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Follow Love (Diamond Creek, Alaska Novels Book 2)

Page 10

by Croix, J. H.

  Tess nodded again, her eyes on Mount Augustine in the distance. Her curls fluttered around her face in the soft breeze. Turning to him, she caught his gaze. Their eyes locked onto each other. Nathan felt a deep physical tug, the pulse of desire humming through him. His hands itched to reach over, cup her cheeks and pull her close enough to kiss. His mind flashed back to the feel of her lips under his the other night. A current flared to life between them. She was close enough that he caught a whiff of her perfume, a sensual earthy scent that surprised him, if only because it was at odds with the reserve she maintained. His hand unconsciously rose to tuck an errant curl behind one ear. The moment he touched her, he didn’t want to stop. He cupped her cheek, pausing for a moment. She looked back at him, her eyes darkening, though they held a hint of vulnerability. Knowing that words would only shatter this moment, he tried to convey with his eyes that she needn’t worry, ever, with him. He held those tawny eyes with his and slowly leaned in for a kiss. Much as he didn’t want to give her a chance to stop him, it was important that she knew he would give her that chance.

  For a split second, Nathan thought Tess might pull away—that hint of vulnerability flashing. Just as he wondered what she might do, she leaned into him. Capturing her lips, he began a heated exploration, tracing the shape of her lips with his tongue, her mouth falling open on a sigh. His heart hammered and heat built between them, his tongue slipped inside her mouth, engaging hers in a slow dance. He turned his back to the boat railing, pulling her tight against him, reveling in the feeling of her lush curves. His erection strained against his jeans. With a groan, he slid his hands to her hips and pressed into them. Tess sighed into his mouth, one of her hands curling around his neck and tangling in his hair, the other tearing at the buttons of his flannel shirt.

  Nathan was functioning solely on sensation at this point. The moment Tess’s hand slid against his skin, pleasure arced so strongly that he gasped. Just as she had the other night, she threw herself into this kiss, into this moment. All traces of reserve were gone. She was a living flame in his arms, flexing against him. Not realizing it, Nathan must have unbuttoned her blouse because next thing he knew, he was looking down at the tops of her luscious breasts, barely held in by a lacy bra of green silk—another surprise. The practicality that she tried to exude was given up by her sensual perfume and oh-so-feminine bra. He broke away from their kiss and closed his lips over a peaked nipple through the lace. Tess gasped and arched. He lingered over that nipple, teasing the other through the lace with soft pinches.

  “Oh my…Nathan…please…” Tess choked out. Her abandon pushing his desire up, the heat between them so strong, he could hardly think straight. He forced himself to remember where they were.

  Nathan paused to look at her. Her lips were swollen and rosy red, her eyes closed, her honey curls in disarray and her chest rising and falling in fitful breaths. He gave both of her nipples a small tug, his cock straining even harder against his jeans when she let out a deep sigh. Leaning down, he gave his attention to her other nipple, sucking it through the lace, pulling back to blow softly on both nipples. Tess’s hand slid down his abdomen, quickly unbuttoning his jeans and sliding her hand inside his boxer briefs to curl around his cock. He sucked his breath in and tried to think through the fervor he felt. His control was fragile, blown to bits by the incendiary passion between them.

  Attempting to pull back, what little control he had left dissolved when Tess used her free hand to unclasp her bra in the front, the insignificant scraps of lace falling apart and her voluptuous breasts tumbled into view. Nathan slipped his hands around her breasts, the feel of her luscious skin and the tightening of her nipples against his palms wiping all thought clear of his mind. Tess’s hand slowly stroked his cock and pressed against him, bringing her bare breasts flush to his chest. Once again, he reminded himself to think, to remember someone might see them. He started to pull back, only to have Tess tug him close.

  “Don’t stop,” she pleaded.

  Nathan captured her lips quickly, gentling his kiss almost immediately. With a fraction of space between their lips, he whispered, “Trust me, I don’t want to stop. But we need to get out of view.” He swiveled his head, taking a quick glance around, catching sight of a few people in the distance on a boat two docks over.

