Russia: 1917 Revolution, xxvi, 169, 434–5, 604; novelists and writers in, 2–3, 423, 526–7; Herder’s influence in, 402; intelligentsia in, 420; repression in, 479; radicalism in, 505–6; image in West, 511n, 514; nationalism in, 523, 600, 604; Soviet art in, 525–6; Great Terror, 526; Pasternak on, 532–3, 535–6; reaction against modernisation, 598; 1904 defeat by Japan, 604; Churchill’s view of, 612, 624–5; Roosevelt and, 624–5; trials and purges, 629
Russo, Luigi, 297, 300
Ryle, Gilbert, 52
Sabine, George H., 277–8
Sade, Donatien Alphonse François, marquis de, 258, 389
Sadko, 532
Saffi, Aurelio, 514
Saint-Evremond, Charles de Saint-Denis, sieur de, 362–3
Saint-Réal, abbé César Vichard de, 333
Saint-Simon, Claude-Henri, comte de: and political philosophy, 66; and human goals, 68; optimism, 137, 154, 583; historical theory, 182, 435; and administration, 191; and Machiavelli, 281; and unified reality, 328, 623; and creative epochs, 395; Comte and, 446; Herzen reads, 503; and State capitalism, 557; on social group, 586
Sainte-Beuve, Charles-Augustin, 380n
Samarin, Yuri Fedorovich, 469, 532
Sanctis, Francesco de, 275, 276, 289n
Sand, George, 264, 510, 517
Sartre, Jean-Paul: xiii, 11, 530; La Nausée, 538
Sasso, Gennaro, 274
Savigny, Friedrich Karl von, 361n, 393
Savonarola, Girolamo, 286, 294, 306, 309, 369
Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von: and creative spirit, 72, 124, 422; theodicy, 182; power of ideas, 192; romantic anti-rationalism, 251; on primal nature, 260–1; on purpose in natural activity, 263; patriotism, 371, 403; Herder and, 432; influence on Slavophils, 470; and knowledge, 496; accepts established order, 574
Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von: patriotism, 371, 377; on cultural decline, 395n; admires ancient Athens, 409; on naïve manner, 414; influence on Russian radicals, 421; Herzen reads, 503, 516; Herzen takes motto from, 513; and freedom beyond reason, 564–6; accepts established order, 574; Die Räuber (The Robbers), 260, 565; Xenien (with Goethe), 377
Schlegel, August Wilhelm von, 361n, 371
Schlegel, Friedrich: irrationalism, 263; and Herder, 361n; patriotism, 371; influence on Russian radicals, 421; on Renaissance, 547; accepts established order, 574; on obscuring reality, 575
Schleiermacher, Friedrich E. D., 371, 421
Schlick, Moritz, 100, 141n
Schlözer, Kurd von, 361, 403
Schmid, Karl, 273
Schoenberg, Arnold, 532
Scholastics: and cosmic design, 178
Schopenhauer, Arthur: and free will, 100, 117, 148n, 471; and moral freedom, 110; pessimism, 178; on liberation by death, 212; anti-rationalism, 261; on cosmic purposelessness, 263, 577, 579; influence on Tolstoy, 471
Schubart, Christian Friedrich Daniel, 257, 564
Schumpeter, Joseph A.: Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, 242n
Schütze, Martin, 391n
Schwärmerei, 561
science see natural science
Scipio, 288, 295, 296, 299
Scotus Erigena see Erigena, Johannes Scotus
Scriabin, Aleksandr Nikolaevich, 532
Seifullina, Lydia, 529
self: understanding of, 94–5, 105; and freedom, 203–6; noumenal, 207
self-denial see asceticism
self-determination (autonomy), xxvii, 98–102, 203–18, 223–4
self-fulfilment, 92
self-realisation, 212–16
