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Double Magick in the Falls

Page 20

by April Hollingworth


  I watch the witch leave the police station, and hurry down to her waiting vampire lover. She hasn’t noticed the young officer watching her. But I do. I watch him, watching her, and am astounded at how envious he looks. Turning, I look at the witch in time to see the breathtaking smile she bestows on the vampire, and anger rolls inside of me.

  The young officer and I both watch as she says something, links hands with the vampire, before they walk off without a backwards glance, heading toward the college campus. Quickly I go in the opposite direction, leaving the officer behind as he watches the couple walk away.


  I’m the last to be released. Leaving the police station, I spot Victor waiting patiently for me. I hurry toward him, drinking in the wonderful sight of him.

  “The others are at the campus diner ordering food. I told them I’d wait for you. You okay?”

  “I’m fine, thank you, just starving. How are you?” I beam as I lace my fingers through his and we head toward the diner.

  “Better now you’re with me.” Victor smiles as he gently squeezes my fingers.

  It doesn’t take us long to reach the diner, and we spot Jasmine and Kheda in the back booth. I think we’re all thinking of it as ours. I reluctantly release my fingers from Victor’s to slide in. Victor sits beside me, so close we look glued together, and I don’t care. Lacing my fingers back through his, I give them a squeeze. Jasmine and Kheda are sitting opposite us, and I’m delighted they’re sitting pretty damn close, too.

  “So, you literally are double magick,” Victor states grinning a very sexy, lopsided grin at me, as he traces a pattern on my hand.

  “Yeah,” I reply, grinning back at him, “I literally am.”

  “So what happens next?” Jasmine enquires.

  “Next we order our food, before even thinking of doing anything else,” I laugh.

  “Already been taken care of, and it should be arriving soon,” Jasmine informs me. “What did they ask you?” she enquires quietly, leaning forward to catch my answer.

  “Probably the same as the rest of you, over and over again, and in different ways, until at the very end when I was asked how I changed into a wolf, and if I was really the double magick from the prophecy,” I inform them.

  “Holy cow, who was questioning you, and how do they know about the prophecy?” Kheda demands in shock.

  “Jesse James, and apparently his grandfather told him,” I answer trying not to smile again at his name.

  “Jesse James? Seriously, that’s his name?” Jasmine asks her lips twitching.

  “I have to ask, how do you manage to keep your clothes on? Every shifter and werewolf I have ever met has to strip, or get their clothes destroyed in the change. What makes you so different?” Curiosity laces Kheda’s voice. He leans forward to make sure he catches my answer. Looking at his puzzled expression, I try not to laugh.

  “I don’t know how to explain it, to be honest. It’s the way I’ve been since the first time I transformed. It’s part of my magick. It’s like my witch magick and wolf are separate. My clothes in that sense belong to the witch side of me. It’s why when Sally put the binding spell on me, it only worked on my witch magick, so my wolf took over.”

  The waitress turns up with our burger, chips, and sodas, and receives grateful smiles from all of us. We dig into our food. Turning to Victor, I ask a question which has been bothering me for a while now. “What happened with the demon, and why was she impersonating my grandmother?”

  “Apparently, Savannah had sent her to find out what you knew about me. My sitting with you at the booth spiked her interest. She couldn’t understand why I willingly met you but wouldn’t associate with her. She was also confused about Jasmine, though she hadn’t realized she was a shifter, just why you had a dog, being a witch and all,” Victor replies. “The demon is still with Big Michael, he believes she’s still withholding information.”

  “Okay, but what was with kidnapping George Seabast the Fourth?” Jasmine asks.

  “He dumped her after dating her for a month, with no reason, so it was simply a little revenge thrown in for good measure,” Victor answers, with a shake of his head at the oddities of people.

  “Wow, talk about a harsh lesson,” I mutter thinking of the state we’d found him in.

  “So the only thing we don’t know, is why your grandma is practicing black magick, and who else is practicing with her,” Jasmine states, as a frown creases her beautiful face. Kheda rubs the frown away from her forehead making her smile at him, before kissing him gently on the mouth.

  I lean into the wonderful man beside me, resting my head on his shoulder, and feeling contented.

