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Phaelyn (The Dark Shadows 2.5)

Page 4

by Ariel Marie

  Her breasts tingled as they slid back and forth against his muscular chest wall with each thrust. She didn’t want any space in between the two of them.

  “You have me,” he promised, his fingers threaded their way into her hair, as he crushed his mouth to hers.

  He continued to pound his hardened cock into her as she held on for dear life. She squeezed her eyes tight, as she went into emotional and sensation overload. There wasn’t a part of her body that hadn’t received his touch or his love.

  Every thrust of his large cock, took her breath away. The slippery feel of his long shaft stretching her, had her throwing her head back in ecstasy.

  “Breath,” he commanded as if sensing her thoughts. She breathed deep, squeezing her core, eliciting a curse from him. She was close, so close and instinctively spread her legs further apart trying to fall harder onto him with each thrust. She wanted all of him, his mind, his soul and his cock— most definitely all of his cock.

  The brush of his finger against her swollen clit, tipped her over. She screamed as he pinched her sensitive nub, her walls clamped down on his cock as she rode the waves of her orgasm. She grabbed his hair, yanking his head to the side as she sunk her fangs into the side of his neck.

  Tonight, they would claim each other.

  Chapter Nine


  The storm finally blew over and only the rhythmic sound of rain beating down on the roof filled the air. Idris glanced down, finding his mate snuggled into his arms. They had finally figured out that the couch was actually a pull out couch sometime in the middle of the night. It wasn’t the best but at least it was better than both of them squeezing on to the couch.

  He smiled as she murmured incoherent words and snuggled closer into the crook of his neck. He ran his fingers through her hair, unable to keep his hands off her. She was his and he was hers. She had made sure of that. His cock began to thicken as he thought back to their night together. His little minx had left several bite marks along his neck, among other places, staking her claim of him.

  His attention was grabbed by the shrill ringing of a telephone. Phaelyn’s blonde head popped up from where she was sleeping. She reached over onto the floor, rummaging through the clothes that surrounded their make shift bed. He watched her answer the phone, comfortable in her naked form.

  “Bună,” she answered in her native tongue. Her eyes softened as she glanced at him. “Da, suntem în siguranţă. Gadiel, unde ești?”

  He rolled out of bed, as she continued her conversation in her native language. He rummaged around and grabbed his battered clothing. He grimaced at the thought of putting the tattered clothes back onto his body. He glanced down at himself noting that almost all of his bruising had disappeared.

  “They should be here soon,” she said hanging up the phone. She must have noticed him assessing his clothing. “There is extra clothing in the truck. They were able to defeat the versi,” she said coming to stand next to him to inspect his almost healed wounds.

  “And Zoreal?” he asked, thinking of how he wanted to exact his own revenge on the necromancer.

  “The necros escaped.” She scooped her clothes from the floor and started putting them on. “We’ll get them. You’ll have to tell us who Zoreal is. I have never heard of him before.”

  He walked over to the small window of the cabin, finding layers of dust coating the glass. He used his torn shirt to wipe some of the dirt away. The gray skies didn’t look like the rain would be letting up any time soon.

  “He was a guard for the necromancers who loved to torture his captives. A nobody who thought he was somebody. He doesn’t hold any rank but I’m sure if he was able to get me to talk, Sodan would have rewarded him handsomely.” He shifted and slid his pants on.

  “We’ll find him,” her soft voice appeared behind him. He paused as her small hand caressed his back. He closed his eyes, loving the feel of his mate’s hands on his bare skin. “And I will kill him.”

  Strangely enough he found her promise to kill the enemy sexy as hell.

  * * *

  “It is them,” Phaelyn said from the doorway. She had once again, donned all of her weapons and was the epitome of a Dark Shadows warrior. Except her hair. No longer was it in the restricting bun or the long braid she was notoriously known for, but a high ponytail. He loved her hair and wanted to run his fingers through it again, but wasn’t sure how she would react in front of her team members.

  “Why the frown?” she asked, coming to stand in front of him.

  He gazed down at her and his heart pounded away. He couldn’t believe that they had mated. This single vampire female who had stolen his heart all those years ago, was finally his.

  “Just thinking that I was a fool for waiting,” he said placing a chaste kiss upon her lips.

  “Well, I hope I was worth the wait,” she laughed as he pulled her flush against him. She reached up pulling him down toward her. He loved that even with his height, she was the perfect fit.

  “We have to make up for lost time,” he said brushing his lips against hers again. Just as her mouth opened to receive his, her phone went off again.

  “They’re here,” she sighed, pulling her phone out of one of her cargo pockets. She walked towards the door, winking over her shoulder as she opened the door.

  The Shadow warrior Gadiel stood at the door with a duffle bag in his hand. His observant eyes briefly glanced at Phaelyn before locking on Idris. He muttered something in their native language to Phaelyn. She nodded her head and smiled as she replied.

  Idris walk to the door, unable to stay away from her. He knew that she had said that there was nothing between her and any of the Shadows but that little thing called jealousy crept up in the pit of his stomach. She was his mate and she belonged to him.

