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Castaways Page 3

by Lily Harlem

  Harry moved his attention from her and stepped up to the twins.

  A sudden wave of tiredness washed over Olivia. The long flight and the excitement, combined with a quickly downed glass of bubbly meant she was beat. “I’m going to slip away,” she said to Evan. “Don’t think I can spend a night partying when we’ve got such a big day tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, and from what I hear, our captain does like to party.” He nodded at Harry, who’d thrown his head back and was laughing at something Mason had said.

  “Mmm…” She set down her glass. “Goodnight, Evan.”

  “Get a good rest, Olivia.” His smile was warm and she had the sensation of having known Evan for more than just a few minutes. She got the feeling with him what you saw was what you got. He didn’t fluff things up or pretend to be anything other than what he was. And she liked that, a lot.

  Chapter Four

  The day dawned bright and sunny the way Olivia guessed it usually did in Los Angeles. She jumped from the bed—much the way she imagined Raul would, given his springy energy—then dashed through the shower. She dressed in blue cotton shorts and The Challenge t-shirt which had been on her dresser when she’d arrived back in her room the evening before.

  Breakfast arrived as she was gathering her things together, and she was grateful for the tea, croissants and fresh fruit.

  After hoisting her holdall up onto her shoulder, and hoping she had everything she needed for the journey of her life, she headed to reception.

  As she stood at the desk, waiting to check out, Mason and Lucas wandered over. They too were dressed in shorts and The Challenge t-shirts. “Morning,” Mason said.

  “Hi.” She smiled at him. “Morning, Lucas.”

  He nodded and his lips twitched as if holding in a smile. He then looked away.

  Is he mute? Is he shy?

  She wasn’t sure which but was sure she’d find out. Living in such close quarters, it would be impossible not to find out everything there was to know about the other members of the crew.

  “The guys are over by Temptress. We hung around to wait for you,” Mason said.

  “Oh no. Am I late?” She glanced at the huge silver clock on the wall. It was only eight-thirty.

  “No, no.” Mason shook his head. “Not at all. I guess they’re just keen.”

  “So am I.” She frowned. This wasn’t a good start.

  “Hey, hen.” Mason held up his palms. “You didn’t arrive until yesterday. No stress. We understand jet lag.”


  “It’s fine. We’ve got the boat all sorted.”

  She slid her key to the receptionist and held back a frown. She didn’t want it to be sorted for her. She could look after herself. She could pull her weight on Temptress. She wasn’t a damsel in distress and if Mason or any of the other guys treated her that way, they’d soon be put in their place.

  “You want me to carry that?” Mason asked, gesturing to her holdall.

  “No. I can do it.” Her tone had been harsher than she’d intended and she saw him flinch, just a micro-expression, before his smile came back. Instantly she felt bad. She had to get on with these guys. It was the only way this would work. “Sorry,” she said. “Guess I’m a bit anxious about there being photographers.”

  “Yeah, I know what you mean. Lucas and I aren’t fans of attention. We just want to sail.”

  “Where do you sail in Scotland?”

  “We go west coast mainly. Got a family house in Dunoon. When we’re not working, that’s where we are.”

  “What are your jobs?” She looked at Lucas, wondering if he’d answer.

  “I’m an electrician, Lucas is a plumber,” Mason said. “But work is flexible, we’ve got our own businesses, so we get out on our boat a lot.”

  “Cool.” She nodded as they headed out of Reception.

  Lucas grabbed the door, before the porter did. He held it open with a slight smile as he gestured for Olivia to go through first.

  Perhaps he’s just super shy?

  The outside air temperature was scorching. Olivia hadn’t realized how much she’d been relying on the air conditioning. It was hard to even pull in a breath. The air seemed to scorch her throat. “Phew!”

  “Will be good to hit the sea breeze, eh,” Mason said, touching his brow.


  They made their way across the road, then strolled down the harbor front. It was lined with yachts and motorboats, all of which were top spec. The amount of money floating on the water was obscene. Hell, she could almost smell it; sweet and thick, sultry and seductive.

