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Darque Wants

Page 50

by Diana Steele

  She began to gyrate her hips with John inside of her, feeling him touch the most sensitive parts of her body that she had never known existed. With each thrust of her hips, she felt her body building up to some wonderful new experience. She began to move faster, moaning louder, and digging her nails into John's chest as she climbed higher up the ladder of passion. Soon, she felt her first orgasm splash over her body. She screamed in pleasure as her muscles tightened and then relaxed. Feeling like all of her energy had been spent, she collapsed onto John's chest.

  “That was incredible,” she panted.

  “I've never experienced anything like that before,” John admitted.

  “Me either,” Lillian said still trying to catch her breath.

  “Are you okay?' John asked.

  “I have never been better,” Lillian said smiling. She sat up, looked John in the eye and gave him a deep kiss.

  “Good,” John said. “It's my turn now.”

  With that John flipped Lillian onto her back and laid on top of her. Slowly he began to thrust in and out of her. Lillian felt another orgasm building up as John pushed harder and deeper into her. John's hands gripped tightly around her thighs, squeezing them as he penetrated her with raw, animal passion. Lillian moaned loudly, enjoying the way John ravished her body.

  After a few minutes of powerful love making, Lillian was on the brink of her second orgasm. John's speed increased and he began to moan and grunt. Suddenly, Lillian felt him explode inside of her. The feeling of the hot fluid shooting inside of her send Lillian over the edge and she screamed as she climaxed with John.

  Lillian kissed John again as he climbed off of her and laid next to her. John wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back. Lillian placed her head on John's shoulder and gently rubbed his stomach. John placed a tender kiss on the top of Lillian's head.

  “That really was incredible,” John said once he had caught his breath.

  “I think that me chasing you across the river was probably the best decision I have ever made,” Lillian said with a grin.

  “I'm glad you caught me,” John said giving Lillian another kiss.

  Lillian and John sat in silence, enjoying the feeling of lying naked together in the warm summer night. Lillian listened to the steady drum beat rhythm of John's heart until she peacefully drifted off to sleep.

  Katrina woke up in bed alone that morning. She could see the sun shining brightly through the window and could hear birds singing their morning songs. She assumed that Kirrowind had woken up early and gone hunting, taking advantage of the good weather. Katrina got up and walked to Lillian's room to see if she had returned home yet. Sadly, Lillian was still gone.

  It had been two days since Lillian's birthday party. It was not unusual for Lillian to go on an extended hunting trip after royal parties and normally Katrina did not worry. However, something in her gut told her that this was not just a normal hunting trip. She was genuinely concerned about the welfare of her daughter and worried that she might not be coming back.

  Katrina wandered around the palace looking for Kirrowind to discuss her worries. After searching for a while, she found Lord Erik.

  “Good morning, Princess,” Erik said with a bow of his head.

  “Good morning, Erik. Have you seen my husband?” Katrina asked.

  “He's out near the barracks training the new archery regiment,” Erik replied. “He's been out there since before sunrise. I can't decide if he likes training or just appreciates the opportunity to outshine our soldiers.”

  “Probably a little bit of both,” Katrina said with a laugh.

  “May I escort you out to the archery range?” Erik asked.

  “Of course, old friend,” Katrina replied with a kind smile.

  The two of them walked out of the palace gates and north towards the barracks where an archery range had recently been built. Katrina saw her husband standing among a row of New Atlantisn archers instructing them on proper form.

  “Kirrowind!” Katrina shouted.

  Kirrowind looked over and saw Katrina and Lord Erik. He excused himself from his training and jogged over to where the two of them stood.

  “What do you need, my love?” Kirrowind asked Katrina.

  “Our daughter is still gone. I'm getting worried,” Katrina explained.

  “It's only been two days since she left. She does this,” Kirrowind said, clearly not worried.

  “Can't you just go look for her? I just want to know if she's okay,” Katrina begged.

