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Mail Order Bride: Montana Bride (A Clean Inspirational Historical New Adult Romance)

Page 19

by Nathan Adams

  “The pleasure is truly all mine. I’m extremely grateful you have come to be here with me in Texas. I know this has been a very difficult and an emotional task that you’ve had to endure, but I hope you know that it is all going to be worth the life that I want to give you.”

  All Josephine could do was smile in awe at how truly blessed her life had become.

  “Miss? Here’s your trunk.” The driver’s voice pulled her gaze from her soon-to-be husband.

  “Thank you, Sir. And thank you for getting us through that stampede. You are a very skilled driver. You handled your team with great experience.”

  “Well, thank you, Miss. And I hope you find what you’re looking for here in Wilson.”

  “Thank you. I believe I will.” She smiled at him before turning her attention back to the man who had suddenly stolen her heart by just a simple touch, a simple voice and sweet, simple words. Warren returned her acknowledgement with a smile of his own.

  “Would you like me to take your bag and load it onto the wagon with your trunk?” He reached for the carpetbag Josephine was gripping in her other hand. For a moment, she held on to it, hesitating, not wanting to give over her personal life to Warren, but the Holy Spirit reminded her that this man in front of her was now her personal life. She finally conceded.

  “Yes, thank you. That will be fine, Warren.”

  She gave over her carpetbag and watched as her future husband lifted her things and loaded them into what would now become her horse and wagon as well. The excitement of this new life was truly taking over the anxieties that she had carried along with her from Virginia.

  “There we go. All loaded up. Did you need to finish anything in the station?”

  “No, I have everything settled. Thank you for the ticket. It was so kind of you to give that to me.”

  “Think nothing of it, Josephine. That was my promise to you. I will always provide for you because you are going to be my wife, the woman I will take care of and will cherish for as long as you will let me.”

  Josephine took in a deep breath, wrapping her mind around this first meeting of the man with whom she was going to spend the rest of her life.

  “I know you’ve been traveling for three weeks now, but I’ve got some things at the general store I need to load up into the wagon. We’ve got about a 45-minute ride to the ranch, and I wasn’t sure if you were ready for the wagon ride or if you wanted to rest your body in the restaurant for a spell.”

  “That’s so thoughtful, Warren, but I’ll be fine with whatever you decide.”

  “OK, Josephine. Would you like me to help you into the wagon or did you want to stretch your legs on a walk to the store?”

  “Actually, I think I will walk to the store.”

  “Then I will meet you there.” He gave her a wink followed by a sheepish grin and a caring nod. He untied the team, and she watched as he effortlessly climbed into their wagon and urged the horses forward toward the general store. As she gazed over him, she slipped her hand into the pocket carrying the invitation to his home and held it with a new sense of thankfulness and appreciation. She couldn’t forget about the other note in her opposite pocket, but the security she felt with Warren simply made the threat not so full of fear.

  Father, how can I ever say thank you for this beautiful, kind and caring man? He is truly the one whom you knew I needed in my life. Please just keep us safe and guide us in the ways you’d have us live. Thank you, heavenly Father. In your name I pray all these things. Amen


  Months had passed for Josephine as she settled into her new home and life with her new husband, who she was growing to love more each day. She was overtaken by the selfless life the cattle rancher was determined to live. The way he followed the scriptures and allowed them to shine through his way of living burned the flame inside of her for him even hotter and longer than she ever thought she would have for a man.

  Josephine learned how a cattle rancher’s life differed from that of a farmer’s, and she took on the changes and strides with eagerness and open-mindedness. The daily chores that the new couple shared helped to develop a relationship that was growing stronger and deeper with love and trust that a husband and wife joined under the Father should have.

  Warren would set out on cattle drives with his ranch hands, delivering cattle to sell for meat. During these times, Josephine would establish herself in the small community of Wilson. She met the ladies in town and became involved with the women’s gatherings at church. They all welcomed her in as if she had been a part of their community from the very beginning.

  Josephine kept in contact with T.W. as often as the post would let her. She greatly missed him but was discovering everyday that things were happening as the way they should have all along. In every letter, T.W. would tell his JoJo to make sure she gave his thankfulness to her generous husband, who continued to send provision to keep Belle Fields alive and prosperous in her crops.

  “I’ll be forever grateful to him, JoJo, for giving us the money to pay for the taxes on Belle Fields. I didn’t know what we would’ve done if God hadn’t sent him our way. I sure do miss you, but I know that it’s all in our Father’s hands, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love you, JoJo.”

  When Warren would come home, they’d spend their time volunteering to the deprived and opening their home to those needing to be rescued, even if only for a day. Warren would preach in the local evangelical church whenever he was available. Each time he shared the message, Josephine’s heart swelled up larger and deeper than the message he gave previous. She was proud of her husband and was grateful to her heavenly Father for leading the two of them together. Life for Josephine couldn’t be any better.

  Occasionally, the secrets of her past crept their way into her thoughts and tugged on her conscience, convicting her of being untruthful with the main reason she had even placed the ad for becoming a mail-order bride. Deep down inside, she knew she had to come clean with her faithful and loving husband, but the thought of him knowing and the fear of him denying her and sending her back to her brother was enough for Josephine to keep her secret hidden, even all the way to her grave.

