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Releasing the Demons: Solarian Chronicles II

Page 2

by Mallory Anderson


  A few minutes later, Aiden’s adoptive mother, Alexia, came around a bend with Michelle and Travis, and they stood to meet them. Aiden introduced Alexia, and Mickala smiled. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Miller.”

  The older woman shook her head, a natural smile on her face. “Please, call me Alex. And it’s so nice to finally meet you as well, Mickala. Michelle and Travis brag about you all the time.”

  After a couple of minutes of idle chitchat, Alex turned to Mickala. “Has Aiden told you he would go to Cambridge with you next year?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  She nodded, deep in thought. “He’s supposed to leave in a couple of weeks, around the same time Michelle said you would head back. The three of us were talking and thinking, and since you two have hit it off so well, maybe Aiden would stay with you until he leaves?”

  Michelle nodded. “I mean, God knows we’ve got the room. We’ve got what, seven, eight bedrooms? And we’re only using four.”

  Aiden looked uncertain. “Are you sure, Alex?”

  “I’m positive. Once you’re gone, I’ll be able to party,” she grinned, doing a little dance, and they all laughed. Finally, Aiden nodded. “Good.” She turned back to Mickala. “Most of his stuff is already at the condo he’s moving into, but he still has a few odds and ends left at home. Michelle and Travis said they would be more than happy to stop by and let you get them.”

  “If you’re sure…” Mickala said.

  Travis grinned. “We’re sure. It’ll give you some company your age, and you can give him the head’s up on his new school. And, as a bonus, I’ll have someone to talk to who’s not a woman.”

  They stayed for a few more minutes, then Aiden hugged Alex before getting to the backseat with Mickala. It was only a ten-minute drive to the house he had shared with Alex, and about fifteen minutes later, he had packed everything he had left and loaded the two duffel bags into the back of the SUV.


  They drove back to Michelle and Travis’ huge home, which was on the northside of San Marco Island. Mickala helped carry his stuff in so he could pick which room he wanted. She just laughed as his mouth dropped at the enormous house. He ended up choosing a room just down the hall from hers, while Michelle and Travis’ room was on the other side of the house. There were so many windows and doors opening to the backyard, showing the amazing views of Biscayne Bay and Miami across the waterway. At the end of the short dock, Michelle and Travis’ medium-sized yacht rested against its moorings. The large and well landscaped yard dropped straight into the water just a few feet below. He understood what Mickala had meant about having enormous gardens, and they were immaculate.

  He also met Fate and Destiny, two huge Irish Wolfhounds. They smelled him intently, their large heads just above his waist, despite his being six and a half feet tall, then gave them a quick lick of his hands before bounding back outside, chasing seagulls back and forth, barking like crazy. Aiden just laughed, amused.

  He and Mickala pitched in to unload the flowers and mulch, then they started cooking dinner. Aiden proved to be no stranger in the kitchen as he washed his hands and dived in, then helped Mickala clean up afterwards. They sat around playing Spades on the back deck as the sun started going down, the guys playing against the girls, and they paused as Miami started lighting up. The girls ended up beating them twice, and after losing the third game, Travis and Aiden conceded. Once they began getting ready for bed, Aiden called Alex, and Mickala and Michelle made sure Aiden had everything he needed, including checking the soaps and towels in the bathroom.

  “Thanks,” he said.

  Mickala grinned. “Please, don’t think I’m strange…” she thought for a second, “well, stranger, anyway, because I know I don’t know you well, but I’m glad you’re here.”

  He grinned. “I’m glad I am, too.”

  They said their goodnights, then Mickala went to her room and got ready for bed herself. Later that night, she heard a faint creaking, and she knew it was Aiden, tossing and turning. She laughed to herself, then slipped down the hallway and leaned against the open doorframe. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. I always seem to have a problem sleeping in strange places,” he said in a whisper, even though Michelle and Travis’ room was way on the other end of the house.

  She smiled at his heavy sigh. “I’m trying to think of a way to put this, but I can’t. You can sleep with me.” From the faint light in the hallway, she saw his dark eyebrows raise up, and she rolled her eyes and hung her head. “I knew it was going to come out sounding wrong, no matter how I worded it.”

