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My One and Only (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 10)

Page 15

by Alanea Alder

  "Meryn knows about you?" Micah asked.

  Kendrick smiled smugly. "She figured it out on her own based on the last name I chose to return to the city with."

  "Ashwood. How did I miss that?" Micah felt like it was obvious now that he knew. "If we tell Alpha about me, can we tell Eta about you?"

  Kendrick was silent for a few minutes. "If the men turned out to be anyone but who they are I'd say no. But Adriel is related to Gavriel. Declan is a member of the most political savvy shifter Founding Family in the world, Grant's brother leads the largest wolf pack in the country and he's an Alpha Born, and Etain's family has always served Queen Aleksandra who already knows who I am." He clapped him on the back. "Then there's you. One of the last surviving members of the family my parents trusted the most. I believe I will let you use your judgement on whether to tell Eta and the others or not."

  Micah groaned as Kendrick placed that decision in his lap. He started going over everyone else holding up fingers as he went. "It's a given that if the men know, their mates will know was well. Which considering those special ladies I don't think it will be a problem. Magnus of course is a given, along with Caspian since he is a royal, so Broderick will be told. Rex for the same reasons as Declan, probably even more so. Marjoram won't care one way or another she'll still fuss at you and make you cookies." He frowned. "We may have to shackle Law beforehand though, so he doesn't strangle you." He put down his hands having run out of fingers. "Avery, Warrick, Pip and the twins haven't been eating with us at night very much. I'd trust Warrick with my life and I know Avery would never betray us. It just isn't in him. I trust the twins, but they are young. The only ones I'm unsure of are Laelia and Radclyffe Juniper, Pip and whichever guard will be in the room at the time."

  Kendrick turned to him. "Laelia and Radclyffe will be fine. They are dedicated heart and soul to the people of Storm Keep. They may actually be needed to act as points of contact in the city, along with your gran of course." Kendrick ran a hand over his mouth. "The twins would rather eat glass than do or say anything to hurt me. They are young, but everyone always underestimates what they've lived through."

  "What about Pip?"

  "I am going to trust Fate. She brought Pip into our circle for a reason and according to Meryn, he's family now. You didn't mention the squires," Kendrick pointed out.

  Micah rolled his eyes. "I have never met better squires in all my life. They would break a confidence right after they killed their charges."

  Micah stood and took down the sound proof spell. "Well, dinner will be fun."

  Kendrick rose and chewed on his lower lip. "So, shackles for Law, right?" Micah laughed. Kendrick continued. "And you must keep your mate from twisting my nuts, Anne is fond of them."

  "You're the big, bad, witch. I'm sure you can handle them," Micah said as they walked out of the garden.

  "Go ahead and joke, you've never seen your mate pissed. I have. She is terrifying," Kendrick shuddered.

  "You're more scared of my sweet Serenity than you are of Law Ashleigh?" Micah asked.

  "You have no idea," Kendrick warned.

  In that moment Micah realized he had a new goal in life. To never, ever piss off his mate.


  Micah looked down at his mate and wondered what she had done in the past to make Kendrick so afraid of her. All he could see were soft dark curls and creamy skin. Her mouth as moving slightly as if she was talking in her dreams. He loathed to wake her, but in an effort to avoid her getting mad at him he decided to wake her, so she'd have time to get ready.

  "Serenity, my one and only, time to wake up," he said gently.

  "No," she murmured and turned her face way from him.

  "I made you a fresh pot of coffee," he said, enticingly.

  "Fresh?" she asked, her head popping up.

  "Yes. In fact, you have enough time to enjoy a cup before getting ready for dinner." He wanted brownie points for his efforts.

  Her bright smile almost had him throwing his good intentions aside, she was so damn beautiful his body was making its own demands.

  "I love you so much," she said in a breathy voice. She stretched and swung her legs over the side of the bed. "Where is that wonderful coffee?"

  "On the counter. I left a cup out for you."

  She pecked him on the cheek. "Coffee, coffee, coffee," she sang as she walked into the house.