Sel’vinsky, Il’ya L’vovich, 531
semantics: as science, 63
Seneca, 8n
Sereno, Renzo, 277
Sergeenko, P. A., soon
Severus, Lucius Septimus, Roman Emperor, 296, 306
Sextus Empiricus, 316
Sforza, Francesco, 300
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3rd Earl of: anti-intellectualism, 251, 366; on artists, 362; influence on Germans, 400; and historical judgement, 406; and nature, 421
Shakespeare, William: literary style, 350–1; reputation, 362, 389; Herder and, 369, 399, 421; and plurality of values, 426; as ‘fox’, 437; Pasternak’s knowledge of, 531, 550; Russian interest in, 539; patriotism, 589; Hamlet, 23, 50; Troilus and Cressida, 573
Shaw, George Bernard, 137, 451, 452n, 539, 614
Shchepkin, Mikhail Semenovich, 512
Shcherbakov, Aleksandr Sergeevich, 528
Shelgunov, Nikolay Vasil’evich, 440
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 264, 550, 622
Shklovsky, Viktor Borisovich, 440n, 457n, 468n
Simmons, E. J., 441
Simon, Père Richard, 365
sincerity: as virtue, 553–4
Singleton, Charles S., 278
Sismondi, Jean Charles Léonard de, 305, 398
Skinner, Burrhus Frederick, 328
slavery: and freedom, 112–13
Slavophils (Russian): on freedom and obedience, 72; compare family and political life, 75; and Tolstoy, 469–70, 481; Maistre and, 495; Herzen and, 505, 520; Pasternak on, 532; reaction against modernisation, 598
Smith, Adam, 51, 198, 313
social Darwinism, 292, 378
social sciences: scientific procedure in, 33
society: rational organisation of, 3–5, 216–17; institutional obstructiveness, 214–15; individual in, 226–7; conflicts of values in, 238; as organism, 364
sociology: as natural science, 18–19, 41, 185; beginnings, 183, 185–6
Socrates, 3–4, 225, 399
Soderini, Piero, 286, 303, 306, 309
Solon, 354
Sophists (Greek), 244, 314, 555
Sophocles, 8 & n, 11, 210, 426; Antigone, xii–xiii
Sorel, Albert, 441n, 443, 478, 482
Sorel, Charles, 333
Sorel, Georges, 182, 538, 575, 601
Soutine, Chaim, 525
sovereignty, 65, 233–4, 237n
Soviet Union see Russia
Spanish Civil War, 629
Sparre, Erik, 333
Sparta, 233, 287, 307, 312
Spencer, Herbert: materialism, 19; and social sciences, 25; and human relationships, 75; idealism, 155; evolutionary doctrines, 378; Tolstoy on, 469
Spender, Stephen, 628
Spener, Philipp Jacob, 253
Spengler, Oswald: typology, 9; and historical laws, 33; and impersonal historical forces, 124, 126
Spenser, Edmund, 421
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich, 448, 480
Spinoza, Benedictus de: and lack of purpose in nature, 71; and empiricism of political thought, 73; and liberating value of knowledge, 98, 154, 155, 213, 334; and free will, 100, 103, 110, 117; and autonomy, 116; on rationalism, 217, 329, 333–4; on obedience in children, 218; Jacobi on, 260; and Machiavelli, 271, 276, 293, 308; on moral values, 290, 293; political theory, 333; on human nature, 347, 350; questions Bible, 365; Herder and, 391, 432; Tolstoy and, 457; on nature and God, 562; Ethics, 103, 329; Treatise on the Improvement of the Understanding, 329
spontaneity: as human quality, xii, 11
Stadelmann, Rudolf, 428n
Staël, Anne Louise Germaine, baronne de, 454
Stalin, Josef V., 172–3, 187, 525–6, 533–4, 548, 550–1, 604, 614–15, 621, 635
Stassov, Vladimir Vasil’evich, 402
