Book Read Free


Page 14

by Christina Bauer

A voice pipes up from across the room. “Yeah, looks like he did.”

  For the first time, I notice Maxon standing in a far corner. He didn’t come over to hug me hello or ask any questions about what happened with the Firmament. My brother folds his arms over his chest. He’s wearing jeans, a T-shirt, and a look that could kill.

  Tempest wraps his arm over my shoulder. “What do you mean by that, M?”

  An electric sense of alarm charges through the air. No one seems to breathe anymore.

  “Look, guys.” I take a pointed step away from Tempest. “Maybe we should all be happy that the after-realms are safe now. No one’s about to die in an apocalyptic fiasco. We even wiped out the Void, too. I think that’s a great thing to focus on. Right, Maxon?”

  My brother totally ignores me. Maxon keeps glaring hot death at Tempest. My pulse skitters out of control. Any kind of boyfriend interaction is new to me. But family and boyfriend turmoil is way out of my comfort zone. I scan the room for support. “What do you guys say? Don’t you think we should be focusing on the world not ending?”

  None of them meet my gaze. My eyes widen in shock. They aren’t going to back me up on this one. When I speak, my voice is little more than a squeak. “What’s the problem, guys?”

  “I’ll tell you what the problem is,” says Maxon. “You’re walking in the door holding hands with the greater demon of lust and wrath, who I happen to know is a messed up piece of work.”

  My jaw drops. “I can’t believe this.”

  “No one’s trying to take anything away from you,” says Maxon. “You saved the after-realms. But I won’t stand here and let it slide that you went ahead and did exactly what you promised you wouldn’t do.” He points at Tempest.

  My neck muscles cord with held-in anger. “I’m an adult, Maxon. Things happened that changed my mind. How about asking a few questions before you go off on a tear?”

  “Okay, I’ve got a question.” Maxon rounds on Tempest. “Why’d you do it, T?”

  Tempest’s face is the picture of calm. “Do what, exactly?”

  “How can you ask me that?” Maxon’s body flies apart in a puff of smoke, only to re-form a second later, right in front of Tempest. “My sister has a goddamn tail, T!”

  My tail, which had been swaying casually behind me, now stops cold. Embarrassment and rage battle it out inside me. I can’t decide if I want to cast an invisibility spell or punch my brother in the nose.

  Lianna takes a few careful steps toward Maxon. “Look, babe. We all need to stay calm here.”

  “I’m calm.” Maxon cracks his neck from side to side. I know that move. It’s what my brother does when he’s about to kick someone’s ass. And the way he’s glaring at Tempest? There’s not a lot of wiggle room about whose ass he’s targeting.

  “So, what do you have to say, T?” asks Maxon. “Why does my sister have a tail?”

  “Hey.” Once again, I step right between Maxon and Tempest. “I’m right here. Do you want to know why I have a tail? Ask me.”

  Maxon ruffles my hair like I’m twelve years old. “Don’t worry. I was in line for the throne of Furonium. I know what a tail means.” He glares at Tempest again. “Especially one with red scales.”

  The tension level spikes. Dad and Pops firm their bodies into battle stance. Mom’s tail arcs menacingly over her shoulder. My brows lift in disbelief. Am I dreaming this? I just saved the after-realms and my family is freaking out about my choice in men? I glare at Maxon. “Can we not do this now, Maxon?”

  “You don’t get it,” growls Maxon. “I still struggle with what Armageddon did to me in Hell. And that didn’t even last a week. T had years with Chimera. Some things change you and there’s no going back. He is not dragging you down with him.” Maxon pokes Tempest in the chest. “What’s really going on here? Couldn’t handle it when I became an elemental? Then you should’ve talked to me. You don’t go around screwing with my sister’s head.”

  “That’s enough!” Rage churns through me. I call on my inner dragon. She’s there in a heartbeat. Red scales appear all over my skin. Crimson wings arch over my shoulders. My tail points directly at Maxon’s nose. Finally, I have my brother’s full attention.

  “Don’t think I don’t know what’s going on here.” I gesture across the room. “With all of you. Mom and Gram, since when you do thank someone who saved my life with less enthusiasm than the guy who serves your coffee? And the rest of you, how come you’re letting Maxon spout all this garbage?”