  Micah could only hope she'd keep her happy mood after tonight's revelations. Something told him it was going to take more than coffee to calm her down later. He shrugged. Like he told his mate earlier, at least they weren't bored.


  Serenity kept turning to look at Micah as dinner started. His heart rate was high, and he was sweating. She was about to ask him what was wrong when Kendrick stood.

  "Ryuu, can you ask Hal and Sebastian to step into the room please?" he asked. Ryuu gave a half bow and went through the swinging door to the kitchen, moments later the squires walked back through pushing their serving carts and stood to one side.

  Kendrick took a deep breath then lifted his hands at either side of his body. The spell he released not only sound proofed the room, but sealed it as well. No one could accidentally walk in.

  Magnus leaned back. "That important?"

  Kendrick nodded. "What I am about to share can go no further." He looked around the table. "Where are Warrick, Avery, Pip and the twins?"

  "Avery wanted to introduce Pip to my zombie game, so they convinced Marjoram to cook for them on the Unit Level. She's up there now probably giving way my cookies," Meryn said looking perturbed.

  "You know gram would never do that Meryn," Ellie chided.

  Kendrick turned to Sebastian. "Are we expecting Pavil?"

  Sebastian shook his head. "Given the events of the day, I thought a light dinner would be best. It does not take four squires to serve soup and sandwiches. Pavil is taking the night off with Bree."

  Kendrick looked to Tarak. "I will need your word that what is discussed will go no further, with the exception of your brother."

  Tarak nodded. "You have my word."

  Kendrick turned back to the table. "In fact, I will need everyone's word that what is said here will remain amongst us. It's not that I don't trust you, I wouldn't be sharing what I know if I didn't, but I need you to know that lives could be lost if what is said gets out." Serenity nodded along with everyone else. Under the table Micah took her hand. She glanced up at him, his normally laughing eyes were somber. She squeezed his hand gently and he gave a nod.

  Kendrick began telling the story of what happened five thousand years ago in Storm Keep, how the king and queen were driven out of their home and how the entire country was made to forget. Varying expressions of disbelief were clearly visible around the table. Only those visiting from Lycaonia didn't look shocked.

  Adriel stared up at Kendrick. "You would not be sharing this for no reason. What has changed that prompted you divulge this information?"

  Kendrick's eyes flicked to Micah. Serenity was shocked when he rose to his feet beside her.

  "Because I told him who I am and why I'm here," Micah started.

  Adriel's face became unreadable. "Go on."

  "What Kendrick said is true. Five thousand years ago the witch council rose to power almost overnight and no one questioned it. I know, because my family was amongst those murdered that night. Only my gran survived. Since then she and others have been gathering evidence trying to ascertain how so many people could be manipulated at once."

  "So you came to the city of the vampires to investigate our powers?" Magnus asked quietly.

  Micah simply nodded. "I did everything I could to be assigned here. It was my mission to learn all there was to know about the vampire's abilities to control the mind."

  Adriel's jaw clenched. "Was any of what you have said and done real over the centuries? Or were you just using us to learn what you could?" he asked coldly.

  Etain faced his unit leader. "Do not let your
emotions say what you do not mean. Micah has given of himself many times over since being assigned to Eta. He guarded your mate, kept Declan alive after he was attacked and saved my daughter. He may have been trying to investigate the vampires, but he was a unit warrior as he was doing it."

  Beside her Micah's eyes were bright. "Thank you, Etain."

  Rex looked around. "I don't see what the problem is. We all have things we cannot share because of split loyalties. I am first and foremost a Lionhart, I protect my family and the shifters that look to us. My second loyalty is to Queen Aleksandra, as she opened up Eiré Danu to the lions. My personal position as Elder comes third. But that doesn't mean I don't care for the people of Noctem Falls."

  Magnus nodded. "Well said." He turned to Adriel. "I know you are feeling hurt, but remember, that you are feeling hurt because you care so much for this young man."

  "Of course I do!" Adriel exploded in a rare display of emotion. "He is not only a fellow warrior, but my unit brother. What I am most angry about is that he did not come to us for help." He crossed his arms over his chest and sat back.

