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The Fredorian Destiny: Book 2 of the Evaran Chronicles

Page 28

by Adair Hart

  “I hate to disrupt playtime, but we’re at the palace now and ready to meet the emperor.”

  Dr. Snowden chuckled. “There is so much here. How’d everything go?” He walked over to her and gave her a hug.

  “Pretty good. We got the clearance to meet with the emperor, and Senator Kraas is being heavily investigated now. Silva was popular among the inspectors.”

  “What about Seeros?”

  “Seeros’s company has been ordered to Kreagus for an explanation of their possible involvement.”

  Dr. Snowden shook his head as he exited the room with Emily. “That guy was nuts.”

  They joined up with Evaran, V in body mode, Rakar, and Andia at the Torvatta ramp.

  Andia carried the Arkaron, which had a royal Fredorian cloth over it. She wore a red-and-white royal Fredorian robe with elegant gold embroidery. Rakar had on silver-and-green ceremonial armor and a black cape with a gold border. Andia exited the ramp, with everyone else following her.

  They were met by black-and-gold-armor-clad guards, with horsehair-like helmets and high-tech weaponry on display.

  Dr. Snowden had imagined a palace being low-tech, but this high-tech wonder was packed with technology everywhere. The palace was a torus-shaped building in the middle of a circular patch of land, with various pathways slicing up the land into various sections. A large partial dome covered the top of it. They had landed in one of the sections in a dedicated landing area ringed with turrets. The walkway leading up to the palace had various small guard towers lined up along the side.

  Andia looked at Dr. Snowden. “It’s my first time here too. It’s rare for anyone to be here.”

  Dr. Snowden gulped. “It’s impressive.”

  “It’s one of the most famous landmarks throughout the empire. To be where we are is a great honor,” said Rakar.

  “I can see why,” said Emily, looking around.

  They approached the palace.

  Dr. Snowden scrutinized the building. The tubelike outer walls were black with a gold pattern that danced along it. The sound of buzzing drones flying around caught his attention. The stairway had holographic statues at equidistant intervals. As they walked up the stairs leading to the inner circle, he noticed the two large robotic guards at the entrance.

  Rakar tapped Dr. Snowden’s arm. “Kreagan juggernauts. The elite heavy infantry of the Kreagan military. If they get involved in anything, something’s getting hurt.”

  They entered a long hallway that took them several minutes to traverse. They exited into a large circular room divided into two halves. The first half they entered was split up into three sections. Each section was lowered and accessible by a ramp. A walkway separated the sections. The second half was one large section with a visible grid on the floor. Centered along the back of the wall was a raised platform. A Kreagan in elaborate garb sat on a large throne, flanked by two Kreagan juggernauts. Various other Kreagans stood around the platform with blue-and-gold robes, holding intricately designed staffs.

  The guards led them to the center of the room and gestured for them to stop. One of the Kreagans in a blue-and-gold robe pointed a staff at the ground near them, causing a pathway to light up to the raised platform. They then pointed at one of the grid cells on the right side, causing that section of the floor to rise. A holographic projection of an elderly Kreagan appeared in a white robe. The Kreagan that had pointed the staff at the ground raised it in the air. A male and a female Kreagan dressed in white-and-gold robes stepped forward. A flutelike sound echoed out into the chamber.

  Dr. Snowden looked behind him at the pits and noticed the Kreagans had stopped doing what they were doing and had faced the emperor. He turned his gaze back upon the white-and-gold-robed duo.

  A hypnotic drum beat started up quietly in the background. The female began to sing, with the male beginning a short moment after her.

  Rakar tapped Dr. Snowden’s arm. “The emperor’s hymn from ancient Kreagus.”

  Dr. Snowden rubbed the goose bumps on his arm as the hymn caressed his ears. He took in the view as he looked around the room. It was hard for him to comprehend that he was in the room with probably the most powerful person in this section of the galaxy. Aliens were all around him, and he was witnessing a civilization that was far older than Earth’s. This was more than he had expected to see on their first visit out.

  Emily grinned at Dr. Snowden as she reached over and gently squeezed his right arm.