  Returning his gaze, Nathan looked down into Tess’s face. Her ginger eyes looked back at him, slightly unfocused and wide. Her breasts were in their glory for him to see, her nipples a deep pink, damp and taut from his lips. Not breaking their embrace, he started to walk them back from the railing, eyes on hers every step. A hint of a smile tipped the corners of her mouth up. He nipped at one of her nipples as he kept walking them away from the railing towards the boat cabin. Tess giggled and gave his cock, still clasped in her hand, a quick stroke as he maneuvered them. When they reached the door to the cabin, he fumbled for his keys with one hand.

  Another giggle burst from Tess. “Think you’re a multi-tasker huh? We’ll see about that.”

  Just as Nathan managed to get his keys out of his pocket with one hand, Tess dropped to her knees in front of him, tugging his jeans and boxers open. She was completely shielded from view fortunately because the next thing she did erased what little control Nathan had. She freed his cock and dragged her tongue along one side and then the other.

  “Tess,” he choked out. “We need…” His next words sputtered as her mouth closed around his cock, warmth and wetness pulsating around his shaft.

  Nathan threw his head back with a groan. “Sweet Jesus…Tess…oh my god.”

  She explored his cock with strokes of her tongue and drew him deep in her mouth. He felt bereft when she pulled back and cool air replaced her mouth.

  “Thought you were gonna open that door,” she said, her voice husky with passion.

  Nathan looked down at her, breathless and desperate for her in a way he’d never been for any woman. Tess returned his gaze, her honey curls tumbling around her shoulders, her lower lip caught in a small bite, her eyes teasing. Not breaking her gaze, he deliberately reached around her and unlocked the door. In a blur, they were inside the boat cabin, and Nathan had turned Tess around with her back to the door. He flicked the lights on. Driven by sensation, he pushed her against the door, plastering his body to hers, grinding his hips into her pelvis. Tess gasped into his mouth as Nathan tugged at her pants. She shimmied her way out of them, all the while pushing his jeans down. Reaching under her hips, he caught a glimpse of honey gold curls at the juncture between her thighs. He lifted her against the door, positioned himself and was about to slide into her when he forced himself to pause.


  Her eyes were closed, her head against the door. With obvious reluctance, she opened her eyes. “Didn’t we agree you didn’t want to stop?” she asked, a trace of annoyance flashing in her eyes.

  Nathan chuckled, his cock pounding from frustration. “I don’t…two things though…just want to make sure you really want this and…” he paused and took a much needed gulp of air. “Need some protection…”

  Tess held his gaze, her breasts rising and falling with her breath, making it incredibly hard for him to remember he needed to know she wanted this, that he wanted her to want this.

  “If it isn’t obvious, I want this and I want it now...and I’m gonna lose it if you don’t have a condom somewhere,” she said emphatically.

  His eyes completely on hers, Nathan freed one hand and fumbled for his wallet in his jeans.

  “See? Multi-tasking…not so bad at it,” he said, tugging out the sole condom he carried in his wallet. He didn’t have time to contemplate what it might mean that he was so consumed with desire for Tess that any caution had evaporated. She tore the condom out of his hands and slipped it on, guiding him into her warmth. Closing his eyes, he captured her lips just as he drove to the hilt. She gasped into his mouth and wrapped her legs around his hips. She felt soooo good around his cock, a warm, fitted embrace.

  Tess’s he
ad fell back against the door, her breath coming in pants. He slipped his hand to the space where their bodies joined, caressing the tiny bud that rested just above where his cock continued to sink into her.

  She arched against the door. “Nathan…oh god...don’t stop…don’t stop…please…” She came in a burst, calling his name again in a throaty voice, convulsing tightly around him. Unable to slow down, much as he didn’t want this to end, he pounded into her warmth, his own climax coming in a roar as he pulsed into her.

  As the pulses of his orgasm slowed, Nathan leaned his forehead against hers. The feel of her heartbeat against his chest grounded him. Gradually, their labored breathing slowed. He leaned back to look at Tess. Her eyes were closed. He brushed a curl out of her face. Not wanting to pull out, but realizing she would get uncomfortable soon if they remained where they were, Nathan wrapped both arms around her and leaned away from the door.

