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Home Again

Page 6

by Angelique Voisen

  Zack took out his phone and dialed Seth’s number, only to hear a familiar ringtone nearby. He searched for the source and found Seth, waving at him.

  “Worried about me much?” he asked, amused.

  “N-not at all. I figured after your interview we can get lunch. Our favorite burger place’s nearby,” Seth said.

  “Liar.” Zack couldn’t wait any longer. “I got it.”

  “Wait, really?” Seth widened his eyes in surprise, then leaped at him. Zack easily caught him, amazed by the strength in Seth’s hug. “Oh my God. Congratulations, baby.”

  “Thanks.” He took advantage of Seth’s parted lips and gave Seth a quick kiss, thrusting his tongue down Seth’s throat. Seth fisted his shirt and sucked down hard on his tongue. Zack pulled away. “I got it, just like you predicted.”

  “I always believed in you,” Seth said simply.

  “No one else did.”

  “I’m not everyone else and they’re just all idiots.” Seth linked their fingers together and they started toward their favorite burger joint. Zack’s stomach rumbled. He only took a few bites of his sandwich that morning, dreading the interview, thinking it’d turn out the same way.

  I’m sorry, Mr. Cruz, I don’t think you’ll be a good fit for the company.

  That hadn’t been the worst. Zack appreciated blunt honesty at least.

  Some said they’d call him again but never did. Zack didn’t know finding a job could take such a huge toll on a man, especially when he only returned home with nothing but failure. He could put all that worry away now, all those times he questioned himself and wondered what the fuck was wrong with him.

  “Couldn’t have done it without you,” he told Seth.

  Seth punched his shoulder, an affectionate gesture. “It’s all on you, Zack. You did the work and this job interview seemed different from the rest, like it mattered more than the rest.”

  “Remember how I used to work on cars a long time ago?”

  Seth nodded, blushing. “It was one of the things I found so hot about you, you in your car mechanic coveralls.”

  “Really? That was all you were attracted to?” Zack was teasing and Seth knew it.

  Seth huffed. Zack continued, “I took up some extra courses in prison, decided I could do this for a living and actually like it.”

  “It’s not a job when you love what you do,” Seth said in agreement.

  Zack didn’t know shit about being a web developer, but Seth seemed to like his work. He could tell Seth was good at it.

  They were at the burger joint now and it amused him like always when Seth ordered an extra serving of fries, just like they did when they were kids.

  “I’ll be back with your orders,” the waitress said.

  “Remember those 99 cents fries we used to order?” Seth asked.

  Zack did. “Those fries were the only thing we could both afford.”

  “And when you finally got your paycheck, you’d always ask me out and tell me to order anything I wanted,” Seth said.

  Seth remembered all that, huh? Then again, Zack wasn't surprised. During his worst days, times when he thought he was going insane, pacing his tiny cell, he’d clung to those memories too, relive them in his head. Good times. Once he got out of that joint, he swore he’d make up for lost time with Seth. Exactly what he was doing now.

  “Yeah, and you’d only get double of those fries.” Seth, Zack decided, had always been sensitive, considerate.

  “What can I say? Potatoes are my favorite carb group.” Seth looked like he was about to say more when Seth’s phone rang. Seth took it out and grimaced. Zack had a feeling who it was. Seth’s mom still hadn’t stopped trying to reach out to Seth. To mend bridges or air out her grudges, Zack didn’t know yet, but now might be a good time to find out.

  Without thinking, Zack snatched Seth’s phone.

  “What are you doing?” Seth asked. “Just ignore her.”

  Zack shook his head. “This will keep going on if we don’t do something. Believe me, baby, I don’t have any love for this woman. The only thing she did right was bring you into this world but she’s still your mom.”

  Seth bit his lip and eventually nodded. “You’re right.”

  Since Seth didn’t demand his phone back, Zack answered.

  “Seth? You finally picked up,” came a woman’s voice.

  “Hello, Mrs. Murdock,” he said, wondering if she forgot him, or chose to. After all, he’d been responsible for running over her husband.

