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First Love

Page 9

by Lena Hart

  They had just seen the last few of their straggling guests out. With Adam’s help, she had managed to wrangle all of Jake’s close friends to her place, and a good number had turned out to celebrate Jake’s thirtieth birthday. It had been something she’d immediately started planning the night of her own birthday party that Dee had thrown for her. Jake had casually mentioned not remembering the last time he’d had a birthday cake. That had been unacceptable to her, and Sabrina was glad she’d been able to make tonight happen for him.

  Despite the misunderstanding between Adam and Dee, her best friend had managed to set aside her embarrassment long enough to face him again and help them set up. Adam with all his easygoing nature, had declared the misunderstanding “water under the bridge,” and that had been that. Jake’s party had been a success and she couldn’t ask for more.

  Now that it was over, Sabrina was glad to finally have her man all to herself.

  “Did you enjoy the party?”

  “Yeah. Very much. Thank you.” He turned and kissed her, lingering long enough until they were both left breathless. With a ragged sigh, he rested his forehead against hers.

  Her own breathing was unsteady, and her body craved his.

  The past few weeks he’d been true to his word. He had given her space and time to decide when and where they would make love. But it was getting harder and harder to deny herself—and him. As of late, every kiss and touch was an erotic tease, and he would end them before they could truly catch the fever. But now, she knew in her heart of hearts she was ready for him.

  Sabrina pulled away from him and glanced down at the small box in his hand. “Are you going to open it?”

  He tore his heated gaze from hers and chuckled. “Oh, right. What is it?” He shook the box for good measure. “Another purse?”

  She punched his arm in mock outrage and he laughed. “I told you that was a messenger bag,” she said, defending the charcoal gray designer bag she had presented him earlier that night. “And you said you liked it.”

  “I do, baby.” Jake nuzzled her neck. “I was just teasing.” Having his lips on that sensitive area made her shiver, and she closed her eyes. He lingered there and she clutched at his shoulder, her fingers gripping his shirt. It had been weeks of this, and it was becoming impossible to control herself. She was ready for him.

  More than ready.

  “Jake…” His name came out in a breathy whisper.

  “Hmm?” He passed his tongue lightly across the warm skin at the base of her neck.

  “The box,” was all she could manage.

  “What about it?”

  “Open it.”

  He lingered a few seconds longer then pulled away from her with a heavy sigh. He returned his attention to the small gift in his hand as Sabrina tried to bank the flames he had built inside her.

  He quickly tore open the box, and she kept her gaze trained on his face to gauge his reaction. When he noticed what was inside, he lifted the single key.

  She offered him a tentative smile. “Now that Dee has officially moved out, I wanted you to have a key to my place. So you can come over whenever you want.” She grew anxious at his silence. “Better than a bag, right?” she teased to cover her nervousness.

  His lips curved into a slow grin. “Much better.”

  “Well, there’s more,” she blurted. His brows pulled into a slight frown and he looked down at the box. “Underneath the card,” she added.

  He lifted the key and the small, white note card from the box, and she braced herself for his reaction. His eyes widened and his gaze flew to hers. He lifted the small carton of condoms from the gift box and continued staring at her.

  “This better not be a gag gift.”

  She would have laughed if she hadn’t been so tense, but instead she shook her head. “It’s not. I also got on the pill, but the doctor said it won’t take effect until after a month.”

  Jake continued staring at her, his gaze falling to her lips and staying there. “I would ask if you were sure about this, but I don’t want to give you a chance to change your mind.”

  To her surprise, a burst of nervous laughter escaped her. “I won’t. I want you, Jake. I’ve never felt like this about anyone. I’ve never fallen this hard for anyone.” She slipped her hand into his. The heat of their desire seared through her where she sat and added to her momentary confidence. “You’re one of a kind, Jacob Landon, and I’m crazy in love with you. I want you to be my first.”

  His eyes flashed brilliantly as the intense desire that had been simmering in them for months flared to life. Before she knew what was happening, Jake got to his feet and with one fluid motion, scooped her off the sofa and held her high against his chest.

  “Jake!” She instantly wrapped her arms around his neck as he made his way toward her bedroom. “What are you doing?”

  He chuckled. “What does it look like? I’m going to unwrap my present.”

  “But we have to clean up first and then I wanted to change into—”

  “Oh no, baby. I’ve waited long enough to have you. I’m not about to wait another minute.”

  Jake carried her to the bed and gently laid her down on the cool sheets. Sabrina hadn’t been prepared for them to make love right away, and suddenly she was nervous again. She sat still on her the bed and watched as he stripped down to his underwear. She had on her favorite lavender dress that zipped up in the back. Though years of practice had taught her how to maneuver her way in and out of the dress, she remain still on the bed, her heart thumping in her chest. Sabrina watched Jake’s hands as his thumbs hooked around the elastic band of his boxers. Suddenly, he looked over at her and his movements stilled. With a curse, he let the waistband snap back into place.

  Though her nerves were sending her through a roller coaster ride of need and apprehension and back again, she didn’t want him to stop. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” He sat down beside her on the bed and took her hand in his. She tightened her hold, finding his urgency strangely comforting. “I just need a sec. I need to remind myself that this isn’t my first time.”

