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Little Hood and Her Wolf (The Big Bad Wolf Trilogy Book 2)

Page 8

by Janie Marie

  “What the fuck do you want?” Ryder snapped.

  Kylie giggled at his anger this time. She couldn’t even feel threatened by Ryder as he glared at her while listening to Logan.

  “I’ll handle it.” Ryder didn’t seem to want to listen to Logan’s response, but he growled out something unintelligible as Janie kissed his chest over and over. He sighed and tilted her face up to stare at her. “Whatever, fucker. Next time I won’t hold back.” He smirked down at Janie before stealing a kiss when she pouted, then went back to glaring at everything. “Suck a dick, Grimm. You don’t stand a chance if I truly try.”

  Janie peeked over her shoulder to smile at Kylie.

  Kylie didn’t smile back. If he was fighting Logan again, she was done with them.

  Ryder laughed, and it was the most terrifying sound she’d ever heard. “We’ll see. Now fuck off. I have a free period, and I’m spending it listening to your ex moaning my name.”

  Kylie’s eyes widened as Janie covered her face.

  “You forget, bitch, she’s a screamer. But she knows how to stay quiet when she needs to.” Ryder laughed again as he held the phone in front of his mouth. “Oh, and you may want to work on your cardio . . . I lasted five minutes longer.” He laughed again and ended the call as Janie smacked his chest.

  “Dammit, Ryder.” Janie tried to push away from him.

  He held her, cupping her cheeks as he kissed her, completely ignoring Kylie.

  “Um,” Kylie said, blushing when Ryder lowered a hand to squeeze Janie’s butt.

  “Oh.” Janie pushed Ryder’s chest. “Babe, stop.”

  He smacked her butt and stood straighter as Janie turned to her.

  “Sorry.” Janie’s face turned red. “I’m not a screamer. I mean, I am. But, uh.”

  Ryder chuckled before lifting his gaze to Kylie. Once again, the only emotion he displayed was annoyance. “She wants me to apologize for this morning. I won’t.”

  Janie sighed, but Kylie stayed still because he clearly had more to say.

  “I don’t trust you,” he said, wrapping his arms around Janie’s chest and pulling her back flush against him. “We don’t know you, and since you’ve come into the picture, you’ve been nothing but a pain in my ass.” He covered Janie’s mouth when she opened it and kept talking. “I know you didn’t ask for help, but you got it when she backed you up. You’re stuck with us because Logan is someone who will be in our lives for a long-ass time.

  “Suck it up if you’re gonna be with him. I’m not going to apologize when I beat his ass because he crosses the line. He knew better, but he still opened his mouth. There are consequences, and he got a taste of it. Keep your mouth shut if you want to stay on my less hostile side. Got it?”

  “Ryder,” Janie said, shaking her head.

  “I’m not going to baby her just because you and Grimm do.” Ryder tilted Janie’s face up to stare down at her and caressed her cheek. “Don’t be angry with me. You know what I’m doing.”

  Kylie straightened and jutted out her chin. “I don’t expect you to baby me.”

  Ryder slowly slid his gaze back to her. “You shouldn’t expect anything from me. That should be enough and tell you all you need to know.”

  Janie sighed, turning to look at Kylie. “That’s sorry in his mind.”

  “Fine.” Kylie huffed. “I’m sorry, too. I shouldn’t have been staring, and I shouldn’t have forced Logan to tell me your secret.”

  “Just keep your trap shut,” Ryder said, grunting when Janie elbowed him.

  “I will.” Kylie smiled. “And I ask you to show me the same courtesy. You both know things about me that others don’t. I know it’s not the same, but I’d still like it to stay my business.”

  “Of course,” Janie said, smiling. “And you can talk to me if you need to. I know you don’t like me, but I’m here.”

  That threw Kylie for a second. It caused an ache in her chest to see the girl smile while she admitted knowing she wasn’t liked. “Thanks, I guess.”

  Ryder’s tone was full of disgust. “You guess?”

  Sweat spotted Kylie’s forehead. “I mean thank you.”

  Janie gave her an awkward smile. “You’re welcome.”

