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Experienced (A Real Man, 4)

Page 1

by Jenika Snow


  A Real Man, 4

  Jenika Snow



  A Real Man Series


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  Coming Soon

  Excerpt: Baby Fever (A Real Man, 3)

  Chapter One


  About the Author

  EXPERIENCED (A Real Man, 4)

  By Jenika Snow

  Copyright © September 2016 by Jenika Snow

  First E-book Publication: September 2016

  Photographer: Juliana Andrade

  Cover model: Wander Aguiar

  Photo provided by: Wander Book Club

  Editors: Editing By Rebecca and Kasi Alexander

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or establishments is solely coincidental.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.

  Book 1: Lumberjack

  Book 2: Virgin

  Book 3: Baby Fever

  Book 4: Experienced

  Book 5: Coming October 2016


  He’ll show her how a real man treats a woman…


  I’d never known how good it could feel to be taken care of

  by a man who knew what he was doing.

  Until I was with Hugo...


  I was older than she was. She was innocent, hadn’t experienced all that life had to offer.

  I could give her that experience.

  Sabine consumed my thoughts, made me desire nothing else but her. No other woman compared to her, and because of that, I hadn’t been with a woman for four years, which was also the last time I saw Sabine.

  But I was done feeling guilty for what I desired. I wanted Sabine in my life, by my side, and I was about to make that a reality.

  I didn’t know if she’d ever been treated the way a female should … but I was going to show her how a real man takes care of a woman.

  Warning: If you’re into super short, hot, dirty reads containing a much older hero and younger heroine … keep on reading. This story is guaranteed to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, give you that sweet HEA we all deserve, and make you want to search out an experienced older man for yourself.



  She’s all I thought about for the last four years.

  Since I left after her high school, and eighteenth birthday, celebration, Sabine had been on my mind.

  Four. Fucking. Years.

  I closed my eyes and pictured her.

  I always thought about Sabine.

  I could picture her long black hair ... strands I wanted to wrap around my hand as I made love to her.

  I imagined her blue eyes staring up at me, wide, pleasure-filled, as I thrust into her body.

  I could picture my hands, mouth, and tongue moving along her womanly curves.

  Four years of me wanting a woman I knew I shouldn’t desire, but whom I couldn’t get out of my head.

  She was so much younger than I was, but that wasn’t an issue. The age difference didn’t bother me in the slightest. She was a woman, twenty-one years old, and she was smart, perfect for me. Sabine had always known what she wanted out of life, and she’d excelled at what she put her mind to. I might not have seen her in years, but I knew she had only gotten more determined in that regard. That wasn’t a trait someone just let go of.

  I also didn’t care that she was Leo’s—a family friend’s—daughter. Maybe I should have, but I didn’t let a complication like that stop me from aching for her in a way that made it hard to think of much else.

  It had been four long years since I’d even been intimate with a woman. I just couldn’t bring myself to go there with them, not when the only one I wanted was Sabine.

  After all this time, I knew she was the only one I’d ever want, and as experienced in life as I was, I knew this wasn’t a passing desire.

  I ran a hand over my face, breathing out wearily.

  “Would you like something else to drink, Mr. Romanov?”

  I looked up at the flight attendant and shook my head. “No, thank you, Marcella.” I had three more hours to go before I landed in New York, and another hour drive to get to Leo and his wife Annabelle’s house. And by the time I got to their home, it would be too late to see anyone really.

  Getting a hotel would have been a simpler option, but it was out of the question, not when Leo and Annabelle insisted I stay in their guesthouse. I knew better than to argue with either of them.

  I should have been here earlier.

  I’d missed Sabine’s graduation, and even though I’d known about this event for some time, switching my business obligations around hadn’t been possible. That didn’t stop me from feeling this immense guilt.

  I reached into my pocket and pulled out the white leather box. Opening it, I stared down at the diamond tennis bracelet I’d bought for her.

  Sabine was the only woman I’d ever given jewelry to, and although it might seem like an innocent gesture, a congratulatory gift for her accomplishments, the necklace, and now this bracelet, meant more to me than she’d ever know.

  She meant more to me than she’d ever know.


  It had been four years since I’d seen him.

  Four years of me wanting a man I knew I could never have.

  Four years of me comparing every guy I tried to have a relationship with to him ... Hugo.

  I’d told myself I needed to wake up and realize I could never have a man more than twice my age who was my father’s lifelong friend.

  But telling myself what I should and shouldn’t want was a lot harder to accomplish when what I wanted was unattainable, yet still within my reach.

