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Mail Order Bride: Montana Bride (A Clean Inspirational Historical New Adult Romance)

Page 42

by Nathan Adams

  “Oh, child! How could it be your fault?” Gertie caressed Lily’s cheek. “I choose to talk about her, despite the pain, despite the discomfort that it might bring to others, because I loved her more than anything, and this is how I go on: by remembering her.”

  Lily understood. This was how Harman would want to be remembered. Not with tears of sadness that he was dead and gone but with tears of joy that he made her so happy during that short time they were together.

  Little by little, Lily opened up and revealed her life story to Gertie, who listened to Lily’s every word with great intent and focus. Lily felt like a huge load had been lifted off of her shoulders. She felt lighter. She felt happier. It was a wonderful feeling.

  “Let me tell you what, child,” Gertie said suddenly. “Because you don’t know where you’re going anyway, how about you make a pit stop?” Lily looked at her wonderingly. “I live in Preston, a small town way out West. Now it’s not much, but it’s a nice and cozy place. You can stay with me. I’ve got more room than I can take up, so having you there would do me good anyway. Plus, if you’re good at sewing, I can offer you a job. What do you say?” There was a gleam in Gertie’s eyes.

  Lily couldn’t believe her ears. Had her luck just turned? Was she just offered a glimpse into her new future, a positive one, where she had found someone to help her?

  “I don’t know what to say, Mrs. Echols.” She was speechless.

  “Well, how about you call me Gertie, and you just say yes?” Gertie smiled.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes!” Lily shouted, jumping into the arms of this wonderfully warmhearted woman, who might have just saved her life.


  Lily found herself standing in front of a sweet little house that belonged to Gertie’s late husband.

  “We never wanted a big house, you see. We were happy with the little we had and found both comfort and happiness not in material things but in each other.” Gertie smiled as she unlocked the door to her and Lily’s new home.

  Lily’s heart was dancing with joy. She could just imagine herself settling down here, with this sweet lady helping her in every way she could. Fortunately for both of them, Lily was an excellent seamstress and was hoping to help with Gertie’s business as much as she could. Gertie’s shop wasn’t the only one of its kind in town, but it was the only one that withstood the test of time.

  “Shops come and go,” Gertie told her. “But what the clients want isn’t only a service, whether it’s sewing, selling, fixing. They want to feel like they’re your only and most valuable client. Give them that feeling, and they’ll keep returning to you for all times!” She winked at Lily, who was sure that any client who entered Gertie’s shop was made to feel extra special. After all, that was how she won her over. There was something about her, something warm and loving, and once you got to know Gertie, you wanted to have her around all the time. And Lily was happy to have managed to do so.

  “Welcome to your new home.” Gertie led her inside and showed her to her room. “I’m sure you’ll be very happy here.” She smiled warmly.

  Lily knew she was right. Being the kind of woman who always felt what was it that other people needed, Gertie gave Lily some privacy.

  “I’ll leave you to get acquainted with your new home, dear. Feel free to roam the whole place. I promise there aren’t any skeletons in the closet!” She laughed out loud. “At least none that I haven’t taken care of already. They won’t be bugging you.” Lilly smiled.

  When Gertie closed the door, Lily took a deep breath. It all still seemed like a wonderful dream, and she was afraid that the time would come when she would have to wake up and face the music. But, for the time being, she was allowed to enjoy the company of a sweet lady who had taken her in and offered her own home to her. Lily had no idea how she could ever express her gratitude to Gertie, but she knew that Gertie didn’t expect anything in return. She did it because that was who she was. And all Lily could hope for was to be able to find God’s light again, just like Gertie did, despite the hardships she had to endure.

  She sat on the bed. It felt comfortable, almost as comfortable as her bed back home. The room was small but cozy, just like Lily had pictured from Gertie’s description. It was all perfect. She closed her eyes and laid her head on the pillow. It was all just too overwhelming, and before she realized it, she was fast asleep.

  A short time later, a gentle knock on the door woke her. It was Gertie.