State, the: and interference, ix, 198–9, 201–2, 206; and minority interests, xii; goal of perfection, 12; and authority, 75, 242, 265–6; views of, 85; as term, 131n; Marxist ideal of withering away, 191; and rationalism, 216–17; Machiavelli and, 278, 288, 294, 301, 304–5, 307, 309; Herder deplores, 373, 376–7, 396–7, 400, 428; and socialism, 584; Hegel on, 591; and self-identification, 594; as unit, 600; see also nationalism
status: as human goal, 227–31
Stein, Karl, Baron vom, 454
Stendhal (pseudonym of Marie-Henri Beyle), 167, 472, 478, 482
Stephen, James: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, 200
phen, Leslie, 364n
Stern, Fritz (ed.): The Varieties of History, 54n
Sterne, Laurence, 445
Stirner, Max, 263, 507
Stoics: ideals, 4, 211, 558; and science of politics, 69, 85; and human relationships, 75; logic, 86; on liberating value of knowledge, 91, 95, 98; on self-control, 92; and causation theory, 99; and acceptance, 103, 115, 179; and self-determination, 110, 223; on inner integrity, 209n; and rise of autocracy, 211; and Machiavelli, 284; and divine Logos, 313; and absolute principles, 350
Strachey, Lytton, 605
Strauss, Leo, 279
Stravinsky, Igor, 532
Stravinsky, Vera, 543
Stroganovs, the, 532
Sturm und Drang movement, xxix, 252, 257–8, 328, 388, 419, 558, 563, 565, 573, 575, 596
subjectivism, 64, 70, 171, 429; see also relativism
suffering: avoidance of, 14–15
Sulzer, Johann Georg, 415, 424n
Süssmilch, Johann Peter, 383
symbols: and words, 381
Tabidze, Nina, 539
Tabidze, Titsian Yustinovich, 529, 539
Tacitus, 51, 289, 293, 319
Taine, Hippolyte: materialism, 19; and scientific history, 21, 34, 37–9, 55, 155; and study of human and social samples, 38–9, 43; historical view, 159; and knowledge, 496
Tairov, Aleksandr Yakovlevich, 525
Talleyrand, Charles Maurice de, 453, 622
Tamerlane, 273
Tatlin, Vladimir Evgrafovich, 525
Tawney, Richard Henry, 240; Equality, 196n
teleology, 23, 129–30, 132–4
Thayer, Judge Webster, 605
theory: and formulation of doctrines, 27
Theseus, 288, 295, 300, 307, 309
Thierry, Augustin, 503
Thiers, Adolphe, 445
Thirty Years War, in, 211, 562
Thomasius, Christian, 365, 594
Thomists: and science of politics, 69, 71, 85; see also Aquinas, St Thomas
Thoreau, Henry David, 398, 583
Thrasymachus, 270
Thucydides, 51, 173, 270, 309, 319
Tieck, Johann Ludwig, 263, 371, 574, 575–7; Prince Zerbino, 576; William Lovell, 576
time: as moving river, 22
Timoleon, 288, 295–6
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 196, 236, 514, 583–4
Toffanin, Giuseppe, 272
Tolstoy, Aleksey Nikolaevich, 544
Tolstoy, Countess Aleksandra, 522
Tolstoy, Count Lev Nikolaevich: and need for leaders, xii; I. Berlin on, xiv; ideals, 3; on truth, 16; parodies historical explanations, 46; dismisses Marx’s doctrines, 81; on understanding and knowledge, 154, 327, 470, 486–96; and historical judgement, 158, 159n; difficulty of categorising, 437–8; philosophy of history, 439–69, 484–8, 491–2, 498; reading, 444–5; disbelieves in free will, 456, 458–60, 485, 489–90; creative genius, 465; and personal conflict, 465–7; advocates simplicity, 466–8; influences on, 468–79; anti-intellectualism, 469, 480; and Slavophils, 469–70; Maistre and, 472–91, 497–8; rejects political reform, 484; destructive force, 493–4; isolation, 498; on Herzen, 500, 521–2; Pasternak on, 531–3; Akhmatova attacks, 539, 545–6; rejects Western values, 567; discounts Utopianism, 579; Anna Karenina, 463, 486, 545; The Kreutzer Sonata, 545; Sevastopol in May, 16; War and Peace, 2, 439–42, 446, 448–50, 457–61, 465–8, 470–1, 474, 482n, 486–7, 502, 545
