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Surviving Rage | Book 1

Page 71

by Arellano, J. D.

  Sighing, Daniel reached up and rubbed the back of his neck, signaling his family members in the cabin while he pretended to be stressed by the decision he’d been presented with. “Ahh, see, Sheriff, that’s not going to work.”

  Nostrils flaring even wider, the Sheriff glared at him. “And why do you say that?”

  Pointing towards the man’s chest, Daniel replied, “You know, I’m sorry, but you’ve got a little something on your chest, there, and it’s distracting me.”

  Looking down, Halwell saw laser points on his chest. “Son of a…” He nodded, realizing he’d let his guard down. He’d taken the situation too lightly, and gotten himself into a position that might cost him. Now he needed to save face in front of his men. Nodding slowly, he reached out and put his hand on the man’s shoulder, grabbing it firmly. “Alright, Mr. Alvarado, I’ll tell you what. You stay here, in your little cabin, with your little family. We’ll go back and talk to our man again, see if he knows any other details. Maybe he can describe the person who attacked him after all. If he can, we might be back, if not, maybe we’ll let it go - IF you give us the girl.” He waited, running his tongue along the inside of his teeth. “Think about it, Dan. You really don’t want us coming back. You give us the girl, we’ll leave you alone.”

  Daniel stared back at the man, unflinching and unresponsive, his eyes cold.

  Halwell leaned forward and spoke lowly in Daniel’s ear. “If I come back, I’m going to take your wife. You don’t want to know what I’m going to do to her.”

  Looking over at the man, now close enough to smell the alcohol on the man’s breath, Daniel replied in a similarly low voice, “You touch my family, I’ll kill you myself.”

  An evil smile came over the man’s face as he stepped back, then turned to his men. “Let’s head out, boys. Give these people some time to think.” He walked over and got into his cruiser, followed by the black man and the sandy-brown haired man. The other two men got in the truck while the motorcycle riders mounted their bikes. Daniel couldn’t help but stare at the massive man as he climbed aboard his Harley, his thick muscles bulging under his clothing. Sitting atop the powerful machine, he dwarfed the bike, making it look like a toy.

  The SUV sped away, followed by the truck. Revving their engines, the two motorcycles trailed them, the sound of the engines echoing throughout the valley.

  Daniel turned and headed back towards the cabin.



  Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center, Virginia

  “Attention on deck!” Sergeant Reed and the two Corporals shot up out of their chairs, their bodies going rigid as they stood straight, their feet together, arms pressed tightly against their sides.

  The three doctors stood up from their chairs, Chang hastily setting down his coffee cup, spilling a bit of the brown liquid as it sloshed around in the cup.

  Two heavily armed Secret Service agents entered, glancing around the room before taking positions on either side of the door. President Martinez strode into the room with Secretary Donnelly and Secretary Roberson following close behind, along with Colonel Williamson. All of them looked tired, with bags under their eyes from lack of sleep, but the President looked the worst of the group. She had clearly lost weight, likely from the stress of the situation. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, but a number of strands had managed to work loose, giving her a bit of a disheveled look. With minimal makeup, her usually vibrant complexion was missing. She managed a reserved smile as she greeted the three doctors.

  “Doctors Chang, Bowman, Reed. Good afternoon.”

  The three of them greeted her as well, nodding courteously. Andrew opened his mouth to speak, only to realize she’d turned her attention to the Enlisted personnel in the room.

  “Let’s see, Sergeant … Mason, right? And Corporal Richards … and Corporal Johnson. How are you?” She stepped forward, her hand extended.

  In shock, Sergeant Mason stuck his hand out, grasping the President’s. “Fine Madam President.” He shook her hand quickly, then let go, returning to his position of attention.

  Corporals Richards and Johnson shook hands with her as well, equally as shocked at the interaction with the most powerful person in the country, possibly the world.

  Turning back towards Andrew, President Martinez took a deep breath, exhaled and asked, “What have you got for me?”