  Another month had gone by, along with Josephine’s fears of her past catching up with her. Finally, she had reached the point of not looking over her shoulder each time she heard an unexpected noise or seeing a stranger gaze her way. Josephine was strong, but when Warren was at her side, she felt safer and more secure. She knew that this life was her future and that the past needed to be left in the past for good. That’s exactly what she decided to do.

  One morning after seeing Warren and his team of drivers off for another cattle drive, Josephine began her daily chores of maintaining their home and the land surrounding them. As she walked across the field, she couldn’t help but take in the morning air and the glory of the colorful sky that was painted above her raven head.

  “Thank you, Father, for this beautiful life that you have given me. I never thought that anything like this would have ever been possible, but you know so much more than I ever will. Be with Warren and his team on this drive and bring them back safely to me.”

  “What makes you think you’ll be here to see them when they get back?”

  Josephine froze in her tracks at the sound of the familiar yet unsettling voice of the past—the same past she had vowed to let go.

  “What’s the matter, Josey? Cat got your tongue?”

  She closed her eyes, trying to imagine him away.

  “Why don’t you turn around, girl? I’ve been waiting so long to see those sexy, dark-green eyes of yours.”

  Her lip began to quiver, but she bit it before she spoke, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of his effect on her.

  “What are you doing here, Hugh?”

  “Do you really have to ask me that question? I suspected my little note that I left you at the station before you had left was evidence enough for my being here.”

  “You’re not welcome h

  “Aw, now, don’t say such a thing to the man you were gonna give up everything for. Of course I’m welcome here.” He slid his slithery hand up her back and across her bare neck. “And besides, you know you don’t wanna be with ‘Mr. Uptight and Stuck on a Stick.’ Where’s the fun in that arrangement? You know that you’d rather be back home in Virginia with me, having the time of your life.”

  Josephine stepped out of his reach. “I am home.”

  “You really think this is home? What’s your preacher man gonna say when he finds out what you did with me and why you really put that ad out to become his wife?”

  “He’s never going to find out, Hugh. I’ll take my secret to the grave.”

  “Well, Josey, I might just make that become a reality.”

  “You’ll do no such thing, Hugh Doyle!” She picked up her skirts and started to run for the house. She had just about made it to her front porch steps, but her past was much quicker and caught up to her, pulling her strong frame into his heaving chest.

  “And just where do you think you’re going, girl?”

  She began to struggle for freedom from his muscular arms. “Let me go, Hugh! Just let me go and get out of here. Now!”

  “Oh, I’m getting out of here.” He pulled his arms tighter around her body and lowered his lips to her ear to whisper. “But I’m not leaving here alone. I told you in my letter: I’d find you and I’d permanently finish what we started. That’s exactly what I’m planning to do, Josephine.”


  A chill rushed up her spine, but she squeezed her eyes tight to ignore it. She knew she had to do something, but at this point in her situation, there was not much chance of things turning positive. So what if Hugh took her and did things to her? At least she would be rid of him and would never have to see him. And the best of it all was Warren would never know that any of this had happened. Yes, that’s what she would give in to do. Then he would be gone, forever this time.

  “Fine, Hugh! Do whatever you want to me, right here right now. But then you must leave me in peace and never come back.”

  “Oh, after what I do to you, you’ll be left in peace alright. Left to rest in peace is more like it.”

  Panic surged through her body at the realization of what had just come from his mouth. She writhed and wiggled, desperately trying to set herself free from his hold. “Please, Hugh! You don’t want to do this. I promise, if you let me live, I’ll give you money, and I won’t say a single thing about anything that has happened here.”

  “Oh, you think I’m gonna believe a single word that comes out of that pretty, little, rosy mouth of yours? No, no, no. I believed you once. Shame on me.”

  “Hugh, I mean what I say this time. Do what you wanted to do that last night we were together, and I promise I’ll give you as much money as I can give you and will never tell a soul.”

  “And just where do you think you’ll get this money without anybody knowing?” He rubbed the tip of his nose across the nape of her neck, breathing in the smell of lavender and jasmine and most of all, fear.

  She sucked in a breath at the feel of his skin touching hers. “It’s here, in the safe. Warren showed me the combination in case there was ever an emergency.”

  “And just how much money are we talking about here?”

  Josephine lifted her eyes to the sky, hoping she was finally getting through the thick skull of the evil man who had her in his life-threatening hands. “Thousands, Hugh. There’re thousands of dollars in the safe that I can give you. I promise, no one will ever know.”

  “Hmmm, that is extremely tempting. However, I do believe that you need to be punished for the humiliation and the complications you have caused me over the past six months. Yes, I do think this money thing will work, but you will not be the one to give it to me.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Your rich, cattle driving, preacher man is gonna be the one who gives me the money. And it’s not gonna be thousands. Oh, no, I’m awfully sure the sucker would fork over a couple million for the life of his newly wedded bride. Yes, that’s what I think I will do.”

