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Darque Wants

Page 57

by Diana Steele

  “You have no call to be ordering Miss Blackburn around Mr. Snakewood,” Constance says smartly.

  “Oh I assure you, I do Missus Moore. I most certainly do. I believe the young lady will accompany me quite willingly. I am sure she cares quite deeply for the both of you and would be most distraught should anything befall you, wouldn’t you Faith?”

  “Yes I would.” Faith looks him full in the face with as much loathing as she can emote.

  “You won’t get away with this Lucas,” Dorian all but spits at him as Lucas ushers Faith from the table after finishing.

  “I think will, Dorian. There is nothing you can do to stop me.”

  “Could I please have a moment, Lucas while I get my things,” Faith asks quietly to distract the angry men from each other. It works. Dorian stands stock-still waiting for Lucas’s response.

  “Yes of course my dear, Dorian and I will wait here.”

  “Constance, can you help me gather my things?” Faith and Constance quickly head upstairs before Lucas can voice his displeasure.

  “Constance, you have to give these to Dorian as soon as we leave.” Faith says rifling through her drawing book and thrusting a handful of drawings at Constance.

  “But what are they?”

  “It doesn’t matter just now, he will know what to do with them. Hide them until we leave. Help Dorian keep his head.”

  “I will. I promise. Be careful Faith, you don’t know what that man is truly capable of.”

  “I will Constance. We had better go down before Lucas gets impatient. Let me just grab my notebook and a few things.”

  “Are you ready to depart my dear?” Lucas asks before Faith can come halfway down the stairs.

  “Yes, Lucas I am ready now.” She looks at Dorian with every emotion in her eyes and wills him to stay where he is as they go out to the waiting car. Constance places a gentle arm to still his quaking anger.

  “Dorian,” Constance says after Faith has left, “Faith gave these to me upstairs. She said you would know what to do with them.” She hands him the stack of paper that Faith had given her earlier. Dorian’s scowl turns to a smile as he looks over them.

  “You clever girl, Faith, clever girl. I just can’t believe she managed to get this all done in such a short time. She told me that she had worked on something like this before but I had no idea she had such skill.”

  “What is so important about these drawings,” Constance asks.

  “They may be the key to stopping Lucas and taking back our town.” Dorian says somewhat triumphantly. He heads to the workshop to begin working on Faith’s design leaving a bewildered Constance behind.

  Chapter 6

  Once they arrive at the Manor Lucas guides her inside and locks her in an upstairs room. Thankfully, it has a view of the street so she can keep track of his comings, goings, and anyone else that comes to the house.

  “I unfortunately have to go out my dear and I will be gone most of the day, I am sure that you will find the room to your liking and John will be just outside your door in case you require anything while I am gone.” With that he leaves and locks the door solidly behind him. Looking around the room, she tries to get used to the idea of being someone’s prisoner.

  In reality, she was always a prisoner in her time, but it never quite felt like this. With the constant presence of the government in her mind not thought was ever entirely her own. Therefore, no action ever was either. There was never an aggressive element to it. It was something the happened passively over time. No this feeling is altogether different and she does not like it one bit. She decides that she won’t sit idle while she could be doing something about her current situation.

  Casting around the room looking for anything that might be useful she starts opening drawers and such. Looking through a drawer in the bedside table she finds a latch that opens the false bottom. Finding a small dark bottle inside she lifts it out to examine it. The faded label reads “Sleeping Draught”.

  “Aha,” she says to herself, “this may prove useful.” Continuing her search she recalls that in one of her favorite novels there was a secret passageway from one floor to another. Examining each part of the room painstakingly, she finally finds a secret staircase behind the panel next to the fireplace. Upon further inspection she realizes that it leads to the room above her. Having watched Lucas leave the house earlier she knows that she should have some time to investigate further before he comes back. The guard who was supposed to be outside her room is silent so she climbs the stairs to the next room.

  “Oh wow.” Faith is rendered speechless as she ascends into the room. What she finds there is something that she has never seen before even in her time, a complex machine with an orb of light at the center pulsing at regular intervals. This must be the machine that has the whole town under Lucas’s control.

  “Dorian will have to test the prototype carefully before he tries to come here,” she says quietly to herself. She isn’t sure if the wave blocking machine she designed will work on this machine. Before she can inspect it further, she hears someone coming down the hallway downstairs. She quickly goes down the stairs, closes the panel and sits demurely on the bed.

  “I brought you some lunch. I hope you like it.” The guard named John startlingly young. He sets the tray on the dressing table and awkwardly stands there.

  “Are you waiting for something, John,” she asks in her sweetest most innocent voice.

  “No miss, not at all,” he says embarrassed. He quickly walks out of the room, locks the door and takes up his station outside her room again. She is hungry, so she eats and then sneaks quietly upstairs again to inspect the machine. She thinks that Dorian may be able to shut the machine down carefully if he can get to it. Unfortunately the mind control pulses that it is emitting, makes that impossible for Dorian. Thankfully, the machine has no effect on her. She and Dorian believe it is because her brain activity is on a different frequency due to the “adjustments” performed on her by the government at her birth. She hopes the plans for the machine she left with Constance will be enough for Dorian to build a working model.