  Aiden grinned. “Don’t worry. I know what you mean, and if I wasn’t so damn exhausted, I might decline out of respect, but my brain won’t let me be a gentleman tonight. However, I will say this. I’ve had far worse offers in my life.”

  She just rolled her eyes again as he got to his feet, then followed her to her room with an ocean view and a California King-sized bed. He was soon sound asleep on the far side, but Mickala was still wide awake. It was as if something else had to happen.


  About five minutes later, an unknown voice filled her head, a rich tenor she’d never heard before. A telepathic human? That’s… interesting.

  It is, she replied after a moment’s hesitation. My mother’s the same way.

  Really now? That’s very interesting.

  And just who are you, since you invaded my head? she asked.

  The voice laughed. My name is Ian. I’m an old friend of Aiden’s.

  Really? How old?

  About three hundred or so, give or take a decade.

  You’re a demon, too?

  Yes. Aiden said you were very perceptive, and I believe it. He also said you were nonchalant about demons, and I have to say, I believe that as well. It’s very odd, for a human, Ian said. Might I have the pleasure of your name?

  Mickala Clarkson.

  And your mother?

  She hesitated a second, then sighed to herself. Michelle. Michelle Scott.

  Ian was quiet for a long minute. You don’t say. Well, Mickala Clarkson, telepathic human, it’s an honor to meet you, so to speak. Since we’re both friends of Aiden now, I’m sure we’ll get to know each other well.

  Mickala heard the unspoken challenge in his voice, and she smiled. I look forward to it, Ian. Good night.

  He laughed. Likewise, Mickala. She felt his withdrawal from her mind, and it was only a matter of minutes before she was sound asleep.

  The next morning, she was alone in the bed when she woke up, and for a minute, everything had felt like a vivid dream, but she sat up when she heard Aiden and Travis laughing. It made no sense how her heart skipped a beat, then began racing when she heard Aiden’s voice. She jumped up and set a record for making her bed, then raced to her tiptoes to his room, when he was just making his own bed up. “Morning, Mika,” Travis said, using his nickname for her. “I was just asking Aiden here how his night went.”

  “Don’t tease him, Travis,” Michelle scolded, her voice gentle. “You know how hard it can be to sleep in a strange place. Especially when you barely know the people you’re staying with.”

  Aiden grinned, then stretched. “I don’t know what it is, but I’ve always been like that. Hopefully, tonight will be better,” he said winking at Mickala, who grinned in reply, then they all went into the kitchen for breakfast and coffee.

  The rest of the weekend went by much the same way. Aiden and Mickala hung out during the day, then at night, once Travis and Michelle went to sleep, he would knock on her door. In the morning, he’d slip back to his room before they woke up.


  That Monday, at Mickala’s insistence, he told Michelle about being a demon, and she told him about them being telepathic. He showed the same surprise Ian had about mother-daughter telepaths, and again, he couldn’t help but wonder if maybe they weren’t hiding a few secrets of their own, but he’d never been one to pry. Ian also became a regular
participant in their conversations. The two humans were curious about his and Ian’s demon lives, and it amazed Mickala to discover Aiden was over nine hundred years old. Ian was right behind him at just under eight hundred and fifty.

  Aiden had been there a week, and it was during a conversation with Mickala and Ian when it hit him hard that he was falling hard for her. That shook him, and he felt like someone had punched him in the chest. That night, while she was asleep, he had a long conversation with Ian, who didn’t see the issue. If you care for the girl, I don’t see why it matters. You’ve told her the truth, and she obviously doesn’t give a damn, so why do you?

  I’m a demon, Ian. She’s a human. You know I don’t do that. If we were the same, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

  Ian sighed. Look, you’ve been my best friend for centuries. Hell, for a long time, you were my only friend. You’ve been so unhappy for so long. You deserve this, Aiden. I just want you to think about this long and hard before you do it. Just talk to her. What she has to say might surprise you. Besides, by doing it this way, you’re taking her feelings, and her choices, out of the equation, and even I know that’s not right.