Tolstoy, Nikolay Nikolaevich (Lev’s brother), 463, 472
Tolstoy, Countess Sof’ya Andreevna (Lev’s wife), 545
Tommasini, Oreste, 275
Tönnies, Ferdinand Julius, 75, 424n
totalitarianism: and authority, 268
Toynbee, Arnold, 33, 124, 130–1, 182
Treitschke, Heinrich von, 143, 307, 399
Trevor-Roper, Hugh, 307n
Trotsky, Leon, x, 13, 159, 632
truth: as ideal, 16; and history, 17; and knowledge, 91–118
Tsvetaeva, Marina Ivanovna, 527, 531–2, 534, 546, 549
Tukhachevsky, Marshal Mikhail Nikolaevich, 534
Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich: as ‘fox’, xiv; as ‘pure’ writer, 423; and Pushkin, 437; on Tolstoy, 439–40, 451, 460, 466; on Herzen, 500; reads Hegel, 505; reputation, 511n, 514; gradualism, 520; Pasternak on, 539; Akhmatova despises, 546; discounts Utopianism, 579; Fathers and Children, 487, 521
Turgot, Anne Jacques Robert, baron de l’Aulne, 178, 408, 586
tyranny, xxxii, 233–4
Tyutchev, Fedor Ivanovich, 469, 531–3
United Nations: and nationalism, 585
United States of America: political idealism in, 212n; Churchill on, 612; vision, 623–4; Roosevelt’s New Deal in, 629
unity: search for, 180
utilitarianism, 15, 223
Utopias: and belief in attainable happiness, xxxii, xxxv, 137, 191, 313–14, 556, 568, 579; value of, 12; and fantasy, 58; nineteenth-century, 585
Uz, Johann Peter, 370
Vaihinger, Hans, 148n
Vakhtangov, Evgeny Bagrationovich, 525
Valentino, Duke of see Borgia, Cesare
Valéry, Paul, 550, 614
Valla, Laurentius, 330
value judgements, 63–5
value pluralism see pluralism
values (cultural and moral): incompatibility and plurality, 7, 9–12, 14–16, 238–9, 244, 248, 425–6, 556–7; and human purpose, 67–8; and empirical fact, 80; and defining man, 83; Kant on, 209; determination of, 240, 242, 262–3
Vanini, Lucilio, 323
Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, 605
Verdi, Giuseppe, 402
Verhaeren, Émile, 531
Verne, Jules, 137
Versailles, Treaty of (1919), 587
Vesterling, Hermann, 428n
Vettori, Francesco, 283, 299
Vico, Giambattista: I. Berlin champions, xi; concept of history, xxix–xxx, 24, 48, 50, 56, 165n, 340, 342–3, 349–58; opposes scientific method, xxix, 334, 352, 357; and cultural succession, 7–9, 14, 247–8, 350–1, 354–5; and social activities, 19; on ‘inner’ and ‘outer’, 53; rediscovery of, 120, 393; on mathematics as human invention, 246, 341; denies doctrine of timeless law, 247–8; on understanding, 253; background, 340; on language, myths and rites, 344–9, 355, 381, 387; on fantasia (imagination), 346, 351n, 354–6; Herder and, 361–2, 405; and spirit of nation, 363; and Homeric scholarship, 365; on nature, 389; and artistic creation, 418n; on social group, 586; Scienza nuova (New Science), 7, 246, 248, 345n, 347n, 353
Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy, 614
Viennese positivists, 328
Vignier, Nicolas, 333
