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Jack Addison vs. a Whole World of Hot Trouble - The Complete Series

Page 16

by K. A. Merikan

  As the only non-human in their profession, the humanoid feline Roux not only hunts down creatures but also understands their unique needs. Can Jack help him save the beautiful merman Lauro from the claws and teeth of jealous mermaids? And can he resist the seductive merman in the process?


  Themes: pride, experimenting, merman, mermaid, self-discovery, tolerance, fame, monster hunting, interspecies relations, love, post-breakup issues, rebound

  Genre: M/M romantic erotica, horror-comedy

  Erotic content: Scorching hot, explicit scenes

  Length: 15,000 words (Episode 5 in the serial)

  WARNING: This story contains morally ambiguous characters and scenes of sex that might be considered taboo.

  Previously on Jack Addison vs. A Whole World of Hot Trouble:

  Jack Addison might come from a line of legendary monster hunters and scientists, but real life has taught him that the world isn’t what he’d been told all his life. After encountering the alluring Nessie during the annual hunt, he’s opened up to the idea of dating nonhumans.

  Away from the strict segregation of his country, he meets all kinds of creatures, each more interesting than the last. Jack’s amorous thoughts keep drifting to his rival, but since Jack got gangbanged by a pack of werewolves and admitted to having liked it, Roux has been avoiding him. They met again while Jack was on vacation in Greece, in the act of romancing the beautiful centaur Calix.

  The mood instantly changed when Calix realized that a missing centaur foal Roux was attempting to track down was his little brother. The three saved the boy from the clutches of centaur traffickers, and while Jack did want to reconnect with Roux, the temptation of Calix’s lips lured him back to the centaur. When the two of them moved in together, life became a fairytale. What could possibly go wrong?

  Chapter 1

  Jack rolled out of bed sticky, slimy, and unsatisfied. Last night was supposed to have been his grand rebound. He’d sulked over his breakup with Calix for two weeks, and had decided that it wasn’t like him to get so hung up on relationships. So he’d put all his effort into finding the most outrageous creature in all of Venice, and ended up taking a slug-like creature with gorgeous blue eyes and a sticky mouth to his hotel room. The thing was a bit strange, and Jack couldn’t exactly work out its gender at first, but that didn’t matter. He was Jack Addison, and he needed to remind himself what it was like to freely roam the world.

  But things had gone downhill as soon as he’d ended up alone with the creature. Instead of a night full of pleasure, he’d ended up listening to the slug-man’s life story, and comforting his lover-to-be over him being the only one of his kind in this realm. Jack had tried to be understanding but felt offended instead when Grall’ogg—or whatever the creature’s name was in his own language—had started complaining about humans treating him as a novelty.

  He’d mentioned a stream of lovers who never wanted to stay for his lovely breakfast consisting of a variety of lettuce—which he supplemented for the humans with croutons—and who refused to treat him as anything more than a fleeting fancy. A serious issue, considering his kind lived for hundreds of years and bonded for life.

  But despite his annoyance, Jack had tried to do the right thing, still hoping that his dick would eventually find its way into Grall’ogg’s sticky mouth-hole. But with each passing word, each deep inhale—Grall’ogg didn’t have a nose—he’d felt the chances for a positive resolution of this night dwindle.

  In the end, Grall’ogg had a bit too much herb liquor and had fallen asleep after crying for half an hour. His heavy, pillow-like body had slumped on top of Jack, leaving him horny, upset and destined to ponder his breakup with Calix.

  At first, all had been great with the centaur. Exciting. New. Jack had grown to see glorious creatures like Calix as much more than a sexual curiosity. But in the end, Calix had proved to be more human than Jack could have ever imagined. After sucking Jack dry of his money, he’d moved on to a rich centaur from Athens.

  Jack had been warned about Calix being a gold-digger, but whenever he’d looked into Calix’s beautiful face, he just couldn’t make himself believe those rumors. But where he’d seen his partner as a noble, graceful creature, Calix must have taken him for a fool. It didn’t help Jack’s confidence that when they were breaking up, Calix had rubbed his face in the fact that a human could never rival a centaur in the size department.

  So in a way, he and Grall’ogg were in the same boat. Only Jack was a handsome young man with a glamorous profession, whereas Grall’ogg was a giant, sticky slug who worked as a children’s entertainer and occasional grass mower. But at least Grall’ogg hadn’t had his heart ripped out and thrown into his face, nor would he ever feel the humiliation of having his dick mocked, because he didn’t have one.

  Throughout the night, Jack fell in and out of sleep, and when he eventually opened his eyes to bright light around the curtains, relief overcame his body. So maybe Grall’ogg had been breathing loudly into his ear all night, maybe the slime he was covered in would soil the bed to the point of Jack having to cover the cost of repairs—or flee the hotel—but at least Grall’ogg would soon have to return to his miserable life and leave him be.