  Sweat pricked at her temples and cleavage as they made their way to the pier and she was glad of the slight movement of the air that floated off the water.

  “Look, there’s the guys,” Mason said, gesturing forward. “And Temptress.”

  Olivia looked beyond the gaggle of photographers, Riley and the rest of the crew, to the sleek yacht.

  It was all white, except for a blue stripe around the center, and blue buffers to prevent it bumping its hull on the harbor. At forty-five feet it was big, but not massive. Though it was tall. The masts were huge and the ropes thick against its sails.

  “It’s beautiful,” she breathed. Because it was. She’d been lucky enough to sail many boats over the years, but Temptress was something else. She had elegance. Sleek yet pretty. Shiny and new. She certainly tempted any sea-goer to take her out onto the water, hoist the sails and pick up speed.

  An excited swirl caught Olivia in the belly. How long would they have to hang around here, posing and fussing? She just wanted to get out there. Feel the wind in her hair, the sea spray on her skin. Breathe air that didn’t feel as if it had just blasted out of the oven.

  “Ah, here you all are.” Harry broke away from the crowd. He had a big grin on his face, his hair was neatly brushed, and he wore shorts and The Challenge t-shirt. A huge silver watch sat about his wrist and likely cost more than her parents’ house.

  “Hey,” Olivia said. “Looks like we have quite a crowd.”

  “Ah, Riley is a master at PR. Come, come…this way. We need to get this bit over and done with.” He lowered his voice and tipped his face nearer to hers. “Then we can get on with the fun part.”

  “I agree.” She breathed in his cologne again, it was definitely something she could get used to. She hoped he’d packed it.

  He pressed his palm into the small of her back and steered her to the railings where Evan leaned casually and Raul was stretching out his calves. Each had on their official t-shirts meaning all six of the crew matched in outfits.

  “Good.” Riley rubbed his hands together. “Full team. Let’s have you in the middle, Olivia.” He tugged her arm, pulling her from Harry. “Move over, Raul, let her in.”

  “Hola,” Raul said with a grin as she slotted in beside him. “Sleep well?”

  “Very. Jet lag got me.”

  “Jet lag is a bummer,” Evan said, his upper arm brushing her shoulder as Riley pushed him a little closer to her. “Can’t wait to get out there and be on our time, no one else’s.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  Before her ten photographers stood expectantly. Some were fiddling with their cameras, others watching Riley line up the crew in front of Temptress. She shifted from one foot to the other, feeling strange to have so much attention. But she guessed that was par for the course when heading across the Pacific with one of the country’s most eligible bachelors and richest heirs.

  “Big smiles,” Riley said, stepping back.

  Olivia stretched her mouth into a smile, though it felt fake.

  “Imagine them all naked,” Raul whispered. “No clothes but perhaps a sprinkle of pink glitter and purple bows around their dangling bits.”

  Olivia burst out laughing. When she’d caught the loud bubble of noise, a real smile sat on her face. Not because she was imagining the photographers naked, just at the silliness of Raul. “You’re daft,” she whispered back.
br />   “I just try and see the fun in everything, even if it is not fun.”

  “I like your style.”

  The cameras clicked away, then a woman with a microphone stepped up to Harry. A cameraman was directly behind her, his big lens and boom aimed at the captain of the boat.

  “So, Harrington, how are you feeling right now about the challenge your father has set?” She shoved the microphone forward.

  “Excited,” Harry said, puffing up his chest and shoving his hands into his pockets. The reflection of the reporter caught in his dark shades. “Keen to get on our way. We’re ready, couldn’t be more prepared.”

  “And do you think it’s a little unusual? A parent donating money to charity in return for his son completing such a task?”

  “Not at all. Parents sponsor their kids all the time, don’t they? Bike rides, runs, swims. This is just on a bigger scale.”

  “A much bigger scale. Five million dollars is quite a sum.”

  Harry kind of shrugged. “Yeah, well it’s a good cause.”

