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A New Tradition (A Small Town Romance Short Story Series)

Page 3

by Tonya Kappes

  “Oh, so you are from around here?” I had to know how he found out about the property.

  “Nah, I’m a California boy.” He twirled a little curl from his golden locks around his finger. “I just love it on the east coast and had my realtor looking for a nice, secluded cabin.”

  “What business do you do?” I had to know everything.

  “I’m in financing.” He was illusive. “Want some more wine?”

  “Sure.” I could tell by his tone that he wasn’t comfortable talking about his personal life.

  “What kind of business can’t wait until after Christmas?” He questioned.

  “I own my own design business.” For some reason, I felt comfortable telling him about my life. It felt like I’d known him for years. “I’ve been working on this deal for two years. I’ve been doing a little work here and there for this company, but nothing worth a lot of money. And I finally got a full project from them. Since I own my own business, it will be a big help.”

  “Still, can’t it wait until after Christmas? Because you aren’t going anywhere in this storm. It’s only going to get worse throughout the night.”

  “He insisted it be tomorrow, which is fine because we are using Skype.”

  “Hey, that’s how I see my parents.” He laughed. His smile sent my pulse racing. “Oh, this is my favorite part.”

  Don’t take me home until I’m drunk. Very drunk indeed.

  We watched in silence for the next couple of hours as Holly and Paul played out their romance on screen.

  Chapter Four

  Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker. Wherever you're goin', I'm goin' your way.

  I reached over and grabbed my cell off the bedside table.

  “Hello?” I pulled the old quilt up to my chin. It was a little chilly in the cabin.

  “I wanted to see how it was going out there in the middle of nowhere in this storm,” Jenna said from a very static phone line.

  “I’m fine.” More than fine, I recalled the memories from last night. A little sadness filled my soul. When he left, he didn’t ask for a phone number or anything. It was apparent he didn’t feel the tingly sensation I had felt. Besides, there was no way he didn’t have a girlfriend. Men like Wynn are the first to get snatched up. I decided not to tell Jenna about him. There was no reason to. “How was the Rum and Monkey?”

  “What?” Jenna yelled into the phone. “This is a bad nor’easter. I can’t hear you. Merry Christmas.”

  The phone went dead.

  “Are you ready to get up?” I reached over and rubbed down Henry’s fur. His back was cold to the touch. “I’m going to check on the fire. We have thirty minutes until the meeting.”

  I had to put my magical night in the back of my mind and start to focus on Mr. Basssett.

  Pulling back the comfy quilt, chill bumps crept up my legs sending shivers along my spine. The cold wood floor got colder with each step I took. The sunlight shone bright through the windows, reflecting off the snow.

  Henry trotted down the stairs, sitting on the hearth.

  “Merry Christmas.” I said, putting a few logs on the hot coals before picking him up and walking over to the Christmas tree. “I thought I left this lit up.”

  It was a tradition that my mom left the tree lights on all Christmas Eve. The plug was still in the socket. I pulled it out and then replaced it, but the lights didn’t come on.

  “Damn,” I whispered. This was not the time to check every single light bulb, I glanced at my clock on the fire place mantle. I had twenty-five minutes until my meeting. “It’s going to have to wait.”

  I rushed up the steps and threw on the silk blouse but leaving my Hello Kitty pajamas pants on. Mr. Bassett was only going to see me from the chest up, so as long as I looked professional in the little Skype window, I was good.

  Running a brush through my long hair and slapping on some bright red lipstick, I checked my watch. I had twenty minutes to go over the files one more time.

  “Gosh, I wish I had some coffee.” I proceed downstairs to grab a little something to eat so my stomach wouldn’t be empty. Opening my laptop so it would be ready, I pushed the power button and waited for the screen to appear before I hunted for some food.

  Nothing happened. I pushed the button again. Nothing happened. The battery must be drained.