  A knock was the perfect excuse to move farther away from his lover-not-to-be. Jack half-opened the door to spare Grall’ogg’s modesty, but the maid slipped a letter into Jack‘s hand, curtsied, and left with her cheeks red.

  Ha! Could it be Calix had come to his senses and was begging Jack to come back? Tough luck, because Jack was over him, and on his rebound sex-fest trip. Calix would need to do much more grovelling than a letter could possibly convey. A serenade maybe?

  Jack ripped the envelope open, but the writing was nothing like Calix’s graceful calligraphy. The letters were round and simple, even if very easy to read. Could it be a letter from a fan?

  Dear Jack,

  I wouldn’t have bothered you, but I’ve heard you’re in the area, and I hope that out of respect to our acquaintance you would aid me in a task. I will tell you all the details in person, but your unique set of skills—”

  Ha. Unique set of skills. Jack Addison, known and valued already at twenty-two. For his unique skills. He read on.

  “and the array of modern devices in your possession might make or break the task given to me. I usually work alone, but this matter needs immediate attention, and I am ashamed to admit I cannot manage on my own. Please respond via telegram at your earliest convenience to the address provided. If you choose to accept, please bring something that will help you stay underwater for a longer period of time.

  Kind regards,

  Roux Chat-Bonnes”

  Up until the signature, Jack had intended to dismiss the letter, since it didn’t mention a prize, but when that name brought back soft red fur, large tufted ears, and the long, wiggly tail, dismissal was soon replaced by pride.

  “So, you need my help after all,” Jack said, scowling when the letter stuck to his fingers.

  Behind him, Grall’ogg shifted on the bed and spoke. “Jack, I didn’t dare ask…”


  No way. No fucking way.

  With a wide smile glued to his face, Jack turned around. “Did you say something? I’m sorry, but I just received a call to action. I need to shower and hurry to the train station.”

  Grall’ogg’s wide mouth opened with clear disappointment, so Jack decided he could do with a visit to the local bathhouse instead of staying there another minute. He could even grab a snack on the way, and the last thing he wanted was salad with croutons.

  Jack grabbed yesterday’s clothes and quickly pulled on his pants. “Sorry, Grall’ogg. It’s really urgent. Don’t believe those people who say that the life of a venator is all fame and glory.”

  Grall’ogg’s elongated, slimy body expanded as he took a deep breath, and then slimmed down as he exhaled with a miserable look in his blue eyes. “Sure. I understand,” he said in a tone which revealed tha
t Jack would now join the ranks of the people Grall’ogg had complained about last night. Well, the moment Jack left this room, it would no longer be his problem, so he stuffed his backpack at record speed.

  Behind him, Grall’ogg was saying something about adding a bucket of salt to his next bath, but Jack didn’t really get any of that chatter and shut his luggage as soon as it contained everything he owned. “Bye.”

  “Farewell,” Grall’ogg hummed, but Jack wouldn’t turn back to the needy creature.

  In fact, he did everything he could to forget the night with Grall’ogg as soon as he stepped out of the room. When his feet carried him down the stairs, so much closer to the whereabouts of Roux, the memory of the soft fur sliding against his skin became so visceral he could smell it already.

  He remembered the moment he’d had with Roux on the pier. Was there a chance to rekindle that exact state in the chat? If only Jack hadn’t chosen the easy way of falling into Calix’s embrace and had worked harder on his connection with Roux, he might have—what? Was he actually considering a relationship with Roux? He didn’t even know what orientation Roux was—even though he did have his suspicions—or whether he even wanted to be with anyone so soon after Calix’s betrayal in the first place.

  Whatever the answers were, an adventure at Roux’s side was way more preferable to sulking in Grall’ogg’s company.

  He should start on a high note and bring Roux a snack from Venice. Maybe that would make that tail swirl between Jack’s legs?

  Chapter 2

  The sea glistened in the afternoon sun as if it had been sprinkled with pearl powder. Nothing could ever rival the beauty of the Italian coast, and when Jack saw the town emerge into view, his heart skipped a beat. Only this time it wasn’t about the glory of nature, or the wonders of architecture.

  His hands felt weirdly sweaty as the train rolled into the station, but he wiped them on the front of his shirt. It had been a year, and the prospect of seeing Roux again was oddly stimulating. Maybe Roux could be his rebound? Then again, that seemed to cheapen what they had. Whatever it was.

