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Page 27

by TW Brown

  So far none have managed to gain the hood of the bus, but we have to be sure. Hopefully the crowd will disperse over the next few days. We did find a good amount of bottled water.

  Oh yeah. And a sickening amount of stale candy.

  Tuesday, October 8

  The crowd has grown. This is not boding well. We’ve stayed out of sight, only taking peeks from the shadows. Yet, they remain out there in alarmingly large numbers. We can gain access to the bus if we bail out of here by breaking the glass doors out front. Unfortunately, Snoe has shown little improvement.

  Jenifer and Dominique have been uncharacter-istically quiet. Of course the rippling wave of moans, cries, and groans are non-stop and more than a little unnerving. I’ve never seen such a huge concentration of those things before. I went back in Sam’s journal; I guess this was what he was talking about when he described the multitudes that had surrounded the compound.

  I wonder how those folks are fairing.

  Thursday, October 9

  Awoke to find Snoe sitting up, propped against a wall! She’s not quite ready to bust out of here, but it was nice to hear her complain about everything we lost. As an added bonus, she wants to make a run back there! She thinks that if we come late at night and have something to hook to the Bradley, we could pull it free provided it is still where we left it.

  The girls were totally elated to see Snoe awake. Dominique really looks up to her and I think Jenifer was just glad that another person she knows didn’t die yet.

  Snoe gave them a work-out program and now they’re both in one of the theatres exercising. Anything to get them to burn off some of that chocolate they’ve been gorging on.

  Even though she says she is feeling much better, I am concerned. She’s lost a lot of blood. And we had no blood to give her, so it is up to her body to restrengthen itself. Even taking that into account…she looks awful. I am trying not to stare too long, but Snoe is no dummy. She probably knows everything I am thinking and feeling by reading my face. I’ve never been a good poker player.

  All I can to do is watch. And wait.

  Friday, October 10

  WHY WON’T THEY LEAVE?!? The dead seem to be growing in number, not shrinking. The crowd fills the parking lot and flows out into the four-lane road that passes out front.

  I am not convinced that, even if we can get into the bus safely (they are smashed in so close that there are several under the bus now and pressed against the glass doors) we can get out of here. We’d have to be able to plow through what now looks like thousands of those things.

  At best we have a few days to figure this out because we only have a few bottles of water left. We checked the bathrooms and for some reason the toilets are dry. Whatever we’re going to do we’ll need to decide. I won’t just sit here and die slowly. I’ll either escape and move on…or I’ll die trying.

  Saturday, October 11

  I woke up and Jenifer and Dominique are gone! Snoe and I didn’t hear a thing. The bus hasn’t budged. There is no broken glass. They’re just simply gone.

  At first we just assumed that they were in one of the theaters exercising or goofing off. More and more those two have reverted back to teenage girls. By that I mean independent, giggly, moody, and so obscenely certain that they know it all that you spend nine out of every ten minutes around them resisting the urge to, as Snoe puts it so eloquently, “put a boot in their ass.”

  We can’t imagine either how or why they left. Much less that they said nothing. I mean, did they hear Snoe and me last night discussing the direness of our situation and how strapped for necessities we are? And if so, why would they just take off?

  For the first time, I am questioning my decision to leave. Not because of the danger I or Snoe find ourselves in. Not even because of the losses we’ve suffered in losing Caren, Tara, and the others. No, it is the sadness I feel when I consider the futures—or lack thereof—for the likes of Jenifer and Dominique. Back in Irony, you could at least pretend that things are somewhat normal.

  Monday, October 13

  The girls are back! I feel like an idiot! It never occurred to us that they would sneak out a back door. Apparently they were doing a lot more than exercising in those theaters. They checked each exit and found one that empties out to the rear of this multiplex to a far off corner of the parking lot. A part not swarming with zombies.

  They said they would’ve been back yesterday but a handful of survivors were poking in and out of some nearby buildings taking advantage of the fact that most of the mob seem focused on the front of the multiplex. They hid out in the garage of a nearby car dealership.

  Of course they had two full backpacks—not the school type, but the outdoor variety—full of canned food and water. Snoe was impressed since those packs had to weigh at least fifty pounds. Jenifer said that they brought one pack to the door late last night, left it and then fetched the second. Still, a very impressive piece of work.

  As for the door, when Snoe began to get angry about how they left us vulnerable, Jenifer actually laughed at her. It seems that the doors are flat and flush on the outside. They used a piece of cloth to keep the latch from locking, then, used a stick to slide under the slight gap at the bottom and as one pulled the door slowly, the other waited for enough of an opening to grab the door and pull it open.

  This afternoon we feasted on canned beef stew and room temperature water. It was fantastic!