  Nodding, Kylie straightened her shoulders, ignoring the slight ache still there as she focused on Ryder’s menacing glare. “I’ll take your secret to the grave, and I’ll do my best to accept you both—but under no circumstances are you to speak about me like you did this morning.”

  Ryder snorted. “I don’t listen to you. I called him for you, or have you already forgotten that act of kindness?” He shook his head. “Of course you did. Just like you don’t give a damn she asked me to scare away the cunts who were about to enter the bathroom to fuck with you.”

  She didn’t know what the hell he was talking about, and she was surprised to realize she had already forgotten that Ryder had called Logan. “No. Thank you for calling him. My point is I don’t do anything wrong, or at least, I don’t mean to. But you’re mean to me. You don’t have to be a jerk for no reason and then expect me to be nice, too.”

  He chuckled. “Oh, if I hurt your feelings, you’ve done something. Otherwise, I’d ignore you. You’re just too stuck up your own ass to notice anything. So this is the nicest you’re ever getting from me. But even this is for her.” He nodded at Janie. “Not you.”


  “Shut up, my love.” He didn’t look at Janie, who gave her an apologetic smile as he continued. “She’s going to hear this. Janie is my world. My moon. My everything.” He hesitated, adding, “Logan’s proving you’re his.”

  Kylie smiled even though he looked as terrifying as ever.

  “If I fuck up on something that concerns you,” he said, “Logan will return the favor. Understand?”

  “I understand,” she said. “But don’t blame me for you getting your ass handed to you when you talk about me like that again.”

  A dark smile spread over his lips. “Let me enlighten you on something.” He leaned down to stare in her eyes. “I let him hit me. That is me being kind. Maybe learn to control what slips out of your mouth if you don’t want me throwing it in Grimm’s face. If you hadn’t blurted out how amazing his dick tasted at my place, I wouldn’t have had such a juicy bit of information to set him off.

  “You’re not invisible anymore. Keep your shit private or someone will always have something to use against you.” He smirked, adding, “You didn’t hear her screaming all night and morning, did you?”

  “Ryder,” Janie scolded him. “You just told her to keep things private.”

  “Babe, I want people to know I’m the one you’re with.” He grinned at Kylie. “Try it, Blondie. Try being quiet when all you want to do is scream for him. Fucking in a house full of Knights is nothing when you realize I’ve had her in the same room as—”

  Janie reached up, covering his mouth as he laughed.

  Before Kylie could die of embarrassment and realize he kind of just turned her on, she noticed Janie frowning. She turned to see what both she and now Ryder were looking at over her shoulder.

  Trevor’s big blue eyes connected with Kylie’s, and they practically fell out of the sockets when Ryder’s hand came to rest on her shoulder.

  “Something on your mind, Grimm?” Ryder pulled Kylie back so he was standing in front of her and Janie. Trevor tried to make eye contact with her again, but Ryder moved so he blocked both of them. “You better use your fucking brain before speaking to me.”

  Trevor shut his mouth, causing a sadistic smirk to form on Ryder’s lips.

  “Look at that, babe.” Ryder pulled Janie to his side. “He’s not as dumb as we thought.”

  Janie hugged Ryder. “He still looks pretty stupid to me.”

  Kylie gasped as Ryder chuckled. She wasn’t too fond of Trevor anymore, but she didn’t think Janie or Ryder had anything against him.

  “You shouldn’t hang out with them, Kylie,” Trevor said, drawing her attention.

  Ryder dropped Janie’s hand, but the girl grabbed a hold of him before he could move. Instead of shoving her away, Ryder hugged her to him, a menacing grin on his lips as he addressed Trevor. “You’re lucky she wants me to stay in school today. But pull this shit again, and I’ll break your neck and make sure no one finds your fucking body.”

  Kylie’s mouth fell open, and she looked between a very frightened Trevor and a very intimidating Ryder Godson.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Trevor crossed his arms. “But you can bet if you and your little gang hurt Kylie, I’ll do something about it.”

  Ryder chuckled, a freaking piss-yourself worthy sound. “I’ll let you play dumb this time, but we both know what you did. If it weren’t for the fact your cousin called dibs, and my baby didn’t need me here, I’d have your bitch ass laid out right now.”