  Eva's mouth twitched. "Are you pouting? Because if you are, it's adorable."

  "I am not pouting!" Adriel argued, not realizing he made the perfect picture of a petulant child.

  Declan turned to him. "You said your family was murdered, why them?"

  Micah smiled looking proud. "My family is descended from the druidic line of Darwid, meaning oak and to know. The more commonly used name is Whiteoak."

  Gavriel sat up and leaned forward. "The Whiteoaks. The family that dedicated its entire line to intelligence gathering?" he asked looking excited. Micah nodded. Gavriel shook his head. "What in the hell are we facing that so many threads are being woven together?"

  "There's more," Kendrick said rubbing the back of his neck.

  Magnus chuckled. "What more could you possibly say? Tonight has given us back a prestigious family that we thought was lost."

  Kendrick chuckled. "Yeah, about that."

  Micah threaded his hands behind his head. "Go on," he urged.

  Kendrick's eyes flicked to Serenity then back to Micah. Micah laughed. "Stop being a big baby, she won't kill you."

  Serenity scowled up at Kendrick. "What is he talking about? Why would I kill you?"

  Kendrick straightened, and Serenity saw a visible change come over him. He no longer slouched, and his power crackled around him. "The reason we shared with you Micah's true purpose and name, is because I will be calling him to service in the not to distant future and he will need to be released from his unit duties."

  Adriel bristled, and he looked from Aiden to Kendrick and back. "Aiden is our Unit Commander, only he can change our orders. What are you planning on doing with Micah," he demanded.

  "Aww you do care," Micah teased.

  Serenity swatted him. "Micah hush."

  "Yes, my one and only," he responded looking pleased.

  Aiden turned to Adriel. "When the time comes I will be releasing not only Micah, but also Caiden, Kyran and Tristan Ironwood." He looked to Law. "I have a feeling you and your brothers will be pressed into service as well."

  Law snorted. "There isn't a single person alive, save our mother, who can tell me and my brothers what to do."

  Micah brought his hands down and wiggled them at Law. "Air shackles whenever you're ready Kendrick," he said playfully.

  Kendrick turned to Adriel. "You may end up keeping that one," he said jerking his thumb to Micah.

  Serenity's mind raced. Why would Aiden release Micah and the Ironwoods to serve Kendrick? How did the Ashleighs fit into all this? Ashleigh, Ironwood, and Whiteoak? She inhaled sharply choking on her own spit. She began to choke with sent her into a spiral of panic. There was no way.

  Kendrick looked at her pleased then turned to Law. "She's smarter than you."

  Law scowled up at Kendrick. "What in the hell are you talking about."

  Micah sat back down and rubbed her back. "There, there darling. You're having the same reaction I did earlier this afternoon." He pressed her water goblet to her lips. "Take a sip."

  "Micah, is she okay?" Laelia asked worriedly.

  "She'll be just fine," Micah replied.

  To Serenity, the ice-cold water felt good going down. She focused on slowing her breathing. If she didn't get herself under control Laelia and Radclyffe would start mollycoddling her. When she looked up it was like she was seeing Kendrick for the first time. "How?" she whispered.

  "Oh, my gods," Kari said, slumping back on her chair.

  Kendrick held up two fingers. "That's two ladies who beat you to it Law."

  Law looked around and besides herself, Kari and those from Lycaonia, everyone else wore a confused expression. He turned to Kendrick. "What has Serenity choking and my baby sister Kari looking like she's about to faint? Why would Micah threaten me with air shackles," he demanded furiously.

  "Probably because of your temper," Serenity answered taking a deep breath. She stood on shaky legs and Micah rose with her. They both turned to face Kendrick and she dropped to a deep curtsy while Micah bowed.

  Law popped Micah on the arm. "Stop that. What in the world is going on? Why would you bow to Kendrick?"

  His question sent Meryn into a fit of giggles. "Maybe we should have Sebastian scrounge up a two-by-four, so you can beat him over the head with the answer."

  "Now, Meryn. It isn't very obvious," Aiden chided.

  Meryn sniffed. "I was the first person to figure it out back home."

