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Eye on Orion

Page 12

by Laura D. Bastian

  Jai took my hand again and did another internal sweep of my body, checking for other injuries. When he finally looked satisfied, he put me in the car and drove away. He found an emergency turnaround and crossed the median onto the opposite freeway. I didn’t say anything for most of the ride.

  The situation and all its implications tumbled around in my mind. It had turned out better than I could have hoped when Ryad first took me by the arm. I still worried about everything working out in the long run. How could we help Amira stay safe when Shander knew where she was and sent people after her? Once Shander realized Ryad was not coming back with her, would he send someone else to do the job or come himself?

  This was getting crazier by the day. When summer started a month ago, I knew it would be the same old boring things I'd done every summer. Now here I was in the middle of trying to prevent a conspiracy to overthrow an alien government. What have I gotten myself into?

  I checked the dashboard. Ten fifteen. I didn't have to be home for forty-five minutes. I could be there to find out what Jai was going to do with Ryad. At least some of it.

  Jai took out his cell. We were almost there, so I asked, “Who are you calling?”

  “Amira,” he answered. “Hey. It’s me.” There was a short pause while he listened to Amira speak. “I have her back. Yes. She is unharmed. We are bringing him back with us.” He listened and then replied, “No it seems like things are all right for now, but we have a lot to discuss.”

  He looked back at Ryad in the mirror.

  “Get the others and let them know. Yeah, we are almost there. I wanted to give you an update and a brief warning to prepare yourselves.”

  I wished I knew what Amira said on the other end.

  “Yes. She took care of things in an interesting way.” He looked at me and smiled. The pride in his eyes embarrassed me a little, while at the same time made my heart swell.

  “No. I think you’ll need to hear it from her. You will be proud. Yes. See you in a few moments. Goodbye.”

  Jai looked at me and spoke gently. “They will have lots of questions for you when we get there.”

  I nodded.

  When we pulled up, Amira was standing on the front porch. She rushed to the car and yanked my door open. Almost jumping in with me, she took me in a crushing hug. “I’m so sorry, Holly. I had no idea anyone was coming for me.” Her tears made me cry too.

  “I'm okay,” I assured her. “Don't worry about it. Let's find out what we can about him and then we'll know what to do for you.”

  I turned to look back at Ryad once Amira loosened her hold on me. He was still in the same position Jai had put him in. Jai leaned forward and looked at Amira across me. “Let her go, Amira. You’re gonna hurt her.”

  Amira let go and climbed backward out of the car. Jai patted my hand and got out. I climbed out and stood next to Amira and watched Jai. He glanced around the neighborhood, lingering a little while on Curtis’s house. Apparently satisfied with what he saw, he opened the back door and cut the ties holding Ryad hostage. Jai hefted him over his shoulder and rushed into the house, telling Amira and me to follow.

  Jai positioned Ryad in a chair. “Marshal, find me some zip ties.”

  Marshal nodded and rushed off. Jai stood guard over Ryad, who didn’t look like he’d be waking any time soon. Marshal returned quickly, and Jai tied Ryad’s legs to the chair, then secured his hands behind him and ran the ties through the bars of the chair back. I worried about Ryad’s injuries. It couldn’t be comfortable to be tied up like that.

  “Why is he bleeding?” Amira asked.

  “I made the car wreck,” I said.

  “No, I mean why hasn’t he been Healed?” Amira looked at Jai. He grunted and pulled hard on the binding around Ryad’s leg.

  “He won’t do it,” I said. Amira looked from me to Jai then shook her head but didn’t say anything else about it. She sent Delilah for some bandages and wrapped Ryad’s head. Jai hovered over her, but she wouldn’t let him take the bandages. She insisted on doing it herself.

  When Amira finished and Jai was sure Ryad was secure, he took me by the hand and led me to a couch. Delilah handed him a shirt, and as he put it on, Amira, Marshal, and Delilah began questioning me about what had happened.