  Dr. Snowden smiled as he turned his head toward Emily. He knew these opportunities were once in a lifetime, and having Emily around made it even better. He wondered what Dan would have thought about all this.

  The guards walked forward while gesturing for them to follow. They approached the raised platform and stopped about ten feet from it.

  One of the blue-and-gold-robed Kreagans stepped forward. “I am Hutis To Wude, first advocate of the emperor. This audience for Emperor Derus Ta Ryven is sponsored by Senator Banus Ju Gitka of the one hundred and fourteenth sector. Do you still wish to sponsor this audience?”

  “I do,” said Senator Gitka.

  “The purpose of this audience is the delivery of the Arkaron. The court recognizes the bearer of the Arkaron as Andia Kiggs, prime ambassador of Fredoria. Accompanying her are Ranger Rakar Ho Jador, Dr. Albert Snowden, Emily Snowden, Evaran, and V. Andia Kiggs, please approach.”

  Andia walked forward and then kneeled, head bowed. She removed the cloth over the Arkaron and offered it up.

  Emperor Ryven walked off the platform and placed his hands on both sides of the Arkaron, then raised it to chest level. He closed his eyes and exhaled sharply. “I can hear them.” He took in a deep breath and opened his eyes. “Rise, Andia Kiggs. I would speak with you.”

  Andia stood up.

  “You have done a great deed for the Kreagan Star Empire today. It will not go unrewarded. I have read your requests, and will grant them.”

  “Thank you, my emperor.”

  Emperor Ryven gestured at Rakar. “Step forward, Ranger. I would speak with you.”

  Rakar stepped forward and saluted with his arm across his chest, palm down.

  “You represented our people well. Andia Kiggs has requested you implement a ranger unit on Fredoria. Under Kreagan protocol, this would make you a master ranger. Do you accept?”

  Rakar jerked his head back and looked at Andia, who nodded at him. He then bowed his head at Emperor Ryven. “I do, my emperor.”

  “It is done,” said Emperor Ryven. He gestured at Dr. Snowden and Emily. “Step forward, Dr. Albert Snowden and Emily Snowden. I would speak with the both of you.”

  Dr. Snowden’s eyes widened as he stepped forward with Emily. He was only expecting to observe.

  “You are human, but from Earth. It is unusual to see natives of a protected planet here, especially one from a civilization so young. Your role in this mission has been noted, and you have the appreciation of the Kreagan Star Empire. Do you have a request for Earth?”

  Dr. Snowden swallowed hard and glanced at Andia, who circled her hand at him. He licked his lips. “Umm … well … I’ve heard of some illegal human trafficking from my planet. Not sure what can be done, but if it could be investigated, it would be appreciated.”

  “We will look into it. Anything else?”

  Dr. Snowden looked at Emily, who shook her head. “I think that will be it. Thanks.” After an awkward silence, he looked at Andia and Emily, both whose eyes were widened. He gulped. “Oh, umm … my emperor.” He bowed his head.

  Emperor Ryven chuckled. “It’s okay.” He gestured at Evaran and V. “Step forward, Evaran and V. I wish to speak with both of you.”

  Evaran and V stepped forward.

  Emperor Ryven gestured at Evaran. “There were some … interesting accounts of events from the reports I read. The one event that stands out to me is that you spoke with the great selector, or one of them according to the report.”

  “Yes, as you will be able to now as well.”

  Emperor Ryven scrutinized Evaran. “Your support in this endeavor has been noted, although I have a difficult time believing the accuracy of the report. However, the end result is clear. Do you have a request?”

  “I do. I request that I, Dr. Snowden, Emily, and V not be in the historical record for this.”

  “An interesting request. What is the reason?”

  Evaran nodded and glanced at Andia and Rakar. “There was a bounty on us, and it may still be active. I do not want our names to be tied to this event to prevent future incidents with anyone else who might have been involved.”

  Emperor Ryven nodded. “You wish to protect your friends. A noble gesture.” He nodded at Hutis. “Make sure these requests are fulfilled.”

  Hutis nodded, then walked to the side of the platform. He returned carrying a tray with several rings on it. He handed a ring to Evaran, Dr. Snowden, Emily, Andia, V, and Rakar. He then took his position by Emperor Ryven.