  “You decided on cancer research, right?” She flicked the microphone closer.

  “I did.”

  “Can you tell me why?”

  Harry hesitated and his smile slipped a little. “Why not support cancer research?” He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he did so.

  “And how do you think the one female of the crew is going to cope?” She gestured to Olivia with the microphone.

  “I’m sure Liv will be fine. But go ahead, ask her yourself.” Harry regained his smile as he pointed at Olivia.

  Riley flapped his arms, gesturing for her to step up to the reporter.

  Nerves fluttered in Olivia’s stomach. She hadn’t been expecting this.

  “Go on, you’ll be fine,” Evan said, giving her arm a squeeze.

  Yes, of course I will.

  She stepped forward, a smile in place.

  “Olivia Bailey, isn’t it?” the reporter said.


  “And you’ve traveled all the way from the UK for this challenge.”

  “That’s right.”

  “And what do you make of your fellow crew members so far?”

  “They’re all great, and so I’ve been told, well experienced at handling a boat and spending time out at sea.”

  “And you? Are you experienced or are you just hoping for a fun ride with these cute guys?” She paused. “There must be a nice spot on the front deck for sunbathing and sipping champers, right?”

  “What?” Olivia’s cheeks heated and the muscles in her neck tensed. Had she heard this woman right?

  “Five big strong guys, one girl. Let’s face it, you won’t be expected to do much, and they do need some eye candy.”

  Eye candy!

  “I can assure you,” Olivia said, doing her best not to talk through gritted teeth, because that wasn’t attractive. “That I will be pulling my weight. I have been sailing for as long as I have been able stand up. Being on the water is second nature to me and, I’ll tell you something else I can find my way around an—”

  “I think it’s time to get going.” Harry wrapped his arm around her waist and tugged her to the left. “Thank you for your time.” He swung his gaze around the photographers. “I trust you all have the pictures you want.”

  There were a few murmurs of thanks. One took a few shots of Olivia squeezed up against Harry as he spun her to face the boat.

  “Did you hear what she said? Of all the bloody cheek.” Olivia pushed away from Harry, even though it had been nice to be pressed against him. She gripped the railing next to Mason and stared at Temptress.

  “Ah, don’t let them get to you,” Mason said. “We know you’re not just a pretty face.”

  She turned to him, a frown etched on her brow. “Do you? Or do I have to prove it?”

  “Hey.” He held up his hands. “Don’t bite me, too. We’ve read your long list of qualifications. We’re impressed, super impressed, aren’t we?” He turned to Lucas.

  Lucas nodded, his attention firmly on Olivia.

  “Yeah, so don’t think we’ll take it easy on you, just cause you’re a Sheila,” Evan said, bumping his shoulder with hers. “We know you can handle Temptress, probably better than some of us.”

  “I doubt that, but…” Her temper was settling, the pressure in her chest that was fueled by annoyance dissipating. She turned and straightened her t-shirt and was grateful for the guys’ steady reassurance.

  “One last thing,” Riley said, holding out a gold satin bag. “As per contract, cell phones in here.”

  Damn it.

  Olivia had forgotten about that part of the deal. Apparently Dante wanted his son, and all of them, to have a detox from social media. And with state of the art coms on board, cells were not allowed or needed.

  She dropped her phone into the bag. A strange sense of disconnection from home came with the act.

  “What are you waiting for?” Riley asked, when all the cells were gathered. “Go get on board, get comfortable in what’s going to be your home for the next…well…however long it takes you.”

  “This is it.” Raul rubbed his hands together and did a little jig on the spot. “Temptress, here we come.”

  Harry clasped Raul’s shoulder. “And may God bless all who sail in her.” He grinned at Olivia. “You okay?”

  “Yes, of course.” She would keep her temper in check. The last thing she wanted was to be labeled the emotional female on board. “I’m looking forward to seeing where I’m going to be sleeping.”

  “You can bonk up with me,” Raul said, holding out his arms. “I give good night time cuddles.”