  Kylie was so confused, but by the alarm on Trevor’s face and the superior smirk on Ryder’s lips, they all knew something she didn’t. And whatever it was, Logan wasn’t happy with his cousin.

  “Run along,” Ryder told Trevor. “I’m sure your next STD is waiting in the locker room.”

  Her mouth fell open as Trevor just shook his head and walked in the other direction.

  “Sick bastard,” Ryder muttered. “I should beat the shit out of him anyway. Stay away from him, Blondie.”

  Kylie looked over at him and nodded. He didn’t say anything else to her before he led Janie down the hall.

  Janie turned back to her. “You can find us at lunch if you want.”

  Kylie had no intention of having lunch with anyone. There was half an hour until then, and she had already asked her art teacher if she could eat in his classroom upstairs, away from the busy cafeteria.

  She cast a final glance toward their retreating figures, who didn’t appear to be heading to class, before setting off to hers.

  “Mr. Grimm?”

  Logan sighed, closing his eyes as he turned around. “Luc,” he greeted, not surprised to see Damon and Than as well.

  Luc smiled in an unfriendly way and lowered his gaze to the phone being squeezed tight in Logan’s hand. “Bad news?”

  Logan relaxed his grip. “It doesn’t concern you. I already told you my deal was off.”

  “You know that’s not how these things work,” Luc said with silver swirling in his gray eyes.

  Than held up a hand as he stepped closer. “We just want to talk. How’s Kylie?”

  “She’s fine,” Logan replied, watching Luc. “Now what’s this about?”

  “You asked for my assistance, Mr. Grimm,” Luc said. “You knew there was no going back. I am simply giving you what you asked for. It’s more than just access to the Grimm account.”

  Logan looked at Than and Damon before responding. “I haven’t touched it. I haven’t opened the texts either.”

  “I said it’s more than money and stories, boy.” Luc smiled like the damn devil.

  Than gave Logan a nudge, moving him a step away from Luc. “The detective on Kylie’s case got a tip.”

  He blinked, focusing on Than. The last thing he expected was for there to be something on Kylie’s case. “About her abuse?”

  “No.” Than sighed, glancing at Luc before continuing, “I told you there was no problem with you having a relationship with Kylie because you fell within the three-year age gap.”

  “Right.” He had no idea where this was going.

  “Well, that is true,” Than said. “However, someone sent Kali a tip . . . about Chris’ bets with you. They’re saying you lured Kylie to your fight and tried to persuade Chris to place a bet on you taking her virginity.”

  Logan could barely move. “Who?”

  “I don’t know.” Than gestured to Logan. “They’re saying that’s why you were furious with Chris. That he protected her from you—scared her away.”

  “Did you do this?” Logan asked Luc.

  Than held up a hand. “It wasn’t him. This is what he means when he says you get more than the Grimm bank account. He’s keeping me from hauling you in.”

  “If it’s just hearsay,” Logan began, but Than cut him off.

  “Kali has evidence that incriminates you. If credible, it’s an audio recording of you raping Kylie. A girl can be heard fearfully begging you—by name—to stop.”

  “Are you serious?” His heart pounded. “Rape?”

  “It looks bad,” Than said quietly. “It doesn’t sound like Kylie to me. Well, if I’m honest, one part sounds like her, and the male voice sounds like yours. I’m having it analyzed to see if the audio matches the female voice, because it sounds more like someone combined different recordings.”

  “Someone is pissed with you,” Damon cut in. “We’re following Chris already, as well as others from your team.”

  “What about Kylie?” Logan looked at Than. “Was Kevin told?”

  “Yes.” Than took a deep breath. “Kali spoke with him this morning. She was informed Kylie was with a friend when she asked to speak with her. Kevin inquired, and she informed him there is an investigation of sexual assault or rape of a minor, unlawful gambling involving a minor. The list goes on.”

  Fuck. Logan grabbed his head. “When will I get taken in?”

  Than gestured to Luc. “He’s already spoken to Kali on your behalf. She’ll come see you sometime after she speaks with Kylie. Kevin is expected to be present. He’s furious.”

  Logan glared at Luc. “I didn’t ask for your help on this.”