  Andrew looked over at Jonathan. “Doctor Reed?”

  Caught off guard, Jonathan paused for a moment before reorienting himself. “Okay, well, Madam President, we spent a lot of time trying to determine what was in the blood of the sixteen originally infected people; the ones who started the outbreak. When we got nowhere with that approach, we reversed it, and we found this.” Jonathan walked over to the dual LCD screens, the President and her entourage following closely behind. Pointing at the right screen, he continued. “You see, Madam President, with every vaccination, there’s a substance called neomycin that’s included as part of the serum.

  “Neomycin is an antibiotic that helps the liver filter out toxins, ensuring they don’t build up in the blood.” Doctor Reed waited, making sure the President was ready for him to move on.

  President Martinez nodded in understanding. “Neomycin, an antibiotic, helps filter out toxins. Got it. I think I see where you’re going.”

  Reed smiled slightly before he went on. “With each vaccination, the body receives another small dose of the antibiotic. Over time, these small traces become synthesized in the bloodstream.”

  The President tilted her head to the side. “Okay, are you saying we begin to produce it ourselves?”

  Jonathan nodded slightly. “Basically, yes. Lisa, can you pull up the other tab on the right screen?”

  The screen filled with a series of letters and numbers.

  C 23 H 46 N 6 O 13

  “This is Neomycin’s chemical formula.” He paused momentarily. “This - ” Jonathan nodded at Doctor Bowman, who pressed a second button on the computer. A second formula appeared on the screen, directly below the first.

  C 23 H 46 N 5 O 14

  “ - is the body’s naturally occurring version of Neomycin. Slightly less Nitrogen, slightly more Oxygen. It performs the same function.”

  “Helping our body filter out toxins.” President Martinez nodded in agreement, understanding his explanation.

  “Correct. We’ll refer to it as ‘Naturally Occuring Neomycin, or NON for short.”

  The President nodded, eager to move on.

  “Okay, so, remember these numbers.” Jonathan looked back at Lisa. “Can you go back to the previous screen, with our blood test results?” The screen instantly reverted to its previous state, showing the six blood test results. Shortly after they appeared on the screen, a small window was dragged over, showing only the formula for the naturally produced Neomycin.

  “Thanks Lisa.” Jonathan looked back at the President. “Madam President, as you can see, each of the people in this room had our blood tested, and each of us have the naturally produced Neomycin in our blood.”

  The President motioned towards the three enlisted personnel. “I know they’re all vaccinated, it’s a requirement. I’m assuming you three are as well.”

  Jonathan laughed slightly. “Madam President, we’re doctors. Of course we are.” Realizing he might have been a bit too cavalier, he quickly added, “No offense.”

  “None taken. I’m glad you are, of course. This anti-vaxxer thing has been gaining way too much traction, thanks to the internet and the gullibility of people who believe those, what are they called, memes?”

  Jonathan nodded. “Yes, Ma’am.”

  She shook her head. “I believe in the First Amendment, but the false information being put out is dangerous.”

  Jonathan took a deep breath. “Exactly, Madam President, and to be honest, we believe that’s how we got here.” He walked over to the left screen, which was filled with images of the blood tests performed on the patien
ts who would later become the origin of the outbreak. “Look here.” He pointed to where natural antibodies would show on the report. The line was blank.

  “Oh my God.” President Martinez’s shoulders sagged slightly. She looked to the floor, shaking her head slowly.

  Behind her, the Secretary of State and Secretary of Health and Human Services shook their heads in disbelief.

  “Son of a gun…” Secretary Roberson muttered.

  Jonathan waited patiently, his eyes finding Lisa’s on the other side of the room. She gave him a slow nod, grimacing slightly. It was tough news to share, but news that had been long in coming, and news that most certainly would not get better with time.

  The President regained her composure, looking at the screen on the left again. “So, when these people skipped their vaccinations, their bodies were becoming breeding grounds for infections?”

