Bullied by the Alpha (The Alpha Shifter Collection Book 9)

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Bullied by the Alpha (The Alpha Shifter Collection Book 9) Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  Biting her lip, she whimpered, needing more.

  Abel wouldn’t leave her clit alone. His strokes were persistent, the feel of his cock inside her almost too much for her as she came hard.

  His name left her lips on a gasp, and when she opened her eyes she saw his smile before his grip returned to her hips.

  He didn’t let up as he pounded away inside her, the bench holding firm as he took what he wanted. Even as he thrust forward, filling her full to the brim with his cock, he slammed her back against him.

  They fucked hard, and he was so deep within her she was sure she felt him to her womb.

  “So fucking tight, mine, so good. You own me, Cassie, fucking own me.”

  Over and over he took her, branding her in ways that only he could. When his orgasm hit, she gasped at the power of his pulses as he came, flooding her pussy with his release.

  He didn’t release her once he finished. He stayed perfectly still, his cock deep within her.

  “I don’t know what it is that you do to me, baby. You make me lose complete control.”

  She panted for breath and looked behind her. “I’ve never done any of this before. With you, it feels natural.”

  His fingers teased across the base of her back.

  His gaze moved from hers down to where he touched her. One of his hands went between where they were joined, and his thumb stroked over the puckered hole of her anus. She tensed up, and he tutted.

  “Relax, Cassie. I won’t do anything to hurt you. That I can promise you.”

  She forced herself to relax as he teased her asshole. He pressed just the tip of his thumb inside, and she moaned at the instant burn.

  “One day I will fuck this ass, baby. I’m going to want everything.”

  “I know.”

  One day soon, she knew she’d give him everything. There was no doubt about it. Abel had taken her over completely. In such a short time she’d found a happiness that surprised and delighted her.

  She only hoped it wasn’t taken from her.

  Cassie was determined to do whatever she could to protect the pack she’d come to love, even if it meant giving her own life.


  “Do you think they’ll attack tonight?” Richard asked.

  Abel stood outside in the cold, looking up at the area that had been broken into. The metal that he’d bound around each fence was still holding and showed no signs of any tampering. He went out personally and checked the perimeter. There were always people there with him though.

  Tonight was the full moon, and his pack liked to run. He’d not canceled the run as he didn’t want to allow the other pack to win this battle. He would never be afraid on his own fucking land, not now, not ever.

  “I don’t know. I doubt it.”

  “What do you think they want?” Richard asked.


  “What do you think they want with her?”

  Abel had several ideas, none of them good ones. “I think they want to kill her or use her as their weapon against other packs.”

  The pack was all aware of the maltreatment Cassie had gotten. They’d all shared the details of their expulsion or rejection from their packs.

  “You don’t think anyone is helping her from the inside, do you?”

  “No, I don’t.” He believed Cassie’s old pack were not to be trusted, but he believed in his people. They wouldn’t do this to him or to his mate, and that was exactly what Cassie was to him, his mate. “I believe they see us as weak seeing as we’re a pack that is made up of multiple packs,” he said.

  “They think we’re weak?” Richard asked.

  “Yes. They clearly don’t realize that when you become part of a new pack, that they are still your family.”

  Richard rubbed the back of his head. “I fucking hate this, man. Really do. They make me so damn angry. They didn’t want us, and they would rather risk us going fucking crazy than accept us. I hate it.”

  Abel placed a hand on Richard’s shoulder. “Calm down. Don’t allow your wolf to take charge.”

  “I’ll protect you and Cassie with my life.”

  “I have no doubt, and I am hoping it won’t come to that.”

  “Either way, I’m here for you, alpha.” Richard bowed his head, showing his submission and his respect.

  “Thank you.”

  “We all are,” Jessica said.

  His pack had made their way outside, and he smiled at all of them.

  “We follow you and you alone,” Carl said.

  He saw Cassie and urged her to come to him.

  She shook her head, looking nervous. He gave her a look, and she rolled her eyes but came toward him.

  Taking her hand when she was by his side, he smiled at her. Cupping her cheek, he allowed the pack to see what she meant to him.

  “I know Cassie has only been with us for a short time, and that some of you have your concerns. I want it to be clear, she is my mate, she will be my mate, and if you have any problems with me taking her, then you are to leave now. My pack will always be open, and you must accept who I have taken. That is all I require.”


  “No. I’m not going to hide this anymore. Cassie, I know it has been a short time, and that feelings can take a long time, but I’m not wrong about this. You’re my mate. You’re the woman that I want, and I will do everything in my power to make you mine. This pack is yours, I’m yours, and I will fight for you.” He slammed his lips down on hers, drawing her closer, not wanting to let her go. “You’re mine and have been from the first moment I saw you in the gym.”

  She smiled, and he saw her eyes filled with tears. “I want you too.”

  “This pack is yours, and they will all have you.”

  Stepping away from her, he changed into his wolf form, and as he did, so did his pack. He watched as Cassie did the same. Within the pack there was no fear, no control, just acceptance. Urging Cassie out toward the forest, he watched as she took off. His pack did the same, running, enjoying the full moon as they all howled up at it.

