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Nightwatch w-1

Page 39

by Sergei Lukyanenko

  «Yes.» Svetlana pulled a pack of cigarettes out of her pocket with a struggle and lit one. «I’m tired. Maybe I am still only learning, and not working yet, but I’m tired. And I came here to relax.»

  «You were the one who started talking about everyone faking a good time…«

  «And you were only too happy to back me up!»

  «True,» I agreed.

  «And then you went off to guzzle vodka and organize conspiracies.»

  «What conspiracies?»

  «Against Gesar. And against me, by the way. How absurd! Even I sensed it! Don’t get the idea you’re some great magician who can…«

  She stopped short. But too late.

  «I’m not a great magician,» I said. «I’m third grade. Maybe second, but no higher than that. We all have limits of our own that we can’t go beyond, not even if we live for a thousand years.»

  «I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you,» Svetlana said, embarrassed. She lowered the hand holding the cigarette.

  «Forget it. I’m not offended. Do you know why the Dark Ones form families of their own so often , and we prefer to choose our wives and husbands from among ordinary people? The Dark Ones find it easier to bear inequality and constant competition.»

  «A human being and an Other—that’s even more unequal.»

  «That doesn’t count. We’re two different species. That means nothing counts.»

  «I want you to know,» said Svetlana, taking a deep drag on her cigarette, «that I wasn’t intending to let things go so far. I was waiting for you to come down and see us and get jealous.»

  «I’m sorry, I didn’t know I was supposed to get jealous,» I said repentantly.

  «And then everything just got crazy and I got carried away.»

  «I understand everything, Sveta. It’s okay.»

  She looked at me in confusion.


  «Of course, it happens to everyone. The Watch is one big, tight-knit family. With all the consequences that follow from that.»

  «What a bastard you are,» Svetlana exclaimed. «Anton, if only you could see yourself now from the outside! How did you ever end up on our side?»

  «Sveta, you came to make up, didn’t you?» I asked in surprise. «So I’m making up. It’s all okay. Nothing counts. That’s life; all sorts of things happen.»

  She jumped up and glared icily at me for a second. I started blinking rapidly.

  «You idiot,» Svetlana blurted out and went back into the house.

  So what had I been expecting? Hurt feelings, accusations, sadness?

  But more important, what had Gesar been expecting? What would change if I stopped playing the role of Sveta’s ill-starred lover? Would someone else take on the role? Or was it already time for her to be left alone—all alone with her great destiny?

  The goal. I had to know what Gesar’s goal was.

  I sprang up off the beach chair and walked into the house. I immediately spotted Olga, alone in the living room. Standing in front of the open display case, holding a sword with a long, narrow blade out in front of her. She wasn’t looking at it the way you look at an antique toy. Tiger Cub probably looked at her swords in the same kind of way. But her love of old weapons was abstract and Olga’s wasn’t.

  When Gesar came to live and work in Russia—because of her, by the way—swords like that might still have been in use.

  But eighty years ago, when Olga had been deprived of all her rights, wars were already fought differently.

  A former Great Sorceress. A former Great Goal. Eighty years.

  «It’s all so well planned, isn’t it?» I said.

  Olga started and swung round.

  «We can’t defeat the Darkness ourselves. The little people have to be enlightened first. Become kind and loving, industrious and intelligent. So that every Other can see nothing but the Light. What a great goal it was; how long the ripples lasted when it was drowned in blood.»

  «You figured it out after all,» said Olga. «Or did you just guess?»

  «I guessed.»

  «Good. Now what?»

  «How did you slip up, Olga?»

  «I accepted a compromise. A little compromise with the Darkness. And because of that we lost.»

  «We did? We’ll always survive. Adapt, fit in, find our place. And we’ll continue the old struggle. It’s only people who lose.»

  «Retreats are inevitable sometimes,» said Olga, gripping the double-handed sword easily in one hand and swinging it above her head. «Do I look like a helicopter with its engines idling?»