  I pause, giving them a chance to speak. They don’t. Their battle stances relax, but the wary looks stay on their faces. My blood heats.

  “Well, if you won’t answer, I will. You all told me not to judge on appearances, and now you’re doing just that. Tempest is not a title. He’s not whatever reputation he had twenty years ago.” I stare right at Maxon. “And he’s not whatever Chimera did to him. He’s Tempest. He’s a man who stood by me as a peer and partner throughout this whole ordeal. He’s someone who has earned my heart and I can only be amazed that I’ve earned his as well.”

  I lean into Tempest’s side. His arm winds around my waist. The touch is comforting. “We love each other. I’m his Empress. It’s your choice whether to join in our happiness.”

  A long moment of silence follows. Emotions battle it out in my soul. Love for Tempest. Disappointment in everyone else. And a little sense of pride that no matter what happens, I said what I needed to.

  Dad steps forward to break the silence. “I’m ashamed, Portia. I should have trusted you to make the right decision; you’ve a beautiful heart and a brilliant mind. For the record, you both have my blessing.”

  “You have my blessing, too,” says G.

  Pops comes next. “Your gram and I wish you all the best.”

  One by one, the rest of my family steps forward to add their good wishes. My heart warms. Once they’re all done, it takes me a few seconds to pull myself together and reply. Even then, my voice breaks. I can only manage a few short words. “Thank you.”

  Maxon frowns. “I can’t believe this.” His body changes into smoke and wafts away. Fresh disappointment weighs down my heart. How can he do this?

  Lianna turns to me. “Give Maxon some time. This brings up bad memories for him.” She gives my hand a gentle squeeze. “Excuse me.” Her body transforms into mist as she disappears after him.

  I lean more deeply into Tempest’s side. All the excitement’s getting to me again. Tempest guides me toward the door. “Come away, Portia. You need your sleep.”

  I barely remember saying my goodbyes and stumbling out of Maxon’s castle. I vaguely recall laying in Tempest’s arms as he sprouted wings in his semi-human form and flew us back to Furonium. I can’t recall being set into his bed, although I’m sure it happened. But there’s one thing I’ll never forget.

  My new life started today and it has my family’s blessing.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Tempest and I stand on the roof of the Emperor’s Palladium. It’s a modern high-rise that’s our center of operations. Below us, the red landscape of Furonium stretches out in every direction. A large crowd quietly waits by the base of the building. Anticipation charges the air. It’s a big day.

  Tempest and I wear special leathers for the occasion. Mine are red; his are black. Both sets are sleeveless to show the armscale pattern that marks us a mated pair.

  As we stand side by side, Tempest rests his large hand on my lower back. Warmth radiates from his palm, sending shivers up my spine.

  “Are you ready?” he asks, his voice growly and low. “It’s a big moment and there’s no cause to rush.”

  Tempest makes a good point. Am I ready to start the official Procession that will mark the beginning of my reign as Empress?

  “You ready?” I ask.

  “More than.” Once again, Tempest’s deep voice makes my toes curl. I’ve heard that voice while doing all sorts yummy things over the last two months. We’re taking things slow and I couldn’t be happier. I
blush at the memories.

  Tempest quirks his brows. “You with me, Portia?” The sly look in his eyes says he knows exactly where my mind was.

  My blush deepens. “I’m ready, Tempest.”

  “Brilliant.” Tempest winds his free arm up my neck, and pulls me in for a slow, hot, and mind-numbing kiss. My body heats with desire. Tempest leans back and meets my gaze. I shoot him a sly look of my own. “I thought we were talking about the Procession.”

  “Were we? I got a little muddled.”


  He points to his own face. “Lust demon.”

  Somewhere below us, a herald plays a regal tune on his silver trumpet. Electric excitement charges my nerves.

  “That’s my cue,” I say.

  Tempest kisses my cheek. “You’ll ace this one, luv.”

  “Thanks.” I step up to the building’s edge. My heart pounds so hard, I think it could break out of my rib cage. A large crowd has gathered below. I cast a quick spell to enhance my voice, and then I’m ready to begin.