  Seth’s mother sucked in a sharp breath. Across the table from him, Seth picked at his food, looking nervous as hell. Zack knew how precious time was though and life was too short to live with regrets. Better to tie loose ends now or end up regretting it.

  “Zack Cruz,” Seth’s mother whispered.

  “That’s right.”

  “What’s she saying?” Seth asked.

  Zack set the phone down and put it on speaker. At this time of the day—after breakfast but before lunch—the place was empty, save for them and the disinterested staff chatting by the cashier. They’d taken the farthest booth from the cash register. From here, no one would overhear them, but nonetheless Zack lowered the cell phone volume.

  Seth cleared his throat. “Mom, its Seth. Zack’s with me. We’re together now.”

  Silence took hold on the other end. Zack thought Mrs. Murdock ended the call in anger but she finally spoke. “I’m not surprised.”

  “Mom, why have you been calling me?” Seth sounded wary as if steeling himself for harsh words.

  Maybe this hadn’t been the best idea, except Zack knew they had to deal with Seth’s mother sooner or later.

  “I saw the paper a month ago, news about your friend’s release.”

  “I’ve been waiting for Zack for a long time, Mom,” Seth interrupted angrily. “Back then, he was the only one who believed me, who defended me. Without him, I wouldn’t be alive today. Roy would have killed me during one of his rages.”

  Zack reached out for Seth’s hand, rubbing it, letting Seth know he wasn’t alone. Not ever again.

  “Take deep breaths,” Zack mouthed.

  Zack thought Seth’s mother would unleash plenty of harsh, cruel words after that but no. Mrs. Murdock burst into tears.

  “Oh, Seth. I’m so sorry. I knew he was a monster. It took me years to acknowledge that truth and for a long time, I was angry at Zack, at a kid who probably didn’t know what he was doing. He was drunk, it was an accident.”

  Neither Zack or Seth bothered correcting her. It was safer that way.

  “What are you saying?” Seth finally asked. Seth looked taken aback as if those were the last words he expected for her to say.

  “You’re my only son, Seth. I’m not asking for your forgiveness right away but once you’re ready, let’s talk again. Zack, you still there? Take care of my son.” Then Mrs. Murdock ended the call.

  Zack slid out of his booth. “Come on, let’s head outside. You look like you need some air.”

  Seth nodded, let Zack pay for their meal and they exited the diner. With Seth’s hand in his, Zack brought them to Seth’s—and now his—favorite spot in the park. Once they arrived at their destination, Seth buried his face in his shoulder, breathing hard. It was nice here. The air felt cleaner than most places in the city and the trees provided them plenty of privacy. Zack reached out, stroking Seth’s back until Seth calmed down.

  “That really happened, right? I didn’t imagine it all?” Seth asked, finally lifting his head.

  “It did.”

  “She apologized. I never imagined that ever happening. I thought she’d be mad at me for the rest of my life,” he said.

  Zack didn’t know what to say. He’d been surprised by Mrs. Murdock’s actions too but ten years was a long time for everyone. Zack had been glad that she didn’t continue the rest of her life, ignoring the truth and hurting her son in the process by pretending Roy’s abuse didn’t exist. Zack still didn’t like, still didn’t forgive h
er for choosing to ignore her dead husband’s actions, but at least she had been the one to reach out to Seth. He’d never forget that.

  He had one other thing to say that Seth needed to hear. “I’m fucking proud of you, baby.”

  Seth blinked. “For what?”

  “For facing her, for not hiding that we’re together.”

  Seth hugged him tighter. “Why would I? Besides, if she wants to mend things between us, then she needs to know what to expect.”

  “Will you keep talking to her?” he asked.

  “Not yet. I still want to enjoy our uninterrupted time together. Besides, her call derailed our little celebration.”

  “Did she now?”

  Seth nodded, lifted his face to him and then stood on tiptoe to kiss him.

  Zack grabbed the back of Seth’s neck and thrust his tongue down Seth’s throat. Heat went right to his dick and the rest of him. His dick grew hard in moments the longer they stood there, their bodies touching. Zack slid a hand down Seth’s shirt and ran his fingers possessively up and down Seth’s lean and familiar body.