  «You look like a woman waving a sword around. Do we really never learn anything, Olga?»

  «Sure we do. This time everything’s going to be different, Anton.»

  «A new revolution?»

  «We didn’t want the last one. It was all supposed to happen almost completely without bloodshed. You understand: We can win only through ordinary people. When they become enlightened, when their spirit is uplifted. Communism was a wonderfully well-calculated system, and it’s all my fault that it wasn’t realized.»

  «Oho! Why aren’t you in the Twilight already, if it’s all your fault?»

  «Because everything had been agreed. Every step of the way approved. Even that illfated compromise, even that seemed acceptable.»

  «And now—a new attempt to change people?»

  «One more in the series.»

  «Why here?» I asked. «Why in Russia again?»

  «Why not?»

  «How much more of this does our country have to put up with?»

  «As much as it takes.»

  «Come on—why here again?»

  Olga sighed, deftly slipped the sword back into its scabbard, and put it back on its stand.

  «Because, my dear boy, in this arena it’s still possible to achieve something. The potential of Europe and North America has already been exhausted. Everything that was possible has already been tried there. There are a few things being developed right now. But all those countries are already half asleep. A healthy retiree in shorts with a digital camera—that’s the prosperous countries of the West. We need to experiment with the young ones. Russia, Asia, the Arab world—these are where the battles of the present day are fought. And don’t look so offended, I love my country as much as you do! I’ve spilled more blood for it than you have flowing in your veins. What you’ve got to understand, Antoshka, is that the battlefield is the entire world. You know that just as well as I do.»

  «Our war’s with the Darkness, not with human beings!»

  “Yes, with the Darkness. But we can only win by creating an ideal society. A world that will be ruled by goodness, love, and justice. The Watches don’t exist to capture psychopathic magicians on the streets and issue licenses to vampires! All those little things take up time and energy, but they’re by-products, like the heat from an electric light bulb. Light bulbs are meant to produce light, not heat. We have to change the human world, not just neutralize Darkness’s minor outbursts. That’s the goal. That’s the path to victory!»

  «Olga, I understand that.»

  «Wonderful. Then you have to understand something that’s never said in so many words. We’ve been fighting for thousands of years. And all that time we’ve been trying to change the course of history. To create a new world.»

  «A brave new world.»

  «Don’t be so cynical. We have achieved something, after all. Through all the blood and suffering the world is becoming a more humane place. But we need a real, genuine revolution.»

  «Communism was our idea, then?»

  «No, not ours, but we supported it. It seemed quite attractive.»

  «So now what?»

  «You’ll see.» Olga smiled. A friendly, sincere smile. «Anton, everything will be fine. Trust me.»

  «I need to know.»

  «No. That’s exactly what you don’t need. And you don’t need to worry, we’re not planning any revolutions. No prison camps, execution squads, or military tribunals. We’
re not going to repeat our old mistakes.»

  «We’re going to make new ones instead.»

  «Anton!» she said, raising her voice. «Think about it, will you; what are you doing? We have a really good chance of winning. Our country has a chance of living in peace and flourishing. It could become the vanguard of humanity. Defeat the Darkness. It’s been twelve years in the making, Anton. And it’s not just Gesar’s project; the whole top level’s been working on it.»


  «Yes. Did you think it was all being done off the cuff?»

  «You were keeping tabs on Svetlana for twelve years?»

  «Of course not! A new social model has been developed. Various elements of the plan have already been put into action. Not even I know all the details. Since then Gesar’s been waiting for the key players in the plan to come together in space and time.»

  «Who exactly? Svetlana and the Inquisitor?»

  The pupils of her eyes contracted, and I knew I’d guessed it. Or part of it.

  «And what else. What part am I supposed to play in all this?»

  «You’ll find out when the time comes.»

  «Olga, so far magical intervention in human life has never led to anything good.»