  “For you, Princess, anything,” Kirrowind said with a smile and a wink.

  Katrina still loved it when he did that. 20 years of marriage and he still knew how to make her blush. Kirrowind began walking back to the palace to begin his search for his daughter.

  “Don't you have training to finish?” Erik shouted at Kirrowind.

  “Consider it finished,” Kirrowind replied without turning around.

  “I miss the days when you couldn't speak Atlantisn,” Erik shot back.

  Katrina returned to the palace with Kirrowind and began her morning routine of getting cleaned up and dressed. She hoped that Kirrowind would be able to locate Lillian quickly and that she would be fine. She hoped that her worrying was utter nonsense.

  Later that afternoon, she was out in the palace garden selecting herbs for the kitchen when she saw Kirrowind walking up. She could see by the look on his face that something was bothering him. She began to panic wondering what bad news Kirrowind had. Was Lillian hurt? Or dead?

  “What did you find?” Katrina asked, panicked.

  “Not Lillian,” Kirrowind said, upset.

  “You couldn't find her? Where could she be that you can't find her?” Katrina asked becoming more worried.

  “I know where she went. She's in the Flatlands,” Kirrowind said flatly.

  “How do you know that?” Katrina asked, still stressed.

  “I found her tracks from the night of her birthday party. They go east and then end at the edge of the Eagle River. She crossed over into the Flatlands.”

  “Then we have to go get her,” Katrina said. “The Flatlands are dangerous. She could be killed.”

  “You are right,” Kirrowind agreed. “I hate to say it, but Erik should come with us. We may need an extra set of eyes to search for her and he is a decent hunter.”

  “I'll go get Erik,” Katrina said beginning to walk off. “You go pack some supplies. I will meet you at home as soon as I find Erik.”

  Katrina found Erik in the throne room discussing politics with her father. She quickly explained the situation and Erik was more than willing to help in Lillian's recovery. Katrina and Erik met up with Kirrowind then began walking east toward the river. Kirrowind showed them the tracks that he followed all the way to the banks of the river.

  “How do you know she crossed the river?” Erik asked looking across the Eagle River.

  “There is a strand of red hair caught in the brush on the other side,” Kirrowind explained.

  “That could be fox hair,” Erik argued.

  “There are no foxes on that side of the river,” Kirrowind said.

  “Then I guess we cross the river,” Katrina said.

  The trio walked upstream to where a small rowboat was parked and used that to cross the river. When they got to the other side, they walked back downstream looking for signs that Lillian had been there.

  “I found something,” Erik shouted after searching for a while. “There are some strange tracks leading further east. They don't look like animal tracks.”

  “Then let's see where they lead,” Kirrowind said.

  Kirrowind led the way, followed by Katrina and Erik walking in the back. They followed the tracks east until they reached a spot that had several piles of ash.

  “I don't believe it,” Erik said when he saw the piles.

  “What?” Katrina asked.

  “I think I know who Lillian is with,” he explained.

  “What do you mean 'who'?” Kirrowind
demanded to know.

  “Do you think she's been kidnapped?” Katrina asked panicking again.

  “Ever since you two moved away after Katrina got pregnant, King Pieter has been banishing mixed children. He made me Lord of the Eastern Province in exchange for my help in getting children, and sometimes parents, across the river and preventing them from getting back into New Atlantis,” Erik explained.

  “That's horrible,” Katrina gasped.

  “It was to protect the Kingdom,” Erik said trying to defend his actions.

  “Protect it from what?” Kirrowind asked.

  “I had to protect it from impure blood lines,” Erik said.

  “You disgust me,” Kirrowind said angrily. “When we find these people, you are going to have to answer for what you did to them.”

  After searching what was determined to be an abandoned campsite, Kirrowind saw many sets of tracks resembling the set that they followed to that point.

  “They only left here a few days ago,” Kirrowind said examining the tracks. “It's a large group so they will move slowly. If we hurry, we can catch them.”