  Pulling away from the kiss, Zack nipped at Seth’s ear. “What do you say we continue this at home?”


  Zack remembered the first time they had sex, and the shy knowing smile Seth gave him as he said those words that went right to his heart. Welcome home, Zack. Yes, Zack thought. Slowly, he’d fallen for the city Seth chose, the apartment Seth painstakingly put together for them. Home wasn’t just a place, it was spending the rest of his life with the man he loved.


  “Call me back once you arrive home,” Seth told his mom.

  “I will.” She bit her lip.

  She looked older than he remembered. There were more grays in her hair than gold now and she had deep lines around her eyes too. Melissa Murdock looked torn between climbing up the stairs to her bus and going up to him.

  A month had passed since she first reached out to him. Plenty of things happened since then. Zack loved his job and Seth fulfilled his promise of working less. Zack seemed to have adjusted better to normal life too.

  Zack had been the one to suggest buying her a ticket here as opposed to the two of them returning to their hometown. Seth wholeheartedly agreed, surprised she came at all. Their lunch date had been a little awkward and Zack met them right after his shift.

  Behind him, Zack placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a reassuring squeeze. Then Zack pulled away and gave him a nudge in the right direction. Seth stopped in front of his mom, then decided, what the hell, he’d go for it.

  He put his arms around her, terrified she’d push him away or worse, let him do all the work. Seth began to take a step back, shocked she hugged him back fiercely.

  “I’m glad you invited me here, Seth. It’s good to see you.” They parted. Tears hovered in the corners of her eyes.

  “Same here.” Seth meant every word.

  Seth knew relationships took work better than anyone. One day couldn’t resolve years of bitterness and hate but they were slowly working on it. Seth pulled out his handkerchief and wiped her face.

  “Take care of yourself, Mom. Your bus will leave soon.”

  She nodded and got on. He lingered there a little longer, until her bus left, all the while Zack stood next to him, fingers curled over his.

  Seth blew out a breath. “I’d been nervous as hell since I picked her up this morning. My heart felt heavy like it would burst with so many buried emotions. My chest feels a lot lighter now.”

  There hadn’t been any shouting matches on the street or either of them leaving in a huff. Those were some of the things he anticipated happening when he mailed her the bus ticket. Thankfully, none of those scenarios happened. They chatted like strangers at first, careful of their words, but she had loosened up when Seth asked her about her life. Seth told Zack all this as they left the crowded station and made their way to small and quieter streets.

  “I’m glad. Sorry I couldn’t get away from work earlier. Bert suddenly called in sick,” Zack explained.

  Seth shook his head. “It’s okay, better than okay actually. We needed the time alone.”

  “I also got a little delayed for another reason,” Zack admitted.

  “You don’t want to see my mom?” Seth teased.

  Zack chuckled. “That too but I had another afternoon appointment.”

  Seth raised his brows. “Appointment? Sounds serious.”

  Zack tugged the collar of his shirt aside for Seth to see. Seeing the thick bandage over his chest, Seth stopped in footsteps, angry.

  “You were hurt at work?” he demanded. Zack should have told him, then he blinked, realizing that if Zack really had an accident, Zack would call him right away. This was different. Seth felt a little slow, but he suddenly understood the significance of that spot on Zack’s left pectoral.

  Feeling foolish for his earlier reaction, he asked, “Can I see?”

  Zack raised a finger. “Once we get home.”

  Seth scowled. “Tease.”

  “Don’t you want to unwrap me like a present?”

  An erotic image of Zack lying in bed, naked and grinning up at him rose to his mind. “Let’s head back then,” Seth said, walking to the direction of their apartment with a purpose. Zack chuckled behind him, a good sound, he thought, smiling to himself. In moments, Zack caught up to him with his long strides.

  Their future, Seth thought, was really starting to shape up.


  “This what you have in mind,” Zack drawled.