  “I stand before you today, Empress Portia Phi Tau Xavionus Guritha Rixum.” I pause and double-check that I got everything right. My name’s become a sentence lately. “I am here with my Rhana, Emperor Tau Epsilon Omicron Theta, to hereby declare that as of this date, I shall begin my official rule as Empress of Furonium.”

  No one does anything. The crowd below stays silent. I glance over at Tempest. “What did I miss?”

  “The declaration.”

  I snap my fingers and point at his nose. “Right.” I turn back to the crowd. “I hereby declare the following.” I raise my arms high. “Let the Procession begin!”

  The crowd leans back and tilts their heads up to the skies. Dragon scales crawl up all their necks and faces. Acting in unison, they let out a single roar. The air vibrates with the force of their cries.

  Tempest and I take hold of each other’s hands. Together, we race toward the edge of the roof. I focus on the warmth of his palm in mine, and not on the possibility of being a Portia-sized pancake if I can’t manage this next bit properly.

  Before I know it, Tempest and I have reached the building’s edge. We leap forward. Air roars in my ears and whisks over my skin. I remind myself to try and picture my dragon form, but my body is already changing. It’s like Tempest’s been saying. My dragon nature has started to take over. Within seconds, I’m in my dragon form: red, long, and sturdy with a headdress of horns. I spread my wings and pump up toward the clouds.

  The crowd goes berserk. Behind us, the Kathikon take to the skies as well.

  Tempest flies along at my side. “Well done, Portia.”

  “I didn’t do anything that time. It just happened naturally.”

  “Which is why it was perfect.”

  There’s an odd sensation as my extra-long mouth breaks into a smile across an impossible number of teeth. “Thank you.”

  “Now, we head east.”

  Tempest and I fly off for our first stop on our Procession through Furonium. This is Thornclaw territory. As our shadows pass above the fields, the Thornclaw lean back, roar their lungs out, and take to the skies. With the Thornclaw behind us, we move on to other lands. There are all-white dragons who hide in snowdrifts, Mindaray with wings as small as petals, and Electrophus who burst out from the red-tinted seas.

  By the time Tempest and I start making our way back, there are so many dragons following us, our entourage darkens the skies. I feel like I could burst with exhilaration and pride. I’m leading my people in flight.

  My people.

  I’ve never thought that before about the thrax or the quasis, but now, that’s the right word for the Furor.

  Mine. Just like Tempest.

  As we return to the Palladium, I can see the different balconies of the building are now filled with new people. My family is the final stop on my Procession. The Eastern balcony is crammed with thrax in their multi-colored gowns and tunics. My long dragon’s throat constricts with joy. At the balcony’s edge, there stands G, Walker, and Hildy. They wave at me, their faces beaming.

  Tempest and I fly around to the Western balcony. This one’s filled with quasis wearing purple. A multitude of tails wag or sway. My pulse jumps. Grandma Cam stands at the railing, waving to me. She wears her Presidential suit and purple sash of office.

  Tempest and I swoop up over the top of the Palladium. There, we find my parents waiting for me, arm in arm. They’re in full get-up as King and Queen. Dad’s in a tunic with the Rixa eagle crest. Mom wears a black over-gown atop her white Scala robes. Silver crowns glisten atop their heads. When she sees me, Mom raises her arms high and summons a column of igni around her and Dad. The small lightning bolts of power swirl around my parents in a cyclone formation before climbing up into the clouds. Mom lowers her arms, and a gateway opens in the sky.

  My dragon’s mouth stretches into an even wider smile. Mom’s opened a portal to Heaven.

  The first to descend through the clouds is my grandfather Xavier. He’s in full archangel mode with his golden wings, gleaming armor, and sword of white flame. Behind him follows a host of angels, their voices raised in song.

  I discover something. You know who gets weepy around singing angels? Everyone. My eyes tear up instantly. I glance over to Tempest. “It’s nice.”

  Don’t cry, Portia. Keep it together.

  Tempest lowers his voice. “By the by, this song is what they sang when Xav took office as archangel.”

  It was? And now, the blubbering starts. “That’s…so…beautiful.”

