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Page 18

by Lily Harlem

  “I guess if it hurts it shows the flames reached only your nerve tips, which is good, it’s not too deep.”

  “No, it is not deep.”

  “You did so well. Going back for all that stuff, but I wish you hadn’t been burned.”

  “I had a feeling we would need things.” He looked around, then gestured to the palm tree shadows sliding over the beach. “There is no shop here, no place to buy what we need.”

  “Why did you grab the shoes? I understand the knives, and the fishing line but…”

  “I saw a movie, a long time ago. A man on an island, he cuts his feet, he cannot do things to survive because he cannot walk. I had hope that we would not be on that raft forever, that we would find an island before the sharks got us.”

  “It’s so lucky we did.” She finished winding the fresh bandage around his arm and tucked it in securely. “It needs a name, the island.”

  “Si, it does.” He looked out at the ocean. “How about Elysium?”

  “Elysium,” Olivia rolled the word around her mouth. She liked it. “What does it mean?”

  “A perfect place at the end of the Earth where heroes go.” He moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her so her back was against his chest and his legs stretched around hers. “It’s Greek mythology.”

  She settled against him and rested her hands over his unharmed forearm. “I didn’t know you liked Greek mythology.”

  “There is lots you do not know about me.”

  “Tell me more, Raul.”

  “I have one brother.”

  “You told me that. You’re the handsome one, right?”

  He chuckled, his chest moving against her body. “This is true.”

  “And have you always lived in Barcelona?”

  “No. I grew up in Gerona, that is where I learned to cook.”

  “At college?”

  “Si, at college, then at restaurants. I was lucky, very lucky and a great master took me on to teach me his trade. I always believe to be truly good at something you have to have had a truly great teacher.”

  “I agree.” She thought back to her trainer when she’d first started sailing. He’d insisted she master the basics before she moved on, so they were second nature. Unconsciously competent was the phrase he’d used. It meant she could understand the sails, the wind, the controls without even having to think about it. She’d had a good, though slightly eccentric tutor at engineering college, and a motorbike instructor who was a stickler for safety. They were the three things she could claim to do well, sail, fix engines, and ride bikes. She was grateful for the knowledge passed onto her.

  A small gust of wind wended over them and Olivia shivered slightly. The last arc of sun had slipped from view and darkness had taken hold.

  “Here, you are cold.” Raul quickly reached across and grabbed a hoody from the raft. He pulled it over her body.

  “Thanks,” she said, enjoying the layer of warmth. Her t-shirt was back at the camp and she couldn’t be bothered to get it. Being nestled against Raul was very pleasant.

  “Hey, you two.”

  She turned at the sound of Evan’s voice. He was standing at the entrance to the camp, the fire just behind him.

  “Yeah?” she called.

  “We’re tucking in for the night. You see anything, shout okay.”

  “We will,” she called back.

  “And the radio’s right there.” He pointed at the rock.

  “I know. We’ve got it covered.”

  “Night, Raul. Night, babe.”

  “Night,” she shouted then scanned the horizon.

  Beneath the hoody, Raul ran his hand over her belly as if exploring her shape. His fingertips stroked the waistband of her bikini bottoms then dipped into her navel.

  “Do you think we’ll see anything?” she asked, enjoying his touch as he continued to stroke her skin slowly and gently.

  “Who knows,” he said, his mouth by her ear. “But watching is fun with you.”

  She smiled as his warm breath heated her neck. “Tell me more about yourself.”

  “More.” He paused. “Only if you have a drink with me.”

  “You’re incorrigible, you know that?”

  “No. I do not know that word.” He reached for the rum. “But if it means a good thing, then yes I am.”

  “I taught you that word already, on the boat.”

  “You did?” He held the rum in front of her, the lid off. “I’m sorry, I forget it. But come on, this will keep you warm. Medicine, right.”

  She looked at it. “Oh, okay.” A few mouthfuls couldn’t hurt.

  The rum, like before, was an assault on her tongue and throat, but she drank several gulps.