  I stared across the table at my parents. We’d finished throwing a small dinner party in celebration of me graduating college with my bachelor's degree, and now it was just the three of us. I should be focusing on graduate school, getting my master's in education, but knowing Hugo was coming in tonight was all I could think of.

  Hugo Romanov.

  Just thinking his name had my skin prickling with awareness, had every part of me speeding up. Adrenaline rushing through my body caused this reaction.

  “He’ll be here sometime tonight, although I’m not sure what time.”

  I looked at my father. He leaned back in the dining room chair and lifted his wine glass to his lips. He looked over at my mother, who also had a wine glass in front of her.

  “It’s been what, four years since he was last in the States?” my mother asked.

  My father nodded. “Yes, for Sabine’s high school graduation. Although he came back about a year ago on business, he couldn’t take the extra time to fly out to see us.”

  My heart sped up knowing he’d been here, probably states away, yet still closer than when he was
in Europe.

  “I bet you’re excited to see Hugo again,” my mother said and took a sip of her wine, looking over the rim at me.

  I shrugged, not about to show how nervous I was, or how much anticipation thrummed through me.

  We’d finished off a bottle of wine between the three of us, and the second bottle was already half empty. I reached out and ran my finger along the base of my glass. “It’s been a long time,” I replied softly, thinking about the last time I’d seen him. I remembered vividly the way he smelled of dark and delicious cologne. But he’d also smelled of aged books and experience, and it was such a heady, intoxicating aroma. On instinct, I lifted my hand and touched the rose gold feather necklace he’d given me. It had been a present from Hugo not just for graduating high school, but also making valedictorian.

  I’d worn it every day since receiving it.

  “You two always had this special bond.”

  I looked up at my father after he spoke. “Not really.” He might have been more of a presence in my life when I was younger, and he lived in the States, but I’d never say we’d been close.

  “Of course you did. Hugo would spend hours with you at the kitchen table teaching you Russian. Remember?”

  I did, vividly. Our last lesson had been when I was seventeen years old, and he’d come to visit after being away on business in Russia.

  “That’s because Dad wanted him to make me more ‘rounded’.” I smiled at my dad. He’d been teasing when he’d made the suggestion I start learning a language, but Hugo had taken it seriously. For the next two years, from the age of fifteen to seventeen, whenever Hugo was in town, he’d spend hours with me, teaching me his native language—one of the four he spoke fluently.

  The truth was I could only speak a handful of Russian phrases, mainly because I wasn’t able to concentrate when he was near.

  But I’d tried to come to the realization that my personal reality did not include Hugo.

  And even after all these years, it was still hard to make that sink in.



  I didn’t wait for the driver to open my door. I was out, grabbed my two bags, and stood there for a second looking up at Leo’s home. The porch light was on, but I had a key to the guesthouse, so I wouldn’t need to disturb anyone.

  “I’ll let you know when I leave,” I said to the driver without looking at him.

  I made my way around the back and unlatched the gate to the backyard. Once it was closed behind me, I walked toward the one bedroom guesthouse. I saw the edge of the swimming pool before I rounded the corner, and the lights under the chemically enhanced water made the liquid take on a more yellow glow.

  Then I saw a ripple move across the once still liquid. Surely Leo or Annabelle weren’t in the water at this hour? I rounded the corner, but stopped, seeing the back of a female body. The long, black hair was piled high on her head, and the small tie of her bikini was in a bow in the center of her back.

  Every part of me froze as I stared at Sabine. I didn’t need to see her face to know who it was, and I didn’t need to be at her parents’ house to know she was the one in the water.

  I’d know her anywhere, whether I could see her face or not.

  I tightened my hands on the leather straps of my bags and knew the gentlemanly thing to do would be to look away or make my presence known. Instead, I stood there motionless, silent, and watched as she now lay on her back, floating in the water. Her eyes were closed, and the rise of her breasts above the waterline had this deep-rooted need slamming into me.

  My cock hardened.

  My pulse quickened.

  And all I wanted to do was strip out of my clothes and join her in the water.

  She turned around and opened her eyes. She gasped and splashed backward when she saw me, and I felt like a voyeur for watching this clearly private act.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, feeling ashamed, but also feeling aroused and hot for this woman.

  And she was a woman … all curves and softness.

  She wiped the water off her face and slowly shook her head. “No, you’re fine. I was just startled.” She offered me a smile, and that small gesture had every muscle in my body tightening harder.

  This wasn’t just about me wanting Sabine in my bed, under me, taking every inch of my cock.

  This wasn’t about me needing a younger female to make me feel alive.

