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Experienced (A Real Man, 4)

Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  “The only woman I want to be buried inside of is you.” What I wanted was her under me and giving herself over so there was no doubt she was mine. “Now that I have you, that I know you want this, I’m not letting you go.” And I fucking wasn’t. “You’re mine, Sabine.”

  I moved my thumb along her bottom lip again, transfixed by the sight of me pulling the soft, pink flesh down.

  “I want to be yours. I’ve always been yours.”

  Yeah, she fucking had.

  The vulnerability and innocence on the surface of her face slammed into me fast and hard.

  “You know I’ll take care of you.” I didn’t state it like a question.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “You were mine before I could even accept it myself, Sabine.”

  Her breath hitched, and I leaned down and took her mouth in a kiss again.

  It wasn’t soft, wasn’t gentle. I gave her what we both needed. I listened to her soft moans, her verbal and nonverbal pleas for more. All I wanted to do was make her feel fucking incredible.

  Once I claimed her, fucked her until she couldn’t even walk straight tomorrow, she’d be mine. I couldn’t stop until she knew she was mine.

  After several seconds, I broke the kiss, needing this to go further than what we did now. Her lips were swollen, red, and wet.

  “You’re the only thing that fucking matters, Sabine.” I slipped my hand behind her head and gripped the base of her skull. “This can be so damn easy.” My mouth was still close to hers, but I didn’t kiss her again. I felt her breasts against me. They were big and round, and my cock gave a mighty jerk. I pressed my dick against her again, letting her feel the stiffness of it, letting her know the ten inches that would be buried in her cunt in a matter of minutes.

  “I’m going to make you feel so fucking good, Sabine.”

  “Hugo… be with me already.”

  I growled out low. “I’m going to show you how a real man takes care of his woman.”

  “Kiss me again.”

  I did just that.

  Our tongues slid along each other, frantic, heated, and full of need. I was hard, so hard for her that I found myself grinding my erection against her inner thigh, needing some friction.

  She was pliant in my arms, pressing her breasts against my chest, her nipples hard, her arousal coating the air. I felt drunk for her.

  She lifted her hips slightly, her pussy rubbing along my leg. I needed to get undressed, to be just as bare as she was. I shifted from her and started undoing the buttons of my shirt. I tossed the material to the floor once it was off and stood up to work on my pants. My cock was hard, aching, and I needed to have the fucker free … needed to have it deep inside of Sabine.

  Once I was just as naked as she was, I grabbed my cock and started stroking myself, just looking at her laid out for me. She licked her lips slowly and lowered her eyes to my cock.

  “That’s it,” I murmured. “Watch as I fucking jerk off because I can’t control myself.” It turned me on knowing she watched. “You want these ten inches in you, Sabine?”

  Her eyes were slightly wide, and I couldn’t help but feel a surge of pleasure at that fact.

  “I could take every part of you right now.” I moved a step closer. “And it still wouldn’t be enough. It’ll never be enough.” I gave my cock one more stroke before letting the hard, thick, and long shaft go. I moved back onto the bed and curled my fingers against her side. There might be marks in the morning, but I wanted that brand of ownership, that slight discoloration that would let me know she was mine.

  And I’d be the only one that saw them because she was mine.

  “I don’t want any other male looking at you, Sabine,” I whispered against her throat. “I don’t want them touching you, even if it’s innocent.”

  She moaned and arched up into me.

  “These little bruises that might show up…” I added a little more pressure to her hips, loving that she grabbed my biceps and dug her nails in. “These little marks will be for my eyes only, because you and I will both know how you got them.” I pulled back and looked down at her. “We’ll know that our passion was too fucking great.”

  She nodded slowly, and I looked down at where she had her nails in my bicep. I’d have marks, too, it seemed, and God, did that turn me on. My dick punched forward even harder. I moved my mouth to the base of her neck, and I felt her pulse beating rapidly. I licked and sucked at the spot, drawing the blood up to the surface and marking her there, too.

