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Releasing the Demons: Solarian Chronicles II

Page 36

by Mallory Anderson

  “Earth is getting ready to go to hell in a handbasket,” Michelle replied, tears running down her face as she eyed the clouds racing overhead with an unnatural speed, and the light had an eerie, other-worldly cast to it. She closed her eyes, and her star blazed, bathing the clearing in its brilliant blue light. EJ watched her, tears streaming down his face as he looked around at the only family he’d really known for over ten years. In unison, every volcano erupted with earth shattering force, and tsunamis quickly formed, swallowing islands like Japan and Hawaii whole. Michelle’s voice carried over everything, growing stronger and more powerful. Birds and forest animals were racing across the sky and through the brush, desperately trying to find their way to safety.

  A blue light shot up from the star and surrounded them before growing to an immense size, creating a large, shimmering blue dome. Aiden, Ian, Nehela, and EJ closed their streaming eyes, lending her their strength, and soundlessly, the wolves and Dellings did the same. Sitting and standing behind the Queen of Solaris, they bowed their heads and closed their eyes, opening a connection between them.

  Michelle’s voice developed an eerie echoing quality as she continued her chant in the ancient Solarian language, and a silver beam came up, hitting the top of the dome. As it hit and pushed through, it splintered into an untold number of silver pieces. Each one broke off, time and time again, and each tiny piece enveloped a person, who immediately fell into a deep sleep. Ian, Nehela, Mickala, then EJ were encased.

  The silver bubbles vanished, the light fading from her forehead as her own bubble formed. Her voice faltered as her eyes closed, and the last of her substantial power faded as she slumped forward, lost in her slumber. The last of the bubbles faded, each of them going to Solaris or Elagon. As soon as Michelle’s bubble disappeared, the entire surface of Earth contracted violently before expanding again as if it were gasping its last few breaths. Monstrous cracks that made the Grand Canyon seem like a simple scratch began appearing, then it was as if the center core of the dying planet had suddenly become a massive black hole, and everything began collapsing in on itself.

  * * *

  Everything finally condensed into a tiny pinpoint of massive energy that glowed so brightly, it eclipsed the sun itself. That energy reached the pinnacle of its life, exploding, disintegrating the moon and rocking the neighboring planets of Mars and Venus so badly, it knocked them completely knocked off their orbits. The only thing left of the once beautiful blue and green planet were tiny dust particles.

  And Then, It Ends

  The light of Earth’s violent end traveled endlessly across space and time. Two small planets, on the opposite end of the solar system, saw the brilliant spark of light that flared as bright of as the light of its own two suns. A girl who looked as if she were in her late teens, but was actually almost a thousand years old, looked up, her tiara gleaming. Mickala, the Princess of Solaris, felt an incredible, but unexplainable wave of sadness and sorrow sweep over her, her heart feeling as if it were breaking within her chest.


  Deep in the city beneath the sprawling Palace of Angels, a group of five friends, including the Crown Prince of Elagon, Solaris’ closest ally and neighboring planet, a pair of brothers, an elf with green eyes and long pale blonde hair, and a tall man with long black hair and his own green eyes also looked out their window. Each of them felt their own wave of unreasonable grief as they all saw the final few moments of a dead planet that none of them remembered.

  Also by Mallory Anderson

  When Worlds Collide

  Angel and Sathe had a love that couldn’t be broken by space and time. See where it all began, and how the Solarians and Elagonians came to be a part of Earth.




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