Bullied by the Alpha (The Alpha Shifter Collection Book 9)

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Bullied by the Alpha (The Alpha Shifter Collection Book 9) Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  Entering his room, she was struck by the scent of him, purely male, all pack. With her hand on the door handle, she forced herself to close it behind her.

  Making her way toward the bedroom, she saw her stuff on the bed, and a note on top. Picking up the note, she found her clothes completely torn apart.

  “They’re ugly,” Abel said, making her jump as she spun to see him waiting in the room.

  “What the hell? I thought you had an important meeting?”

  “I did. I asked Carl to make that excuse so I could be here before you arrived.”

  She pressed a hand to her heart and glared at him. “That wasn’t funny.” She held up a handful of her torn clothing and glared at him. “These are my only clothes.”

  “That’s why the computer is set up there. We can look together.”

  “You’re not buying me new clothes.”

  “You don’t have a choice.”

  She folded her arms as he swept her clothes into the trash. “Why do this? Why bring them here if you were going to tear them up as if they mean nothing?”

  “They do mean nothing, Cassie. You deserve better than this.” He moved up toward her and gripped her ass. “As my woman, I want to dress you in clothes that I like to see.”

  “I pick my own clothes.”

  “Did you pick any of them?” he asked. “Don’t lie to me either. Your pack was filled with vile nastiness that was constantly spewed your way. You deserve better than what they offered you.”

  She rubbed at her temples. “I can’t deal with this.”

  He kissed her head. “You’ll handle it.”

  She hadn’t picked any of the clothes that he’d ruined. They were the items that had been thrown at her as if she was nothing but trash. She’d used them because she didn’t have any money of her own.

  Abel took her hand and pulled her into his lap as he sat down at the computer. She saw a clothing website on the screen, and as he scrolled through, her stubbornness was hard to keep up.

  Pointing out some shirts, jeans, skirts, and dresses, she growled as Abel put in a few items he liked for her to wear as well. All the time she looked, his hand stayed on her thigh, a constant brand on her mind as he touched her. She liked his touch way too much.

  They hadn’t even had sex yet, and she found herself drawn to him, imagining him.

  Once he finished and clicked on the checkout button, she watched him put in his details before sending the order.

  “That wasn’t so hard, was it?” he asked.

  “I don’t like you spending money on me.” She turned her head to look at him.

  “I like spending money on you, and you’re going to have to get used to it.”

  His hand kept on stroking, moving up and down her thigh.

  All thought fled her mind as she looked at him. “Do you do this all the time?”


  “Manipulate people to get what you want?”

  “I’m not manipulating you, baby. I’m just guiding you and you know what’s good for you.”

  “I’m not so sure right now.”

  He chuckled. “You’ll see that I’ve only got your best interests at heart.”

  His lips were so close to hers, and as they touched her wolf pressed against her, forcing her to wrap her arms around his neck.

  One second, she sat on his knee, holding him. The next, she straddled his lap, pressing her pussy against him even with the jeans between them.

  He gripped her ass, holding her tightly.

  “Your wolf likes me a lot, and I think I can get what I want out of her.”

  “Shut up,” she said, kissing down his neck and sucking on his pulse.


  The thought was so shocking that it made her stomach flutter. Her tongue flicked across his neck. The urge to bite him was strong, to mark him so that every single woman in this pack knew that he’d been claimed.

  Abel wrapped her hair around his fist, pulling her head back.

  “Are you ready to make that claim yet?” he asked. “To make every single woman in this pack jealous?”

  She shook her head. “No. I don’t know what’s happening to me.” Her body was on fire, her need for him so strong that it shook her to the core. Swallowing down the lump that was in her throat, she cried out as he leaned forward, sucking on her neck.

  “I have no problem doing it. I want every single man to see that you’re mine. That your pussy belongs to me.” He nibbled on her neck, sucking and biting as he did. Her tits felt heavy, and he lifted her up, carrying her over to his bed.

  He dropped her down, and she bounced a little.

  “Once you’re mine, Cassie, there’s no going back, not even for a second.”

  She didn’t want to go back. As he pulled her jeans from her body once more, she knew without a doubt that this was the only place she wanted to be.


  Removing his own clothes, Abel watched Cassie’s reaction. He knew she wasn’t ready to make that claim on him. Her fear and guilt weighed down on her. He just needed to push that aside, so that he could have her all to himself.

  “Please,” she said.

  He ran his hands up her thighs, not touching her pussy. Up and down he went, taking his glorious time in touching her. He loved to make her wait.

  “What is it you want?” he asked.

  “I want you.”

  “You want me?”

  “Yes. Please, I need you.”

  “You want me to touch you?”


  “Where do you want me to touch you?” he asked.

  “All over. Please, I need it.”

  “You want my touch all over your body.” He passed her pussy, stroking over her stomach, then going to her tits. They really were great tits.

  “Please, I need you.”


  She gritted her teeth, but this was a battle of wills at which he was an expert and a master. He knew what she wanted and craved, but he wouldn’t do anything until she asked, or better yet, begged.

  “Please, Abel.”

