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Misbehaving in Miami

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by Aimee Duffy

  That’s not what she’d meant. They were in Miami, somewhere she’d never been and probably never would again. She wanted to explore every inch of the city, not just the shops, bars and clubs. All this sitting around was going to drive her even more insane.

  Her expression must show how unimpressed she was by partying because Gem said, ‘Grab a magazine and get some sun, Ciara. We’ll leave soon, promise.’

  She gave in, crossing to one of the sun loungers in the shade and lay face down, leaving the magazines on the table. If they were planning a party tonight she really should get some sleep first.


  It took an hour for Elle and Gem to find the perfect spot and unpack. They were now lying on loungers close enough to the sea to catch the breeze but not too far from the refreshment stands so they wouldn’t have far to hike for an iced tea. Elle had flirted with a guy so he would move the loungers away from the masses of tourists for them.

  Then they unpacked the sun lotions, the mini fold up table so nothing got all sandy and a few windbreakers for privacy more than protection from the wind. Ciara didn’t care about any of that stuff, not with a view like the one they had. The ocean was beautifully blue and so clear she could see the golden sand beneath. People were windsurfing and there were even speedboats and jet skis cruising across the expanse of the water.

  She wondered how much it would cost to have a go, but then what fun would it be by herself? Elle and Gem were settled back and ready for a serious bronzing session. She slipped off her flip flops. There was no way she was coming all the way here and not having at least a paddle in the ocean. Unlike Gem and Elle, she wasn’t worried about her bikini being wrecked in the salt water – it had only cost a twentieth of the price of theirs.

  ‘I’m going for a dip,’ she said.

  Gem rolled her eyes. ‘Just watching you is all the exercise I need.’

  ‘I like to keep busy,’ she said.

  Elle laughed. ‘What are you going to do now you don’t have all that studying? Even in Brighton over Easter you didn’t relax one bit. All you did was cram and cram and cram. It’s good to clear your mind and chill out sometimes.’

  ‘Until we got arrested,’ Gem corrected.

  Ciara shook her head. She’d never even had a telling off from her teachers until she’d met Gem and Elle. Now she had a trip to jail on her record, both sides of the Atlantic.

  Ciara headed straight for the ocean.

  ‘I’ll have lots of time to chill out when I’m old,’ she said over her shoulder, not willing to share that keeping busy was her way of avoiding thinking too much about what she would do when this holiday was over.

  She was exactly like her ma. She got bored too easily and couldn’t imagine a career that would hold her attention. Maths and statistics had been a challenge and she liked it because almost everything could be calculated or worked out by formulas.

  People were different, beyond the chemistry that made them up. There were all different emotions and behaviours she couldn’t understand – her ma leaving was at the top of the list. Because even though she had her mother’s attention span, she couldn’t bring herself to leave her da alone forever. She’d go back to Ireland and keep close because he was all she had and he’d never given up on her. He’d worked himself half to death to send her to university, and she owed him more than she could ever repay.

  But the rest of it – the job, a potential husband and kids? She couldn’t be sure she wouldn’t leave them someday. She hadn’t spoken to her mum since and so she’d never know what triggered the behaviour – in Ciara’s mind it just wouldn’t be fair to lead someone along for years, start a life with them and then just walk away without a word. Like mother like daughter.

  It wasn’t something she’d want to do, but without knowing the catalyst for her mother’s decision, how could she be sure?

  As she reached the water with her mood lower than it had been in a while, Ciara pushed the thoughts away and decided a walk along the edge of the sea would take her mind off everything. After all, Miami really was beautiful. It would be a shame to not see as much as she could.


  An hour later she returned with achy legs and Gem made a trip to the refreshment stands to get them all iced drinks. She sipped at her iced tea, wishing Gem had fulfilled her request of a ‘sweet’ one but she was too thirsty to care.

  Elle perked up when a trio of guys started throwing what looked like a brown rugby ball not far from them.

  ‘There’s a good place to start rebounding, Gem,’ Elle said.