  I wanted her screaming my name as I filled her with my huge cock.

  “I want to go further, baby. I want to be so deep in you we are one.”

  “Don’t stop.” She slanted her mouth on mine and speared her tongue between my parted lips. She acted desperate for me, and fucking hell, was I desperate for her. I reached between us and palmed my cock. The tip was slick with pre-cum. I wanted it inside of her, coating her in my scent and seed.

  “You’re so gorgeous … so mine, Sabine. All of you belongs to me.” I placed my fingers on her lips. “This is mine.” I went lower and touched her breasts. “These are mine.” I kept my focus on her eyes, and I slid my palm down her belly, finally touching her soaking wet pussy. “This is mine.”

  She arched her back slightly, involuntarily.

  “I need all of you.” I was at my breaking point. “Christ, baby—” I gritted the words out. I moved my mouth to her ear and whispered, “I need to be inside of you … now.”



  There’s no turning back now.

  He pressed his body fully against mine, all hard muscle and sinew lined up with my softness. I couldn’t stop thinking about the way he had touched himself. He was huge, bigger than I thought was even possible. My pussy muscles were still clamping down hard, clearly trying to find something substantial to grip onto.

  His huge ten-inch cock.

  He was tall, muscular, and the light sprinkling of salt and pepper chest hair above his defined pectoral muscles told me of his experience in life. This was turning out to be everything I’d thought of and wanted over the years.

  I didn’t care if he was over two decades older than I was, and I didn’t care what anyone thought.

  I deserved this.

  I deserved to be happy.

  I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t even think straight, and when he moved his hand between us, I felt like I’d come just from a touch to my clit.

  “I need you, Hugo,” I whispered, all but begging.

  “I want you so much. Desperately, Sabine,” he said against my neck, licking, sucking, and leaving his mark on me. He apparently liked my throat, but I didn’t mind, because feeling his teeth, tongue, and lips on me, on any part of my body, had lights flashing before my eyes and heat consuming me.

  Beads of perspiration covered the valley between my breasts. His cock was like a steel rod between us, pressing against my belly. I could feel the pre-cum at the tip spread across my flesh, and as if I’d projected my thoughts, Hugo leaned back and looked down at my abdomen. He used his fingers to spread his cum along my flesh, rubbing it in.

  “I want you to smell like me.” He lifted his head and looked at me. “I want to pump deep inside of you, fill you up with my seed, and watch as it starts to come out.”

  All I could think about was our hot, sweaty bodies pressed together as he fucked me, as he showed me what a real man did with a woman.

  He lay back on me, his chest to mine, his cock now nestled between my pussy folds. He gripped my chin tightly, holding me in place as he mouth fucked me. There was no other way to describe it. The way he pressed back and forth against me, his cock sliding between my slit and bumping against my clit had me gasping and on the verge of coming.

  “That’s it, lyubov moya.” He went a little faster, pumping his cock against me, and making me utter all these explicit noises for him. “Christ, you’re so damn primed for me.” He let go of my chin and slid both of his hands behind me t
o grip my ass. He squeezed the mounds tightly and pulled me impossibly closer to him as he kept stroking his dick through my cleft.

  When I moaned, he grunted and held onto my ass even harder.

  “God, please, Hugo.” I didn’t care that I was begging, that I sounded desperate. Right now, I just wanted to feel him pushing into me, stretching my pussy, and claiming every inch of me.

  Even though I was unbelievably wet for him, I knew when he finally pushed that huge cock into me it would be tough. He was just so big, and even if I weren’t a virgin there would be a lot that had to stretch to accommodate him.

  I was looking forward to it, needed it like I needed to breathe.

  But I wanted to feel so full I couldn’t stand it, couldn’t even breathe.

  “Are you ready for me?” he asked in that deep voice of his.

  “I’m so ready for you.”

  “I need you so fucking much.”

  He kept one hand on my ass and moved the other between our bodies, took hold of his cock, and placed it at my entrance.

  “Kiss me,” I whispered, needing his mouth on me when he shoved deep inside.