  Not at her expense. You know I don’t do human/demon relationships. It’s just too unbalanced. We’re more powerful with much longer lives. It’s not fair to her.

  I just hope you know how much you’re about to hurt her. And yourself, I think.

  Aiden was quiet. I do, but the right thing isn’t always the easiest. Never in a million years did I ever expect to feel this way. Not about a human. It’s my fault, though. I never should have let my emotions get so twisted outside of my control. It happened without me even realizing it.

  Well, they did. So, either deal with it or just go with them. I’m just saying, I don’t think this, what you’re about to do, is the right way to deal with it, Aiden. She’s smart, incredibly so, and you’re good at words, Ian tried to talk some sense into his friend.

  Aiden just gave a mental headshake. No, Ian.

  You sound like you’ve made your mind up, so I guess there isn’t anything left for me to say. Good luck, Aiden, because I think both of you are going to suffer on this one.

  Ian left his mind, and Aiden watched Mickala sleeping, a faint smile on her rosy lips. His fingers stroked her cheek before they curled into a tight fist, and his eyes closed as he leaned his head back against the headboard. Mickala, I hope you can forgive me. I’m just trying to look out for you. I hope one day you’ll be able to understand.

  The next morning, he answered her cheerful ‘good morning’ with a short, stiff nod before walking by her without a word. She stared after him, her eyebrows raising. All that day, he would hardly look at her, much less speak to her, but he talked with Travis and Michelle like normal. That night, he stayed in his room for the entire night.

  Over the next several days, whenever Mickala could catch his eyes, he would look away, but he found he couldn’t stop watching her out of the corner of his eye whenever she wasn’t looking. The hurt on her face, which she was trying, and failing, to hide, tore at his heart, but he just clenched his teeth and turned away, cursing himself. Michelle watched them without saying a word, well aware of what was going on, and why, but she also knew it was something they had to work out on their own. Her own heart hurt for them both.


  A few nights later, Mickala couldn’t keep her emotions in check anymore, and tears fell like rain. A few seconds later, she felt Ian enter her head, concerned. Mickala, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?

  She was blunt with it. Aiden. I don’t know what the bloody hell happened. We were getting along great. Then, he just shut me out. I know Aiden talks to you about everything, Ian. What did I do wrong?

  He gave a heavy sigh. I told Aiden it would turn out this way, that he would just end up hurting both of you. And believe it or not, Aiden is hurting. Look, Aiden loves you.

  She was so stunned, her tears just stopped, and it was a couple of seconds before what he said sunk in. Then why…?

  Because Aiden’s never believed in mixing demon with human, and he thinks you’re human, so he’s trying to protect you. I told him to just talk to you, not to do this whole silent treatment thing, but he wouldn’t listen.

  One sentence caught her attention. What do you mean, thinks? I am human.

  She felt his disbelief, and his impatience only sharpened his tone. You and Michelle may have Aiden fooled, but not me. You know good and damn well what I’m talking about. I know your names too well. Besides, you’re doing a hell of a job shielding from Aiden or anyone close, but I’m outside your range, so I feel the incredible power you’re hiding. Even Aiden can feel it in bursts, but he hasn’t put together the rest of the pieces. He’s been out of the demon world for a lot longer than I have.

  Mickala sighed. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to tell him.

  I think the time for secrets is over, unless you want both of you to keep suffering. He only tried to do what he thought was best for you, so don’t be too harsh with him. I haven’t seen him care about someone so much in a very, very long time, Ian said.

  All right, all right. I’ll see if I can get him to talk to me in the morning. Wish me luck?

  Ian laughed. As stubborn as Aiden can be, I’m wishing you the best of luck I can. And can I just say thank God? I don’t know how much more of this I could take.

  She startled him by laughing. Well, I’d hate to keep you suffering, Ian. I’ll try to end it as soon as possible. And thank you. I mean it.

  Good. I know I don’t know you very well myself, but I know of you, and I don’t think you should be in pain because Aiden cares so much. They said good night, and she fell asleep just a few minutes later, determined to make things right in the morning.