  “If this is a precursor to this meeting, I don’t even want to think how the meeting is going to go.” I had to secure this deal. If I didn’t, I’m not sure how much longer the Design Studio would last in this economy. I took the computer chord out of my bag and plugged it in, pushing the power button once again to…nothing.

  “First the tree and now my computer.” I glanced around, realizing that none of the lights were on. Frantically rushing around, I flipped on all the switches. Nothing was coming on.

  My dad always told me how to work the breaker panel just in case of an emergency and this was an emergency.

  I flipped all the switches in the steal box off and on, but nothing happened.

  “The storm!” I screamed, running up to the table and throwing all my files into my bag. There was only one thing to do. See if Wynn had electricity.

  Throwing on my dad’s snow boots and my coat, I grabbed my bag. I had ten minutes to get across the woods before my meeting with Mr. Bassett.

  The snow was up to my knees, but that didn’t stop me from trying to run through it.

  Wynn was right. What kind of man holds a meeting on Christmas? A mean, old, crotchety man. Scrouge, that’s who.

  From a distance, there was smoke rolling out of his chimney and the Christmas tree lights sparkled out of the side window, making me question when he put it up.

  The Hummer, parked in front of the cabin, wasn’t there yesterday. Who cares? I had to get on this call. He had electricity and I was going to barge in.

  Beating on the door, I jumped up and down on my toes to create a little heat throughout my body.

  The door opened, but Wynn wasn’t on the other side.

  My eyes took in the blonde goddess in her skin-tight red dress that fit perfectly around her busty frame, showing off every single curve that any man or woman would desire.

  “Can I help you?” She was a little apprehensive.

  “Yes.” I knew it was too good to be true. They were a perfect couple, just like Ken and Barbie. “I need Wynn.”

  “I’m sorry but he’s a little busy at the moment.” Her hand planted on the door, she leaned to the right.

  “Can I please talk to him?” I begged, not caring how desperate I sounded. I followed her eyes as she scanned my body. She stopped at the pj’s.

  “Who is it?” Wynn’s voice floated out the door.

  “Wynn?” I rolled up on my tiptoes and yelled over Barbie.

  His head popped over her shoulder. “Sabrina?” She stepped out of the way and he held the door open. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

  I busted into tears. I only had seconds before Mr. Bassett was going to Skype me.

  “No, I’m not.” I held up the bag with all my work stuff in it. “The storm must’ve knocked my power out and I have that big meeting. Can I please tap into your electric?”

  “Sure.” He opened the door and I stepped in. The smell of coffee swirled around my head and hung there, teasing me. “It knocked mine out too, but I have a backup generator. You are going to have to use Brandy’s phone to tether into the internet though.”

  Brandy’s sky-high red high heels ticked across the floor as she reached into her huge Gucci bag, pulling out her fancy iPhone.

  “Here.” She handed it to me. Her perfectly manicured nails made me green with envy. This was the exact type of girl I expected a man like Wynn to be with. “I can help you.”

  Damn. She had to be nice too?

  Wynn went into another room in the cabin as Brandy worked on my laptop, adjusting all sorts of cords.

  Within seconds she had me tied into the internet and connected to Mr. Bassett’s number.

>   I looked around the fully decorated Christmas cabin as the bubble sounds of Skype blurted out through my laptop. Not only had Wynn put up a Christmas tree, the staircase railing was wrapped in real garland with twinkling white lights. There were red votive candle holders spread across the fireplace mantle giving off the scent of cinnamon.

  Brandy set a cup of coffee next to me. “Warm up with this.” She smiled, making me want to take a pair of pliers and jerk out every single perfectly straight tooth out of her head.

  I forced a smile and waited to see what this old man looked like.

  “Merry Christmas, Ms. Englehardt.” Mr. Bassett’s voice rang out before his face focused on the screen. “Sabrina?”

  My mouth dropped. Wynn’s face was front and center in my Skype box, and then he disappeared.

  “Something got crossed.” I hung the Skype up and tried Mr. Bassett again.