  Raul took it from her and drank himself. “Drinking rum makes us pirates, you know.”

  She laughed. “I can see you as a swashbuckling pirate with a parrot on your shoulder and an eye patch.”

  “Yes, that would suit me.” He passed her the rum again. “I would rule the seas.”

  She looked at the empty horizon. All that could be seen was the black edge of the ocean where it kissed the dark sky. She drank again, enjoying the heat in her belly and knowing it would soon hit her brain.

  She passed the bottle back. After Raul had drank more, he set it aside and pulled her to his chest, again with his hands beneath the hoody and stroking her skin.

  “I like being close to you,” she said, settling her head into the crook between his shoulder and neck.

  “I like you being close to me.” He pressed a kiss to her temple. “You’re soft and sweet and the perfect English rose.”

  She giggled. “I don’t know about that.”

  “Mmm… you are.” He slipped his hands higher and cupped her breasts over her bikini top.

  A small whimper escaped her lips as he squeezed very gently. “Raul.”

  “And you have the most amazing body,” he whispered. “More beautiful than anything I have ever seen.”

  She closed her eyes, the rum slipping through her thoughts in a pleasant, floaty way.

  “Tell me something about you now,” he said.

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Your deepest, darkest fantasies.” As he’d spoken he’d slipped one hand lower, and rested his fingertips over her bikini bottoms.

  “My fantasies,” she repeated.

  “Yes. Keep your eyes closed, talk to me, mi niña hermosa. I will watch for boats, you relax, feel me, tell me.” He ventured lower and pressed over her clitoris.


  “There’s only us on the beach. This night is ours. It is a night for revealing what is in our hearts, what our bodies want.” He rubbed her clit, setting up a slow but firm rotation and swirling the material of her bikini bottoms.

  She sighed, relaxing more against him as she parted her thighs. His voice was melodic and dreamy. His body strong and warm behind her. And his hands, they were touching her as though she were a musical instrument he was fine-tuning.

  “Tell me about Harry,” he said. “Did you get what you needed when you were with him?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, an image of Harry fucking her up against the wall of the cave flooding her mind. “I did.”

  “And Evan?”

  “Yes, he’s gentle, kind.”

  “He is crazy about you.” Raul paused. “We all are.”

  She was about to answer but Raul slipped his hand beneath her bikini top and tweaked her nipple. “Oh…”

  “Lucas can’t stop looking at you,” Raul went on. “Everything he does here on the island is for you.”

  “He’s very sweet, romantic too.” Again she wondered if he was a virgin. And if so, would she be his first? She hoped so. Lucas was delicate yet strong and the idea of introducing him to the delights of sex was very appealing. It would be so much fun to have his big innocent body to enjoy.

  “Mason would have taken that snake bite for you,” Raul upped the speed at which he was working h
er clitoris.

  She groaned and tipped her pelvis for more.

  He nipped her earlobe. “You’re so sexy.”

  “That feels nice. But I want more.” She clasped his hand, the one covering her breast.

  “More…” He paused. “Would you take more from Mason and Lucas? Both of them at the same time? The two brothers. Or maybe Evan and Harry together, they’d be good, don’t you think? Wild and passionate. Tell me, Olivia, is ménage a trois a fantasy? Do you have a fantasy for more than one guy filling you?”

  “Ménage a trois?” She’d never thought about it. She’d been a one-man woman, until now. Now it seemed she had five.

  “Si, ménage a trois,” he said. “One guy adoring your pretty tits, another doing what I am doing now, to your pussy. Hands all over you, fingers in you. Kissing, licking and tasting you everywhere, no part of you left out. You’d come so hard, cocks in your pussy, ass, mouth.”

  Cocks in my pussy, ass and mouth!

  His crude words, in his heavy sexy accent only served to stoke her arousal. She pictured being with Evan and Harry, all of them naked. Raul there too and doing what he was doing now.

  “I think,” he whispered. “That si, you would like three cocks to play with, while we played with you…or maybe all five taking you until you’re exhausted with pleasure.”

  “Raul.” Oh God, the images he was creating in her mind.