  “Sorry to wake you, dear, but it’s dinner time, and you haven’t eaten anything all day. We can’t have that. After all, there’s someone else you need to take care of now.” She smiled kindly. Lily smiled back.

  “I’ll be right down.”

  The stairs carried her through a small hallway and right into the kitchen, which extended into a dining room. The smell of freshly baked potatoes and chicken filled the room, and only then did Lily realize how hungry she really was.

  “Do you need any help?” she asked.

  “No, no, just sit yourself down at the table. I’ll be right there,” Gertie chirped, and after a few minutes, Lilly was looking at the most mouth-watering delicacies she had ever seen.

  “This all looks wonderful, Gertie,” Lily said.

  “Well, I’m having special guests. That calls for a special dinner, doesn’t it?” Gertie smiled.

  The two women enjoyed a lovely evening sharing experiences and stories. What surprised Lily the most was how, after everything that had happened to her, Gertie managed to keep her spirits up.

  “It’s all a matter of faith, Lily,” Gertie said, matter-of-factly. “I trust the Good Lord knows what He is doing, and whatever happens, I am happy to be here, to be alive.”

  The strength and faith of this woman never ceased to amaze Lily, and she was starting to consider herself extremely fortunate and grateful to God for having sent this wonderful woman into her life.

  “Now tomorrow,” Gertie was wiping her mouth carefully with a cotton napkin, “I’ll show you my store, and we’ll see where you fit. I’m sure you’re very skilled, but of course, before I give you any work, I need to see this for myself.” Lily nodded in agreement. “But for now, I think this was a very long day for both of us, and we should get a good night’s rest. You certainly need it more than I do.”

  Lily offered to help clear the table, but Gertie wouldn’t hear of it.

  “You are saved from that, at least for tonight. Starting from tomorrow, you aren’t my guest anymore but an equally important member of this household, and I’ll expect you to do the dishes then. For now, just rest.” Both women laughed. Lily approached Gertie and gave her a big bear hug.

  “Thank you, Gertie. I don’t know how I could ever repay you for the kindness you’ve shown me in dire times.” She was on the verge of tears.

  “You are most welcome, Lily. Now, off you go!” She sent her upstairs and remained by herself in the kitchen to clean up. She felt good. She knew that there was a reason she met Lily. God wouldn’t have crossed their paths for nothing. Gertie smiled and rolled up her sleeves. The amount of dishes she had to do was crazy, but she knew that it was like with all things: The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll finish.


  Lily woke up with a feeling of awe. She still couldn’t believe her good luck, but she was sure not to question it. She went downstairs to find that Gertie had already made breakfast and was sipping her tea as she read the local newspapers.

  “Draught is a horrible thing,” Gertie said, instead of wishing her good morning. “All those poor people.” She lifted her gaze and smiled at Lily. “But I’m sure better times are coming . Breakfast?” Lily nodded. “There are eggs and bacon, toast, and raspberry jam—homemade if I may say so myself! Tea or coffee, dear?”

  “Coffee, please,” Lily said.

  In a few minutes, the pleasant aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the room. It was the most pleasing fragrance Lily had ever smelled.

  “Eat up now, and then, we’ve got work
to do.” Gertie set the food and the coffee in front of Lily and joined her at the table.

  Once they finished breakfast and after they had chitchatted for a while, the women got ready for work. Lily was excited. If someone had told her that she would be working this soon, she would have thought they were crazy.

  Gertie’s shop was in the back of the house and had an entrance of its own. It was close enough, yet you had the privilege of keeping the two parts of the house separate. It was a small shop but obviously taken care of. Gertie invested a lot of her time and effort into making this shop a successful one. Lily admired her spunk more than anything.

  “So here you’ve got all the things you need. The machines are over there, extra needles are here with the threads and the materials I keep in that cupboard in the corner.” Gertie pointed at an old cupboard that was kept closed at all times, except for the purposes of showing different fabrics and materials to potential clients. Lily nodded as she looked around. It was all straightforward and orderly, just the way she liked it herself.