  “We’ll find out sooner or later, hopefully sooner. But it’s not the only thing we don’t know the answers too. I’m going to give my gran a ring and see if we can meet up. Hopefully she will tell us why, and who else is practicing black magick, but to be honest, I doubt it. Practicing black magick is a personal choice and frankly none of our business. I might not like the choice, but I have no say in the matter.”

  Victor wraps an arm around my waist and drags me even closer to him.

  “What did you do to piss off Savannah so much?” I ask curiously.

  “Nothing, I didn’t even know her. She’s a customer in my bar and has waited on me in Hal’s, but otherwise I didn’t pay her any attention.” Victor shrugs his powerful shoulders in puzzlement.

  “She obviously wanted you. What about Sally, did you know her?” I inquire as jealousy ripples through me as I remember her touching him.

  “She hung out with Savannah at the bar, but I paid them no attention,” Victor answers with a delighted smile as he senses my jealousy.

  “Okay, but where is the body of the decapitated witch?” Jasmine asks. “And did Sally and Savannah kill all those in the cave, and the man in the woods, because their murders were definitely on a whole different level. They were the work of The Protectors, and nothing like the bar massacre.”

  We all stare in horror at Jasmine, as the truth of what she says ripples through us.

  “Flipping hell!” I exclaim in disgust at myself. “You’re right. Their murders are nothing like the bar. How the hell did I not see this earlier?” I grumble in annoyance.

  “None of us did, well, except Jasmine,” Kheda adds looking at her in admiration.

  “Look, there’s nothing we can do about it now. We’re all knackered and need to rest. How about tomorrow, we look at everything with fresh eyes, and see what we come up with,” Victor states.

  With a happy sound, I snuggle into him and enjoy the moment. Feeling my leg vibrate, I realize it’s my phone. Removing it, I read the message. Reading again, I draw in a sharp breath.

  “She’s left,” I exclaim.

  “What? Who’s left?” Victor demands in concern.

  “My grandmother. She says she needs to sort some things out, and she can’t do it here. She doesn’t know where she’s going, or for how long. She also says for all of us to be careful.”

  I trail to a stop staring at my phone, until Victor, who’d been gently rubbing my back, finally asks, “What else did she say, Candi?”

  “She said, a change is on the way, and darkness follows it swift and fast. We had better call in help, and find the answers we seek, but we won’t find them here.”

  “Where are we meant to find these answers?” Jasmine asks quietly.

  “I don’t know,” I reply shaking my head. “It’s all she wrote.”

  Quickly we pay for our food, and as one we hurry into the night. A rumble of thunder breaks the quietness surrounding us, followed by a distant flash of lightning. We dash back to the student houses where I’d left my car and pile into it.

  Once we’re buckled up, I reverse and head home. Thunder rumbles once more followed swiftly by another growl and grumble, and the smell of raw electricity permeates the air sharply, just before a bolt of lightning flings itself from the sky, ripping it open, and rain pours
from the open wound in a heavy downpour. Thunder crashes and booms angrily above us; louder this time, deafening in its intensity.

  I drive quickly through town and up the lane to the old Winters’ house, where in relief I stop. We scramble out, running to the front door. Jasmine unlocks it, and we all feel the welcoming warmth of the house embrace us. Turning, I lock the door. We trudge toward the kitchen to grab a drink.

  Finishing one drink, I fix myself another. Looking enquiringly at Victor with a small smile, I raise my eyebrows and waggle them suggestively, making him laugh as he reaches for me, dragging me against him before kissing me soundly on the lips.

  We deepen our kiss, finally separating, leaving me panting, as desire tingles and anticipation shoots through me, pooling in my belly. Tangling my free hand in his, as my other hand keeps its death grip around my spilling drink, I pull Victor out of the kitchen and upstairs.

  With a saucy grin, I lock my bedroom door behind us, taking a sip from my drink. I sashay to my desk, placing my glass carefully down. Turning to face Victor, I watch him move with infinite grace and fluidness toward me. Slowly unbuttoning his shirt, he reveals delicious skin, soft as velvet, encasing muscle and bone as hard as marble. With a moan of anticipation, I cross the room, meeting him halfway.