  I managed to tell the whole thing without crying, or even feeling that earlier sense of panic. I knew having Jai sitting next to me holding my hands helped. Amira sat down beside me halfway through and took one of my hands from Jai. She held it tightly between hers.

  “I am so sorry. I should have known he was coming. I should have seen it in a Vision. I don’t know why I didn’t see it. I would never have let this happen to you.”

  “Amira.” I turned to her. “Don’t worry about it. Things are okay. I’m fine, and you will be safe now. Ryad can’t take you back home.”

  “But why did Shander send him instead of coming himself?” Delilah asked.

  “He said he has some extra talents. Shander wanted him to take Amira back because he said her dad is really sick and dying.” I looked at Amira. “I don’t know if that’s true, or if it’s what he told Ryad. He said Shander wants you there to make the people happy. But it all sounded just messed up to me.”

  “How?” Marshal asked.

  “If he wanted the kingdom for himself, then why not let Amira just stay away? Why bring her back to marry her? Ryad seemed to think the people would be just as happy to have Shander as the king if you never returned.”

  Jai and Amira looked at each other. I watched as they seemed to talk with their eyes. I knew they didn’t think anything to each other. I would have heard it. But they still communicated.

  “We can’t keep secrets from her anymore. She is a part of this,” Amira said.

  Jai shook his head but didn’t respond in any other way.

  “I was engaged to Shander,” Amira said.

  “Engaged?” I couldn’t wrap my mind around it. She was my age. And Shander was old.

  “My father wanted to make sure I had someone who knew how to run a kingdom to be by my side. Shander had always been his strongest supporter and his greatest help. He naturally thought he would be a good match for me.”

  “What happened?”

  “I started to have second thoughts about it. Little things Shander said or did while we were together didn’t sit right with me. My former bodyguard even had his doubts about it. Then there was an attempt made on my life, and my guard was killed protecting me. Shander was angry I felt sadness for his loss. He told me I had feelings for my guard and accused me of being unfaithful. His jealousy was stifling.

  When I expressed my concern to my father, he allowed me to back out of the arrangement. Shander got angry when I told him I would not marry him. He struck me and tried to keep me from returning to my father. It was a good thing Jai was close by. He helped me get free from Shander, and when we told my father what happened, he was angry. He confronted Shander, who denied it all. He did something to convince my father I had made it up.” Amira spat out the last words.

  Jai paced the room, and I watched him as he struggled not to interrupt.

  Amira took a deep breath. “When Shander tried to take me by force, Jai prevented it again, and Shander vowed to kill him. We managed to convince my father of Shander’s hidden personality. Father thought perhaps Shander was using a talent or even a drug on him. He told us about the discovery of Traveling and that they knew of a planet similar to Rommader that might have more of the ore to use for Traveling. And since it would support life and we could blend in here, they made the decision right then to send me away before Shander could convince him otherwise. We were gone within a few days.”

  Jai stopped pacing and moved over to Ryad who was beginning to stir. In minutes, Ryad was awake and looked angry to be tied up.

  “Where am I?” He looked at Jai and frowned. “Who are you? What did you do?” He looked around the room and scowled at me. “How?” When he caught sight of Amira, his eyes flew wide. “You have
a sister? That can't be possible. Everyone would know.”

  “No, they are not sisters.” Jai looked at me as if for the first time. He didn’t say anything, but his eyes widened for a moment. He shook his head then said, “This is our good friend, Holly.” Jai held his hand out to me. I walked forward and held his hand. “Holly is from here.”

  Ryad looked from me to Amira and then to Jai. “Here? Where are we?” He shook his head and winced. His breathing was shallow and quick.

  Jai looked him over closely. “What do you remember last?”

  Ryad’s face went blank. “I was given an assignment to retrieve the princess.”

  “Nothing after that?” Jai asked.

  “Not til this moment.”