  “Naked, hot, sweaty. Everyone coming in you, on you.” He pressed harder against her clitoris, catching it just right. “Everyone taking what they need. Gasping orgasms, cum, pleasure. Think of it, Olivia, now, think of it and come for me.”

  “Raul.” She was panting. “No, please, fuck me.” She wanted him inside her. The desperation to feel Raul’s cock filling her was extreme. It was more than a want, it was a need.

  She tried to turn but he held her still. “No.”

  She groaned, the climb to orgasm was reaching the point of no return. He’d mastered her body already. “I, please, I… come with you… inside me, Raul.” She wanted to push him to the ground, climb on top, ride hard and take her orgasm.

  “No,” he said against her ear. “When I make love to you, for the first time, we will not be woozy with rum and we will be in a warm bed, soft and cozy, just us. No one else, Olivia, just us, and I want us both to remember every detail.” He switched his attention to her other breast as he curled over her, still working her clit over her bikini bottoms. “Come now. I want to hear you, to feel you shake in my arms.”

  “Oh, God. It’s here. Don’t stop.”

  He held her close as she held her breath, preparing for release. And then pleasure over-spilled. It raced around her body, sharp fingers of delight shooting over her skin and nerve endings. Her damp pussy pulsed against nothing and she widened her legs. He stayed with her, working her clit as she gasped for air.

  “That is it,” he said, excitement lacing his tone. “My belleza. You are so beautiful when you come for me.”

  She let out a long low groan as the bliss extended. Bright lights flashed behind her closed eyelids. Her heart thudded. Raul’s fingers had created ecstasy between her legs and he hadn’t even dipped into her bikini bottoms.

  He kissed her ear, her temple, then her cheek. “We are going to be amazing together.”

  “I know.” And she did. Raul had charm and skill and was gorgeous too. The sooner she got naked with him, and in the bed he insisted upon, the better.

  Her climax receded and he slid his hands around her waist. Delicious aftershocks claimed her and he held her tight as she shook through them.

  “Are you still watching for boats?” she murmured, her head resting back and her face held up to the sky.

  “Si, you sleep now. I am watching.”

  She allowed the sated sensation in her pussy to spread over her body. Her breathing normalized and her thoughts turned to Raul’s words. Ménage, her and him alone, Lucas and Mason…

  Sleep claimed her. A wonderful deep, dark sleep. She felt so safe, cocooned in Raul’s arms. He and her men were there for her. They were a unit. Close, skilled and tight knit.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  A few times in the night Olivia woke, took a sip of water, then snuggled down next to Raul again. They lay beside the raft, using it as a windbreak against the mild breeze. He kept her snuggled in the hoody, though it wasn’t really cold, and occasionally he murmured he was still looking out for boats.

  Eventually she was aware of the sun heating the skin on her legs, of the birds calling from the treetops, and the reality of day penetrating her thoughts.

  For a moment she lay still, enjoying being pressed up against Raul and feeling his steady breaths on her cheek. She guessed he was asleep, but that was okay, because she’d keep look out now.

  But then her skin cooled and the sun darkened against her closed lids. A shadow had crossed over her.

  Thinking it was one of the guys come to reprimand them for not watching for ships, she flicked open her eyes.

  But it wasn’t Harry, Evan, Mason or Lucas.

  It was a man she’d never seen before. He had dark coffee-colored skin, frizzy black hair and wore only a pair of tatty green shorts. He had black crosses tattooed over his pectoral muscles and each upper arm sported a weave of reeds that hugged his huge biceps.

  Olivia pulled in a breath and screamed—a real top of her lungs, terrified scream.

  What the hell is going on?

  Behind him stood several more men, all similar, though a few had bright yellow paint on their faces.

  “Mierda.” Raul sat bolt upright.

  She drew in a breath and screamed again.

  The strange man took a step backward and held out a spear, the sharp end pointing toward them. His eyes widened and he bared his teeth.

  Raul leaped up, dragging her with him. He pushed her behind him, putting his body between the spear tip and her.