  Emperor Ryven gestured at them. “These are emperor rings. They signify you have done a great service for the empire. They come with the privileges and benefits associated with them, such as access to places like this. There are ceremonies to perform. Andia, Rakar, your presence is requested at these ceremonies. Hutis will be in contact.”

  Andia and Rakar bowed their heads.

  The guards motioned for everyone to clear a path down the center. Emperor Ryven, Hutis, and the other blue-and-gold-robed Kreagans walked down the center path, surrounded by guards. After a few moments, they had exited the building.

  Andia smiled. “It’s done! I can’t believe it!”

  Rakar shook his head. “This is amazing. A master ranger! And I got to meet the emperor. You know how rare that is?”

  Evaran half smiled. “Congratulations to the both of you.”

  Emily went over to Andia, who pulled her in and gave her a deep kiss.

  Dr. Snowden’s eyes widened as his head jerked back. He looked at Rakar, who was laughing. He now understood why Rakar laughed every time he asked where Emily and Andia were. He shook his head and chuckled.

  Emily stepped back and stood next to Evaran.

  “Wow, do I get one of those?” Dr. Snowden asked Andia with a smile.

  Andia hugged Dr. Snowden, then pecked him on the cheek. “That will have to do.”

  Dr. Snowden shook Rakar’s hand and then pulled him in and slapped him on the back with his left hand.

  “You’ll stay for the ceremonies, won’t you?” asked Andia.

  “I’d like to. I also want to attend whatever funeral rites Kreagans do for Silva,” said Dr. Snowden, looking at Evaran. His throat tightened as he thought of how proud Silva would have been to have met the emperor and partake in the ceremonies.

  Rakar nodded at Dr. Snowden, and Emily put her hand on his shoulder.

  Emily looked at Evaran. “We can stay for that and the ceremonies, right?”

  Evaran paused as he scrutinized his ARI. He placed his hand on his chin and then nodded. “Of course. There is a matter we need to attend to, so we will have to make one trip sometime during our stay here.”

  “We can help with whatever it is,” said Rakar, nodding at Andia.

  “It is a personal matter.”

  Dr. Snowden tilted his head, and then his eyes widened. He figured Evaran was referring to the unusual behavior he and Emily had been experiencing. “Oh.” He glanced at Emily. “Yeah, we will need to take care of that.”

  “Well, you can all stay at the Fredorian embassy,” said Andia.

  Rakar slapped Dr. Snowden on the back. “You wanted to see Kreagus. We will show you Kreagus.” He looked at Andia, who nodded.

  “Great, I can’t wait! Maybe this time we can do it without being hunted,” said Dr. Snowden, looking at Emily, who wore a smile from ear to ear.

  Andia and Rakar laughed.

  Andia faced Evaran. “You know, we couldn’t have done this without you,” said Andia.

  Everyone looked at Evaran.

  Evaran surveyed the group. “This is a very important milestone in human history—for both planets, as well as this galactic region. The timeline has been stabilized and the Fredorian destiny achieved. Everything is as it should be.”

  Dr. Snowden, Emily, Evaran, and V had spent one week on Kreagus. They had attended the Kreagan ritual for Silva, and the ceremonies were next week. Evaran had assembled them in the conference room.

  “So this next trip will take an hour?” asked Dr. Snowden.

  “Actually more like five or six, but we can come back to this point in space one hour from now.”

  Emily smiled. “The advantages of the Torvatta. Speaking of this trip, where are we going, exactly?”

  “To see Jay.”

  Dr. Snowden’s lips parted, and his eyes widened as he tilted his head at Emily. “This is about the uncontrollable fear, right?”

  “Yes, but that is only part of it. It will be clear soon enough. I want to speak about it to all of you at once,” said Evaran. He nodded at V. “Take us to Earth.”


  After a few minutes, the Torvatta landed outside a trailer park in a nearby field. Evaran, Dr. Snowden, Emily, and V in orb mode exited the Torvatta and walked toward the second trailer sitting nearest to the open field. A wooded area sat behind the Torvatta. They arrived at the steps to the front door of the trailer.