  Olivia laughed. “Bonk up?”

  “I think he means bunk up,” Harry said, also laughing. “And no Raul, I don’t care how good your cuddles are, you need to keep your Spanish hands to yourself. No groping fellow crew members.”

  “Ah, you are a spoil sport.” Raul winked at Olivia, then reached for his holdall.

  Olivia grabbed hers, and followed him across the small walkway over the water and onto Temptress.

  As she stepped on board, it suddenly became real. All those months of hoping and waiting. The excitement of being chosen to be one of the crew. Now, here she was, about to sail on one of the most beautiful yachts she’d ever seen with a group of guys she liked already.

  Life was good—it was more than good, it was great.

  Now all she needed was to get away from land and it would be perfect.

  Chapter Five

  Olivia’s cabin was at the stern. It had a low ceiling, only the tiniest amount of standing room, a cupboard and a shelf all the way around with a deep lip to stop things flying off. The bedding was pink and lacy—she guessed the guys didn’t have pink covers, just her.

  It’s not a problem.

  She quickly unpacked. There wasn’t much. A few clothes, mainly shorts and t-shirts, though there were a few fleeces and waterproofs, plus a white bikini. She had a bunch of toiletries that consisted of plenty of sunscreen. Two photographs, one of her parents, and one of her cat, and a small digital camera. She placed these on the shelf, near the head end of the bed along with her wallet.

  When she emerged wearing her bikini beneath The Challenge t-shirt and a pair of shorts, Raul was banging around in the kitchen, flitting from cupboard to cupboard in his usual fast manner.

  “It is all here,” he said. “The food supplies are the best. We will eat like kings and queens.”

  “That’s good.” Olivia grinned.

  “More than good, it is perfecto, mi niña hermosa.”

  “I’m afraid I don’t speak Spanish, Raul.”

  “No matter. I will teach you the language of love.”

  “Isn’t that French?”

  “No.” He frowned. “It is Española, everyone knows that.”

  “Ah, okay.” She pulled open the refrigerator which was set in the galley’s shiny oak panels. “Wowza, this is impressive.”

  It was packe
d full of expensive ingredients. Cold meats, fruit, vegetables, salad and berries. A whole shelf of cheese and pickles. Caviar, pate, smoked salmon and olives. She could hardly take it all in. There was so much.

  “We certainly won’t starve,” Harry said, coming out of what she guessed was the biggest cabin at the bow. He had to duck to get through the door.

  “No way, this is awesome. The best stocked fridge I’ve ever seen.” She paused and looked around.

  “What?” Harry asked.

  “I hope you’ve got tea on board. You know how us English are about tea. I don’t drink coffee.”

  “Ah, I’ve pre-empted you.” He pulled open a small cupboard to his right. “Tetley, right?”

  She grinned at the sight of several boxes of her favorite brand of tea bags. “That’s so good to see.”

  “I like to keep my crew happy.” He turned to Raul. “Why don’t you make everyone a drink, buddy?”

  Raul hesitated for a second then, “Aye, aye, Captain.” He did a mock salute. “I will go and see what the others want. They are on deck, right?”

  “Yep. I think so.”

  Raul headed up the narrow wooden steps to the daylight.

  “Is your cabin okay?” Harry asked.

  “Yes, perfect.” She gestured to it. “It’s bigger than most I’ve had in the past.”

  “Temptress is a big boat.”

  “I guess, but about right for a crew of six and to cope with the Pacific. It’s generally calmer than the Atlantic, but we should never underestimate it. In my experience, that’s when things go wrong.”

  “When you underestimate?”


  “So what do you think of me?”

  “What do you mean?” She was surprised by his forthright question.

  “Spoiled rich kid?”

  “No.” Wow. He’d just come out and said what likely many people thought. “Of course not. I hear you’re a very competent sailor.”

  “I am…don’t underestimate me.” He stepped close and tipped her chin with the crook of his finger. “And I won’t underestimate you.”


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