  When her last scream faded, Olivia drew in a shaky breath. Adrenaline was playing havoc with her. Fight or flight? Fight or flight?

  “Who are you?” Raul said. “What do you want?”

  The man looked over their shoulders and raised his spear higher. The posy of scary looking tribesmen behind him did the same with their weapons.

  Thudding on the sand told Olivia the guys were racing her way. She glanced behind and saw Harry, Evan, Mason and Lucas all charging from the camp.

  Within seconds she’d been jostled behind them all so she was at the very back of their huddle.

  “Jesus Christ,” Harry muttered. “What is this?”

  “We just woke up and they were here,” Raul said.

  “So much for boat spotting,” Evan muttered.

  “Stay behind me.” Lucas extended his arms backward as if to trap Olivia between them. “I won’t let them hurt you.”

  His words calmed her. She remembered his black belt, Mason’s too.

  Resting her hands on Lucas’s shoulders, Olivia peered at the group of curious men. In the distance a wooden boat with strange side arms bobbed on the water.

  Harry cleared his throat and stepped past Raul. “Hello.” He held out his hand. “I’m Harrington Vidal.”

  The man stared at Harry’s hand. A frown line creased his brow.

  “We mean no harm,” Harry said, placing his other hand over his chest. “We are friendly.”

  “Si, somos amigables,” Raul said.

  The man flicked his attention to Raul. “Ah, bueno. No queremos decir nada malo.”

  “He speaks Spanish.” Raul spun to the group. “And he said they’re friendly.”

  “Really?” Olivia wasn’t convinced.

  “Ask him where he’s from,” Evan said.

  Raul did. The man responded then pointed out to sea.

  “He’s from the other side of this island, from here it’s only accessible by boat.”

  Olivia looked at the man who’d given her such a fright. He’d lowered his spear and she spotted a cracked watch on his left wrist. He w
as smiling now, showing a row of wonky top teeth.

  “Does he have a way of contacting the outside world?” Mason asked. “’Cause we could really do with that right now.”

  Raul turned back to the stranger. “Tiene usted un teléfono?”

  “Si, en el pueblo.” He nodded.

  “Si, si he has.” Raul fluttered his fingers in the air and hopped from one foot to the other. “At his village. He has one. He has one.”

  “Does it have reception though?” Evan raised his eyebrows.

  “Y funciona?” Raul asked, flinging his arms about.

  “Si.” The man appeared insulted at the suggestion his phone might not work. “Es un teléfono satelital.”

  “Thank God for that.” Mason stepped back and reached for Olivia’s hand. “I’m guessing he just said it’s a satellite phone. We can get out of here.”

  She squeezed his fingers, and Lucas’s shoulder. “He might not let us use it.”

  “Yeah.” Harry glanced at her. “We should ask.”

  “Podemos usarlo, por favour?” Raul said. “Estamos atascados aquí, nuestro barco se hundió.”

  The man turned to his friends. A couple of them shrugged, one gestured to Harry.

  The man looked at Harry then held up his arm, the one with the broken watch around the wrist. “A cambio.”

  “What did he say?” Harry asked.

  “He wants to exchange.” Raul frowned. “But I’m not sure what?”

  “Esta.” The man tapped his watch then pointed at Harry’s heavy silver Rolex. “Esta.”

  “He wants your watch, Harry,” Evan said.

  “What?” Harry lifted his arm. The sun glinted off the face of his watch and the strap sparkled. “No way.”

  “It’s a trade. Phone call for the watch.” Evan shrugged.

  “Most expensive fucking phone call in history,” Harry said, his eyes widening at Evan. “This cost over a hundred thousand dollars, it was a twenty-first birthday present from my parents and a limited edition.”

  “I guess it was foolish of them to spend so much on a watch. Had it been cheap it wouldn’t be an issue.” Evan huffed.

  “The Vidals don’t do cheap.” Harry tapped the strap with his fingertips.

  “Yeah, I’d noticed.” Evan crossed his hands over his chest. “Everything has to be the best, the biggest, the most extreme, right.”


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