  "Micah Whiteoak, Serenity Meadowsweet, please rise," Kendrick said formally.

  All her life Serenity hated the way Storm Keep was ruled. Everyone was so obsessed with their test scores that the brighter days of their king and queen had fallen to legend and myth. In her heart, she always felt that, as a people, they should be doing more.

  She couldn't believe that the humble archivist who had lived in the Lower City for centuries was their long, lost king.

  As the truth hit her sobs broke free and her tears ran unchecked down her face. Micah wrapped an arm around her, no less affected. He stared at Kendrick with a look of absolute devotion tears dripping off his chin.

  Kari wiped at her eyes. "That is just beautiful."

  Law stood angrily and faced Kendrick. "You and me outside. I am tired of questions answering questions."

  Kari laughed. "Law, do not threaten to beat your king, as an Ashleigh you are sworn to protect him." Her words rang around the table, everyone stared at Kendrick who raised an eyebrow to Law.


  The blood drained from Law's face so quickly Serenity was sure he was going to keel over. "That's...just...not...possible," he managed to croak out, grabbing at his chair to stay upright.

  Kendrick straightened his back and turned to face the table. "My name is Julian Stormhart, son of Kiran and Celeste Stormhart. I hope you will be able to keep my secret and when the time comes, help me and my people."

  Laelia and Radclyffe jumped to their feet bowing. "Your Majesty," they said.

  "Laelia, Radclyffe rise. Treat me as you always have, after the sound proof spell is taken down, I'll be just Kendrick again." When they stood straight and stared at him Kendrick raised a brow to Radclyffe. "Still want to make bondage jokes?"

  Radclyffe gave a strangled groan and bowed again. "I am so sorry."

  Laelia pulled him back up laughing. "Your Majesty, that was just mean," she admonished. Kendrick just chuckled.

  Anne rolled her eyes. "Ignore him. He thinks he's so witty when his ego swells." She popped Kendrick on the ass. "I'll deflate him later."

  Kendrick leered down at her. "I know something you can deflate."

  Magnus gripped the table with both hands. "Help you with what exactly?" he asked.

  Kendrick gave them the sarcastic smile they were all used to. "Help me take back my city and free my people."

  His words ignited the table into a flurry of questions. Serenity continued to stare, heedless of the chaos
around her. Kendrick looked over and winked. He may be her king, but he was her friend first.

  "I'm tired of standing and I'm starving. If you're done being magnificent can Sebastian, Hal and Ryuu serve us dinner?" she asked sitting back down.

  Micah cracked his back. "I think all that bowing pulled a muscle." He sat down next to her.

  Laelia and Radclyffe were staring at her as if she lost her mind. But she knew she did the right thing when Kendrick gave her a look of gratitude.

  "Yeah, I'm hungry," Meryn chimed in.

  Kendrick sat back down and placed his napkin in his lap. "What kind of sandwiches do we have tonight?"

  Laelia and Radclyffe sat down slowly as if unsure they should and Law was still standing, blinking at Kendrick.

  Kendrick pointed to Law's chair. "Sit," he said.

  It was as if the strings holding up Law were cut. He collapsed down in his chair.

  "Roll over," Meryn teased.

  Law turned to Meryn scowling. "Ease up tater tot, it's not every day one learns that their king has returned."

  "Return of the King, that was a great movie," Meryn said nodding.

  Hal still looked distracted as he began to walk around the table with his tray of sandwiches. Ryuu and Sebastian, however, looked unruffled as they began to serve.

  Ryuu started with Meryn. "Denka, I made sure to make Colton's famous sandwich as it is a favorite of yours."

  "Can I get two?" she asked. He nodded and placed two sandwiches on her plate.

  Aiden held up his plate. "Five for me please."

  Declan exchanged looks with Grant. "What's a Colton sandwich," he asked.

  Grant shrugged. "I'm not sure, but since it's named for Colton, I'm staying away from them."

  Declan nodded. "Good point."

  "Hey! I'll have you know that my sandwich is amazing. It's a culinary masterpiece consisting of mayo, peanut butter, cheese, pickles and beef jerky."


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