  Allowing his wolf to take over, he charged toward his woman, watching her as she went toward the clearing, going past the lake where they’d been training to go to the very edge of his land that overlooked the town where the humans lived.

  He rarely had any interactions with humans, preferring to stick to his pack.

  Abel watched as Cassie changed back into her human form, sat on the small hilltop, and stared out at the town.

  Making sure they were safe, he turned to human form and settled in behind her.

  “That was a little scary,” she said.

  “I know. I didn’t want you to keep on hiding.”

  “It’s not about hiding. What if this … fades? What if in a few weeks or even months you decide you’ve had enough and you don’t want me anymore?” she asked.

  He wrapped his arms around her, placing his chin on top of her head. Compared to him she was so small, delicate. He never broke her though. She took everything he gave her and didn’t back down.

  He had found his soul mate, and there was no doubt in his mind.

  “My mom told me many years ago that when you find your mate you know without a shadow of a doubt. When it comes to you, Cassie, I have no doubt. You call to me in so many ways. I can’t help these feelings, and you know what? I don’t want to. I don’t want to stop wanting you or thinking about you during the day. You’re my life, and I want to build a future with you, have a family. Kids.”

  He knew she wanted kids, and he’d been put off the idea until he saw how much she wanted them. She’d make an amazing mother, he just knew it.

  Placing his hand on her stomach, he felt so protective of her, wanting to make her life better.

  “Your pack is so wonderful, and you’re an amazing man, Abel. You know you are.” She sighed. “My old pack, they’re monsters, but I know what they’re like. I don’t want you or anyone else to be hurt because of me.”

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  “I could go back and then the threat is not there.”

  He quickly pulled her beneath him, locking her hands above her head, keeping her in place.


  “I don’t want you or anyone else that I care about to be hurt.”

  “And we won’t be. We’re a good pack, Cassie. It will take a hell of a lot to hurt us, I promise you.”

  She pouted, and he captured her lips with his.

  “Don’t argue with me.”

  “You’re all good people.”

  “And we’re together, and I’m not risking it. You leave, Cassie, I’m following. I’ll come and take you back. If they hurt you, I will not just stand around and let that happen. I will fight for you. I know you think you’re doing the right thing with this, but you’re not.” He moved between her thighs, resting his cock against her apex. They were both naked. “Give me a reason to chain you to my dungeon.”

  She chuckled. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

  “Yes. I’d have you at my mercy twenty-four hours a day. What’s not to love?”

  She tilted her head to the side and released another sigh. He saw the fear in her eyes, and his wolf wanted to hurt whoever put it there.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked.


  “Then trust that I will do everything in my power to keep you safe.”

  “Why haven’t they attacked, Abel? I’m scared for you and for our friends.”

  “I think they did it to draw me away from the house. I wouldn’t go alone. They expected me to go to them with my strongest men and women. While I was gone, they’d have attacked the house.”

  “You didn’t do what he expected?” she asked.

  “No. I never do what is expected, and I never leave my home to go and fight another man’s battle. David wants to take me on, he’ll do it on my turf, nowhere else.” He stared into her eyes, seeing the fear slowly begin to dissipate. “Now that we’ve cleared up that matter, I think it’s only fair that I mark you to show every other male that you’re taken.”

  “What about you?”

  “You can sink your teeth into me anytime you want. I’ve got no complaints.”

  He loved her giggle, and he also made a note to be sure to never leave her alone. Cassie’s fear could force her to make bad choices, and he didn’t intend to let that happen.

  Chapter Ten

  One week later

  Nothing had happened, and now it was driving Cassie crazy. Kicking out her leg, Jessica pushed it aside and charged at her. Grabbing the other woman, she pinned Jessica to the floor. Cassie smiled, and it was the wrong thing to do as the other woman took her arm, changing places, and had her in a chokehold on the floor.

  “Remember to never underestimate your opponent,” Jessica said.

  Cassie collapsed on her ass when Jessica let her go. Abel was busy with other pack business, and she’d taken to training every single day so that she could get accustomed to her strength and control it.

  Jessica was one of the strongest women within the pack and had offered to help her. At first, Cassie had been nervous. She didn’t want to hurt the other woman, but after a week of training, she saw she had nothing to fear.

  “Every time I think I’m learning I do something to fuck it up,” she said, chugging down some water that Jessica handed to her.

  “He got you good, didn’t he?” Jessica asked nodding at her neck.

  Cassie touched the bite mark that Abel had left on her neck during their hilltop claiming and rough sex mating. Just thinking about what they’d been doing made her blush. Like always, Abel won, not that she ever had any doubt. His skills were amazing, and he never got bested. She adored him.

  You don’t just adore him.

  Pushing those thoughts aside, she smiled at Jessica. “This isn’t weird for you? I know I’ve not been around all that long—”

  “At first I was pissed. No denying it. You had just come along and without any effort at all he was all over you, so I was a little jealous. Then when you see you both together, that is, like, crazy. I mean, seriously. You make me blush, and that’s saying something. You’re always touching or doing something. He’s got those eyes that scream he’s thinking about fucking you. I can’t be jealous. It goes to show that I thought he needed something.” Jessica shrugged. “No big deal. I will find my mate. I know it.”

