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Maid for the South Pole

Page 21

by Demelza Carlton

  A few people laughed.

  "She showed me things I'd never noticed before. Things I took for granted, but I shouldn't have. I even learned a few things, from her and from penguins. And she made me see that penguins alone will never be enough."

  More laughter.

  "So here I am, in my penguin suit, about to do something no penguin in history ever has." Jean stepped forward, then sank onto one knee before Audra. Icy blue eyes regarded her, warm with love. "When most penguins find a partner, they mate for life. For a long time, I've been jealous of that, but it turned out I hadn't yet met my mate. I'm pretty sure I have now, and I want to be the first to ask her before some other penguin tries to muscle me out of the way. She's looking so beautiful tonight, I bet they're queuing up outside in the blizzard just to get to her."

  Even Audra laughed at that one. She tried to keep her breathing even, both hoping and dreading what he'd say next. At least now she had an answer for him.

  Jean cleared his throat. "Audra, I love you, and I always will. I promise to bring you fish whenever you ask, and mind any eggs we might one day have while you go off to pursue your own career. I'll always help you take care of yourself, even if you never have another broken wing. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, whether it's here in Antarctica or anywhere else in the world you want to call home. Audra, will you marry me?"

  Everyone – Audra included – was laughing too hard for anyone to hear her reply, so she had a moment to consider her words. Then silence descended over the party and it was her cue to speak.

  Audra wet her lips. "I'm not really ready to think about eggs just yet, and now my broken wing has healed, I hope I never break anything else again. Choosing a mate for life is a very big decision, and six months ago, I would have said it wasn't something I was ready to consider." As Jean's eyes widened in panic, Audra winked at him, and he relaxed again. "But fish on command...what more could a girl ask for?" She raised her voice to be heard above the laughter. "Yes, Dr Pennant. I'd love to marry you."

  If anyone hadn't heard her, the way Jean joyfully jumped to his feet and kissed her probably gave them a clue. But while he kept one arm around her, his other hand reached for the camera to switch it off.

  Audra glanced at the grinning faces around the table. "You all knew, didn't you? Was I the only one who didn't?"

  Jean ducked his head. "Actually, I wanted to do this in private, the moment I got confirmation about my PhD, but I'd promised your friend Jay that I'd ask you in front of the camera. After what happened earlier today, I hid out in the hydroponics lab, telling the plants and myself that I could do this. I was so sure I'd screwed up.."

  Now wasn't the time to talk about tears, or sex. "One bit of good news Ali didn't mention is that I got the doctor's all clear this morning. That means I'm officially not injured any more."

  Jean nodded, loading his plate up with food. It took a moment for her words to register, and when they did, he dropped the serving spoon with a clang. "Your arm's completely healed? No more light duties or...taking it easy?"

  It was Audra's turn to nod. "So you might not want to drink too much with dinner tonight. I'm thinking of turning in early, and I'd like the good night kiss you promised me."

  "Not fish?" Jean held up a platter of smoked salmon.

  "Oh, I want my fish, too," Audra replied, helping herself. So far, the darkest day of the year had proven to be the best day of her life. And it wasn't over yet – if this afternoon was anything to go by, the best was yet to come.


  When dinner was finished and people were picking at the remains of dessert, Ali announced that she was off to bed. Everyone took that as the signal to disperse, heading off alone or in twos and threes for the bar, the pool table and the movie theatre.

  "Shall we go?" Jean asked Audra, hoping she hadn't changed her mind. She seemed unusually interested in the proposed movie marathon.

  "Please," she replied with a roguish wink that hit Jean right in the groin.

  It truly was the best night of his life. Audra had agreed to marry him, and if he'd guessed right, the moment they got some privacy, the clothes were going to come off and what happened this afternoon would be nothing but mild foreplay. They'd make love for the first time with his ring on her finger. Jean glanced down and realised he hadn't given it to her yet. He'd been so caught up in getting his proposal right, that he'd left he box in his pocket the whole time.

  In the corridor outside their sleeping quarters, he stopped. "Wait. I forgot to give you this." He pulled out the box and flipped it open, preparing to drop to his knees again, but Audra seized the box before he could.

  "That's beautiful," she said.

  "I saw it in Fremantle, while I was waiting for your ship to arrive. The emerald reminded me of the colour of your eyes. I know engagement rings are supposed to be diamonds, but this – "

  "This is perfect," Audra said firmly, holding out her hand. "You should put it on me."

  Jean slid the ring onto her finger. To his relief, it fit. And looked like it belonged there.

  "Thank you," she said, wrapping her arms around him for a lingering kiss.

  Jean was this close to pinning her against the wall and having her right there in the corridor, but Audra deserved better than that. The whole station might know what they were doing tonight, but that didn't mean they needed to see it.

  "Your room or mine?" Jean managed to say.

  "Mine. Further from everyone else because it's on the end, and if we're lucky, no one will hear the noise we make over the blizzard."