  Seth’s mouth went dry, seeing Zack, fully unclothed, sprawled on their bed and laying against the pillows like some sculpted Greek god. Every bit of Zack had been covered with ink, but the one spot that mattered most lay covered. Since he didn’t trust himself to speak yet, Seth started undressing.

  Zack let out a whistle. “That must be the fastest I’ve seen you strip. I didn’t even get to enjoy the show.”

  “Next time,” Seth promised, crawling into bed to join his man.

  Seth straddled Zack. Zack put his hands behind his neck, the devil in his smile. Seth settled his ass on Zack’s stomach, distinctively aware of Zack’s hardening dick pressed up against his buttocks and his own, already at half-mast.

  “Look at you, already horny as hell,” Zack commented, reaching out to give his cock a few tugs and pulls. Seth groaned, but he refused to let Zack’s talented hands derail him from his task.

  “Be still. Please.”

  At that word, Zack stilled, watching him the way a predator would, his gaze intense and penetrating. Seth peeled off the bandage on Zack’s chest and let out a gasp. The new ink was still fresh, red but clear as day. It was his name, tattooed on Zack’s chest. He leaned forward and kissed his man slow and tender, as Zack settled his strong hands on his waist.

  “It’s beautiful,” he whispered after the kiss. “I want one too. Your name on my heart so we’ll match.”

  “You’re scared of needles,” Zack pointed out.

  He nodded. “You’ll need to hold my hand the entire time.”


  Seth carefully put the bandage back.

  “So,” Zack ventured, tracing Seth’s veined length with one finger. Seth groaned when Zack swiped the pre-cum gathered on his tip. “Where’s my reward?”

  Seth leaned over to pull open the drawer beside the bed and took out the lube. Zack’s smirk hadn’t left his face.

  “Slick your ass for me, baby,” Zack ordered.

  Blushing hard, he did as Zack asked, uncapping the lube and began getting his ass ready. It felt incredibly erotic, having Zack watch him push wet fingers into the most intimate part of his body. He groaned, engorged cock fully erect in moments. Deeming himself ready, he put the lube aside and slid lower, until his asshole was directly above Zack’s prick. Zack put his hands on his waist and helped lower him until Seth was fully seated.

  He moaned, aware of Zack’s shaft stretching him complet

  “Deep breaths, baby,” Zack instructed.

  Seth did as Zack asked and began to move, up and down, side to side until the burn settled. He began to ride Zack, excitement coursing through his entire body. Every muscle seemed tensed up. Seth felt powerful and in control, riding such a big and dangerous man like Zack. His man. He curved his lips into a smile and lowered his mouth to Zack’s. The kiss this time was sharp and rough and exactly what he needed.

  The moment Seth pulled his ass up, Zack grabbed his shoulders and reversed their positions, settling Seth on his hands and knees. Feeling incredibly aroused, Seth thrust his ass at Zack, who wasted no time in resuming what he started. Zack gripped his hips and sheathed himself inside Seth. Already loosened up, Zack didn’t encounter any obstacles.

  Zack began to hammer in and out of him, moving faster and deeper. Seth met Zack for every push, gasping when Zack hit his sweet spot. Zack went for his prostate again.

  “Touch yourself,” Zack said.

  Seth reached for his prick, stroked it, knowing neither of them would last long. Zack brushed against his prostate repeatedly, making him arch his back and cry out. Seth’s balls tightened against his body.

  “Zack, I’m close,” he admitted.

  “Me too. Come together, baby.” Zack reached over and gave his tip a squeeze.

  The pressure building inside him broke as Zack pushed him over the edge of oblivion. Seth blanked out, his mind flying twenty thousand feet in the air. He was distinctly aware of Zack thrusting several times inside him, before filing his ass with warmth.

  They collapsed on the bed, tangled in each other’s limbs. Comforted by the warm press of Zack’s body, Seth slid his hand over Zack’s chest, where his name was.

  “I love you,” he murmured. Seth would never get tired saying of those words. Their relationship might be unconventional by normal standards, but neither Zack or he gave a damn.

  Zack held his gaze and flashed him that wicked smile. “I fucking love you too, baby.”

  The End


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