  “It’s … surreal at times. One moment he was pushing me, saying all that mean stuff about my food, and everything I did. I thought he hated me.”

  “We had never seen him act like that before. It should have been the first clue, really.”

  “First clue about what?”

  “That he actually liked you. Your food is the bomb, no doubt about that. We all love good food, and we’d just been getting by for so long. Then you came along and he complained about everything while also sneaking your food as well. The reason your cookies are always disappearing, check his office. He’s got a cookie barrel with them in it.”

  “Really?” Cassie burst out laughing. “I had no idea.”

  “It’s why they’re always missing.” Jessica sat down on the mat. “Do you think your old pack will attack?”

  “I don’t know. I thought they would have done it by now. I don’t have a clue what they’re waiting for.”

  “They’re assholes, Cassie. I wouldn’t worry about it. We’ll be ready for them.” Jessica stretched out, and Cassie lay down on the gym floor, staring up at the ceiling. Everything always seemed so big around her.

  “Are you two lazing around instead of working?” Abel asked.

  She sat up as Jessica stayed on the mats.

  “We’ve been working out. We’re just taking some time to bask in all that we’ve accomplished. What’s the update, alpha?”

  Abel smiled at her. “The fences are still intact. No sign of anyone trying to trespass on my land.”

  “You know, I wonder if they’re waiting for us all to leave or for Cassie to be alone long enough for them to take her away from us?” Jessica asked, rolling over and sitting up. “The full moon would have been a total disaster. We’re all together, and unless the old alpha had his entire pack at his back, they wouldn’t have been able to take us.”

  “I think he’s waiting for an opportunity where she’s alone,” Abel said.

  “No problem with that. I’m never alone.”

  Jessica glanced down at her watchless wrist. “Look at the time. I totally need to go out and feed the dogs.”

  “I already know you have to keep an eye on me,” Cassie said.

  “Love you, but I’ve got to go.”

  Jessica walked out of the gym, leaving Cassie alone with Abel. She noticed that the gym was in fact empty.

  “You know how to clear a room.”

  “I may have signaled for people to leave so I can have a few moments alone with my very beautiful mate.”

  “Very beautiful mate? That doesn’t seem right.” He leaned, biting her shoulder. “Hey, no biting,” she said. “Look what you did to my neck. It looks like I’ve been savaged by a wild beast.”

  “You have been savaged by a wild beast. Every single man will know that your ass is owned.” He pressed her down to the mats, and she wrapped her arms around him, giggling. “Do you like that, baby? Do you like the idea of being completely owned?”

  “Yes. I do.”

  He pressed his hand against her pussy, and she moaned. Spreading her thighs wide, she reached down to stroke his cock, which was already rock-hard.

  “Have you been thinking about me?”

  “All fucking day.”

  He slammed his lips against hers, plunging his tongue inside. Sliding her hand into his shorts, she cupped his dick, working up and down the length as he began to stroke her through her shorts.

  Suddenly he lifted her up, and they were against the wall, her chest pressing against it. He grabbed her hands, lifting them over her head and locking them in place. He put his other hand betwee
n her thighs and stroked her.

  “These damn shorts are in my way. They’re always in my way.”

  He tore them from her body, and she growled.

  “I’m running out of clothes. You keep ruining them.”

  “When will you take the hint that I like you naked?”

  “You don’t want me running around the house though. You’d have something to say about that.”

  She gasped as he slapped her pussy, moaning immediately after as he pressed two fingers inside her.

  Cassie didn’t have to wait long before he pulled his own shorts down, and his cock filled her, driving in deep. There were no mirrors so she didn’t get to watch him, but she wanted to, craved it even.

  Abel held her against the wall as he fucked her hard, going in deep. They’d been together this morning, but it felt like a lifetime. His warmth consumed her, the bite on her neck making her aware of his claim, feeling every single part of him as he set her on fire for more.

  “You drive me so fucking wild, Cassie. I want you every second of every day.”

  “Please, don’t stop. Don’t stop.”

  Over and over he slammed inside her, his hand teasing her clit until she came. The sounds of their raw fucking echoed around the gym.

  Abel fucked her hard, thrusting in deep with a growl spilling from his lips. His cum pulsing deep inside her set off another orgasm within her. She collapsed against him, and Abel held her up. If he’d not been there, she’d have fallen to the floor.

  “I don’t think we’re going to have anything to worry about when it comes to our need for each other. I can’t get enough of you.” He kissed her neck.

  “I’ve got to go and cook food.”

  “What are we having tonight?”

  “Jerk chicken. It’s going to be hot and spicy.”

  “I can’t wait.” He kissed her neck, and still made no move to leave her alone. “I want you in the dungeon tonight.”

  She chuckled. “I’ll be there, but we’ll have a riot on our hands if I don’t cook first.”

  He whimpered, kissing her neck one final time before pulling out of her pussy. She felt the spill of his release as it fell down her inner thighs.


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