  “Sabrina.” Wynn walked into the room. Awkwardly, he cleared his throat. “Are you the owner of The Design Studio?”

  Slowly, I nodded my head. Mr. Bassett wasn’t the old man I thought he was. Mr. Bassett was hot, hunky Wynn.

  “Are you Mr. Bassett?” I swallowed hard, blinking my eyes, trying to catch my breath.

  “Yes.” He spoke in an odd, yet gentle tone. “If I would have known, I would have. . .”

  I put my hand out, stopping him from going any further. I gathered my belongings, my head hanging from embarrassment. There was no way I was going to land this deal. I was a mess, unorganized and standing there in my Hello Kitty pajamas with a silk blouse on.

  “Don’t go.” The warmth of his hand on my shoulder trickled throughout my body, sending my heart into my dad’s boots.

  “Please.” I begged, looking into his deep eyes. “I think I’ve embarrassed myself enough.”

  “But. . .” Brandy tried to stop me before I ran past her and out the door.

  Chapter Five

  “Merry freaking Christmas.” I bolted through the door of the cabin, tears streaming down my face. Not only did Wynn not feel the same attraction I did, I wasn’t going to get the big casino deal for the company. And to throw salt in my wounds, I wasn’t going to be able to cook my Christmas dinner either.

  I was stuck. The Mercedes was buried under the snow, and the nor’easter hadn’t slowed down a bit. If I could bury my head in the snow, I would.

  Even Henry wasn’t cheering me up as he curled up in my lap when I sank down into the couch.

  The thud at the door stopped my beating heart. Henry jumped down, pacing in front of the door with his tail wagging in the air.

  “Listen, you don’t need to explain.” I whipped the door open, knowing that Wynn was going to be standing there.

  “Merry Christmas!” Jenna and Macey busted through the door, backing me up to the fireplace. Their arms were filled with foil covered pans.

  I busted out in tears.

  “What? Did you think we were going to let you ride out this storm alone and on Christmas?” They gathered me in a hug, Henry dancing around our feet.

  “I hope I’m not ruining the party”

  We turned to find Wynn and Brandy standing in the door holding Eliza and a few packages.

  “No,” Macey rushed over and welcomed them with open arms. “The more the merrier.”

  I shot her a look. She shrugged. If she only knew.

  “Who is that?” Jenna nudged me with her elbow, a spice in her voice.

  “Mr. Bassett.” My voice was cold, depressing.

  “I didn’t realize you were going to have company and we didn’t want you to be alone.” He took his coat and Brandy’s and sat them on the back of the couch. “I even brought my spare generator.”

  Suddenly the lights came on.

  “My brother-in-law is fast. He’s a genius with electricity.” He pointed to the burly guy with the beard walking in the door.

  Brandy rushed over and threw her arms around his neck, giving him a Christmas kiss to remember.

  “Brother-in-law?” I questioned.

  “Yes.” His eyes danced with laughter. “Eww. You thought that Brandy was my…?”

  “Yes. She’s beautiful.” I felt completely stupid. “I thought I had ruined your Christmas morning.”

  “Not at all.” Brandy hung onto her husband. “Walter told me all about you last night when he got back to the cabin. He didn’t know we were going to be here a day early. I went ahead and decorated without him. First time ever.”

  “I was there.” Her husband pulled away with a hurt look on his face.

  “I know, honey.” She kissed him again, shutting him up.

  “Wynn. My name is Wynn.” He reminded his sister. “I’ve always hated the name Walter, so I made up my own name.”

  “We brought some food and it looks like you did too.” Jenna took the packages from Wynn. But he held onto one.

  “Okay, girls, let’s go cook since we got the generator all hooked up.” Brandy led the way into the kitchen.

  Wynn’s hand reached out, stopping me from following them. His grasp encompassed more than my hand. A gasp escaped my lips.