  Gem slipped her sunglasses down her nose. ‘You’re not wrong. I don’t usually go for blonds but with those muscles I could make an exception.’

  Ciara could definitely appreciate the muscles as they kept throwing the ball, harder each time until they got closer.

  ‘And look, poor things are trying to be subtle about picking us up,’ Elle grinned. ‘Should we show them how it’s done, girls?’

  ‘I’m in,’ Gem said, jumping up. ‘What angle are we working?’

  ‘Hmm, English girls wanting to learn the American way to play rugby.’ Elle suggested.

  Ciara laughed. ‘American football is brutal, Elle. I don’t think it will be your thing.’

  ‘We’re not actually going to play. But I wouldn’t mind one of them holding me from behind and showing me how to throw the thing.’

  ‘Me either,’ Gem added.

  ‘So what you’re really saying is you’re using the excuse of throwing a ball for foreplay?’ Ciara asked, still stumped that after all these years she had a lot to learn when it came to this stuff. She’d dated a little and hooked up with guys at uni but they’d been more about relieving exam stress than anything serious. And it hadn’t taken much to stumble across a man willing to have sex with her. The only thing was they’d never understood why she didn’t want more than that. Elle and Gem never had that hassle as far as she knew.

  ‘Exactly,’ Elle said, then ditched her Ray Bans on the table. ‘Come on!’

  Brandon, Matt and Rye were very helpful when it came to teaching them how to throw a ball, but her coach was a little too touchy feely for her liking. After all, they’d only just bloody met!

  ‘And you stand like this,’ Matt said, pulling her hips back into his groin so her bum got a feel of exactly what his long shorts were hiding.

  The only thing that stopped her from being completely mortified was that he wasn’t fully erect, but she was sure after all the touching to manoeuvre her that he was well on his way.

  Elle had dropped the act of wanting to learn and had unleashed her inner flirt. Brandon was falling hook, line and sinker and he was putty in her friend’s expertly manicured fingers. Gem hadn’t wasted any time either, and had perched on Rye’s lap on the sand, already giving him a game of tonsil tennis.

  ‘Just open your legs a bit more, Ciara,’ Matt urged.

  She certainly was not! Pulling away, she turned to him, trying to keep her irritation from showing. She wasn’t about to dry hump him on the bloody beach. But then she couldn’t be too mad at him for assuming she was easy, since she suspected Gem was well on her way to getting Rye past semi-hard.

  ‘I don’t think I’m getting it,’ she admitted.

  ‘Me either,’ Elle said. ‘You know, we’re staying on the beach not far from here. Why don’t we go back there, get cleaned up and have a few drinks by the pool?’

  Everyone seemed to be into that idea, especially Gem and Rye who looked like they wanted to rip each other’s clothes off right there and get down and dirty in the sand.

  They made it back much faster than they’d taken this morning – having three strong men to muscle around their things was the only good thing about inviting them back to the house.

  Elle had a shower first, so it was up to her to entertain Brandon and Matt – Gem was doing a good job of entertaining Rye in the pool.

  Brandon was nice, asking lots of questions about their experience at university and eve
n asking what Elle’s favourite food was. Ciara was sure he was going to at least ask her on a date before he dragged her into bed.

  Matt was a different story. He kept interrupting, telling her he was going to be a model and that he’d just had a portfolio made of all his best shots, but now he’d gotten better definition in his abs and biceps (both of which he insisted she touched), he needed to save for more.

  ‘Really, that’s grand,’ she answered, but might as well have been talking to herself.

  Brandon’s smile was apologetic.

  Elle appeared a little while later and Ciara decided it was time to leave Elle with the superficial pain in the arse. But he caught her arm.

  ‘How about I come let you wash my back?’ Matt asked.

  How about you let go of my wrist before I have to chew through my elbow to escape? ‘Maybe another time.’

  ‘Later, for sure babe.’ His eyes smouldered and it so wasn’t sexy.

  Not like Zack’s that night. Not even a little.

  She took her time getting showered and dressed, even applying make-up but not to attract Matt, just to kill time. She was sure he was too hot for himself to notice – she was probably just another girl to fuck for his pleasure.