  Jean liked the sound of that. The memory of her crying out his name this afternoon was still fresh in his memory, and he intended to make her do that a lot more before tonight was over.

  Good thing it was the longest night of the year.


  Audra threw her camera on the desk, not caring where it landed, and gave Jean her full attention. To hell with decorum and professionalism and all that shit. She wanted him. Now. And there was nothing to stop them.

  Their next kiss made her knees weak, so she wrapped her leg around him to hold herself steady. His hands cupped her arse, pressing her groin against his, and she went wild, climbing him like a koala. Her legs circled his hips as her arms twined around his neck, their lips fused together like she wanted the rest of their bodies to be.

  He'd loosened his tie and the top couple of buttons of his shirt, making him look even more sexy in the suit, if such a thing were possible.

  God, he was hard as a rock between her thighs, and she rubbed against him like a cat in heat. She needed to feel him inside her. Now.

  "Condom," she panted, reaching for the box on the shelf. Pinching a foil packet between her fingers, she reached down to free him from his suit pants. She unzipped his fly just fine, but the belt needed two hands, so she gave up on it, delving inside his pants for what she wanted. Hot and hard and in her hand. Finally. She stroked the condom down his length, licking her lips in anticipation. Not that she'd taste him tonight, or at least not yet.

  Audra hitched up her skirt and tightened her legs around him, feeling the rough scratch of his wool pants against her thighs when all she wanted was that sleek shaft. So much.

  "Fuck me. Now," she said, pressing against him so that his tip entered her.

  Jean's eyes were on fire with lust as he pinned her against the wall. Or the door. She didn't know, and she didn't care.

  "I'm not going to fuck you," he said, sliding a finger inside her. "I make love to my fiancée, the same way I will every night when you're my wife."

  His finger was gone, and she ached for him. Any part of him. "Please," she whispered.

  With one smooth thrust, he filled her completely. Perfectly.

  "Oh, yes. Just like that, Jean," she moaned. It was like he'd been made for her.

  He picked up the pace as she urged him on, eager to feel her first climax with him inside her. Almost too soon, she crested that wave, crying out his nam
e as she flew over the other side into bliss. It took her a moment to realise what he'd been repeating the whole time. As he drove deep inside her with one final, earth-shaking thrust, he said it again. "I love you."

  She loosened her legs from around his waist, moaning a little at the feel of him still inside her. She was shaking, but so was he. "I love you, too, Jean. So much."

  "I made you cry. I never want to make you cry," Jean said, easing out of her.

  Suddenly empty, Audra found herself struggling to stand on her jelly-like legs.

  "Like I tried to tell you earlier, I cry when I'm happy. Really, really happy. Like when my fiancé fulfils my fantasy of having a quickie with a sexy man in a suit up against the wall." She grinned up at him as she tried to blink away her tears. "See?"

  "Actually, we did it against the door."

  His eyes met hers and they both laughed.

  Audra wet her lips. "Maybe...we should try it again, and see if it's any better with the wall?"

  He glanced down. "Another time, maybe. I didn't expect to be spent so quickly for our first time. I'd planned something slower, more romantic, where I'd last longer..." Frowning, he started to clean up.

  Of course he'd planned this. Audra was willing to bet his plans would be even more incredible than what they'd already done. She couldn't wait. "Then you're in charge for round two," she said.

  Jean nodded. "So tomorrow, maybe, if you're feeling up to it?"

  Audra stared. "Tomorrow's hours away. If you haven't recharged by then, I'll deep-throat you myself until you're ready, and I never do blow jobs." She eyed him. Jean definitely wasn't small, but he wasn't enormous like Jay. Maybe she'd make an exception for Jean.

  Ah, who was she kidding? If Jean so much as breathed a hint that he'd reciprocate with stellar oral sex like he'd demonstrated this afternoon, she'd be on her knees in a moment.

  His smile seemed sad. "I've never done it twice in a night. Lower sperm counts the second time, you see, so there wasn't really any point."

  Audra's heart melted for him. Jean's first marriage really had been a miserable one. "Your first wife was an idiot. The point to sex is to enjoy it, and procreation's just a possibility afterwards, if you don't take precautions. How could any woman not enjoy sex with an incredible lover like you?"

  "She never let me...never wanted...she wanted me to be quick, and she wanted kids. That was all." Jean looked uncomfortable.

  No wonder Jean hadn't been in a hurry to sleep with her. Being nothing but a breeder was no fun. And what a waste! Crazy woman.

  Audra took a deep breath. "Well, I'm not her. And I don't want to talk about her ever again. Especially not tonight. Tonight's just for us. As for kids...I'm in no hurry to have them, if ever. I have an implant that's good for another four years, so maybe we can talk about kids then. Not tonight. I had plans for tonight, too, you know."

  Jean perked up a little. "Yeah?"