  Luc smirked. “Perhaps it’s not really you I’m doing it for.”

  His eyes widened. “Leave her alone.”

  “You don’t decide anything for her.” Luc gave him a dark smile. “I warned you she’d protect you. I’m surprised he hasn’t told her what you did. Or has he? That busted lip looks fresh.”

  Damon cut Luc a sharp look. “She asked you to keep clear until she could speak to him. You’ll push her away.”

  “Who do you work for, King?” Luc didn’t look at Damon, and he held no expression on his face as he watched Logan.

  Damon gave him a tight smile. “You know who I work for . . . I’m just suggesting you consider how you operate matters involving Logan. You’re going to piss her off.”

  A sly grin formed on Luc’s lips. “I fail to see how that is a horrible outcome. I find my queen even more lovely when she’s full of murderous rage.”

  Than and Damon shook their heads at Luc while fire burned in Logan’s veins.

  “If you try to trap Janie any more than you already have,” Logan said, stepping closer to Luc, “I’ll smile when I take your life.”

  Luc showed no reaction to the threat. “Still so eager to shed blood for her.”

  His body ached from the amount of rage surging through his muscles.

  “Kylie is not going to take this well.” Luc chuckled, tugging his sleeve in place.

  Logan saw red. “Leave her out of this.”

  “She’s already in this because of you. You know who we are. Why bring an innocent”—Luc glanced at Damon, both smirking before focusing on him again—“into our world?”

  Logan couldn’t respond. His chest felt too tight.

  “Who would you save if you had to choose,” Luc mused. “Your little red hood . . .”

  Logan balled his fist. “Stay away from them.”

  “Hm. That doesn’t tell me who means more to you.” Luc kept watching him like he could see everything if he just looked deep enough. “Perhaps Kylie would like to meet me. It might interest her what I discovered about her parents. Or what I can reveal about you. Does she know who the Grimms really are? What all of us are?”

  Logan growled, his fists shaking. “If you come near her, I’ll kill you.”

  “Good to know.” The sadistic gleam in Luc’s gray eyes was full of horrible promise.

  “No one is threatening either of them, Logan,” said Than, pushing Logan back and placing himself between the two men. “We’re just looking out for all of you.

  Logan scoffed. “He looks out for no one. Even this concern for Janie’s wellbeing is a front, and you all know it.”

  “I want what I want,” Luc said. “And you know who I want . . . I do envy that she protects you above all others. I wonder what little Kylie Hood would think if she knew just how much your lovely ex has done for you. Is she as understanding as my little brother when it comes to the two of you? We all know what is fated between you and my sweet queen.”

  Logan clenched his jaw, darting his eyes to the other two before returning to Luc. “Are we done here?”

  Than nodded. “Just keep your head together. I’ll try to warn you before Kali comes, but she isn’t one of us—she knows I work for Luc. Her feelings for me won’t influence her duty.”

  Logan exhaled and nodded, glaring over at Luc.

  “And I’ll head over to the school to sit in for Kylie’s questioning,” Than added.

  “I was planning on picking her up after school,” Logan said. “Do you think that will still be fine?”

  Luc chuckled and walked away.

  “No.” Than sighed. “I think you know what you need to do.”

  They turned when the doors slammed from Luc’s exit.

  “I don’t want him near Kylie,” Logan said, switching his gaze between both men.

  Than exhaled, nodding. “Janie will fix it.”

  “She shouldn’t have to fix anything,” Logan snapped. “She’s just a girl. You’re grown men. You shouldn’t let him do this to her.”

  Damon smiled. “So you do still love her.”

  Logan glared at him. “I’m not talking about this with either of you. I’m with Kylie. That’s all you need to know. I didn’t bet on her, and I haven’t fucked her. You know I’d never do that shit.”

  Damon shook his head and pointed to his phone before lifting his finger to his lips in a silent gesture. Logan reached for it, seeing there was a call in progress. “You don’t have to lie,” he said. “No one expects you to be over her.”

  Logan looked between the two of them, even more confused when Than held up his phone for Logan to read: Go with it.

  Than lowered his phone. “I don’t think using Kylie to make Janie jealous is going to work, Logan.”


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