  Tuesday, October 14


  We’ve got problems. Snoe isn’t getting any better and the pressure against the front doors is becoming too much. There was a pop early this morning that woke us all.

  Snoe says we should run for it, but I just can’t leave her unless the doors actually break. We’ve moved into the theater that the girls slipped out of earlier.

  Just moving Snoe the twenty or so feet we had to go caused her to pass out. I’m no doctor, but I’m starting to think maybe there is some serious internal damage, and, judging by her sickly color, some form of infection. Plus, and I’d never tell her this, she smells bad. Her breath is toxic and there is this funk. Now, I’ve checked her from head-to-toe for anything that looked bitey and she is clean. I just think she’s suffering from no clean environment in which to recover in.


  They’re in! We have piled as much as we can at the door. It won’t hold. I’m giving this to Jenifer and sending her and Dominique ahead. There has to be a way to help Snoe.

  I hope the baby inside me will forgive me, but I can’t leave her. I can’t let Snoe just lie there helpless without trying. Last night, I sat down and drew out a map to where the warehouse complex is that Sam stayed in those first days. I’ve told the girls to take this journal and make it to that location. If it is safe, they are to stay there or in the vicinity (we have a symbol that will be a code they can leave in obvious and visible locations as a signal) until they are certain we won’t be showing up.

  Wish us luck.

  Meredith Gainey

  is a survivor…and determined to retain that status as the zombie apocalypse wipes out most of humanity. Un-able to accept an existence behind walls and fences, she finds herself in constant danger…and she wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Book 2 of the Zomblog trilogy

  It has been over two years since the dead began to walk. The shattered remnants of civilization continue desperately to try and rebuild society...for better or for worse. As far as Meredith Gainey is concerned, they can do it without her help. It's all there, and it only serves to prove Meredith's point that maybe the world would be a better place without humans. As always, she documents her travels, allowing you to see the dead world through her eyes.

  This is Zomblog: The Final Entry

  The unthinkable has happened.

  The dead are walking!

  Humanity’s fragile thread may be reaching its bitter end.

  Individuals and groups struggle to survive…some at any cost. Will there be anybody left?

sp; Or, is this just…

  The Ugly Beginning?

  Book one of a 12 book series





  Steve…the Geeks…and all the rest continue to learn on the run.

  Gruesomely Grimm Zombie Tales Vol 1

  For the

  Not So Young!

  Follow the Grimms Fairy Tales #1-25… but with Zombies added to the mix

  Campfire Stories with Uncle Eric is a sextuplet of twisted tales to share at night…campfire optional.

  So call over some friends and take turns reading these horrific tales.

  And something from the May side of

  May December Publications

  Abandoned and scared, but less alone than he could have ever imagined, Sam awakens to the screams of the other children on the island of Fervor, and the absence of all adults. To make matters worse, despite hearing this chaos in his head, he finds himself deaf to the normal sounds around him. His only answers are now being provided by a strangely charismatic boy named Francis who is about to lead Sam to a gathering that will alter his life. Why have things changed so drastically on the island, who is responsible for these changes, and what does this mean to the remaining inhabitants of Fervor?

  Dakota Riley is a member of the Seattle Drug Task Force. During an investigation into an international drug smuggling ring, he loses his best friend and partner. To add insult to injury, he is assigned an African-American rookie, Marc Bradley. Seeking revenge rather than justice, Dakota ditches the rookie...and almost gets himself killed. After leaving the hospital for a 'forced' vacation, Dakota and Marc head to Marc's hometown of Charleston, South Carolina. A day out on a fishing boat goes wrong when a mysterious storm arrives. The boat is destroyed, and the two men wash 1861, just prior to the start of the American Civil War.

  Anthologies from MDP

  A Man of Letters by Eric Pollarine

  A Soldiers Lament by Patrick D’Orazio

  Blackout by Amber Whitley

  Childish Things by William Wood

  Feral by Rebecca Lloyd

  One Nation Undead by Mike Harrison

  Shear Terror by Chantal Boudreau

  That Ghoul Eva by Marianna Mann

  …and more!



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  TW Brown is the author of the Zomblog series and the Dead series. He is deeply immersed in the multiple sequels of each franchise while trying to balance the duties of husband, father, friend, and band member as well as keeping busy reading and editing the numerous submissions for a variety of upcoming anthologies and full-length titles for May December Publications. He is a member of the Horror Writers Association, and has had short stories published by Pill Hill Press , Living Dead Press, and in the anthology, Vampires, Zombies, and Ghosts, Oh My! And more.

  You can contact him at or visit his website at You can follow him on twitter @maydecpub and on facebook under Todd Brown and also under May December Publications.




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