  By the time she’d grabbed a bottle of beer and returned to the poolside, they were all at the dining table and she stopped the cringe from showing on her face. The only seat left was next to the pretty boy she was hoping had gone off to find some other girl to satisfy his needs.

  No such luck.

  ‘Hey Keera, I’ve saved you a seat,’ Matt said.

  She gritted her teeth and sat down. ‘Ciara, not Keera.’

  ‘Huh. Well, here’s to an awesome night,’ he said, clinking his beer bottle with hers and winking.

  It was going to be anything but.

  When Gem disappeared for a shower, she wasn’t alone. Rye followed her still sporting the tent in his shorts that must be becoming painful now. Elle noticed and grabbed the remote and switched the music on inside the house to drown out anything they didn’t need to hear.

  Brandon was still being really nice, asking everything about Elle and letting her prattle on and on about her life. He seemed more and more into her as the day went on.

  On the flip side, Matt told Ciara everything about his. Everything. Even without her asking. And she had to zone out after a while, forcing a smile and nodding between gulps of beer.

  Rye returned alone, looking flushed with his hair still damp and a self-satisfied smile on his face. She looked for Gem, but she wasn’t far behind, grinning wider than she’d done in a while. She didn’t use the other chair, just slipped straight onto Rye’s lap.

  At least someone was having fun.

  Matt took her hand off the table and held it in two of his. ‘You don’t seem into this.’

  He sounded surprised. She had to bite her lip before she asked if he was kidding. Instead she shrugged. ‘It’s been a long day.’

  He moved closer until she could smell the beer on his breath. Eww. ‘It could be a long night too, if you want.’

  She leaned back and tried to remove her hand from his clasp but it was useless. ‘Let’s take it as it comes.’

  She heard the metal gate slam shut, even over the sound of the music blasting out the glass sliding doors and turned around. Zack stood just inside the garden with a holdall slung over his shoulder, scowling at her and Matt. Everyone turned to look and she used Matt’s distraction to free herself.

  The music cut off and Elle shouted, ‘What are you doing here, Zack?’

  Elle’s eyes were blue fire, but Ciara was having a different reaction. A more visceral one. Her heart took off full speed and she struggled to get breath into her lungs. He was mad, that was easy to see. But even beneath the crazy attraction she felt just seeing him, she couldn’t find guilt. Yet.

  ‘Let’s do this inside, Elle,’ Zack said, storming past her to the house.

  Elle’s pulse beat at her temples, then she stormed in after him and shut the glass door so hard it vibrated.

  ‘We should have brought popcorn,’ Gem said, then giggled.

  The guys looked confused, but the glass was soundproof so they couldn’t hear Elle shrieking at Zack like she had back in LA. They could see her face turn red though, and could see Zack pull something up on his phone and show it to her as he shouted right back.

  Oh God, the photos Elle had taken. She’d forgotten to check them. No doubt they were awful.

  ‘Who’s this clown?’ Matt asked.

  If a lump the size of a golf ball hadn’t formed in her throat, she’d have treated him to a number of insults that would be sure to put a chip in his continental ego.

  Gem was more polite. ‘Elle’s cousin. This is their family’s condo.’

  Just then Elle came out of the house, sliding the door shut in Zack’s frown. ‘Sorry, my cousin is staying here too. How about we go out for dinner and a few drinks?’

  Both Gem and Elle had changed into sun dresses while she’d chucked on a pair of shorts and a vest. ‘Let me put something else on.’

  ‘You look okay, babe,’ Matt said.

  She didn’t take his stellar compliment well. Not now Zack thought she really was a slut, jumping from his bed straight into the arms of pretty boy. ‘I’ll feel better if I wear something else.’

  ‘Well hurry up. I need to get away from him,’ Elle said.

  Ciara jogged across the terrace and slid the door open. She couldn’t see Zack anywhere and didn’t know whether she was disappointed by that. Probably better she didn’t have to face him now, after what he’d seen outside.