  She placed her free hand on his flushed cheek. “With me, it is.”

  He closed his eyes briefly and turned his head slightly toward her touch before looking at her with eyes filled with intense desire. “I know, baby. And I don’t want to screw it up.”

  Her heart warmed at his words. “Well, we have all night, Jake. We don’t need to rush.”

  He released a strained laugh. “I know that, too, but it’s the other parts of me that are having a hard time keeping up. Well, actually it’s doing just fine on that front. I mean—never mind. You know what I mean.”

  Sabrina bit her lip to stifle a grin. She’d never seen Jake this flustered before, and she found it charming. Rising to her knees on the bed, she turned her back to him.

  “Help me with my dress.”

  Jake came close behind her, his breath a caress against her neck, and pulled down the zipper. The smooth glide of the closure was noiseless in the quiet room, but she felt every pull. He paused at the base of her spine, and cool air brushed against her back. The light kiss he placed on her shoulder was like the flutter of butterfly wings against her skin. She trembled from the delicate touch. Her eyelids lowered and she leaned back against him.

  His lips slid up along her nape as he pushed down her dress until it hung around her hips. She had envisioned this moment in so many different ways. The sexy underwear she had bought would have helped in her seduction, and she imagined walking up to the bed where he would have lain while she climbed over him. But her fantasy paled in comparison to the reality of having his hard frame pressed solidly against her back. Even in her simple, black bra and half-dressed state, there was an eroticism in the way he held her and the heat that cocooned them.

  She turned to face him, and for a moment they stared at each other. There was a burning desire in his deep blue eyes that she had grown accustomed to. Along with his desire, however,
was a warmth and tenderness that made her tingle inside.

  Sabrina placed her hand gingerly on his bare chest, his muscles tensing under her touch. She couldn’t ignore the tremors that shook her hand. And apparently neither could he.

  Jake placed a steady hand over hers, his searching gaze piercing into her. “You still want this, right?”

  She released a strained laugh. “Yes. I’m sorry. I’m just still a little nervous.”

  His eyes softened and he ran a finger across her cheek. “Don’t be. We have all night, remember. We’ll take it slow.”

  A warm sensation spread through her and she placed her other hand on his shoulder. Sabrina loved the way he looked, loved touching him. His shoulders were broad and his chest was well-defined, with wisps of hair that trailed down to his navel. He was beautiful and caring—and he was all hers.

  She leaned in close and fitted her lips to his, kissing him in all the ways he’d taught her. A low groan escaped him, and he wrapped his arms around her waist and hauled her against him. Their heated skin melded together and she drew him close, feeding the fire that raged inside her.

  Lost in the heat of their embrace, she didn’t realize he was over her until she felt the cool sheets on her back. Jake tugged off her dress and tossed it aside. Her bra and panties soon followed. She resisted the urge to cover herself. From the slight parting of his lips and the way his lids lowered as he stared down at her, it was obvious he liked what he saw, and she didn’t want to be shy with him.

  He gently cupped her breasts, brushing his thumb across her taut nipple. Sabrina released a slow breath as her nipple pushed against his palm, seeking his touch.

  “You’re everything I imagined,” Jake murmured. “And more than I deserve.”

  His words evaporated any lingering nervousness she may have felt, and she knew this was a night she would never forget.

  Jake kissed down along her body, stopping to pull a nipple between his suctioning lips. Sabrina ran her fingers through his hair and arched her back against his warm mouth, unable to stop the low moan that escaped her. The prickling sensation moved from her breasts and down to her core and her fingers tightened in his hair.

  He ran his thumb across her other nipple, rubbing it until it too begged for his attention. She didn’t have to wait long. Jake brought his lip over her other breast, licking and sucking at it with the same delicious urgency. Incredible pleasure coursed through her, and she gasped and moaned his name. She didn’t know how much more she could take.

  Jake slowly pulled away, and continued kissing down her belly and navel until he reached the juncture of her thighs. She inhaled sharply as he brought his warm mouth over her sensitive flesh. Her back arched with every soft caress of his tongue, and her hips rose to get more of him. Her fingers reflexively tightened around his hair as the pressure continued to build inside her. And to her utter amazement, a long, shuddering moan ripped through her as she burst from the incredible pleasure.

  It took a moment for her to register Jake had pulled away from her. She came up on her knees, her thighs still trembling, to find him kicking off his boxers. His body was magnificent, but it was his hard shaft jutting toward her that drew her attention. He stood unmoving beside the bed, letting her look her fill. She’d seen an erect penis before but had never touched one, and she was eager to feel him.

  She gently closed her hands around his erection and he inhaled sharply. Sabrina glanced up at him to find him looking down at her closely. It was mesmerizing, this moment with him watching her as she explored his body. Still holding his gaze, she gently squeezed him and he released a harsh groan.

  “You’re very hard,” she whispered, enjoying the rigid smoothness of him pulsing in her palms.

  He released a low sound that was part laugh and part groan. “And you’re very beautiful.”

  A smile tugged at her lips, but he ended her slow exploration by pulling out of her hand and reaching for the foil on the nightstand. He quickly ripped open the wrapper and pulled out the round latex.