  «Don’t give me those old childhood maxims,» she said, getting really worked up now. «Don’t think you’re any wiser than anyone else. We’ve no intention of using magic. Calm down and relax.»

  I nodded.

  «Okay. You’ve explained your position. I don’t agree with it.»


  «No. In a private capacity. And as a private individual I believe I have the right of opposition.»

  «Opposition? To Gesar?» Olga’s eyes opened wide, and the corners of her lips curved up in a smile. «Anton!»

  I turned on my heel and went out.

  Yes, it was laughable.

  Yes, it was absurd.

  It wasn’t just a crazy project dreamed up by Gesar and Olga. It wasn’t just an attempt to repeat a failed experiment. It was a meticulously prepared operation, planned over a long period of time, and it had been my bad luck to get caught up in it.

  An operation approved at the highest level.

  Approved by the Light.

  Why was I getting so involved? I had no right to be. None at all. And I had no chance either. Absolutely none. I could console myself with the wise parable about the grain of sand that stopped the clock, but right now I was a grain of sand caught between mill wheels.

  And the saddest thing of all was that these were friendly and caring mill wheels. Nobody would persecute me. Nobody would fight against me. They’d simply stop me doing all those stupid things that wouldn’t do any good in any case.

  Then why did I feel this pain, this unendurable pain in my chest?

  I was standing on the terrace, clenching my fists in impotent fury, when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

  «Looks like you’ve managed to figure something out, Anton?»

  I glanced at Semyon and nodded.

  «Hard to take?»

  «Yes,» I admitted.

  «Then just remember one thing, please. You’re not just a grain of sand. Nobody’s just a grain of sand. Especially if he’s an Other.»

  «How long do you have to live to be able to guess what someone else is thinking like that?»

  «A hundred years, Anton.»

  «So Gesar can read any of us like an open book?»

  «Of course.»

  «Then I’ll have to learn how not to think,» I said.

  «For that you have to learn how to think first. Did you know there’s been a ruckus in town?»


  «A quarter of an hour ago. It’s all over already.»

  «And what happened?»

  «A courier arrived to see the boss, from somewhere in the East. The Dark Ones tracked him and tried to eliminate him. Right there in front of the boss.» Semyon laughed.

  «That means war!»

  «No, they were within their rights. The courier entered the city illegally.»

  I looked around. Nobody was in any hurry to go anywhere. They weren’t starting up their cars or packing their things. Ignat and Ilya were heating up the barbecue again.

  «Shouldn’t we be getting back?»

  «No. The boss handled things his own way. There was a small fight, without any casualties. The courier’s been made a member of our Watch, and the Dark Ones had to leave empty-handed. The restaurant suffered a bit, that’s all.»

  «What restaurant?»

  «The restaurant where the boss met the courier,» Semyon explained patiently. «We’ve been told we can continue with our vacation.»

  I looked up at the blindingly blue sky, swelling with the heat.

  «You know, somehow I’m not in the mood for a vacation. I think I’ll go back to Moscow. I don’t suppose anyone will mind too much?»

  «Of course not.»

  Semyon took out his cigarettes and lit up. Then he said casually:

  «In your place, I’d find out exactly what the courier brought with him from the East. Maybe that’s your chance.»

  I laughed bitterly.

  «The Dark Ones couldn’t find out. Are you suggesting I should start rummaging in the boss’s safe?»

  «The Dark Ones couldn’t take it. Whatever it was. You have no right to take what the courier brought or even touch it, of course. But just finding out…«

  «Thanks. I really mean that.»

  Semyon nodded, accepting my gratitude without any false modesty.

  «We’ll settle up in the Twilight. You know, I’ve had enough of vacation too. After lunch I’m going to borrow Tiger Cub’s motorcycle and go back to town. Can I give you a lift?»


  I felt ashamed. It was the kind of shame probably only Others can feel. We can always tell whenever someone’s helping us out, when they’re giving us something we don’t deserve but can’t possibly refuse.