  “Who gave you your orders?” Marshal asked.

  “Lord Shander.”

  “Lord?” Jai scoffed. “He goes by that now?”

  Ryad scowled, but didn’t say anything.

  Jai put his hand on the back of the chair and leaned in close to Ryad. “Why have you come?”

  “I was sent for Princess Amira.”


  “She is needed.” Ryad looked over at Amira as if wanting help.

  “How did you get here?” Jai asked.

  Ryad opened his mouth to speak, but paused. “I don’t know.”

  “Answer me!” Jai slammed his fist against the back of the chair.

  Ryad clenched his teeth and hissed. “I don’t remember.”

  “You lie.” Jai grabbed Ryad by the shoulders, and I could see his tendons bulge as he gripped Ryad. Ryad grimaced but didn’t make a sound.

  “Jai,” Amira whispered. “That’s enough.”

  Jai released him and stepped away. I had never seen Jai angry. His mood frightened me. I moved back to the couch and sat down, watching carefully.

  Amira crossed her arms over her chest and regarded Ryad for a moment. “Perhaps if you Healed him, his memory might return. You will be able to get more information that way.”

  Jai grunted and slowly turned to Ryad. The look in his eyes indicated he would much rather go without the information, but he stepped forward and placed his hand on Ryad’s bandaged head.

  A shiver ran over me as I watched Jai Heal Ryad. When Jai removed his hand from Ryad’s head, even I could tell a difference. The pain that lined Ryad’s eyes was gone. He sagged in relief.

  “How did you get here?” Jai asked again.

  “I Traveled.”

  “Where did you get the medallion to Travel with?”

  “I made one.”

  Amira and Delilah gasped.

  “Impossible,” Delilah said. “There weren’t enough materials left to make another one.”

  “How did you figure out how to do it?” Marshal asked. “It was an extremely difficult process to complete.”

  “I spent time with the scientists who discovered it and was able to figure it out,” Ryad said.

  “You are the one that can copy another person's talent?” Jai sounded awed. “I’ve heard of you.”

  “I have multiple talents — Languages, Location, and Assimilation,” Ryad answered.

  Amira looked confused. “I thought only single talents existed.”

  Ryad shrugged. “I don't know why I developed multiple talents, but was instructed to keep it quiet. They held me in reserve to help the government if needed. When they told me about you leaving the planet, I was sent to bring you home.”

  Jai stepped forward and leaned down close to Ryad's face. “You have committed treason by trying to take the princess against her will. Shander has no authority over her.”

  Ryad handled the intimidation much better than I would have. “Shander has more authority than you think he does. He is basically running the kingdom. When King Chark dies, Shander will rule whether you return or not. Many of the people like him. They trust him. And if Amira isn’t there to take over, he will rule with no one to stop him.” Ryad frowned.

  “They are misled,” Marshal said.

  “How did you find us?” Amira asked. “Another talent?”

  “Yes,” Ryad nodded, “I use an item of the person I’m searching for. I didn't have anything of yours, Princess, but they gave me something of Jai's. I was told you would be with him at all times.” He looked at me. “Apparently that information was false.”

  “How did you get something of mine?” Jai asked.

  “Shander gave it to me.” Ryad tried to shift in the seat, but the ties held him tight. “He is able to get into your chambers, but not Amira's.”

  Jai seemed bothered that Shander had been in his things. He turned to Amira. “Well, it sounds like there are still people loyal to you in the kingdom, refusing to give Shander everything he wants.”

  “Is there anything else you wish to tell us before Amira passes judgment on you?” Delilah asked.

  “Yes,” he sat up as straight as his binding would allow. “Shander has something he’s using to get people to work for him. I don’t know what he did to me, but I found myself following every assignment he gave. Whether I agreed with it or not.”

  “That sounds convenient.” Jai narrowed his eyes at Ryad.