  “Congratulations,” Gadiel said in his thick accent. Idris caught the bag that Gadiel tossed to him. He unzipped the bag, finding clean clothes in it.

  “Thanks,” he replied, possessively pulling Phaelyn into the crook of his arm. Maybe it was because of the bond that they sealed last night, connecting their two souls together for all eternity or maybe it was just the alpha male in him, but he had to prove that she was his.

  “Let’s get you home big guy,” she said with a laugh and a pat to his chest.

  Chapter Ten


  “Good job,” Nicu said from behind his massive desk. Phaelyn along with Viktor, Gadiel and Teague, were meeting with the leader of the Dark Shadows for an informal debriefing of their mission. “Who was the necro that was in charge of the operations in that building?”

  “According to Idris, his name is Zoreal,” Phaelyn answered, thinking that if she ever got the chance to face the necro, she would take great pleasure in killing him. Slow, painful torture. Zoreal didn’t deserve a quick death. She envisioned multiple ways that would be the best way to kill the necromancer.

  She grew angry just thinking of how she had found Idris last night. No person or animal should be treated in that manner. While she was in the meeting, Idris was ordered to go be examined by the royal physicians.

  “Hmm… I’ve never heard of him,” Nicu said with a frown.

  “We are going to track him and the others that escaped down,” Gadiel said. “They deserve to die for what we found down there.”

  “Good. Gadiel, you will lead this search. Find them. We have enough issues going on right now. I don’t need a new necromancer trying to make a damn name for himself. Teague, tomorrow you will leave on your separate assignment,” Nicu directed.

  “Yeah, I actually need to leave now,” Teague said getting up from his seat and headed to the door with a casual salute. “As always, it was fun lady and gentlemen.”

  “I hear that congratulations are in order,” the Dark Shadows leader said, turning to Phaelyn once his brother left the room. “Seems mating is in the air here. I wish you and Idris the best of luck.”

  “Thank you my prince.” She nodded, still in disbelie
f that she and Idris had actually completed the bond. Everything just seemed right in her world. Even her nightmares seem to have vanished.

  It took everything she had to hold in her smile. It wouldn’t look right for the badass female Dark Shadow warrior to be grinning like a fool in a debriefing. She could honestly say that she was happy.

  She was complete.

  Completely in love.

  These feelings were new for her. Dedicating her entire life to protecting the vampire nation, left little time for romance. She knew eventually she would find someone and settle down. She just never imagined that she would actually find her true mate right under her nose.

  “Well, I’m not going to hold you any longer,” Nicu said with a nod. “Go. Be with your mate.”

  “Thank you, Nicu,” she said with a small smile. She scurried from her chair and with a nod to Gadiel and Viktor, she went in search of her mate.

  Chapter Eleven


  “Are you sure that you’re okay with moving into my place?” Phaelyn asked as Idris pulled his duffle bags from the trunk of her car.

  She quickly grabbed her bag, before he closed the trunk. Her condo was located about ten minutes from the Olaru mansion. As a member of the Shadows, it was not required for her to stay on the property of the royal family. She chose this small community to have some peace of mind when she was off duty.

  “Being a royal guard, I was assigned a small suite in the Olaru mansion,” he said with a small smile. “It would actually be nice to have a place away from the mansion.”

  “Ok,” she breathed. She took a deep breath and led him to her condo. She couldn’t believe that she was actually nervous. She, a trained warrior, was worried about sharing her life with her mate and unsure of what he would think of the home she had made for herself.


  She paused outside her door and took a deep breath before she turned toward him. She was still amazed that the fate had gifted her with a mate for all eternity. He gazed down at her with his warm gaze and with that one look, she knew that she was crazy to even doubt what was between them.

  “I can see that you’re nervous, hell, I am too. But we will make this work. The fates do not make mistakes, we are meant for each other.” He gently cupped her cheek with his warm hand before tipping her chin up. Her heart sped up as she stared up into his dark eyes. “You belong to me,” he said, placing a chaste kiss upon her lips. “Now open the door, Phaelyn.”

  His deep voice sent a shiver down her spine as she turned and placed the key in the lock. She turned the key left.


  Opening the door would mean starting the third chapter in her life. First chapter, her human life. Second chapter, her vampire life and the third chapter, life with Idris.

  For all of eternity.

  A slow smile spread across her face as she pushed the door open. “My home is your home,” she said stepping inside before turning to Idris. Her smile disappeared at the look of shock on his face as he stood frozen in the doorway.

  “Idris?” she called his name. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” he blinked a few times before stepping over the threshold. He looked around the condo before his dark eyes met hers.

  “You’ve changed your mind.”

  * * *


  He was frozen in the doorway, unable to take another step. He recognized the layout of this apartment. He glanced around, taking in all of the details and was certain that he had been here before.

  And then it hit him.

  His dream.

  This was the fucking apartment from the dream that he had.

  “No. It’s fine,” he blinked a couple of times. “Just a sense of déjà vu for a second.”