  “Now here’s a bit of fabric. Honestly I don’t know what to do with it, so as a little test of your sewing skills, I’ll be leaving you for the day to do whatever you want with it. I’ve got some work in town, so I’ll be out most of the day, but do feel free to take whatever you want or need. May I remind you that this is your home now, and no part of it is closed to you.” She smiled generously. “Is there anything else I’m forgetting?”

  “No, Gertie, everything is in order. I truly don’t know how to thank you for everything,” Lily said again.

  “Oh, hush now! I’ll have none of that anymore! Let’s just focus on doing some work. How’s that?”

  Lily nodded and smiled back.

  “Like I said, I’ll be off, but I should return early in the afternoon. Bye-bye, darlin’!” Gertie waved her hand and disappeared behind closed doors.

  Lily was left alone to do her sewing magic. Initially, she wasn’t sure what to make with the fabric she was given. It was too coarse for a blouse. Perhaps a skirt? Yes, that should do just fine, she thought to herself. She gathered all the necessities and set off to work.

  Suddenly, the doorbell rang, which announced the entry of a potential client. Lily panicked. Gertie hadn’t prepared her for dealing with clients, and she wasn’t sure how she was supposed to greet them and whether she was allowed to take on any new work on Gertie’s behalf. She had to play this by ear.

  She lifted her gaze and met the beautiful eyes of an incredibly handsome man. He was unshaven, and his wide-brimmed hat covered most of his face, though he removed it upon seeing there was someone at the shop.

  “I do beg your pardon,” he started in a husky voice. “I’m lookin’ for Gertie. Is she here?” He smiled as if smiling was the most natural thing to do.

  “Oh, hello there.” Lily was flustered, and it took her a second to compose herself. It had been a while since she spoke to such a good-looking man. She wished she was dressed more nicely, but it was too late to change anything now. “I’m afraid you just missed her.”

  “Oh? She left you alone in the shop? Now that doesn’t sound like the Gertie I know.”

  “Well,” she got flustered again. “I just moved in with her.”

  “So you’re her cousin who came to visit?” It seemed that he had a new question before she even finished answering his previous one. Not that she minded too much.

  “No, not really.”

  He appeared confused but kept smiling.

  “I do beg your pardon, miss.”

  “It’s Mrs,” She corrected him. “Mrs. Lily Wonderly.” She loved Harman’s last name and decided to keep it, despite the fact that she was now a widow.

  “Again, I apologize. You just seem so young. I assumed.” He smiled apologetically. She returned the gesture to show him there was no harm done. “I’m Doss. Doss McKelvey.” He nodded. “And it’s mighty nice to make your acquaintance, Mrs. Wonderly.”

  “Please, call me Lily,” she replied,.


  “I don’t wish to keep you any longer, Mr. McKelvey.”

  “Please, Doss.”

  “Doss. The thing is Gertie said she’d be back sometime in the afternoon, and even though she did leave me to take care of the store, I’m not really sure what exactly I’m supposed to do here in her absence, so maybe the safest option is for you to return when she’s here,” Lily said.

  “I reckon that’s so,” Doss replied. “And you can bet I’ll be back soon.” He flashed her one of his best smiles, and Lily felt herself blushing. “Then I bid you good day, Lily.”

  “And to you, too, Mr. Doss.” She smiled.

  He put his hat back on, and the doorbell sounded his departure.

  Lily was still flushed. What a beautiful man, she thought to herself. Women must be lining up before him. And at this thought, she scolded herself a little. I should be working, not daydreaming about men.

  Finally able to regain focus on her work, she sat down and starting making that skirt. Just as she had promised, Gertie returned in the early afternoon and brought with her some household necessities. She was eager to check out what Lily had done in her absence.

  “Most wonderful!” Gertie said, holding the skirt in her hands, inspecting it carefully. “I love this seam here. Marvelous! Absolutely stunning!” She lifted it up to the light to see the details better. “I’m speechless, absolutely speechless!”

  Lily wasn’t used to being praised so often, so she just kept smiling and thanked Gertie for her kind words. “It would have been finished earlier, but there was a client at the shop.”.

  “Oh? Who was it?”

  “A man named Doss McKelvey, I think.”