  “Are you all right, luv?”

  “Yes.” I sniffle loudly. “I’m just so happy.” I scan the scene, seeing everyone I love. Well, almost everyone. There are two very noticeable absences. My heart sinks. “Are Maxon and Lianna coming?”

  “I’m so sorry, Portia.”

  I nod slowly. I haven’t heard a word from Maxon since that day at his castle. Lianna keeps saying that he needs more time, and I understand that. But seeing this huge display from my whole family? It only makes me miss Maxon more. A guilty weight settles into my stomach. I should be thankful that my family’s here. Plus, I’m alive, have Tempest, and have found a new home where I truly belong. The fact that my bullheaded brother isn’t here shouldn’t bother me.

  Only, it does bother me. A lot.

  My grandfather hovers beneath the singing choir, his golden wings beating out in time with the music. Pops’ bright blue eyes catch my dragon stare, and I know he can guess my thoughts. He offers me a sad smile.

  Hold it together, Portia.

  Tempest nudges my neck with his dragon snout. “How about we call an end to the Procession? We need to get ready before the feast.”

  “That’s a good idea.”

  And then, I see it.

  Hazy shapes begin to appear on either side of Pops. My breath catches.

  This can’t be right. I must be seeing things.

  The two forms come into clearer focus. On the left side of Pops, there now stands Lianna. She’s in water elemental mode, so her body looks like it’s made from swirling rain. I exhale with relief as I see who stands to Pops’ right.

  It’s Maxon. He’s here.

  My brother is in full air elemental mode. His body appears to be made from curling smoke. He steps across the sky like anyone else would walk across the pavement. He pauses before me.

  “Hey,” he says.

  Hey. How my brother can stuff a world of meaning into one word, I’ll never know, but he always does.


  “Look, I’m so sorry. I got mixed up in my own damn mess and I acted like a dick. Forgive me, yeah?”

  Warmth and happiness fill my chest. While my wings keep up their steady beat, I nuzzle my snout into his shoulder. “I forgive you.” The barest breeze moves over the crown of my dragon’s head as Maxon ruffles my scales.

  Some things never change, I guess. I’ll always be his little sister. For once, that doesn’t seem like such as bad thing. I suppos
e becoming Empress makes me value the few places in my life where I can still hide in the shadows.

  Maxon turns to Tempest. “What d’you say, T? Are we good?”

  Tempest winks. “We’re good.”

  Maxon’s smoky face breaks out into a huge smile. “Since we’re late coming to the party, Li and I wanted to do something special. Try and make up for things.”

  “You don’t have to do anything. Just being here is enough.”

  “Nah, I’m the Monarrki of Air. I can do more than show up.” He turns to Lianna, who’s drifted over to his side. “Ready?”

  Lianna rubs her hands together. “You know it.”

  Maxon raises his left hand. A thin column of wind cuts through the clouds over our heads. A beam of bright light pokes through. Lianna raises her hand as well, adding a swirl of raindrops into the new brightness.

  I gasp when I see the results. Rainbows appear everywhere. And I thought the angelic choir was going to break me. Rainbows from my gruff brother kick the angelic choir in the gut and call it names. Philosophically speaking, of course.

  “That’s beautiful, Maxon.”

  “You like it?”

  “Yes.” My voice breaks. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “It’s the first of its kind, anywhere,” says Lianna proudly.

  My lower lip trembles. “Thank you.”

  “You still all right, luv?”

  My eyes line with warm tears. Suddenly, it seems like a huge miss that dragons don’t have pockets or extraordinarily large handkerchiefs for situations like this. “Yes, I think so.”

  “Are those happy tears?”

  The choir hits a crescendo. My chest feels so full of joy, it could burst. “Definitely.” I clear my throat. “I’m ready to declare the end to this Procession now.”

  Tempest beams. “Ace it again.”

  I inhale a deep breath and try my best to pull myself together. Although now, the Furor nation is so overjoyed with the free angelic concert and rainbow light show, I think I could burst into flame and they wouldn’t care. I cast another quick spell to enhance my voice.

  “My people!” I cry.

  They keep cavorting through the skies and darting in between rainbows.


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