  Chapter 7

  “Do you think we have everything we need for it to work,” William asks as he comes into Dorian’s workshop carrying the last of the items on Faith’s material list. William arrived at Dorian’s after Lucas took Faith away, just in time to keep Dorian from going after him with his guns blazing.

  “If we follow Faith’s instructions explicitly I’m sure that it will work.”

  “Did you know that she had this kind of skill? It is most unusual for a woman.” Dorian smiles to himself. Poor William doesn’t know the half of it. William had helped him periodically with the time machine, but Dorian hadn’t told him that it had actually worked. Looking over at his friend examining the machine with the same anticipation Dorian had, he decides that before the day is up he will tell William all of it; from beginning to end.

  “I confess, I knew she had some engineering skill, but hadn’t fathomed she was this experienced. The amount of detail and thought she put into the plans is quite impressive.”

  “Yes,” William says as he nods his head in agreement, “it is. She is a keeper that one. Now let’s get this prototype built so we can rescue her.”


  Back at the Manor, Faith is standing in front of her dressing mirror delaying the inevitable. For her dinner attire, Lucas has selected a stunning gown. A dark cabernet wine it will be hauntingly beautiful on her. She knows this, but hasn’t been able to bring herself to put it in on yet. She knows she will have to dress soon otherwise her lady maid will face Lucas’s wrath for not having her ready. So for her sake alone, Faith stands with her shoulders back and dons the dress with the girl’s help.

  The result is perfection. Lucas must have measured her secretly at some point because the dress fits like a glove. The delicate black lace at the cap sleeves and low neckline make her skin look almost translucent underneath. Lucas has requested that she leav
e her hair down and she complies without any fuss. The lady maid pins it back from her face so the earrings Lucas gave her to wear can be seen. The finishing touch is a matching necklace with a crystal pendant the rests at her décolletage. The lady’s maid stands back to admire her masterpiece, and declares Faith ready for dinner.

  Faith descends the steps slowly for Lucas to get the full effect of her beauty to ensure that he thinks she is acquiescing to his desires. He is standing at the bottom of the steps waiting to take her in to dinner. He lifts his arm for her to place her arm on his and they walk in to dinner with so much pomp and circumstance that Faith half expects the room to be full of people. Of course it isn’t. The table is set albeit elegantly, for two. Lucas takes her to her chair and sees her seated. Going to his place he sits down with a flip of his coattails.

  “You look exquisite my dear.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Snakewood.” She says adopting a formal tone for the occasion.

  “We don’t need to stand on ceremony here. We are alone and in the company of friends.”

  “This all seems a bit much and a great amount of ceremony for a weeknight dinner. Don’t you think?”

  “No not at all. I wanted to honor the occasion. It is our first dinner together and hopefully the first of many. I believe that every moment with you should be celebrated and honored.” Faith now understands exactly what Lucas has intended for her. Faced with the reality of his fantasy that she will become Mrs. Snakewood; makes her nauseous and weak. She can stand being here for a few days, but any longer than that and she isn’t sure how much more of his sap she will be able to stomach. She hopes that Dorian figures out that machine soon.

  “Nothing to say my dear?”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry I was lost in my daydreaming of what our future looks like together.”

  “Splendid, I’m so glad you feel the same way.” Yeah right she thinks. How far is she going to have to go to keep up this charade?

  “Now let us enjoy the feast the staff has prepared for you in honor of your arrival.” And what a feast it was. It was the most food Faith had ever seen at one time. In 2081, She had a fleeting thought about whether he was one of those people she had read about that got aroused watching other people eat. She cringed internally at the thought and nearly put her fork down, but decided that she had bigger things to worry about. From the way he was looking at her and fidgeting, she didn’t think he needed any extra help getting aroused, he was already thinking about he was going to do to her after dinner. She had hoped it would be a few more days & nights before it came to that.

  “Shall we adjourn to my study for a nip of claret? I hear that is all the rage in New York these days.”

  “That would be lovely. It is one of my absolute favorites.” In the study Lucas pours them each a glass and hands one to Faith.

  “Shall we toast?”

  “What shall we toast to,” Faith asks.

  “To you and your newfound happiness with me and our beautiful future together.” They raise their glasses, toast and drink. Faith drinks hers in one fell swoop making Lucas chuckle.

  “Shall we have another?” Faith asks demurely. Lucas is somewhat surprised but agrees that another is in order. Faith pours this time and unbeknownst to Lucas, she lightly doses his claret with the sleeping draught she found before turning to hand it to him.

  “I believe it is time for the after-dinner activities my dear.”

  “We are not to be disturbed, and you may relieve the other staff for tonight. Go home to your beautiful wife while I tend to my guest,” Lucas says to his man standing near the door.

  “Yes, sir,” he replies.

  Will you join me upstairs in my quarters?” Answering with a girlish smile she takes his hand and pulls him up the stairs.

  “I had no idea you would be this excited my dear, we could have dispensed with the after dinner drinks.”