Villari, Pasquali, 278
Villey, Michel: Leçons d’histoire de la philosophie du droit, 201n
Vincent of Lérins, 327n
Virgil, 404n, 558
virtues: diversity of, 553–4
Vitmer, A., 440n
Vögelin, Eric, 273
Vogt, Karl, 493, 516
Vogüé, Eugène Melchior, vicomte de, 441, 482
Voltaire, Françis Marie Arouet de: on Enlightenment, 8n; influence on French Revolution, 46; and toleration, 142; on attaining human ends, 245; Herder attacks, 252, 255, 362, 406, 411–12, 415, 434; mocks variations in laws, 256; Maistre on, 267, 284–5; and Machiavelli, 320; and unified reality, 328, 359; on history, 334–9, 352, 355, 361; and scientific method, 334–5; dismisses mythology and rites, 344n, 346, 348, 351n; literary style, 350; absolutism, 355; praises foreign civilisations, 362–3, 431; anti-clericalism, 377; and Wolff’s syllogisms, 394; condemns Middle Ages, 407, 411; on progress, 408; on cultural differences, 415; on artistic creativity, 419; and bon sens, 428; Tolstoy rejects, 484; German reaction against, 563, 574; on Muhammad, 573; and spirit of time, 622–3; Essai sur les moeurs, 335, 362, 415; La Philosophie d’histoire par feu l’abbé Bazin, 408
Vranck, François, 333
Vrubel, Mikhail Aleksandrovich, 532
Vyatka (Russia), 504, 512
Vyazemsky, Prince Petr Andreevich, 443
r /> Wackenroder, Wilhelm Heinrich, 493, 575
Wagner, Richard, 360, 407, 516, 579
Walder, E., 272
Walker, Leslie, 272
Walpole, Robert, 633
Warton, Thomas (senior) and Joseph, 365, 400
Weber, Max: on explanation of actions, 41; and sense of history, 56; social order, 75; and sociology of knowledge, 89; and growth of sociological mythology, 183n; on power of bureaucracy, 585
Wegelin, Jakob von Daniel, 362, 430n
Weil, Simone, 87
Weizmann, Chaim, xxiv
Wells, G. A., 361n, 386n, 427n, 433n
Wells, Herbert George, 137, 168, 328, 334, 451, 530, 568, 614
Weltanschauung, 23
Whitehead, Alfred North, 559
Whitfield, John Humphreys, 293
Whitman, Walt, 579
Wieland, Christoph Martin, 403, 424n 564
Wilhelm II, Kaiser, 614
will: and causation theory, 99–100; and moral freedom, 259; Rousseau on, 259; Fichte on, 570–2, 574–5; freedom and supremacy of, 577
Willkie, Wendell, 634
Wilson, Woodrow, 614, 625, 631–2
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, 347, 363, 396, 430, 529
Wirkungszusammenhang, 55
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 84
Wolf, Friedrich August, 355, 365
Wolff, Christian, Baron von, 359, 386, 394
Wolin, Sheldon S., 311
Wood, Robert, 388
Woolf, Virginia, 451, 530, 539, 614, 629
Wordsworth, William, 261, 565, 574
World War II, 613–14
Writers’ Union (USSR), 526
Wundt, Wilhelm Max, 25
Xenophon, 305
Yakovenko, Professor, 441n
Yakovlev, Ivan Aleksandrovich (Herzen’s father), 501–6
Yashvili, Pavle (known as Paolo) Dzhibraelovich, 529
Yeats, William Butler, 530, 614
Yggdrasil, 312
Young, Edward, 355, 389, 400
Zadkine, Ossip, 525
Zamyatin, Evgeny Ivanovich, 585
Zenkovsky, V. V., 441n
Zeno, 155, 557
Zhdanov, Andrey Aleksandrovich, 545
Zhikharev, S. P., 474
Zhukovsky, Vasily Andreevich, 532
Zimmermann, J. G. Ritter von, 363
Zinzendorf, Nikolaus Ludwig, Count von, 363
Zola, Émile, 167
Zoshchenko, Mikhail Mikhailovich, 540
Zweig, Stefan, 441
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