  The next couple of days was a rush of walking and following tracks. Often, they would discover more burned out fires and other campsites. Each new site and set of tracks was fresher than the last. Katrina hoped and prayed to the gods that Lillian was safe.

  Finally, they discovered the current campsite. Erik was the first to see the smoke rising over the horizon. Revitalized at the knowledge that they were getting close, the trio ran to where the smoke was coming from. However as the neared the camp, they were met by several men with spears preventing them from getting any closer. Katrina was shocked by the appearance of more people of mixed origins.

  “We don't accept Valley people,” one guard said.

  “I'm just looking for my daughter,” Kirrowind said with his hands in the air.

  “I am Katrina, Princess of New Atlantis, and I demand that you give my daughter back,” Katrina said stepping forward.

  “Princess Katrina?” another guard asked. “And are you Kirrowind?” he asked Kirrowind. Katrina and Kirrowind both nodded.

  “You should come with us,” the first guard said.

  The guards escorted the group into camp and to a large tent in the center where Katrina saw Lillian talking to a boy about her age that was also mixed-blood.

  “Lillian!” Katrina shouted running towards her daughter.

  “Mother?” Lillian said, shocked to see her mother so far away from the Valley.

  “What are you doing out here with these people?” Katrina asked, hugging her daughter.

  “I found them,” Lillian said. “I never knew there were others like me. They accept me for who I am and I feel like I'm home here.”

  “Your home is back at the palace with your family,” Katrina said.

  “Family? My whole family thinks I'm some dirty mutt,” Lillian said getting irritated.

  “What makes you think that?” Katrina asked confused.

  “I heard Grandfather and Lord Erik discussing how I was unfit to inherit the throne because I have savage blood,” Lillian said.

  “Is this true?” Kirrowind asked, jumping into the conversation.

  “The night of my birthday,” Lillian said. “I went to go hunting and I overheard them.”

  “I didn't mean any of that,” Erik said apologetically. “Your grandfather had too much wine and I was just agreeing with him to keep him calm.”

  “You shut your mouth,” Kirrowind snapped at Erik.

  “You can't just run away,” Katrina said to Lillian. “I was worried about you.”

  “I was, too” Kirrowind added. “We have been traveling for days trying to find you.”

  “I'm sorry to have worried you, Father,” Lillian said apologetically, “but I found a place I truly belong. These people accept me. They let me hunt. They don't force me to wear heavy dresses and put on a fake smile. They actually care about me.”

  “They let you hunt?” Kirrowind asked.

  “They sure do,” Lillian said with a grin.

  “You can't stay here with these people,” Katrina suddenly said. “I won't allow it.”

  “I'm a grown woman, Mother, you can't force me back to the Valley,” Lillian shouted.

  “She's right,” Kirrowind said putting his hand on Katrina's shoulder. “Remember when you were her age and you left your home to come live with me in search of happiness. Our daughter deserves the same.”

  Katrina became overwhelmed with emotion. She knew that Kirrowind was right. She could see in Lillian's eyes that she was happy. They shined in a way that she had not seen since Lillian was a little girl. She began sobbing and she wrapped her arms around her daughter.

  “Your father is right,” Katrina said between sobs. “If you are happy here, then you should stay here. Just know that I will always love you.”

  “I love you too, Mother,” Lillian said hugging her mother back.

  Kirrowind wrapped his arms around his wife and daughter. Katrina felt sad that this was the last hug she would have with her daughter and that she may never get to see her daughter again. Just as she began to accept that Lillian was grown up and making a new home for herself, she felt the ground beneath her feet begin to shake.

  Kirrowind felt the earth move beneath his feet and struggled to stay standing. The shaking was violent and lasted for well over a minute. When everything finally stopped moving, Kirrowind looked over and saw Katrina laying on the ground, curled into a ball. He knew that she still had nightmares about the day her old home was engulfed in flame and another earthquake must have triggered those memories. He reached down to help her back to her feet when the ground started shaking again.