  “Tell me what you want.”

  She whimpered.

  “It’s just you and me here. Tell me what you want, baby.”

  “I want you, please, I want you so much.”

  “Where?” Again, he missed her pussy, and he watched her hands clench.

  “I want you on my pussy please, Abel. I need you.”

  He placed his hand against her cunt, feeling how wet and soaked she already was. Sliding a finger between her slit, he plunged inside her pussy, her tight walls gripping him. Drawing his finger back, he circled her clit, stroking over that tight bundle of nerves.

  “Oh, fuck!”

  “That’s right, baby. Let me hear you moan.” Her pussy thrust against his hand, and he smiled as she continued to wriggle on his fingers, taking what she wanted. He fucking loved the sight of her as she took his fingers.

  In fact, there was nothing better than watching her take him, and soon, she’d be taking his cock.

  Sliding in and out of her, he continued to fuck her harder, making her take more of his fingers until she had three inside her.

  She was so slick that he knew she wouldn’t have a problem taking his dick.

  Moving her up the bed so that her head was against the pillows, he climbed on, his cock already dripping pre-cum. He’d never been so excited to have a woman in his bed, not that any woman had ever graced the sheets that Cassie now lay on. This was all her, and there was no way he’d ever have another woman on his bed.

  Cassie’s scent was fucking perfect. He’d never be able to have anyone else.

  “I want you to tell me if this is too much for you. If you can’t handle what I’m about to do.”


  She looked so trusting, so willing, that it was screwing with his head. He put the tip of his cock at her entrance and slid in, taking it an inch at a time as she stretched around his shaft.

ssie’s gasp echoed around the room, and as he had a couple of inches already inside her, he grabbed the headboard, held on, and slammed to the hilt within her. Her legs wrapped around him as her pleasured scream filled the air.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “That feels amazing. Don’t stop.”

  Pulling out of her, he began small thrusts, making her take his cock. He was cautious as he fucked her. He wasn’t a small man, and he didn’t want to hurt her.

  Her hands went to his ass, her nails sinking into his flesh. He loved that bite of pain as she demanded he fill her.

  “Fuck me, Abel. I’m not made of glass. I won’t break.”

  He didn’t want to hurt her, not at all, but seeing the lust in her eyes, the craving that was there, he understood it. There was no way he could hold back anymore.

  Moving his legs so that he was at the perfect angle, he drove inside her, giving her the full force of his cock. She cried out, meeting him halfway, and he kept on fucking her, listening to her cries of pleasure as he took her hard. The bed slammed against the wall with the force of his thrusts, but he didn’t care. The only thing he wanted or needed was to feel Cassie wrapped around his dick, her cunt tightening around his shaft as she was close to coming.

  Without his instruction, she reached between their bodies and began to tease her clit, sliding her fingers over the tight bundle of nerves. Each time she stroked her nub, her cunt tightened around him, sending the pleasure into something deeper. He couldn’t contain his pleasure, nor did he want to. He came with a growl, forcing every single inch of his cock within her, and she didn’t complain, her moans of release echoing around the room, mingling with his own.

  Collapsing against her, he sank his fingers into her hair, holding her close. She was the first woman to take him without complaint, and he felt like he was in some surreal world. Never had he gotten so much enjoyment from his pleasure.

  Pulling back just a little, he stared into her eyes, waiting.

  She smiled at him. “That was much better than my first time.”

  His wolf growled. “I don’t want to hear about any other man that you’ve been with.”

  “Your wolf not liking that?” She stroked his arm.

  “You feel him?”

  “You’re the alpha, Abel. Shouldn’t I be able to feel him?”

  He’d know that his pack felt him, especially his moods, but he’d never had a woman be so content near him.

  “I don’t want to hear about any of your women either. I don’t like it.” She wrinkled her nose.

  “There is no other woman, Cassie, only you.”

  He stayed within her, not wanting to leave the pleasure of her pussy. He moved to the side with her legs over his so that they were connected. Resting his head on his hand, he smiled at her.


  “I don’t know. I like you,” he said.

  She chuckled. “I feel weird. Strange.”

  “It’s the sex.”

  “It was so good,” she said, dropping her face into her hands. “Wow, I feel so silly.”

  Reaching out, he tucked some of her red hair behind her ears. She rested her face against his palm as he did.

  His stomach clenched as he watched her. Something gripped him as he stared at her.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked. “You look a little afraid.”

  “Nah, I’m fine. I’ve got nothing to worry about.”

  She cupped his cheek.

  Her touch once again did weird things to him.

  “What happens now?” she asked.

  “You keep asking that. You live here. I won’t be keeping our relationship a secret, Cassie. I know you feel nervous and guilty, but I don’t give a fuck. This is how I want it to be with us. No holdbacks from this.”

  “Okay. I couldn’t mark you though. It would feel like I was rubbing their faces in it.”

  “One day you’re going to have to, otherwise they will try to fight you for me. It may not even be intentional. I won’t be there to stop every single fight, Cassie.” He stroked a finger down her neck, going over her arm.

  “I don’t want to hurt anyone.”