  He didn’t make me ask a second time.

  Hugo rubbed his cock along my cleft, up and down, not penetrating me like I wanted him to. “You’re so wet for me, so ready for me.” He looked right in my eyes, not stopping his ministrations between my legs.

  I felt my slickness slip from my pussy and slide down my inner thigh. While he kissed me, I grabbed onto the back of his head, pulled at the strands of his short hair, needing him as close as he could get.

  Groans spilled from both of us.

  For years, I’d imagined being with Hugo. But I chalked those dreams up to nothing but fantasy.

  But we were here now together. Our skin was sweaty, pressed together, and the idea that I was about to have sex with the man I loved made me breathless.

  I was at the point I wanted him shoved so deep inside of me nothing else mattered.

  He stilled above me, his muscles strained, taut. “There’s no going back from this, Sabine.”

  I just shook my head. “Good.”

  I shifted, my lower half lifting up and pressing against his shaft. He hissed.

  “I’m ready.”

  He placed the tip at my entrance again, and in a swift move, buried a few inches into me. I felt the stretch and burn start to take root. For a moment, time seemed to stand still. There wasn’t any confusion about what was going to happen.

  Right now there was only us.

  He thrust his hips forward, pushing another inch into me. Hugo groaned and closed his eyes. “You’re so tight.” He pushed yet another inch into me, and the burning, stretching sensation took hold even more.

  My inner muscles clenched on their own.

  He grunted. “God, Sabine. You can’t do that or I’ll come too soon.” He rested his forehead against mine, and we breathed together. “You feel so good.” In one swift move, he was buried fully inside of me, and I gasped at the sudden action. “Christ. Just like that, baby.” He started moving in and out of me, faster and harder, claiming every inch of me. I closed my eyes when it became too much to keep them open.

  “Look at me. Watch me, Sabine.”

  I gasped when he hit something deliciously good inside of me. I opened my eyes and stared right into his. He was so far inside there wasn’t a part of me Hugo wasn’t touching.

  He started moving again, and the sound of flesh slapping together was so erotic, so filthy, I could have come from that alone.

  I love you so much.

  The root of his cock rubbed against my clit every time he slammed into me.

  He pushed fully into me, stilled, and rotated his hips, causing a different kind of sensation to fill me.

  “Sabine.” He gritted my name out. “You’re so tight it’s almost painful.” His expression was fierce. “But it’s so fucking good.” Sweat beaded his brow, and he made this low sound when he pulled out and then slammed into me especially hard.

  “God. Hugo.”

  “I want you to come for me. I want to see you get off.” He reached between us and pressed his thumb to my clit, rubbing the bud back and forth while he still tunneled in and out of me.


  His breathing was short, hard pants. I knew he was close to getting off, too.

  “You’re mine,” he said so low, almost feral. He slammed into me again and applied more pressure to my clit until I was about to explode for him. But before I went over the edge, he stilled.

  I wanted to scream.

  “Tell me you’re mine.”

  That’s all I’ve ever wanted.

  “Tell me,” he demanded.

  “I’m yours.”

  He thrust in and out of me like a madman now, faster and harder. I got lost in the sensation.

  He was groaning as well, an auditory pleasure that filled me.

  “Fuck, yes, Sabine. You’re mine, only mine.”

  “I’m only yours.” I gasped when he slammed into me so hard I moved up an inch on the bed.

  The pain only heightened my pleasure.

  He started whispering in Russian to me, and that made me hotter. And I came for him, just like that.

  “God, Sabine.” He thrust deep in my body and stilled, his huge body tense above me, his muscles rigid, defined.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off him. Seeing Hugo get off was so arousing, because I was the one who had done this to him. I could feel him come, could feel the hard jets of his seed filling me. He was so big and warm inside me that those sensations had my pleasure mounting even more.

  He thrust deep in me once more, stilled, and his haggard breathing told me everything I needed to know.