  “We need to get somewhere safe,” Kirrowind shouted over the screams of the rest of the camp running and screaming.

  “Follow me,” said the boy that Lillian had been speaking to when they arrived.

  Without questioning, Kirrowind picked up Katrina and began running with her in his arms. Lillian followed closely behind him with Erik on her heels. The group ran through the camp following the strange boy until they reached a tent and they ducked inside, the ground shaking constantly the entire time. They huddled in the tent and waited for the shaking to stop.

  “Who are you?” Kirrowind asked the boy.

  “My name is John, I'm friends with your daughter,” he replied.

  “A little more than friends, I would guess,” Kirrowind remarked noticing the way his daughter clung to John's arm.

  John remained quiet and Lillian blushed. Erik kept a look out by the tent entrance and Katrina stayed curled in a ball with her hands over her head. Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity, the shaking finally stopped.

  Erik was the first to leave the tent. Kirrowind followed him out cautiously, ordering the others to stay inside until he was sure that it was safe. When he stepped outside, he could barely see. The sun was blocked out by all of the dirt and dust that was in the air after the mighty earthquake. Blinking the dust out of his eyes, Kirrowind could see a dark canyon had formed in the earth. He stepped carefully towards the area where the ground had been torn apart. The crack in the ground started at the center of the camp and stretched towards the west for at least 100 paces and it was nearly 30 paces wide. Kirrowind could not determine the depth, but from the darkness in the canyon and the violence of the earthquake that caused it, he assumed that it stretched deep into the heart of Wandersend.

  Suddenly, a red light began to shine out of the darkness. Kirrowind felt heat like fire coming out of the canyon. He stared into the abyss to try to determine what was causing the light. He heard something that sounded like a roar come forth that frightened him deep in his soul and he stepped back.

  “What's going on?” Erik asked seeing the strange activity.

  “I don't know, but I think we should step back,” Kirrowind replied backing away from the canyon.

  Erik followed his lead and started heading back towar
ds the tent. Kirrowind heard the roaring getting louder and the light got brighter. Out of instinct, Kirrowind drew an arrow from his quiver and notched it into his bow, aiming it at the canyon. He looked over at Erik and saw him pulling his sword from it's sheath.

  Kirrowind looked back at the canyon and saw something that scared him more than anything he had ever seen. What appeared to be Tribals, but with a red glow around them and blank white eyes, began to rise form the canyon. First, it was maybe ten, then there were a hundred. Before Kirrowind could fully register what was happening, there were thousands of creatures rising from the canyon.

  “What are those things?” Kirrowind heard someone say.

  He looked behind him and saw Lillian standing outside the tent, staring at the creatures.

  “Get back inside,” Kirrowind ordered his daughter.

  Before Lillian could react, the creatures began to attack the camp. The creatures began to swarm the campground, ripping people apart with their bare hands and teeth. Guards tried to fight back but were quickly overwhelmed. Kirrowind fired arrows into the crowd of creatures, killing them with one shot. Unfortunately, there were far too many.

  The swarm started to move towards where Kirrowind and Erik stood. Kirrowind fired at the swarm in an attempt to stop the creatures' advance. Erik stood ready by Kirrowind's side with his sword.

  “We need to get out of here,” Kirrowind said still firing arrows. “There are too many of them. Take my wife and daughter and run into the mountains. Keep them safe. I'll hold them off for as long as I can.”

  “No, you go,” Erik said beginning to kill off the first of the creatures that reached them. “I'm a better warrior than you are, I can hold them off longer. You go save your family.”

  “You're going to die here,” Kirrowind said shooting his last arrow and drawing his hunting knife.

  “Probably,” Erik said as he decapitated one of the creatures that was reaching for him, “but I will die a hero.”


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