  “As Holly pretended to be the princess, she brought up some things that made me question Shander. You all think he is a liar and wants to take over the kingdom for himself. I think he’s a powerful man that has a lot of resources. I never knew anything of him personally before he came to me with this assignment. He was very convincing when he told me why he needed you to return, but the more I think about it, the stranger it sounds. If he is a traitor, I want no part of that. I beg your forgiveness for the role I played in coming after you.”

  It was such a sudden change I wondered if he was serious or if he was trying to tell us what we wanted to hear.

  Amira looked at him for a few moments. No one spoke as she watched him. I waited for someone to make some comment, or even move, but all eyes were on Amira as if waiting for her response.

  “I want to believe you, but you will be watched closely to make sure we can trust you,” Amira replied.

  Ryad nodded his head in acceptance and then looked at me. “I’m sorry that I thought you were the princess. I apologize for frightening you.”

  I didn't hold it against him that he mistook me for Amira. I was glad I helped stop him from taking her. He seemed to be waiting for me to say something. I looked around the room, and everyone else was watching me too.

  “I’m sorry I almost killed you,” I said.

  He laughed. “I’m glad you didn’t.” He seemed to be more at ease. The others looked back at him.

  “What will Shander do when you don't return with Amira?” Jai asked.

  Ryad said, “I don’t know.”

  Delilah crossed her arms over her chest. “Knowing Shander, I don't think we should underestimate him on anything. It will be only a matter of time before he sends someone else to get you.”

  The grandfather clock against the wall chimed the hour. I looked at Jai and thought to him, “I've got to go. Will you let me know what you decide? Can I come over here before work?”

  “Of course. Let me walk you home,” he thought to me. “Watch him closely,” he added to Marshal and Delilah.

  “I'll be back in a few minutes,” he said aloud for Ryad's benefit. “I am going to see Holly safely home.” He held the door open for me and took my hand in his, giving one more penetrating look at Ryad. I wondered what was so important about walking me home that he would leave Amira with Ryad.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “I am proud of you,” he whispered to me once we were outside. “You did awesome.”

  “I was terrified at first,” I admitted. “I could barely scream. I tried yelling for you in my mind, because I couldn't get any words out.” My voice cracked, and I swallowed hard as the memory came back. My body started to shake again.

  Jai stopped walking, gathered me in his arms, and held me for a minute in the middle of the street. I
trembled until his presence calmed me down. I felt safe in his embrace. His heartbeat on my cheek as I rested my head on his neck soothed me. I heard him swallow then take a deep breath. He spoke quietly, but I heard every word.

  “I was so worried when I came to my senses there on the floor. I ran out and couldn't find you anywhere.” He hugged me tighter. “You have become more important to me than almost anyone. If I were forced to choose between saving you and saving Amira, it would tear me apart.”

  He took me by the shoulders and looked me in the eyes. “When I found you there on the side of the road, I was ready to kill Ryad. But you were so concerned for his well-being. How can you still be that good to someone who doesn’t deserve it?”

  I shook my head. “I almost killed him.”

  “Your goodness is more amazing than you know. You have such an aura around you that makes whoever you are with comfortable and susceptible to your charm. Even now I am under a spell.” He spoke the last in a whisper.

  “A spell, huh?” I smiled shyly then admitted, “I feel the same way when I'm with you.”

  “I hate to ask this of you, since I don't know what will happen next with this whole situation…” He hesitated a moment. “May I kiss you?”

  I looked up at him in surprise, seeing in his eyes the courage it took him to ask me that. He might be leaving to go home soon, but I wanted to have something to remember and think of when he did go. If there was any way I could convince them they would be safer here, I would do it, but they were deciding tonight. If this ended up being their last night on Earth, there was no way I was going to miss out on a kiss.

  “Yes,” I whispered. I could barely make the word come out, even though I desperately wanted him to kiss me.

  He smiled, looking relieved. How long had I paused before answering him?


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