  “Basically, Madam President. The body would be able to handle most minor infections, but when something as dramatic and powerful as Doctor Roberts's drug was introduced, their bodies didn’t stand a chance.”

  “I see.” She brought her right hand up to her chin, making a slight fist to rest it on. “So what’s next?”

  Jonathan looked back at Andrew and nodded.

  Doctor Chang stepped forward, taking over. “Madam President, our first step here is to have every single person submit a blood sample for testing. If they don’t test positive for the Naturally Occurring Neomycin, they must be quarantined immediately. They present the highest risk.”

  “Agree. Colonel, take this for action immediately. With the exception of the active duty military, everyone is tested. Every man, woman, and child, regardless of age. We will not accept assurances, understand? Everyone is tested.”

  The senior officer snapped to attention. “Yes, Madam President.” Turning on his heel, he headed for the door.

  The President looked back at her Secret Service agents. “John, Derek, that goes for you two, as well as Randall and Mike. Once I’m back at my quarters, make sure you get tested immediately.”

  The taller of the two men nodded. “Yes, Madam President.”

  She paused momentarily, then looked at Donnelly and Roberson and added, “As a matter of fact, my family and I will be tested as well. I know we’re vaccinated, but I won’t open the door for the perception of preferential treatment.

  Roberson responded first. “Yes, Madam President. We’ll be there as well, of course.”

  “Thank you.” President Martinez turned back to Andrew. “What else?”

  “Madam President, there are two more things that need to be done, though I’m not sure how soon or even if they can be done. The first is if we find someone on base who isn’t vaccinated, we need that blood sample so we can test our theory. We’ve synthesized Doctor Roberts's drug, so we can see how the two interact. It should be very telling.”

  “Understand. That makes sense. What’s the second thing?”

  Andrew paused, searching for the right words. Shaking his head, he looked at screens again before returning his gaze to the President. “We know Neomycin or some other strong antibiotic must be part of the cure as part of the vaccine, but we need to study and replicate the molecular makeup of compounds with the blood of someone who has been in contact with the infected and has not succumbed to the virus.”

  The President’s eyes narrowed as she leaned forward slightly, concern showing on her face as she tilted her head downward. “You’re saying our hope for a cure is dependent upon our ability to find someone who is immune?”

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying, Madam President.”

  Standing straight again, President Martinez looked at Harold Donnelly and Alan Roberson. “They don’t ask for much, do they?”


  Ascending the steps to the cabin, Daniel’s heart pounded in his chest. Prior to the confrontation, there was only a possibility of an assault on their home. That had changed to a certainty. Would their defenses be enough?

  Reaching for the door, he heard footsteps behind him suddenly. Spinning on his heel his hand slid down towards his gun before he realized it was Douglas and Janice. Realizing he was holding his breath, he exhaled heavily, shaking his head.


  Douglas put his hand up. “Easy there. We’re just here to discuss the plan.” The man’s face showed concern, his brow furrowed in worry.

  Janice smiled weakly, clearly bothered by what she’d witnessed. Pausing in front of him, she looked into his eyes.

  “Hey. We’ll figure this out.”

  With his mind racing, darting from scenario to scenario as he tried to anticipate and counter every possible move, Daniel could only nod in response. Putting on a firm half-smile, he opened the door and ushered them inside.

  There was a lot to discuss and not much time.

  Arriving at the lodge, Sheriff Halwell brought the SUV to a screeching halt in front of the building’s massive doors. Hopping out of the vehicle, he slammed the door shut behind him as he stormed into the lodge, where he found a pair of his men there, relaxing at the bar while they watched several women scrub the floors on their hands and knees.

  Pointing at the women, Halwell barked at the men. “Get them out of here. I want all the workers in the kitchen, with two men watching them. Everyone else, I want here.”