  “Hold on,” he said softly, carefully stepping away from the door, holding her securely. In a few steps, he sat down on a bench against one wall, Tess’s knees coming to rest on either side of his hips. Fluid in his arms, she fell against him, her head resting on one of his shoulders.

  They remained that way for several long moments. Tess finally lifted her head and sat back a little. Nathan took a good long look. Her breasts were so lovely and luscious, weighted and round with deep pink nipples. She tilted her head to the side and crinkled her nose.

  “What?” he asked.

  She shrugged and smiled, a blush blooming across her cheeks. A small giggle escaped her. “Let’s just say I didn’t expect this,” Tess said, her expression sobering.

  Nathan waited a beat. “I didn’t either. But I won’t pretend I wasn’t interested. Have been since the day I met you.”

  Tess’s blush deepened. She broke their gaze, her eyes skating around the boat cabin. Nathan sensed it was best to let her take the lead in this conversation. Not to mention that he was navigating uncharted waters emotionally. He’d never experienced passion like what lay between him and Tess—it was a living, breathing, vital incandescence. The intensity gave him pause, yet it also enlivened him. He was emotionally and sensually drained while he also felt a current of vitality thrumming between them.

  Tess finally returned her gaze to him, her lower lip caught between her teeth. Nathan wanted to lean over and kiss her luscious mouth again. Instead, he waited. Her chest rose and fell with a deep breath. She opened her mouth to speak, closing it again immediately. A tear slid down her cheek.

  “Tess? You okay?” Nathan asked, his hands sliding up her arms in a soothing caress.

  Tess brought her hands to her face for a moment, taking several long shaky breaths. With a rapid shake of her head, she wiped the tear away and lifted her chin.

  “I’m fine. I just…I don’t know…” she said, her words trailing off.

  Nathan wanted to ask all kinds of questions, but Tess seemed to be walling him away, pulling herself within. He allowed himself one question. “Can you tell me what’s going on here?”

  She laughed softly, a bitter edge to the sound. “Not just now. I’m sorry.”

  He nodded slowly. “Okay. Just so you know, this pretty much blew my mind here,” he said, gesturing between them. “Not something I make a habit of doing on a first date. I know you didn’t expect this, neither did I. How about we not overthink it for now?”

  Tess looked away again, before bringing her eyes to meet his. “You got it. Not overthinking is a great plan,” she replied with a firm nod and a small smile. Much as Nathan wanted to push, he knew now was not the time.

  The next few moments gave Nathan a chance to pull himself together between the buttoning of shirts and tidying of hair. When they stepped out of the boat cabin onto the deck, all that was left of the sun was a curved sliver above the mountains, deep red and surrounded with fading rays reaching into the sky. The moon was rising to one side, bright in the almost-dark sky. When he pulled up the Tess’s hotel, he looked over at her, her lips were still swollen, her curls a rumple around her face. Before she had a chance to think, he leaned over and kissed her just as she turned in his direction. “See you tomorrow,” he said, pulling back to look into her ginger eyes.

  Tess nodded. “Good night,” she said, stepping out of the truck. She started to turn away and swiveled back. “Dinner was great.” For a split second, Nathan saw a deep vulnerability flash through her eyes, gone just as quickly as it came.

  “Glad you enjoyed it,” was his only reply. He watched as Tess walked to the entrance of the hotel, putting the truck in gear and pulling away when she opened the door.

  Chapter 8

  At three in the morning, Tess gave in and got out of bed. After Nathan had dropped her off last night, she’d fallen into a deep sleep for several hours until she woke to go to the bathroom. Since then, she’d been restive, coming in and out of sleep, thoughts of Nathan and those moments of heedless passion running in circles in her mind.

  After a long shower, she flipped open her laptop to review numbers on one of her fundraising projects. With the news on low volume in the background, she scanned through her email and downloaded the latest reports to update her spreadsheet—all in the hope she could chase thoughts of Nathan out of her mind. However, her body seemed to be running the show. One minute, she was focused on the data in front of her, the next she was remembering the feel of Nathan’s lips closing around a nipple and his cock sliding inside of her.