  Tonight I will let nothing come between us, and tomorrow, well, tomorrow we have a killer to find. Tomorrow can wait, for tonight is ours. Reaching up, I run my fingers through his luxurious hair and drag his head down to meet my waiting mouth, in anticipation of his kiss.

  His arms anchor me to him, lifting me off the floor. Wrapping my legs around his lean waist, I hold on tight. We make love slowly, and with so much emotion, I feel like crying.

  I fall asleep curled around him, his arms like steel, holding me tight, as if at any moment I might vanish, his embrace, the only thing keeping me here. I’m okay with it. I don’t want to go anywhere, or for him to either. The last thing I remember before sleep drags me into its world is Victor’s voice, whispering on the breath of a kiss, “You’re mine, always and forever, my Double Magick woman.”

  Chapter 24

  The next morning I awake, wrapped securely around Victor’s lean body, as he gently strokes my back, tracing patterns along my spine. With a contented sigh, I kiss his muscular chest, allowing my fingers to explore the silky skin containing his raw power. My fingers trace the hills and valleys that make up the sculpted beauty of his chest and stomach. But before I can explore further, I’m rolled onto my back, my hands captured securely by the wrists in one of his large strong hands.

  The muscles of his arm sit just above my head in tantalizing reach of my mouth. Lifting my head to gain easier access to his arm, I open my mouth allowing my tongue to escape, licking the corded strength of his arm before wrapping my legs around his. I slowly drag one up and over the muscled masterpiece of his ass.

  Wrapping my leg around his narrow waist, I bring his body back to mine. We make love again, exploring every inch of each other, before finally collapsing in a sweaty satisfied heap of tangled arms, legs, and sheets. Grinning in satisfaction, I kiss him on his left, very impressive pec. A rumble of laughter vibrates under my head. I glance up at Victor in enquiry. “What’s up?”

  “Nothing, my beauty is up, you insatiable minx. Well, not yet anyway,” Victor replies with a wicked grin, as he grabs my ass pulling me up his body, my legs draping to either side of his waist. He looks into my flushed face, and gently kisses me, wrapping his arms around me, holding me firmly in the circle of his embrace. An hour later, I finally drag myself out of bed to have a shower.

  Victor finally relented after my insistence and drank some more of my blood. With everything going on, it’s imperative he’s at full strength. Pulling my housecoat on, I hurry to the bathroom where I have a quick pee, brush my teeth, and turn on the shower.

  Stripping off my housecoat, I climb in. Standing under the hot spray, I let it drum its rhythmic tattoo onto my head and shoulders. I close my eyes and enjoy the surrounding warmth. I wash and rinse my hair and reach for my shower gel only to find Victor’s hard body. With a gasp of shock I jump back, skid, and knock my arm against the wall tile before Victor can grab my flailing body to steady me.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I demand hitting his shoulder, which stings my hand and doesn’t move him an inch. “You scared the hell out of me!” I pant trying to steady my poor racing heart.

  “I’m sorry I thought you heard me. Since you were taking so long, and I also need a shower, I decided to come and help you,” he informs me with a cheeky grin, as he squirts a liberal amount of shower gel into his hand, before slowly washing every inch of me.

  By the time he’s finished, I’m trembling so badly he has to support me. Propping me against the wall he washes himself. As I watch him, my breathing hitches, and I’m surprised I don’t pass out from hyperventilating. Sadly he won’t let me help, maybe because I’m drooling so much, or maybe because I’m finding it so hard to breathe. Whatever the case, he finishes much too soon for my liking, until he decides it’s best for him to dry me. I have never realized a towel could be so sensual.

  Finally dressed, we head downstairs for brunch. Walking into the kitchen, I notice Kheda leaning against the counter, staring into his mug as if it’s a crystal ball. Jasmine gives me a look and a waggle of her eyebrows; the girl wants details. What she gets is a blush from me as I head for the kettle; I so badly need a coffee. Finally I sit, my hands clutching my coffee mug as if it’s my life line, and munch some toast. Victor sips from one of his little blood baggies he’d heated up, his lips curling in a grimace. Raising a questioning eyebrow at him, he gives me the barest shake of his head in answer.

