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Another Time (Guardians of Now Book 1)

Page 19

by Donna Steele

  “At the Working Women’s Group, we talked about everything. And the group kept expanding which added new perspectives. We started out with Elizabeth, Connie, Viola, Miz Masters, and Cook.” She caught his eye, grinning. “I finally found out Cook’s name was Helen. When Connie returned to the boarding house, she started bringing Miz Haas. Then Millie and Daphne joined us.”

  “Did Millie and Daphne consider themselves working women too?” Dusty took a sip of his tea.

  “Most definitely.” Dee tugged at her bra strap. “Millie and Daphne designed and began manufacturing bras and sold them through Caleb’s store. I actually owned one of the prototypes. They were quite nice, no elastic, but well-constructed and so much more comfortable than stays. I need to do more research on their company.”

  “And just what were these topics?”

  “You name it. Equal pay, childcare, women’s shelters, homeless shelters, the addictive nature of alcohol and tobacco, community gardens. We even touched on gay rights once.”

  “You’re kidding.” He laughed out loud. “Wish I could have been there.”

  “No, no kidding here. Miz Haas told me about a family that used to live there with their son, but the boy insisted he was a girl. They moved away. That started a discussion on no mistakes in nature, so I countered with three legged frogs and two headed snakes, which led to pollution and the concept that however you were born is how you were born, ergo, no mistakes. Oh, and Miz Masters was looking at me, not you.”

  “For real?” Dusty gaped at her. “Not that you wouldn’t be attractive to all sexes,” he backtracked quickly.

  “Thanks. She and Cook had a long-term relationship. I don’t know the whole story but Miz Masters’ late husband was apparently quite violent. She always did show a special interest in the women’s shelters we discussed, and never forgot Silas’ lunch.”

  “You really were a seditious little suffragette,” he marveled.

  “Well, we can’t take credit for all of it, though we did open some minds, and maybe that was all it took. We were so close to Washington, and people came from all over the world to learn to make the batteries and find out more about safe, clean energy.” Dee cuddled into his side. “While they were there they must have seen the equality of the sexes. Your class was a great example and that is due to you.”

  Dusty pulled her onto his lap, settling her and resting his hand on her abdomen. Beneath his palm, she felt the slight but familiar buzz. She snuggled closer with a sigh of contentment as he mused, “I think somewhere out there is a smartass bartender I need to thank.”

  His voice dropped to a loving rasp against her ear. “I can’t wait to see what this kid does.”


  The Guardian gazed at the scene in front of her. It had taken a long time to find these two individuals; generations, in fact.

  Currently she watched in linear time as the two individuals spoke of their escapades. The success of their venture had been far from assured.

  Since being assigned this planet, the Guardian had become invested in it and its inhabitants' future. There was so much potential but she had seen where more than one unfortunate decision had led to future catastrophic results.

  This species had finally risen to the level of consideration, and after study, the Guardian had become fascinated. The potential to correct many of the missteps taken by the race, as well as the possibility of an evolutionary step forward for the genus, had rejuvenated her.

  She waved her hand to close the link for now. A great deal had been accomplished, more than she would have considered feasible after her study of this group of beings. The two she had chosen had risen above her estimates and her appreciation of their abilities had grown with them.

  Perhaps she might have overstepped her parameters slightly in her zeal to see a successful conclusion to her assignment, but she could justify it due to overall success.

  And such evolutionary momentum had the potential for triumph. This species could be a giant step forward in joining the guardianship of other emerging societies. The new and decidedly different approach to areas of study that these humans could bring to the Guardians might renew and even revolutionize her own genus, which had grown complacent over the millennia.

  Some fellow Guardians were already studying her project, drawn in by her new energy and zeal. She felt barely recognizable with this new vitality.

  The assignment had recharged her. The Guardian paused to analyze her feelings. Excitement? Anticipation? Eagerness? Yes, all of those were there, but . . . she had not communicated her unease to any of the other guardians. Definitely not to any of the elders.

  Why—or more importantly, how—were this couple back in their timeline?

  As guardian of this project she should be the only access to transport, but they had been brought back.

  And not by her.

  The project was far from over.

  It was just beginning.

  Thank you for reading Another Time, the first book in the Guardians of Now Series! If you enjoyed the book, please leave an honest review at

  Dusty and Dee’s story continues in A Different Time.

  Please enjoy an excerpt from GUARDIANS OF NOW, BOOK TWO: A Different Time


  The Guardian rose as she felt the presence of the Elder. It was unprecedented for an Elder to seek her out in her chambers. For an instant, apprehension touched her.


  The Guardian bowed, then straightened her long, flesh-colored robe and faced her mentor. “You honor me with your presence. How may I be of assistance?”

  “I wished to hear a report on your project.”

  An Elder came to her for a report? Did the Elder know of the contact the Guardian had received?

  “Of course. Do you wish to sit? Refreshments?”

  With a wave of her hand the Elder declined both.

  “Is there anything specific you would wish to know?”

  “I have seen the change in you, Daughter. Others have discussed this new vitality you possess. Is it caused by this project?”

  “Yes, Elder. I am honored that you would seek me out. These humans that I now study . . . excite me.”

  The Elder's eyebrow rose, but she waited silently.

  “They are a young species, yet are maturing at an accelerated, nearly fantastic rate. There have been missteps and backward slides. I believe that is why I was assigned to watch and assist them. After observing many of their generations, I located a pair of humans appearing to be a step above in terms of evolution.”

  The Elder listened with clear interest. “We were apprised of your plan to remove them from their time stream in an attempt to repair some of those missteps.”

  “Yes, and the plan was approved.” The Guardian paused for a comment, but the Elder merely inclined her head as a signal to continue.

  “The couple, a male and a female, were relocated to their society's past and the planet itself has benefited from the changes they instigated. The atmosphere and water are cleaner and the health of the populace has improved from the modifications that resulted.”

  “There was talk of an evolutionary step . . .”

  “Yes. The couple has mated and it is my hope their offspring will become our first direct contact with this species.”

  “Is there an offspring?”

  “At this time there are only cells, no consciousness, but I sensed an . . . an essence waiting to see if the cells become viable. If these do not, it will wait for one that does.”

  “Why did you choose to bring them back to their present at this time?”

  The Guardian looked down for an instant, then straightened resolutely. It was time for these facts to be known and studied beyond her. “I did not.”

>   “I do not understand. Are you saying you did not return them?”

  “No, Elder. I have investigated the phenomena thoroughly. When my study did not reveal a way for this to have happened, I prepared a report for the Elders. Before I could submit it, I was . . . contacted.”

  “Contacted? By who? By the entity that did return them?”

  The Guardian nodded. “Yes. I hope the communication will continue but I am not able to direct it at this time.”

  “Who are you in communication with, my daughter?”

  Drawing in a fortifying breath, The Guardian stated baldly, “The essence.”




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