  I couldn’t stay there any longer. Stay there and see Svetlana, Olga, and Ignat. Listen to their truth.

  I would always have my own truth.

  «Can you handle a motorcycle?» I asked, trying clumsily to change the subject.

  «I rode one in the first Paris-Dakar rally. Let’s go give the guys a hand.»

  I glanced sullenly at Ignat. He was chopping wood, handling the axe like a real virtuoso. After every blow he froze for a moment and looked around quickly at everyone, flexing his biceps.

  He really loved himself. Sure, he loved the rest of the world too. But he came first.

  «Let’s do that,» I agreed. I swung my arm back and hurled the sign of the triple blade through the Twilight. Several blocks of wood flew apart into neat sticks of firewood just as Ignat had raised his axe for the next blow. He lost his balance and almost fell. Then he started looking around.

  Naturally, my blow had left a spatial trace. The twilight was vibrating, greedily drawing in energy.

  «Antosha, what did you do that for?» Ignat asked in an offended voice. «What for? That’s not the sporting way!»

  «But it is efficient,» I said, walking down from the terrace. «Shall I chop some more?»

  «Don’t bother,» said Ignat, bending down to collect up the firewood. «Carry on like that and we’ll end up grilling the kebabs with fireballs.»

  I didn’t feel at all guilty, but I started helping anyway. The firewood had been chopped cleanly and the cuts glittered a rich amber yellow. It seemed a shame to put something so beautiful on the fire.

  Then I looked at the house and saw Olga standing in the ground-floor window.

  She’d been following my little escapade very seriously. Far too seriously.

  I waved to her.

  Chapter 5

  Tiger Cub’s motorcycle was really good, if that vague word can ever be applied to a Harley, even the simplest model. After all, there are motorcycles, and then there are Harley-Davidsons.

  Why Tiger Cub needed it, I couldn’t tell. As far as
I could see, she only rode it once or twice a year. Probably for the same reason she needed a huge house on the weekends. In any case, we arrived back in town before it was even two in the afternoon.

  Semyon handled the heavy two-wheeled vehicle like a master. I could never have done it, not even if I’d activated the «extreme skills» implanted in my memory and reviewed the reality lines. I could have got there almost as fast by expending a considerable portion of my reserves of Power. But Semyon simply drove—and his superiority over an ordinary human driver was because of nothing but his great experience.

  Even riding at a hundred kilometers an hour the air still felt hot. The wind lashed at my cheeks like a hot, rough towel. It felt like we were riding through a furnace, an endless asphalt furnace full of vehicles that had already been roasted in the sun and were slowly crawling along. At least three times I was sure we were going to crash into a car or an inconveniently sited pillar.

  It wasn’t likely that we’d be killed outright. The other guys would sense what had happened and come and put us back together, piece by piece, but it wouldn’t exactly be fun.

  We arrived without any mishaps. After the Ring Road Semyon used his magic about five times, but only to make the highway patrolmen look the other way.

  Semyon didn’t ask my address, even though he’d never been to my place. He stopped outside the door of the building and switched off the engine. The young teens swilling cheap beer in the little kids’ playground stopped talking and stared at the bike. How great it must be to have such clear and simple dreams: beer, ecstasy at the discotheque, a hot girlfriend, and a Harley to ride.

  «How long have you been having premonitions?» Semyon asked.

  I started. I hadn’t really told anyone that I’d been having them.

  «Quite a long time now.»

  Semyon nodded. He looked up at my windows. He didn’t tell me why he’d asked the question.

  «Maybe I ought to go up with you?»

  «Listen, I’m not your date who needs to be seen to her door.»

  The magician smiled.

  «Hey, don’t get me confused with Ignat. Okay, it’s not such a big deal. Be careful.»

  «Of what?»

  «Of everything, I suppose.»

  The bike’s engine howled. The magician shook his head.


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