  Josephine couldn’t take it anymore. She had to do something to take control over her situation. “No!” She jammed the heel of her boot into the shin of her captor and bit down on the arm closest to her mouth.

  “Ah! Ow!”

  Hastily, Josephine made for her escape as Hugh released her body from the shock of pain that surged up his leg. She bounded up the steps and pushed open the front door, quickly slamming it shut behind her. Her fingers trembled as she tried to maneuver the locks into place, but Hugh’s quick reflexes were no match for her anxious body. He slammed his shoulder into the wooden door as he pushed down on the iron door handle and managed a crack wide enough for his voice to be heard.

  “This isn’t gonna turn out pretty for you, Josey.”

  She gave a shriek just before she gave the door a hard shove with all her might. The door managed to close for just a brief moment, allowing her to work the lock to the closed position. But her success was not enjoyed for long. She backed herself up against the wall in shock of what was going on but snapped back to reality as the wooden door flew open and the angry stature of her past marched his way through the entrance.

  Josephine made a run for the kitchen, but Hugh’s reach was much closer than she anticipated. He grabbed her raven hair, pulling it from the tight bun on the back of her head. She cried out in pain as he jerked her toward him, causing her footing to slip out from underneath her. As she fell, he didn’t stop pulling. From the hallway to the front door, Hugh dragged his struggling victim across the floor and onto the porch.

  Josephine managed to get her feet underneath her, giving her the leverage she needed to pull all her weight away from the monster, scratching and clawing at the death grip he held on her locks. She managed to maneuver a leg in just the right position as she turned her body and twisted her head to face her attacker. With that, she hauled her leg back and struck the same shin she had heeled earlier, giving her the result she was frantically praying for: Hugh’s release of her hair.

  She ran back into the house, looking for anything she could manage to use as a defensive weapon against the fiend who was attacking her now just as he had done that fateful night of her past. Though she refused to give into his dominance, Josephine was once again unsuccessful at getting herself out from under his powerful hold.

  “No! No! Let me go, Hugh!” She continued to thrash under his dominating clutch.

  “I’ve had just about enough of you, Josey. Now shut your mouth before you force me to shut it for you.” He jerked her to him, but she wrenched her aching body away from him as hard as she could.

  “Stop it! Let me go! Let me … ” but before she could finish her bellow, Josephine was silenced by the massive blow across her tanned face. Immediately, she fell lifelessly unconscious in the grip of her enemy.

  “I warned you.”

  chapter six

  “Jo, I’m home, Darlin’.” Warren hopped from his horse and handed the reins to his ranch hand, who led the steed to the corrals. “You’ll never guess who followed me home from Wilson!” Silence. “Jo, sweetheart?” Warren continued to call out to his wife. “Josephine!” He scanned the perimeter of his land, searching for the beautiful, skirted frame of his faithful and honest wife. “Jo!” Still, there was no response. Turning to the house, he discovered the surprising condition of his front door. Without hesitation, Warren bounded up the front porch steps and ran through the entryway. “Josephine, honey, where are you?”

  “Warren? What’s going on? Where’s my sister?” T.W. strode through the broken doorframe.

  “I don’t know, T.W.” He surveyed the chaotic damage that spread through out the hallway and living room. “Oh, Father, what’s happened to her?” The men continued to search through the house, calling out her name, earnestly praying that she would answer them with a cry of her own.

, look at this.” The restless preacher tramped over to his rollup desk where his brother-in-law was hovering over a note. T.W. thrust it toward him. “Read this.”

  Warren took the piece of parchment with his trembling hand and read the words that had been sloppily scribbled out on its contents.

  I have your beloved wife. She owes me a promise that she ran out on. I will get my portion of the contract. But it’s up to you, Preacher Man, if you want to see her alive after I’ve taken from her what’s owed to me. Deliver $1 million to me at Cave’s Spring by sunrise tomorrow, and you’ll get your slut of a wife back alive and in one piece. If you are late or do not have the money, you will have to search the caverns for her broken and dead body. Either way, I’ll get what she promised to me. It’s up to you if she lives to see daylight again. H.A.D

  Warren dropped the note and leaned against the desktop, head hanging down in disbelief.

  “How far is Cave’s Spring from here?” He didn’t hear T.W.’s question. “Warren, how far is it?”

  “What?” He slowly gained his comprehension back.

  “Cave’s Spring! How far is it from here?”

  “Thirty miles north.”

  “How long will it take you to get the money?”

  “I have about a hundred grand here in the safe. The rest is in the bank all the way back in Wilson. By the time we get there, the bank will be closed. Oh, Father!” Warren tipped his head to look at T.W. “What is this monster talking about? What promise did Jo make?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “You must know, T.W. She’s your sister for heaven’s sake! Who is H.A.D., and what does he want with Jo?”

  “I already told you, Warren. I don’t know anything about a promise that JoJo made with anybody.”

  “What would be worth her making a contract with someone who would kidnap her and threaten her life for reneging on the deal?”

  “I don’t know. The only thing she loves more than me and you is the farm.” T.W. leaned his head to the ceiling. “Oh, no, JoJo. You wouldn’t have.”


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