  “Then you will have to mark me as yours. It’ll be a sure way to make sure none of the women see it as a personal challenge to them to take me.” Not that he’d want that. As far as he was concerned, Cassie was his mate, and there’s no way she’d ever be replaced, not by him, or by anyone else.

  “When you’re training, and you’re helping others, how do you keep control of your strength? How do you stop yourself from hurting them?” she asked.

  He knew she feared her strength. “You learn to hold back. You’re the one in control, Cassie, no one else.”

  “I don’t know. Sometimes when I get angry it’s like the wolf takes over.”

  “She does. I’ve seen her, and she does it to keep you safe. You’ve not embraced her. You’re too scared, and you need to learn to fight that part of you, to embrace her. I can help you, train you, teach you.”

  “Will you be mean to me?” she asked, biting her lip.

  He chuckled. “I won’t comment on your food and if it’s oversalted or not.” He cupped her face and kissed her lips. “But it’s important that you learn a certain level of control. Especially as you’re always around the pack, and if they say something to piss you off, you want to be able to handle it.”

  “Then train me. Teach me.”

  “All right. I can do that.” He would do that. She was his mate, and he wanted her by his side with the pack.

  Chapter Eight

  It was too cold, but that didn’t stop Abel from ordering her into the water. Cassie wore a pair of running shorts and one of his shirts, and they’d started a trek into the forest at the back of his home. She knew from experience that most packs were based near a forest or woods, or some open land of some kind. They needed the earth, the freedom to roam, and to not feel completely locked up by the restraints of the city.

  “How are you liking it?” he asked.

  “It’s cold.”

  “Oh, come on, Cassie, you’re a wolf. You can’t feel the cold.”

  “If you’re so smart, come on in and join me,” she said. She didn’t know why she’d agreed for him to help her deal with her anger problems. Right now, he was the main source of her anger, and it pissed her off that he was making her do this.


  She had thought he’d complain about being in the cold.

  He stepped right in front of her, arms folded, looking calm, collected. “What’s the problem?”

  “You can’t feel that?”

  “It’s cold, Cassie. Get over it. Stop obsessing on that. Focus.”

  She wrapped her arms around herself, and he reached out, taking her arms and keeping them outstretched. She was too cold.

  “I’m freezing.”

  “I know, but you won’t die from the cold. Our wolves run hotter. You can handle a certain level of pain and, of course, fear. Close your eyes.”

  “I could be pulled under. I can’t close my eyes,” she said.

  “You’re a strong wolf, Cassie. You’ve got this. The current isn’t even affecting you. Trust me.”

  Gritting her teeth, she stared at him, seeing that he had indeed closed his eyes.

  She didn’t like being open or exposed to the raging current, but close her eyes she did. At first it felt way too dark and scary. All she could hear was the rushing of the water, and that scared her.

  “You’re the one in total control. No one can take you away. You’re strong, Cassie. Feel that strength, feel that wolf.”

  With her eyes closed, and the water rushing around her, she heard the sounds of the forest around them. The rustling of trees, the insects in the earth, the fish beneath her.

  “You can feel it?”

  She felt so calm, so composed, and then she sensed it. Without opening her eyes, she caught Abel’s wrist as it was about to push her down.

  Opening her eyes,
she stared into his blue ones, and didn’t panic. She held his wrist, feeling his strength and how calm and controlled he was.

  He pulled his hand away and smiled at her. “See, it’s not hard to do.”

  He stepped away from the water, and this time, she reluctantly followed. She didn’t want to leave the water, but she followed him to where he had a towel waiting for her.

  “How did you know what to do and how to do it?” she asked.

  “My dad.”

  “He taught you?”

  “Yes. After we left the pack, he didn’t have much of a choice but to teach me how to control myself. The rage that simmered beneath the surface.”

  “Did you want to leave your pack?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “No. The alpha was a damn good one. For a long time, I couldn’t bow down to him or submit. Even as a child it was something I couldn’t do. He could have demanded my removal then. He didn’t. He allowed me to stay, even though I continued to disrespect him. Of course, I made it known that I meant no disrespect. In fact, I greatly admired him. I just couldn’t submit to him. As I got older, he knew what I was, and still, he allowed me to grow in his pack until I was of an age that it was too dangerous. I knew he was upset about losing me and my family, and he even offered his hope that I find a pack of my own.”

  She sat down beside the lake. It was still cold out, but she wasn’t ready to head back home.

  Jessica avoided her today, as did most of the women who would visit the kitchen.

  “He sounds nice.”

  “He sent his condolences when my parents passed.”

  “He’s still alpha?”

  “No, he passed that to his son when he proved himself. We’re still in touch, but we don’t see a lot of each other.”

  At the mention of his parents, she saw a sadness there. “You miss them?”

  “Yes. They … sacrificed their pack to save me. My father loved his alpha and would do anything for him. My mother was the same, and I couldn’t believe that they chose me. Mom would always laugh and say that I may not have been her alpha, but I was her son, and she wouldn’t have anything bad happen to me. That the moment she gave birth to me, she made a vow to protect me always.”


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