  When several moments passed, he opened his eyes and looked me in the eyes. Sweat covered his brow, and I reached up and smoothed my finger over a bead. I felt droplets slide down my temple, surprising me, but also arousing me. Hugo leaned down and ran his tongue along the side of my head, licking the sweat away. When he pulled back, I felt dizzy, drunk, and so damn euphoric right now.

  “Are you okay?”

  I nodded. “I’m more than okay.”

  And I was. God, I was.



  Three days later

  I could see how nervous Sabine was, and I knew part of it was because she thought I was leaving.

  At first, I hadn’t planned on setting a departure date, simply because I’d used this time to recoup from traveling. But I also knew I couldn’t stay at Leo and Annabelle’s house for an indeterminate length of time.

  But I did not intend to leave her, not after I’d made her mine.

  I cupped Sabine’s face and leaned in to kiss her. I didn’t deny the proprietary desire to mark her in front of whoever the fuck saw rode me strong. Leo and Annabelle where just a few feet away, and after we’d told them of our relationship, and I explained I wasn’t going to stop seeing Sabine, even if they disapproved, they seemed to accept what was happening. They were unconformable about it at first. I could give them that, could understand it, too.

  I was so much older, and I was a family friend. But I didn’t give a fuck about any of that. They were my family … but Sabine was my life.

  Sabine. Was. My. Life.

  “Are you sure you want to come to the city with me?” I had no issues throwing her over my shoulder like a caveman staking his claim. But I wanted her complete devotion.

  And when I looked into her face, into her eyes, I knew I had it.

  “Wherever you want to go, whatever you want to do, I’ll follow you.”

  I cupped her face in my hands and leaned down so we were eye-to-eye.

  “But your work, your travels.”

  I shook my head. “It’s my company. I’ll do whatever I please, and if that means being here with you while you go back to school, or you coming with me and traveling, so be it. I can work from anywhere. I won’t lie and say I may not have to travel on occasion, but my li
fe is yours, Sabine.” I smoothed my fingers along her jaw. “This is about you, about us, and I’ll make it work.” I kissed her again, swiped my tongue along her bottom lip, and wanted her to know this was the truth. “You’re my life.”

  And she was, every aspect of it.

  “You know I want to be with you.”

  I felt this surge of pleasure and testosterone move through me.

  We were staying in the city alone for the next few days. I would work out my schedule, switch things, rearrange appointments, and make this work.

  Failure wasn’t an option when it came to Sabine.

  “I want this to work, Hugo. I’d never ask you to change for me. Where you go, I go. I’ll make this work, too.”

  I smiled, feeling so fucking happy right now.

  “For me it’s just you, Sabine.”

  There was nothing else in the world that mattered more than the woman in front of me, and I was going to spend the rest of my life proving that to her.


  We’d just stepped into the hotel suite Hugo had reserved for the next few days. He’d told me he’d work out his schedule so he didn’t have to travel so much. But the truth was I didn’t want him to change for me. I could finish a lot of my graduate degree online if need be.

  But I wasn’t going to worry about that right now. Hugo was here with me, we were together, and things would work out.

  I wouldn’t allow it not to.

  This was my life and what I had always wanted.

  I watched as Hugo went into the kitchen and got a couple of glasses out of the cabinet, and a bottle of wine from the fridge. I took that time to look at the hotel room. It wasn’t standard, of course, but more of a suite, with the small kitchen, living room area, and a private bedroom down a short hallway. I walked over to the floor to ceiling windows and looked down at Times Square, which was right below us. The area was crowded with people. From this high up, it looked like a flow of colorful ink along the ground.

  I felt Hugo step up behind me, his body heat seeping into me and sending this shiver racing up my spine. He didn’t even have to touch me and I was affected. When I heard glass lightly clanking, I looked down to see him setting the wine glasses, now filled with ruby red liquid, down on the small table beside us. I started to turn around, but he placed a hand on my lower back, stopping me. Nothing was said as he pushed my hair off my neck, pulled my shirt down to expose my shoulder, and proceeded to kiss my bared flesh.


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