  This wasn’t about me thinking this was some taboo desire I felt for her.

  No, this was about me wanting her as my woman.

  She was young, over two decades younger than my fifty years of age, but none of that mattered. Age was just a number.

  She swam over to the edge of the pool to get out, and even though every good intention to turn and give her privacy rose up in me, I found myself standing there, watching her, and taking in every second of this moment.

  The droplets of water that slid down the long lines of her body.

  The swell of her breasts as they rose above the hemline of her bikini top.

  The slight protrusion of her hipbones as they peeked above her swimsuit bottom.

  The roundness of her ass as she bent down to grab her towel.

  God, she was gorgeous, spectacular, and it wasn’t just on a physical level. The slight glint of the necklace she wore caught the light, and I realized it was the feather I’d given her four years ago.

  I couldn’t deny that the fact she still wore it all these years later pleased me to no end.

  I’d only planned on staying a few days, but I didn’t want to leave, not without her.


  I felt his eyes on me as I grabbed my towel. I would be lying if I said I didn’t admit I enjoyed him watching me.

  I stood and lifted the towel to my face, patting the water off my mouth and cheeks, and watched him. He stood so still, his big body seeming tight. What was he thinking right now? Was he looking at me in the way I wanted him to, in the way that I looked at him?

  We didn’t speak. It was a little strange standing here with just my bikini on, at three in the morning, with Hugo watching me like he was this predator about to grab his prey. But I also liked it.

  I’d missed him so much.

  “It’s been a long time, Sabine.”

  His thick Russian accent had always done something to me, something wicked and warm. He didn’t look much different from the last time I’d seen him. These last four years had certainly been good to him.

  “It has. I’m glad you could come.”

  “I wish I would have been here sooner, for the actual ceremony.”

  I smiled and held the towel to my body. “You’re here now, and that’s all that matters.”

  His hair was on the whiter side, with a splattering of gray thrown in. But his face wasn’t aged, not like how I’d seen on other fifty-year-olds. My father certainly didn’t look like Hugo.

  He wore a suit, the white shirt underneath it unbuttoned at the collar, and his tanned, toned chest and neck on display. He was a large man, tall, in shape, but this air he wore about him made him attractive to me. He could look at a person and seem like he knew their entire story. He was successful, intelligent, but he was also kind.

  He’d always been so kind, and I think that’s why I loved him.

  God, don’t go there. Don’t even think that with him standing right in front of you.

  “You look well, Sabine.”

  I fought back the shiver at hearing him say my name. His accent seemed to be a little thicker when he pronounced it.

  “Thank you,” I whispered. I was on the verge of saying he looked well, too, but he nodded and headed toward the guesthouse. I stood there, watching his big body move fluidly, but right before he unlocked the door, he turned around and looked at me. “You should go inside. It’s late, and even though this is a nice neighborhood, I’d feel better if you were safely inside.”

  I felt my cheeks heat at his worry for me.

  “We’ll talk in the morning, spen
d time together.”

  I nodded and wrapped the towel around me, and still, we stood there, staring into each other’s eyes.

  “Good night,” I said softly, my throat tight.

  “Spokoynoy nochi.”

  I smiled. I might not be fluent in Russian, but I at least knew that one.

  “Spokoynoy nochi.” I said goodnight to Hugo and turned before he went inside. I still felt his gaze on me when I went inside the house and shut the door.



  It was awhile before I fell asleep last night, but once I did, I didn’t wake up until nearly ten. I blamed the activity from yesterday, and my nerves at seeing Hugo that made it difficult to settle my body.

  I sat on my bed, staring out the window. I needed to find a place of my own. I’d stayed with my parents while going to school, commuting to and from campus, and saving the money I’d earned over the last four years. It had been the smart thing for me to do, but I’d graduated, and even though I was going back for my master’s, I needed to be on my own.

  God, I can’t stop thinking about Hugo.

  The exchange last night had been more awkward than normal. Even four years ago, Hugo had embraced me, told me how proud he was of me. But last night … it seemed like both of us were strangers. Of course, I knew why I felt like that, because wanting him was seriously messing with me. But why had he acted so strange? Feeling his eyes on me had been thrilling, but had they meant more than just a man looking at a woman instinctively?

  Was I brave enough to actually find out?

  I should have been worrying about my future, about what my next steps were, but having him so close, under the same roof, played havoc with my mind and body.

  I could hear him downstairs, speaking with my father, and even though his voice was muffled, a tingle shot through me. It was deep, baritone, and every part of me came alive.


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