  She darted into her room, pulled a baby pink summer dress off the hanger and slipped on a pair of gemmed flip flops. Her hair had gone wavy after letting it dry naturally earlier which made her look like a hippy but there was no time to do anything with it. Elle would come in and drag her out if she wasted time with straightening irons.

  Poking her head out of the door she saw the hall was clear, so made for the exit. Her flip flops slapped against the marble tiles and she cussed the Muirs for their expensive tastes. What happened to a good old fitted carpet?

  Zack was waiting for her in the kitchen, his arms folded across a chest she remembered with too much detail. ‘So you’re bedding that poser tonight?’

  The anger that swiftly burned through her wasn’t at the insult to Matt, it was the fact he thought she was easy. ‘Not that it’s any of your business, but no. We just met.’

  It was the wrong thing to say. She’d jumped into bed with Zack not long after they’d met too. Talk about leaving herself open to insults!

  Zack smiled, then crossed the room. He tilted her chin and the anger evaporated under his touch. It was like his fingers sent little currents into her skin, sweeping down to tremble in her belly.

  ‘Maybe it isn’t my business.’ He slid both hands up the side of her face and into her hair. Her eyes rolled back as he massaged her scalp. ‘I promise you this, Ireland. If you stay with me I’ll make sure you have a hundred times more fun than you would with him. I’ll even show you what I can do with a tub of Ben & Jerry’s and my tongue.’

  How could a girl refuse an offer like that? Why would she even consider refusing? She was lost in his eyes, his slightly spicy aftershave and the way he was touching her made her whole body tingle.

  ‘Ciara hurry up!’ Elle shouted from the garden. ‘The taxi’s here.’

  Her friend’s voice snapped her back to her senses and she pulled away with a boat load of regret. Zack’s jaw ground hard and she whispered an apology before she bolted to the door. He was too much temptation and the last thing she wanted to do was to hurt her friend’s family by leading him on. It was better he was disappointed now than years down the line when it was too late.

  Chapter Six

  At Elle’s suggestion, they hit a bar on the beach so she could top up her tan. Ciara lost hope that dinner was on the cards the second Gem and Elle said they weren’t very hungry and
more cocktails were served.

  She was too busy remembering the way Zack looked when she left to care too much about what Matt was saying, but tried to at least look like she was paying attention. He took a swig of a creamy looking cocktail that left a white moustache on his smooth upper lip.

  Smiling, she picked up the napkin and wiped it off imagining his horror at looking anything other than perfect.

  ‘So does this mean you’re back with me?’ he asked.

  Maybe he wasn’t completely self-involved and had noticed her lack of interest. She forced a polite smile. ‘Sorry.’

  ‘No problem, babe. I know how you can make it up to me.’

  His wicked grin was the only warning she got before her mouth was assaulted by his. Matt wasn’t gentle about his seduction – or patient. His tongue filled her mouth before she had a chance to slap him away for his assumption.

  She shoved his chest hard, till he had to grab the table for support. ‘Are you mad? What made you think I wanted to kiss you?’

  Elle and Gem were gaping at her but she was too miffed to care. Matt had crossed the line. She hadn’t given him a hint that she wanted him. In fact, she’d been ignoring him all night!

  ‘Well you’re friends seem happy having a holiday fling, I figured you would too,’ he said with a shrug.

  ‘A fling?’ she said through her teeth, but then the anger ebbed. A fling. Of course! Why hadn’t she thought of that?

  ‘Cia, there’s nothing wrong with a bit of fun once in a while,’ Gem added. ‘You’re young, you’re single. Why not?’

  Elle smiled and nodded. Brandon frowned at Elle. Hmm, he didn’t look happy about just being a fling.

  Would Zack be happy? It would be the perfect solution to all that temptation.

  Something fun for both of them with a time limit to stop things spiralling out of control. They were leaving for Europe soon, why not enjoy a few days with someone she actually wanted. Ciara picked up her sex on the beach and downed half before she turned to Matt.

  ‘You’re gorgeous and I bet you can have any woman in here you want. But you’re not for me, I’m sorry.’


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