  He tried to smile to calm her fears but he could tell that she was a little spooked by his reaction to her place. He didn’t want his mate to worry, so he swallowed hard and stepped over to her.

  “I told you,” he said, gathering her into his arms. “You belong to me. I’m not going anywhere.” He shifted her long tresses that he loved so much, away from her neck to gain access to her addictive skin. He used his lips to leave a trail of kisses along her jawline and her ear. “Forever,” he whispered in her ear, feeling her body tremble. He loved how her body responded to his.

  She was his.

  His sexy warrior.

  “Ok,” she whispered. “Let me show you around.”

  She flashed a small smile, before grabbing his hand and pulling him behind her. She showed him around the entire condo, the kitchen, dining room, spare room and her bedroom. Not only did she show him the layout, but every location that contained a hidden weapon. A wide grin spread across his face as she showed him where she had another dagger hidden. His sexy warrior had enough weapons stashed around her place to outfit a small army.

  * * *

  His eyes flashed open. Something was wrong. He didn’t have to turn his head to see that Phaelyn was not lying on her side of the bed. He swept his arm along the sheets and found them to still be warm. He tried to relax but something in the back of his mind was screaming for him to get out of the bed and go find her.

  He sat up in bed as his ears picked up a slight sound coming from downstairs. Without making a sound, he grabbed his sweats that were bunched on the floor and pulled them on. He didn’t bother with a shirt or shoes. Phaelyn just ran downstairs, it was no big deal, he tried to convince himself but failed. Being a prisoner of war left him on the edge and he needed to see for himself that she was fine.

  He crept down the stairs with a sense of dread filling his gut. He didn’t like this one bit. Darkness filled the first floor and he knew instantly something was wrong. Phaelyn wouldn’t have come down the stairs and left the house in total darkness.

  Idris kept the lights off as he crept into the dining room to grab one of the daggers that he knew she kept strapped underneath the table. His hand easily found the weapon. He silently made his way through the kitchen, with the weapon held close to his body. He could hear voices coming from the living room. He slowly walked into the room and flicked the wall switch, casting a soft light in the room.

  “Ah, finally, you are awake,” a familiar voice, said. “Phaelyn and I were just having a conversation about you.”

  The pit of Idris's stomach gave away as his nightmare became a reality.


  And the necromancer currently held Idris’s world in his hands. Phaelyn’s eyes blazed her crimson red as she locked eyes with him. She was pissed.

  “It’s going to be okay, love,” he said softly, holding the dagger even closer to his leg, in an attempt to keep the necromancer from seeing it.

  “I know it will be.” She was confident with her answer. The warrior in her would not go down without a fight and he was so sure of this. He refused to have this reality play out as his dream did. He could not lose her.

  “Oh, tsk tsk,” Zoreal taunted. “Don’t be so sure of that. King Sodan will have his revenge on vampires and there is nothing that you Shadows will be able to do,” Zoreal snapped.

  “Oh necro, you just don’t know—” Her words were cut off, by a large Bowie hunting knife, that appeared suddenly against her neck.

  “Stop!” Idris yelled, his heart racing.

  “Drop your weapon, vampire,” Zoreal ordered. “Or your girlfriend will gain a beautiful new red smile tonight.”

  Chapter Twelve


  Enemies always had to test her. She literally shook on the inside as the necromancer taunted Idris. She stared across the room into her mate’s eyes and helplessly watched the mix of emotions shift across his face. Anger, panic and fear within seconds of each other before anger settled in.

  “Take me instead,” Idris demanded.

  “No.” She shook her head.

  She would be damned if he would be taken again. She knew that she shouldn’t have come down the stairs without waking him, but she was so sure
that it was nothing in the living room. A noise had gained her attention and seeing how she was a Shadow, she thought that she would be able to deal with whatever it was.

  Big mistake.

  “You don’t get a say in this, Shadow.” The necro gripped her by her throat forcing her back against his chest. The night of her attack flashed before her eyes. She refused to be a victim again.

  Not tonight.

  Not ever again.

  She was no longer the young, innocent country girl.

  She was a Dark Shadow warrior.

  “I’ll tell you whatever you want to know, just let her go,” Idris pleaded, placing his weapon onto the hard wood floor.

  “You’re going to die tonight necromancer,” she ground out around her fangs. She wanted Idris to stay away; she would be able to handle the necro.

  The necromancer pressed the knife into her flesh even harder but she wasn’t afraid. She was a trained warrior and didn’t flinch at the burning sensation of the tip cutting into her flesh. Nor did she bat an eye at the sensation of her blood leaving a trail down her neck.

  “Don’t say such things vampire,” the necro murmured in her ear. “There are many things I could do to you, while your boyfriend watched, but King Sodan said an eye for an eye—” his words were drowned out by Idris yell.


  It was just the distraction that she needed. She jerked her elbow into the necro’s stomach as hard as she could, causing the knife to fall away from her neck. She swung her other elbow, catching the necromancer in the face. The sound of bones crunching filled the air.

  “You bitch!” Zoreal screamed, falling back away from her and grabbing his nose.


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