  “If I would’ve known who you were, I’d have told you.” His jaw was tight, his nearness was overwhelming. “This doesn’t change the deal. I want the Design Company to move forward with the casino in Biloxi.”

  “Thank you! Oh, thank you!” I screamed, throwing my arms around his neck and pulling away just as fast. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to. . .”

  Gathering me into his arms, he held me snugly as his lips touched mine, caressing my mouth more than kissing it.

  The kiss sent spirals of ecstasy through me. He rubbed his nose down my cheek, his breath hot on my neck. “I did mean to do that. I’ve wanted to do that since I saw you crossing the field looking for Henry.”

  My lips recaptured his, more demanding this time, letting him know I felt the same way.

  “Umm. . .I don’t mean to break up the little party, but there are some hors’d'oeuvres if you are hungry.” Jenna sat a plate on the coffee table with a huge smile on her face before disappearing around the fireplace and into the kitchen with the others.

  Through hushed whispers, Wynn and I could hear the excitement as Jenna informed them of what she had just witnessed.

  “Before I forget,” Wynn grabbed the small present that sat on their coats, “I got you this.”

  “Oh, Wynn, I didn’t…” He put his finger up to my lips.

  “How did you know that you were going to fall in love with Mr. Bassett on Christmas? I don’t expect a gift.” He exclaimed with extreme pleasure. “I had Brandy pick it up on her way here.”

  Carefully, I unwrapped the present, making sure I savored every single moment.

  The love in my heart traveled up my body and shone on my face. “A Cracker Jack box.” It was just like Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

  “Open it.” He coaxed me as I ripped into it and took out the prize lying on top, a small gold ring. He took it out and grabbed my hand. “Sabrina, I’ve always followed my heart. And as you know, it’s never failed me.”

  I put my hand up to my heart. I was sure it was going to beat right out of my body as I watched him get down on one knee.

  “I was sure last night, but knowing who you really are, and getting to know you through emails over the last two years, and now I am more sure than ever.” His voice was firm and final. “Sabrina, will you and Henry marry me and Eliza?”

  Without hesitation, a cry of relief broke from my lips. “Yes! Yes, I…we will marry you!”

  The gang rushed in and formed a circle around us clapping, as Henry and Eliza danced around our feet.

  “Merry Christmas!” Jenna yelled out as everyone cheered in unison.

  “As Audrey would say, ‘I was born with an enormous need for affections and a terrible need to give it’.” I looked out among my friends.

  “Be prepared for all the affection you can take.” Wynn’s large hands cupped my face. “I love you Sabrina Englehardt.” />
  “I love you too,” I whispered, nestling my face in the crook of his neck. “Scrooge has turned into Santa Claus.”

  “What?” He whispered back.

  “Nothing.” My smile radiated through my body down to my toes.

  The Christmas lights sparkled throughout the cabin. Sweet, gentle warmth settled in my soul. This was the best Christmas ever.

  Try to one-up this one Audrey.

  A Note From The Author

  Thank you so much for reading my novel. I’m truly grateful for the time we have spent together. Reviews are very important to an author’s career and I would appreciate it if you could take a couple minutes of your time by clicking on the click below and leaving a review for my novel. Thank you so much, and I hope we continue to meet in the world of books. ~Tonya Kappes

  Click HERE for other great novels from Tonya Kappes

  About The Author

  International bestselling author Tonya Kappes spends her day lost in the world of her quirky characters that get into even quirkier situations.

  When she isn’t writing, she’s busy being the princess, queen and jester of her domain which includes her BFF husband, her teenage guys, two dogs, and one lazy Kitty.

  Tonya has an amazing STREET TEAM where she connects with her fans on a daily basis. If you are interested in becoming a Tonya Kappes Street Team member, be sure to message her on Facebook.

  For more information, check out Tonya’s website,



  Table of Contents

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the autho...

  What others are saying about Author Tonya Kappes

  About the Small Town Romance Short Story Series

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  A Note From The Author

  About The Author


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