  Evaran walked up and knocked on the door, then stepped back down.

  A voice rang out. “Who is it?”


  The sound of a tray hitting the floor and items being tossed about rang out. The sound of thudding footsteps approached the door. The front door swung open.

  “Evaran! Dr. Snowden! Emily! How the hell y’all been?” asked Jay as he jumped down the steps and then shook Evaran’s hand. He pulled Dr. Snowden in for a handshake and slap on the back and hugged Emily.

  “We’ve been well. Your arm looks healthy,” said Dr. Snowden.

  Jay waved his arm around. “Ahh, yeah, glad to have this shit back, that’s for damn sure.” He cocked his head at Dr. Snowden. “I wanted to come visit, but Evaran said I should wait until he brought you all here.”

  “Who is it?” said a female voice from inside the trailer.

  “Those friends I told you about,” said Jay, turning his head toward the door. He turned his head back around. “That’s Janet, my woman. Little one is tucked in for the night. Can I get you something to drink? A beer, maybe?”

  “Actually, I require your presence for about one hour. Is that possible?”

  Jay nodded vigorously. “For you, absolutely, man!”

  Janet appeared in the doorway. She hesitated when she saw Evaran. “He does look like an alien.”

  “See, I wasn’t making all that shit up. I need to visit his ship for about an hour.”

  Evaran eyed Jay.

  “Hey, man, apparently I talk in my sleep.”

  “It is okay. I suspected your wife would know at some point. Is she the only one?”


  Evaran eyed Jay again.

  “I’m serious, man!”

  Janet peered out the door. “Where is the ship at?”

  “Probably stealthed in the field, right?” asked Jay.

  “You are correct. Also, it is nice to meet you, Janet.”

  Dr. Snowden and Emily waved at Janet.

  “Nice to meet y’all. The place is a mess, but we have room if you want to come in.”

  “Can’t, babe. They need me for something. Should be back in an hour,” said Jay.

  Janet shook her head. “Whatever. You better not be going out drinking.”

  Dr. Snowden chuckled. “We won’t be doing any drinking. You have my word on that.”

  “Okay,” said Janet. She drew her lips down and bobbed her head, then closed the door.

  “Come,” said Evaran as he turned and then walked off toward the Torvatta, with Dr. Snowden, Emily, and Jay in tow.

  Dr. Snowden and Emily filled Jay i
n on the Arkaron, the events, and their involvement in them on the way to the Torvatta. They reached the stealthed Torvatta and walked up the ramp and then into the medical lab.

  Jay looked around. “Ahh, been a while since I seen this place. Where’s ol’ Blue Ball?”

  V walked in the room in body mode. “I am here.”

  “Blue Ball!” said Jay as he slapped V on the back. “You’re looking all shiny and shit as always.”

  Emily giggled.

  Evaran had walked into one of the rooms and returned carrying a device. He placed it on the table and gestured for Dr. Snowden, Emily, and Jay to come over.

  They assembled around the table.

  “This was given to me by the Krotovore. It is a nanobot extraction device.”

  Jay smiled. “So I can get these things out of me, then. Finally.”

  “You want them out?” asked Dr. Snowden.

  Jay nodded. “Something weird, man. I can’t put my finger on it, but every now and then, I feel off, almost scared.”

  Emily narrowed her eyes. “Same for me and Uncle Albert.”

  “Evaran also said that I will age slow. I don’t want to outlive my wife and kid.”

  “Understandable,” said Dr. Snowden.

  “I can remove them from you, Jay. However, there is a reason you all have been feeling a bit off. When Sanjay was killed on the Krotovore ship, the nanobots, in an effort to preserve his consciousness, uploaded it to the nearest nodes,” he said, pointing at them. “You three. It split it evenly, a third to each. However, since it could not do a full copy, it has begun to deteriorate. I would say it is about twenty percent in each of you now.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us this before?” asked Dr. Snowden.

  “I was not sure what the effect would be. I can remove Jay’s completely, so he should be okay, but you expressed an interest in keeping yours. While this device can remove the consciousness, I do not know what will happen. Better to do it when we have time, and not in the middle of hunting the Arkaron.”


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