  "Yeah. I'd planned to dress up, maybe dance with you a little after dinner, and then seduce your socks off."

  He cocked his head to one side. "How were you going to seduce me?"

  Audra grinned wickedly. "When I got you onto the dance floor, with your body pressed against mine, I was going to whisper in your ear that I'm not wearing any underwear."

  Jean paled. "You weren't? You mean that whole formal dinner, with the video and everything, when I proposed to weren't wearing underwear?"


  Jean swallowed. "I think...I might be ready for round two now. Except this time I want to take some clothes off first."

  Oh, yes! Audra wanted to squeal with delight. "You're in charge."


  Jean didn't want to be in charge. That was one of the things he loved most about Audra – the way she made sure they did things together, as equals. Putting him in charge meant she was less than him, when she was so much more.

  "What if I lose control like I did this afternoon?"

  Audra grinned and pushed him onto the bed, straddling his lap. "Then the whole building's going to hear me scream for joy." Green eyes challenged him to do his worst as she ground against his groin. "Bring it on, bird boy."

  He kissed her, claiming her mouth for all the wonderful things she said and the wicked things she could do with her lips and her tongue. Tonight, she tasted of mango, like the beer she'd finally admitted to giving him for Christmas.

  He shrugged out of his jacket, lost the tie and belt and started working his pants down over his hips, while Audra took care of his shirt buttons. When she peeled off his shirt, leaving just his pants, Jean rose, lifting her up with him, so his pants slid to the floor. He kicked them away, once again mesmerised by Audra's eyes as she stared into his.

  She slid a hand into the waistband of his boxer briefs. "These better be coming off," she said, snaking her fingers around his shaft.

  Jean didn't need telling twice. He set Audra on the bed so she could watch.

  Down went the briefs, so he stood naked before her. "This is what you get," he said softly. "I hope it's good enough for you. If it isn't, I'll be hitting the gym in the morning so I can do better."

  Her eyes danced. "What if I want you to do a different kind of workout in the morning? Here with me instead?" Audra patted the bunk beside her.

  He sat beside her, pulling her back into his lap like she'd been earlier, only this was much better than before. Now all that lay between them was the silky fabric of her dress, and she was already hitching up handfuls of the skirt to help remove that.

  The way she sat astride him now reminded Jean of his fantasies of her, back on Heard Island. "You need to be naked," he said, lifting the dress over her head so that her breasts popped free.

  All clothing cast aside, she was a dream come true, from her loving green eyes to the perfect breasts pressed against his chest, right down to her toes, already curling with pleasure as she ground her hips against him.

  "Shall I sheath you?" she murmured.

  Condoms meant no worrying about kids, or sperm counts, or being quick. This would be sex for the sheer joy of it – his pleasure, and hers.

  He dropped his voice to the devilish tone that hadn't worked on Audra before. "Sheath me."

  It worked now. Her hand unrolled the condom along his length, but her eyes begged him for what he wanted most.

  He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her, at the same time as he surged into her from below.

  Audra gasped, then returned his kiss, giving his cock a squeeze as she clamped down on him.

  She met his second thrust halfway, dipping her hips to take him deeper. She rode him, all right, with a fierce determination that took his breath away. She took as much pleasure as she gave, this incredible woman who was way better than any fantasy.

  He could feel his peak building, but he, he needed to see her come first. To hear her moan his name like there was no one else in the world, and no one else she wanted more. He felt her shudder as her muscles clenched around him, before she sucked in a breath so she could cry, "I love you, Jean. Oh Jean!"

  Only then did he allow himself his own release, lost in the blissful high of the woman who still clung to him, wrapped around him like she was made for him alone, when the truth was that he was made for her. To love her, to take care of her, and to bring her joy like this every moment they were together. Forever and always, through all life's adventures.

  Author's Note

  The Romance Island Resort series continues with Phuong's story in Jailbird Bride which you can get HERE.

  If this is the first book you've read in the Romance Island Resort series, but you'd like to know more about Jay...and how he met Audra, you can get the first book in the series FREE HERE.

  However...if you already know all about what Jason gets up to in the earlier books in the series, but you'd like to know a little more about where this story began, Jason's story originally started in the Nightmares Trilogy, and you can get the first book in that series free HERE. />

  Demelza Carlton has always loved the ocean, but on her first snorkelling trip she found she was afraid of fish.

  She has since swum with sea lions, sharks and sea cucumbers and stood on spray drenched cliffs over a seething sea as a seven-metre cyclonic swell surged in, shattering a shipwreck below.

  Demelza now lives in Perth, Western Australia, the shark attack capital of the world.

  The Ocean's Gift series was her first foray into fiction, followed by her suspense thriller Nightmares trilogy. She swears the Mel Goes to Hell series ambushed her on a crowded train and wouldn't leave her alone.

  Want to know more? You can follow Demelza on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ , YouTube or her website, Demelza Carlton's Place at:




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