  Truth Be Told

  That, at least, was her intent, but that fickle thing called Fate seemed to have different plans, keeping them separate most of the morning. Michelle could sense Mickala’s growing frustration over the course of the day, and she asked the two of them to get her some mulch from the shed to use the Saturday coming up. It took a few minutes, but she got him talking about his fox halfway form. It didn’t take him long to shut down on her again, though, making her want to pull her hair and scream at the top of her lungs. Instead, she settled for snatching his end of the fifty-pound bag from him, slinging the whole thing over her shoulder like it was nothing and stalked to the small pile they’d made before slamming it down.

  She stunned him when she turned around, her eyes like blue fire as they narrowed with an intense anger, and he knew she’d had enough. “At least I can tell a bloody demon when I see one,” she hissed under her breath, knowing the doors were open. She spun around so fast, her long braid flipped from one shoulder to another, then stormed into the house, not caring about the door slamming shut. Deep inside, if she hadn’t been so angry, she would’ve laughed at his face. It was almost identical to the one he’d had when she’d asked if he wasn’t human.

  All night, he asked her what she had meant in her mind, but she kept ignoring him, giving him a taste of his own medicine. Later, she was re-braiding her hair when there was a quiet knock on her door. “What do you want?” she asked, already knowing who it was.

  Aiden came in and sat on the edge of her dresser. “Will you please tell me what you meant?” She didn’t look up at him, focusing on the braid in her hands.

  A couple of minutes later, he sighed and got up, heading for the door. He was almost outside when her low voice came to him. “You seem to be a bright demon, Aiden Miller. What do you think I meant?”

  He turned to see her back still toward him, but her angry blue eyes met his in the mirror. He retook his seat, but she could tell he was deep in thought. She heard him gasp, and she could tell by how his eyes lit up, he had figured it out. “You’re a demon, too?”

  She smiled, her anger fleeing. “Bingo. Mickala Nikola Clarkson, full-blooded wolf demon at your service.”

nbsp; ***

  “Holy shit! You’re that Mickala!” he exclaimed, his eyes widening, and she couldn’t help but laugh and nod. “Well, I suppose that explains the odd power bursts I’ve been feeling,” the stunned fox demon mused. Then he looked up at her. “Why didn’t you tell me? You’ve known about me since day one.”

  “Mainly safety reasons,” she said.

  “Okay, I get that. But, why are you telling me then?”

  The guilt on her face took him by surprise. “I couldn’t take the silence anymore, Aiden, and I knew you talked to Ian, so I asked him what in the double realms I’d done so wrong.” Her voice grew soft, almost awed. “He said you loved me, but you didn’t go for human/demon relationships. I’ve only been shielding for about five hundred miles, and Ian’s outside that range, so he could feel me, and he said you’ve felt it a time or two.

  “He knew what I was, plus he knew mine and Mom’s names, and he told if I wanted you to top the silent treatment, I needed to suck it up, swallow my bloody pride, and tell you the truth. So, here I am, leveling with you one hundred percent, which you’re right. I should’ve done it from the start, and I’m sorry.”

  “Ian told you all of that?” he asked, his green eyes narrowing.

  She nodded. “But only because I asked. He wanted to keep the both of us from hurting, so please, don’t be angry at him.”

  He sighed. “I guess I can’t be, not if he got you to tell me the truth. And God knows I’m sorry for the silent treatment, but I just wanted what I thought would be best for you. I was too damn weak to leave on my own.” He grinned. “Although, I have to admit, you’re being so relaxed about what I am, yours and Michelle’s telepathy, it all makes perfect sense now. You wouldn’t believe the time I’ve put into thinking what in the world could’ve made a human so relaxed about someone being a demon.”

  “What? You thought I would get mad at you enough to tell you to leave?” she asked, and he just shrugged. She laughed, shaking her head. “I suppose we both made errors, so I think we’re even now. You should’ve talked to me, and I should’ve just told you the truth from the beginning, and you wouldn’t even have had to talk to me.”


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