pointed to the door, and she’d been rejected by the pack.

  A pack she had only wanted love and acceptance from.
  Her hands shook as she waited for Abel to arrive.

  She ran her fingers through her hair repeatedly.

  Suddenly the door opened, and she looked up to see Abel standing in the doorway. He held the key in his hand. He closed the door, and she watched as he locked it.

  Standing up, she stared at him, waiting, unsure.

  “What did he want?”

  “I met your pack alpha and your mother.”

  “My mother was here?”


  “What did they want?”

  “They wanted you back, Cassie.”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “Don’t worry. You’re not going anywhere.” He leaned against the door. “They’re afraid of you.”


  “Yes. You see, they clearly see that with your power and how strong you are, it makes them weak. All those years that they hurt you, now they’re worried you’ll turn on them.”

  She sat back down on the bed. “So, they only wanted to come for me, probably to kill me.”

  “Are you sad?” he asked.

  “No. I don’t want to go back to them. Leaving was the best thing that has happened to me. I’ve only been gone a few weeks, but it already feels like a lifetime. I’ve been happier here than I have in twenty-three years of being with them.”

  “Cassie, I won’t ever let you go back to them. I will fight by your side, and if they try to hurt our pack, I will eliminate them.”

  “You think they’re going to attack your pack?”

  “I always prepare for everything. I have sent out an alert that I want the pack back home within twenty-four hours. I will update everyone on what has happened and make sure everyone is safe.”

  “You’re a good alpha.”

  “Right now I don’t feel like one.”


  “Because I couldn’t give a shit about anything other than seeing you strip.” He stepped away from the door and moved closer to her. “Stand up.”

  She did without second-guessing herself. Her nipples felt hard as his gaze moved down her body. She’d pulled on a pair of jeans and a large shirt. It was what she always wore.

  “I hate your clothes,” he said. “I’m going to buy you a whole new wardrobe and then I want you to wear what I leave out for you to please me.”


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