  “Let me.” She took the condom from his hand. “I read in a magazine once that guys found it sexy when their partners put it on them.”

  Jake laughed. “Just another excuse to get your hands on our junk.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “That’s not very romantic.”

  He laughed again, running his palms over her waist. “Sorry, baby. There’s only a few inches and a piece of plastic between us, and I can’t think straight right now. I’m dying to be inside you.”

  She smiled. It wasn’t the most romantic thing he could have said, but it was honest and filled with raw passion. Like him. Sabrina wanted him inside her just as badly, and she proceeded to wrap the condom around his rigid shaft.

  It took more experience than she realized.

  “Wrong way,” Jake instructed.

  Sabrina flipped it over, pinched the tip of the slick latex, and began unfurling it.

  “No, babe, you have to unroll it over me.”

  “Like this?” She placed the tip of the condom over him and tugged the thin plastic down, stretching it over his long length before releasing it.

  “No, wait—shit.” The latex snapped back against him and he jerked out of her hand.


  She stared down at him, horrified. Her hand hovered over him and she wasn’t sure if she should touch him or him a hug. She did neither, too embarrassed to even move.


  He let out a strained laugh. “It’s okay, babe.” He reached for another foil wrapper and tore it open. “Why don’t we save the sexiness for the fun parts.”

  She watched as he quickly and effortlessly sheathed himself then climbed into bed and pulled her into his arms.

  “Baby, it’s going to be okay,” he murmured, placing a light kiss on her shoulder.

  It wasn’t until he spoke those words that she realized how tense she was. His light touch and caress were gentle against her hips and back. She forced herself to relax and looped her arms around his neck. He captured her lips for another of his heart-stopping kisses, and her body eased and opened for him. They fell back on the cool sheets and he came over her, fitting himself between her legs. The probing of his erection was insistent against her, and she arched up against him, eager to have him fill her.

  Reaching between their bodies, Jake guided himself into her slick opening. Their gaze held as he slowly pushed into her, and the incredible stretching forced a gasp of pleasure from her lips.

  “I love you, Sabrina.” He leaned down and kissed her, taking in all of her gasps and moans as he continued to slowly push into her.

  With a low groan, he suddenly thrust strongly into her and she cried out from the burning pain and the unbearable stretching. He stilled above her, whispering loving, encouraging words to her as her body eased around him.

  Tightening her arms around him, she kissed his shoulder as he slowly began to withdraw from her then carefully plunge back in. The sensation bordered on pain and pleasure, but she concentrated on their bodies coming together as one. The act of being physically and emotionally joined with the man she loved was enough for her to forget all about the pain.

  “Lift up against me, baby.”

  His soft command pierced through her fading discomfort and rising desire. She did as he instructed, lifting her hips to meet each of his powerful thrusts and, again, the sensation was electrifying. With every in stroke, she came up to meet him, and he touched a deep place inside her, sending sweet sparks throughout her body. On another deep thrust, a sharp moan tore from her. They lifted and pushed against each other, straining to get as close as they could.

  “That’s it,” he murmured. “Like that.” His ragged breath brushed against her ear as he pushed into her again.

  Sabrina dug her fingernails into his back as her whole body began to tighten and tremble, and she couldn’t control the quivering moan that tore from her again. With every thrust, Jake reached a part of her that no man had ever to
uched before. His thrusts grew more urgent, and he began to pump into her, the strength of his thrusts rocking the bed. Sabrina tightened her hold on him just as her body clamped down fiercely around him.

  “Jake!” Her release tore through her with an intensity that left her trembling all over. Tiny white lights flashed behind her closed eyelids. Jake tensed above her before a low growl rumbled close to her ear and he too joined her in sweet oblivion.

  In the aftermath, they lay quietly in her bed, pressed closely together. His palm ran down the curve of her back, and her head rested on his shoulder. She lightly traced the outline of a heart over his chest with her finger, both of them awake and savoring the quiet peacefulness that surrounded them.

  She hadn’t expected it to be that…intense between them. It was as if he was a part of her now, their bodies and hearts intertwined by the power of their passion and love for each other. Those feelings were as scary as they were exhilarating, and she savored this moment, remembering every breath he took, every small touch.

  He was the love of her life, and nothing could come between them.

  Placing a finger under her chin, he lifted her face up to his for a long, heady kiss before pulling away.

  “Are you okay?”

  She nodded, gliding her hand over his muscular arm. “Yes.”

  He kissed her again. “Thank you,” he said quietly, rubbing the pad of his thumb across her lower lip. “For everything. And for trusting me with your body.”

  She continued running her hand down his arm and chest. “I love you, Jake. Of course, I trust you.”

  A slow smile spread across his lips. Without warning, he rolled until she was once again beneath him.

  “I’ll never get tired of hearing that.”

  He placed light kisses down her neck and shoulders. Her eyes drifted shut at the incredible sensation. Desire began to spread through her once again, and she looped her arms and legs around him.

  “Can I show you again how much I love you?”

  “Do you have to ask?”

  “I’m trying to be a gentleman.” He placed another soft kiss on her neck.


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