  “Oh, Doss. Of course! I forgot to tell you that he was to come and pick up a pair of trousers I had fixed up for him. Oh, well. He said he’d be back, I suppose?”

  “Yes, that’s what he said.”

  “Well, then, no harm done.” Gertie smiled. “How did you like him?”

  “Well.” Lily blushed, to which Gertie released a sweet laugh.

  “I see. Well, child, if I were 20 years younger, I’d be blushing, too!” Lily laughed as well. It was impossible not to laugh with Gertie. “But enough about that. You can keep me company while I whip us up something to eat.”


  A few days later, Doss was on his way to the shop again. He had planned on returning much sooner, but urgent business had prevented him from doing so. He and put on his Sunday best shaved for the occasion. There was just something about that young woman he met, Lily Wonderly, that rubbed him the right way. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but he knew.

  He could feel the goodness emanating from her being. He could see through her, to her very soul, and he knew that she was the kind of woman he had been looking for all his life. The only trouble was she was obviously taken. Just my luck, he thought to himself. Still, nothing wrong in a man looking good when he goes to pick up his clothes from the lovely seamstress, right?

  When he entered the shop, he saw only Gertie. “Good day, Gertie!” He greeted her cordially.

  “Doss! How lovely to see you. Come for the trousers?”

  “Yes, and I’ve some things to drop off. No rush. Whenever you and your lovely assistant have the time.” He flashed another one of his charming smiles.

  “Oh, I see!” Gertie giggled. “Ah, you kids!” Doss set the stuff on a little table, as Gertie continued. “You know, you two would make a mighty sweet couple.” She winked at him.

  “But,” he said confused, “I thought she was married. At least, that’s what she told me last time we met.”

  “She’s a widow,” Gertie explained. “A mighty rough life that sweet thing’s had. That’s why I thought it my duty and my pleasure to help her. She’s a sweet child, good, kind and a true Christian soul.”

  Doss smiled as wide as he could. So there was a chance after all! He felt like jumping in the air with joy. “Gertie, I feel like kis
sing you! You’ve just made my day.” He winked at her. “When can I pick these up?”

  “Why don’t you come in three days. And I’ll let Lily know you’ll be comin’.” Gertie smiled back and waved him goodbye.

  Although he found it difficult not to go back to the shop earlier than he was told, Doss waited. On the third day, he dressed again in his Sunday best. He stumbled into his good friend Jarvil Strail, who was exiting the shop. “Jarvil, how are ya?” The men shook hands in a friendly gesture.

  “Fine, fine. Hust pickin’ up some stuff from Gertie. You?” Jarvil replied.

  “The same. How about we meet at the saloon tonight?”

  “You know it!” The men laughed heartily and arranged a meeting at the Chuck-a-luck saloon that night.

  Doss entered the shop, and his heart skipped a beat when he saw Lily at the counter. “Good day, Lily. I hope you’re feelin’ fine?” he inquired politely.

  Lily flashed a smile of her own. “Doss, how very nice to see you. I’m feeling fine, thank you. A little dizzy, and I do have the urge to vomit every now and again, but I’m fine.”

  Doss got worried. “You aren’t sick, are ya?”

  Lily laughed. “Well, no, not really, though I am not myself, either,” she said, laughing at her own joke. “You see, I’m with child.” She was actually afraid of letting him know for fear that he might not wish to socialize with her, but she knew he would eventually find out the truth, and as always, it would be better if she told him than if he found it out from someone else.

  “Pregnant!” he exclaimed. “That’s great news!” But then he remembered her situation and toned down his enthusiasm. She noticed this immediately.

  “It’s perfectly fine, Doss. I’ve accepted the fact that Harman is gone, and even though I miss him every day, I’m still grateful for the time the good Lord allowed me to spend with him.” Her eyes glistened as she spoke, and Doss found her more beautiful than ever.

  He thought he’d mind hearing something like this, but the truth of the matter was that it was absolutely not important whether Lily was pregnant or not. He was still in love with her with a passionate fire that kept on burning more and more as each day passed by. All he could hope was that one day, she would feel the same way about him.


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