  Time and again, her thoughts wandered back to that moment when she’d been overwhelmed with the reality that she hadn’t been intimate, not even a kiss, with a man since she’d broken up with Chad. On top of that, she couldn’t seem to recall the last time she’d had an orgasm with anyone other than herself making it happen. Sex with Chad had been less than thrilling. He was pretty focused on himself. As for the men that had come before him…meh. But with Nathan—a mere kiss was like stepping into a living flame. Landing from the electrifying ride with Nathan, she’d been awash in sensation, waves crashing through her. She’d just had the best sex of her life and loved every minute of it. Sitting there in his arms, the afterglow of passion shimmered between them—pulsing, vibrant.

  Next thing she knew, her face was in her hands and she was trying to stop the tears. She’d been so walled off from any feelings, she could hardly face that what had just happened with Nathan involved much more than lust. Although she had a long list of doubts about herself with any man and about Nathan, she didn’t doubt that he’d been concerned. His concern only heightened the well of feelings rushing through her. She desperately wanted to know that he had been just as shaken by their encounter, but she didn’t know…and hadn’t the courage to ask. She had not planned on this. She wouldn’t be in Alaska much longer and hadn’t expected her heart to get involved. It was supposed to have been just a dinner date. Now her well-constructed defenses appeared to be a sham with Nathan.


  Tess perused the early bird menu in the hotel restaurant. At five o’clock sharp, she was the first customer this morning. Within the hour, her family would be meeting in the lobby to head out on today’s fishing trip. The thought of spending the day with Nathan in his element elicited confusion. Just thinking of him, those moments between them, kicked her heart into gear. Closing her eyes, she pictured his blue eyes, dark with passion—and all she wanted was him to herself. And yet…the depth of how much she wanted him dismayed her because she had no idea what could come of it.

  “Good morning, darlin’,” Celine said, walking to the table where Tess sat and immediately sitting down across from her.

  Tess looked over and suppressed a sigh. Her mother’s eyes were bright and she could barely contain her smile. Tess knew her mother was just about beside herself to hear how her evening with Nathan went. Much as she wanted to avoid it, that was impossible.

  “Hey Mom. How was dinner last night?”

  “Lovely. I had one of the salmon dishes, which was just sumptuous. Your fa
ther and Simon loved it.” Celine leaned forward with a conspiratorial grin. “I didn’t give anything away. They have no idea you were on a dinner date with Nathan. So how was it?” she asked, abandoning any effort to delay her questions.

  A flash of heat coursed through Tess as she pondered how the evening went. Should she tell her mother that what started with a kiss had morphed into the hottest moments of her life, that she’d never really understood the concept of passion the way she did now, and that she wanted Nathan in a way she’d never wanted any man in her life? Tess kept her eyes on the menu, attempting to appear distracted. Which she was, just not because of the menu.

  “Well?” Celine prompted.

  Tess looked over at her mother and almost started laughing aloud. If she told her mother the bare truth, Celine would probably do cartwheels on the spot. Her mother wasn’t one to be shy. Long before most of her peers, Tess had been subject to a practical discussion of what to expect from her body and from sex as she faced the cusp of adolescence. Her parents had always been openly affectionate and loving, her mother comfortable in her skin, evoking an earthy sensuality. And yet, Tess didn’t want to share such details with her mother. They were too private, and she was too discombobulated.

  “Dinner was great. Nathan took me to Diamond Creek Brewery. Food was delicious and the beer was quite good,” Tess said, hoping her mother might be satisfied.

  “I’ve heard of the brewery. Do you think your father would like it?” Celine asked.

  Tess nodded just as the waitress arrived, setting a cup of coffee in front of Tess and taking the rest of her order. Taking a welcome sip, Tess waited while her mother ordered a coffee and breakfast. Once the waitress walked away, Celine leaned back and gave Tess a long look.

  “Dinner was great, that’s all I get?” Celine asked.

  Tess tilted her head to the side and returned her mother’s long look. “Seriously Mom? Just what do you think I might have to add?”


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