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Landscape with Figures

Page 35

by Richard Jefferies

  The Toilers of the Field, London: Longmans, 1892.

  The Early Fiction of Richard Jefferies, edited by Grace Toplis, London: Simpkin, Marshall, 1896.

  Jefferies’ Land: A History of Swindon and Its Environs, edited by Grace Toplis, London: Simpkin, Marshall, 1896.

  T. T. T., Wells: A. Young, 1896 (short story).

  The Hills and the Vale, with an introduction by Edward Thomas, London: Duckworth, 1909.

  The Old House at Coate, and Other Hitherto Unprinted Essays, edited by Samuel J. Looker, London: Lutterworth Press, 1948.

  The Nature Diaries and Note-Books of Richard Jefferies, edited by Samuel J. Looker, London: Grey Walls Press, 1948.

  Chronicles of the Hedges, and Other Essays, edited by Samuel J. Looker, London: Phoenix House, 1948.

  Field and Farm: Essays Now First Collected, with some from MSS, edited by Samuel J. Looker, London: Phoenix House, 1957.

  Landscape and Labour, edited by John Pearson, Bradford-on-Avon: Moonraker Press, 1979.

  A complete list of Jefferies’ essays and journalism appears in the Bibliography of Landscape and Labour (see above).


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  This selection, originally entitled Landscape with Figures: An Anthology of Richard Jefferies’s Prose, first published in Penguin English Library 1983

  First published, with a new preface, in Penguin Classics 2013

  Introduction copyright © Richard Mabey, 1983

  New preface copyright © Richard Mabey, 2013

  K is for Keeper, illustration from ‘An Alphabet’, published by William Heinemann, 1898 (hand-coloured woodcut), Nicholson, Sir William (1872-1949) / Private Collection / The Bridgeman Art Library

  All rights reserved

  The moral right of the author of the editorial material has been asserted

  Typeset by Jouve (UK), Milton Keynes

  ISBN: 978-0-141-39290-5

  * The Country and the City, Chatto & Windus, 1973.

  * Quoted in Richard Jefferies: Man of the Fields, ed. S. J. Looker and C. Porteous, 1965.

  * Collected by Grace Toplis as The Early Fiction of Richard Jefferies, 1890.

  * Introduction to Amaryllis at the Fair, Dent, 1939.

  * Richard Jefferies, 1909; Faber edition 1978.

  * There is a blank in the manuscript here.

  * The Arabian commentator thinks this story a myth: the oasis in the desert is the time of youth, which passes so quickly, and is not recognized till it is gone; the pearls and rubies, the joys of love, which make the fortunate lover as a king. In old age every man is afflicted with disease or infirmity, every one is paralytic, lame, or blind. They set out to find a second youth – the dream of immortality – with the astrolabe, which is the creed or Koran all take as their guide. And death separated the company. This is only his pragmatic way; the circumstance is doubtless historic.




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