  “So what’s next on the agenda?” Jasmine asks looking at Kheda, Victor, and finally me, guzzling my coffee as if it’s oxygen.

  “We find out if Beatrix is alive,” Kheda answers softly as he twitches. “Full moon’s tonight, and I feel it crawling through me,” he answers Victor’s unspoken query.

  “I’ll summon the others tonight. We’ll need them. I’ll also go over to The Witches’ Brew in a minute, and ask some questions about Beatrix. Find out where she lived and worked, in case she worked in two places,” I mutter, finishing my toast and looking with longing at my empty mug. With a final look, I put it down; staring at it will not make it refill itself.

  “Because I’m going to the witch’s bar, I’d best go on my own. None of you would be welcomed there, or be safe if caught on your own outside.” I ignore everyone’s objections. After all they know I’m right.

  Getting up from the table, I tidy up after myself and head out the back door where I change into wolf form and run into the woods. Staying in the woods, I run to the pub. It should just be opening and hopefully I can have a private word with Nici, before anyone’s around to overhear.

  Once I’m behind the pub, I sit for a second sniffing the air. Finding nothing troubling, I change forms and enter the bar. Spotting me, Nici flings her arms around me. In shock, I stand there with my arms stiffly at my sides and my back poker straight. I am so not a hugger. “Um, Nici, can you let me go please?” I ask, as I awkwardly try wriggling out of her embrace.

  “Sorry, I’m just so happy. Everyone is so much happier since you destroyed the hex on the door, and my business is booming.” Nici grins dragging me toward the bar. “Now, how can I help you? I’m gathering you’re not an early drinker?”

  “You gathered correctly.” I smile back. “I need your help in finding a witch. Her first name is Beatrix. I don’t know anything else about her.” With a grimace, I realize how unhelpful that information is. Scrunching up my face in thought, I remember something else. “I think she lived either next to or near Mrs. Hayes.”

  “Oh, you mean Beatrix Sullivan. Yeah, I know her. She’s…odd,” Nici replies, bobbing her head. “I think she works at Sterling Nightclub and Cynthia’s Café across the river. She lives in one of the river cottages. I’m not sure which one though,” Nici infor
ms me with an apologetic shrug.

  “Thank you so much, Nici, you’ve been amazingly helpful.” My brain starts running away from me. Quickly I get up, leave the pub, and enter the forest. I shift back into my wolf and run toward my grandmother’s house.

  When I reach her property, I change back and walk slowly toward her house. Her car is gone, so I let myself in to search for some sign of where she’s gone. The only thing I find is a note saying, “I’m sorry.”

  Taking one last look around, I leave locking up her house, and slowly walk home. On returning I find Kheda and Victor gone, and Jasmine climbing the walls. With a chuckle, I ask if she fancies coming with me to try and find Beatrix’s house.

  “Of course I do, but you must give me details on Victor. I want to know everything,” she exclaims. “Do you think Kheda…”

  “If you’re going to ask if he likes you, I’m just going to say, duh, of course he does. Hell, he can’t keep his eyes off you, and he touches you at every opportunity he has.” I laugh at the relief flittering across her expressive face.

  “Come on, let’s go search Beatrix’s house and maybe find her body!” God only knows what someone is doing with it. We leave a note for the guys telling them where we’ve gone.

  Leaving on foot, we stroll in contented silence for a while, before Jasmine finally breaks it, asking with a cheeky grin, “So you and Victor, how’s things going? Come on, Candi, I want details, and you’re holding out on me!” She laughs in delight, as she witnesses the flush creeping up my cheeks.

  “It’s new and wonderful, and so amazing, but I don’t know where we’re heading, and I don’t want to talk about it.”

  With a nod of understanding, she thankfully drops the subject. What I don’t tell her is I want Victor with every fiber of my being. I haven’t felt so alive in ages. Scrap that, I haven’t felt this alive ever, and to be honest, it scares the shit out of me. And after he was brave enough to admit how he feels, I feel almost ashamed I don’t have the courage to admit how I feel. After all, how can anyone affect me so completely, in so short a time?


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