  “Oh no that helped me get in the mood my love. Without it I would be such a bore. Now which one is your room, I’m afraid I’ve completely forgotten.” Lucas happy to take the lead again takes her into his room and locks the door. “There now we won’t be disturbed.”

  “I wouldn’t mind, isn’t that part of the fun?” Faith asks playfully.

  “Well I suppose,” Lucas says doubtfully. He is beginning to think that he has underestimated this one. He will have to show her, her place he thinks to himself. He tries to take her to the bed but Faith pulls him onto the chaise across the room and wraps her arms around him.

  “Now kiss me. Kiss me like you mean it.” Lucas immediately begins to kiss her. She kisses him back but she is thinking of Dorian as Lucas begins to fondle her breasts and pull her hips to him.

  “Don’t you think that a thorough session of kissing is the ticket to a wonderful romp in bed?” Faith stops kissing him to say brightly.

  “Mmmmm…I hadn’t…..mmmm…really thought about it. Now stop talking,” He says in between still kissing her. With his hands firmly placed on her body Lucas has her pinned to the chaise and helpless. Faith’s mind is racing to try and find a way to get him into the bed before the draught kicks in. Lucas takes care of this problem swiftly.

  “Kneel down,” he says standing up while pushing Faith to a kneeling position on the floor.

  “Oh Lucas, I’m not sure I know how to do this,” Faith says feigning fright and ignorance.

  “I’m sure you will learn quickly, they all do,” he replies with a wicked grin. He wraps his fingers in her hair and bobs her head against himself. He forces her to pleasure him until he explodes into her mouth, shooting hot liquid down her throat.

  “Did you enjoy that, whore?” Faith is taken aback at the lewd term but lets it go for now.

  “Yes, I did,” she replies demurely.

  “Get into the bed.”

  “Don’t you want me to undress first?”

  “No, just remove your drawers. I want to flip up your dress and take you like the whore that you are, women don’t need to be pleasured, only rammed.”

  “Will you undress for me, so I can see you in all of your manliness, please?”

  “Only because you said please. Being polite and sweet will make your life with me much more pleasurable.” Lucas quickly undresses and pulls Faith onto the bed with him. Faith struggles a bit trying to gain the upper hand by mounting him, but Lucas is too strong.

  “There will be time enough for that later my…my…sweet,” Lucas says his words slurring at the end. His eyelids begin to droop and he collapses on top of Faith. She wriggles out from under him and retrieves her drawers from the floor.

  “Now would be the perfect time for you to come riding in on your white horse and save me, Dorian,” she mutters to herself as she leaves him there and walks back to her room. She just wants to go home and be in Dorian’s strong loving arms.

  Chapter 8

  On the other side of town, Dorian and William have just finished testing their new machine. After a few false starts they have managed to get it working.

  “If we are going to get her back Dorian, there is no better time than the present while we have the element of surprise. Lucas won’t expect us,” William says to Dorian after they successfully go in to the town limits without losing control of their faculties. The prototype is working beautifully.

  “I agree, we should go tonight. Will you come with me? I may need your help.”

  “I would be honored to help you save your true love.” Dorian looks at him askance. “I have known it for a few days now, I think you know it too.”

  “What you say may be true, but what the lady in question feels isn’t entirely clear.”

  “After tonight, I’m certain all will be made plain,” William says in response to Dorian’s skepticism. Taking the wagon just in case Faith is injured and armed with the prototype, they head as quietly as they can into town. Stopping a ways from the Manor so as not to be seen, they continue on foot. Faith has been sitting by the window and sees them approach. She gets their attention and
motions for them to come to her side of the house. Using the secret passageway down to the first floor, she lets them in through the maid’s quarters.

  “Oh Dorian, I am so glad that you have come. I have missed you terribly.” Faith whispers as soon as she sees him. She wraps her arms around him and kisses him soundly on the mouth.

  “Ahem, maybe we should head upstairs you two where we are less likely to be discovered?” William says with a smile.

  “Oh my goodness, yes of course, I completely lost my head for a moment. Up this way. We will go straight up to the machine so you can get started Dorian. William I think you can help me with something in one of the other rooms. I assume you know what Dorian and I have been trying to do?”

  “Yes he filled us in this morning.”

  “Us?” she asks quizzically.

  “Constance and I, we are both honored to be part of such a noble endeavor.”

  “Well good, then I won’t have to explain why we are taking Lucas with us.” Both men stop for a moment and look at her bewildered.

  “Just how are we going to do that?” Dorian asks.

  “I drugged him earlier so it should be pretty easy. We will need to cover him with something though as he is stark naked in bed.”

  “And just how do you know that?” Dorian asks incredulously.

  “Never you mind about that now. What’s done is done and just in time too. I am so glad you were able to get the device working tonight. I couldn’t stay another moment here with him. Now take a look at that machine and see what you make of it. William come with me.” They leave Dorian to his task with the machine and go down to the second floor to get Lucas into the wagon. Together they are able to wrap him in a sheet and carry him to the maid’s quarters. They will need Dorian to get him down the steps.

  “There that is all finished,” Dorian says as he comes down the steps. He is carrying the orb in his satchel. “I was able to cut off the power source and dismantle it. I thought I should take the orb with us for safe keeping.”


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