  Jumping out of their chairs, the two men hurried the women out of the lobby, pushing them towards the kitchen. Behind him, Halwell heard the door open. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw it was Ricky. “Go out and tell the guards I’m reducing the watches to four people: t wo for the front, two for the back. I want the others in here.”

  “Yes, boss.” Ricky pushed through the door as he headed out to the edge of the parking lot where one of the clusters of guards were stationed.

  Halwell went to the bar and grabbed one of the bottles of whiskey. He poured himself a shot, filling the small glass to the brim. Tossing it back, he savored the burn in his throat.

  He was going to get those fuckers, and he was going to kill that smart ass Dan.

  “How long do you think we have?” Serafina asked, looking at Daniel from her position by the window.

  Shaking his head, he replied, “Not long. Hours, maybe? The laser trick was the only reason they didn’t attack when they were here. He won’t let himself be caught off guard again.”

  Serafina nodded. “Alright, well, we know what we have to do.”

  Daniel nodded, looking over at Ashley, Brenna, and Paul. All three of them wore a look of determination on their faces. “You three ready?”

  Ashley spoke up first. “Definitely.”

  Brenna followed. “Yep.”

  Paul swallowed, then locked his eyes on Daniel’s. “I’m ready. I won’t let you down again.”

  Daniel nodded. “I know.” Looking around the room, he made eye contact with each person as he gave out instructions. “Ashley, you and I will man rifles at the front. Paul and Brenna will be on either side with their bows. Serafina will be in the guest room at the back of the house with Isabella. Douglas and Janice will provide additional cover from the front and rear from positions across the street and up on the hill. I expect some of them to come from the rear of the property, trying to sneak up on us, but I expect the majority to come from the front, where they can approach in numbers. The hill and the terrain is simply too tough back up there.”

  The group of them nodded, understanding their assignments. Seeing everyone’s focus, Daniel continued.

  “Now, when they come, I want to let the traps do their thing first, okay? Ideally we can get a few of them with the traps, injuring or even killing them without having to use our ammo or arrows.

  “Once the traps have been sprung, if they’re hurt or stuck, especially in the trench, leave them for reengagement after you take out those who are still standing. Got it?”

  The group nodded, each person somber in the realization that they were about to experience a fight for their liv

  Feeling the need, Daniel stood up and put his arms out. “Family hug.” Ashley and Brenna came over, followed by Serafina. “Paul, Isabella, get in here.” Daniel ordered, looking at them over Brenna’s shoulder. The pair came forward awkwardly, leaning in before arms encircled them. Daniel looked back at Douglas and Janice. They stepped forward and wrapped their arms around the group.

  Across the room, Tommy paused at cleaning himself to look over at the big huddle of humans.

  Unimpressed, he resumed his efforts.

  The man stepped forward slowly, his gun clenched tightly in his hands as he tried to will the forest floor to be quiet. Six feet away to his right, another man kept pace with him as they approached the property from the upper part of the hill. Beyond him, a third man moved in synchronization with the two of them and the man to his left.

  Seeing a tree ahead, the man moved forward to lean against it - and tripped a wire.


  The man’s eyes widened as he froze, looking around frantically, trying to locate the source of the sound and the likely accompanying trap.

  After several long seconds, he relaxed. ‘These idiots don’t even know how to set a - ”


  His foot pulled against a string on the ground. Looking down at it, he heard a massive thud behind him, then the sound of something large approaching rapidly. Turning slightly, he saw a giant log rolling down the hill towards him, gaining speed as it descended, rolling over small trees and crushing old branches and bark that littered the ground..

  “Oh shit!” He darted forward, running towards the fence. The man to his left ran as well, unsure of the path the log would take. If they could get through the fence, they’d reach an open area where they could avoid the log.

  The ground underneath the man’s right foot disintegrated, sending his body weight downward, impaling the foot on a thick wooden barb. The man screamed, first in pain, then in fear, as he struggled to free his foot, knowing the log was barreling down towards him.


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