  Jack grabbed his luggage and couldn’t wait in his seat anymore. He needed to be the first one out, the first one to see the platform. He unbuttoned the collar of his shirt, adjusted the sword on his back, but couldn’t stand still. The fact that it was Roux who’d reached out to him made his chest swell with pride. Anticipation send tingles down to his fingers. The letter had been the first thing to really move Jack into any sensible action after the breakup with Calix had sent him on a drinking rampage all the way to Italy.

  Jack watched benches and lamps slowly come to a halt on the other side of the window, and he unlocked the door immediately after, jumping onto the platform without worrying about pesky things like stairs or handles. He was a man of only twenty-two, and his joints could withstand the impact, despite being weighed down by both his body and the luggage.

  He spotted the ginger fur in an instant, and for a split second the sight of it took his breath away. The light bouncing off the water made everything somehow grander, more beautiful, but the backlight of the setting sun hitting Roux’s fur with its golden glow made the chat look otherworldly. His ears perked up as soon as he saw Jack, but he waited, calling Jack over with his big green eyes.

  And of course, Jack responded, walking steadily toward the fellow venator while other passengers took their time disembarking the train. Roux wore a new, fancy scarf with a seagull print, and its deep, emerald color complemented his lush fur. Was it just Jack, or had it become thicker and shinier since they’d last met? He must have been eating well.

  “Roux Chat-Bonnes! It’s been a while.”

  “Hello, Jack.” Roux extended his paw. “Thank you for coming. I wasn’t sure who to ask, and then I heard you were in Venice. I wouldn’t have pulled you into this, but I know you’ve… changed since we first met. You care about creatures other than humans, and then there’s your centaur boyfriend, so I thought I’d give it a shot.”

  Shit. Shit, shit shit. As much as Jack was glad Calix was out of the picture, given his intentions, it still stung to hear his name.

  He squeezed Roux’s paw, gasping when the soft beans rubbed his palm. “I’m done with him.”

  There, it was out of the way, at least.

  Roux stalled with his paw in Jack’s hand and his ears lowered. “Oh. Have I misjudged things then? You’re back to your old ways? What I’ve called you for isn’t exactly a hunting trip.”

  Jack scowled and took his hand away, looking around to see if there was anyone close enough to overhear their conversation. A year back, he might have lied that it was him who’d ended the relationship, but he didn’t want Roux’s opinion of him tainted.

  It didn’t make him any less embarrassed over being made a fool of.

  “Calix is happily settled in Athens. With his billionaire centaur boyfriend.”

  Roux stared, and his whiskers rose. “Oh. I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I thought you were in Italy for work. Was your father angry when he found out about the whole affair?”

  Jack sighed, already moving toward the exit. “If my father knew, I wouldn’t be here. All I can say is that my intentions were pure while Calix’s were not. There isn’t much to talk about anymore.”

  They walked in silence for a while, but once they left the train station, Roux gently patted his back. “Not the only centaur in the sea?” he tried, but it made no sense whatsoever, and Jack had to snort.

  “Such a bad joke, Roux. Gotta say I might have missed you a little bit.”

  Roux smiled, showing off his canines. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”

  Over a year actually, and Jack had no real idea anymore if they were still rivals, work colleagues, or friends. He wouldn’t dare flirt just yet since the stakes felt much higher than ever before, and the fear of ruining their strange new camaraderie was much more insistent than his urge to pull Roux’s pants down, grab his tail and bury his face in the soft fur.

  “I’m happy you learned to value my skills. I’ve brought them all, even the unique ones,” he said, winking at Roux as they left the station and walked all the way to a pier.

  Roux watched him more intently, and the smile was gone. “If I told you something embarrassing, could you keep a secret?”

  Embarrassing? Jack was dying to hear any dumb stories Roux had to tell. Maybe they could share more, once they’d purchased some good local red. “Of course.”

  Roux sat on the edge of the stone pier and swung his big feet over the glimmering water. He pulled on Jack’s pants to encourage him to sit nearby. “There’s many stereotypes about us chats, you know?”

  Oh, Jack knew. He’d heard a few at school, and had then learned many more since arriving in Europe. Chats were idle, slept all day, had more offspring than they could afford to feed, and often used their natural skills to become proficient thieves, yet even then, were too lazy to make big money and settled for stealing boatloads of tuna.

  Har. Har.

  And maybe he would have believed Roux to be an exception, if it wasn’t for the many times he’d witnessed people acting in ways that defied expectations. Take Calix, for instance. Weren’t centaurs supposed to be noble?

  “I am aware, yes,” Jack told Roux, watching the fur on his cat feet gain a new dimension as the light changed.

  “I try to prove to people that they’re not true by the way I live. I’m a venator, I do my best to fit in. But I really don’t like water.” Roux hid his face in his paws as if he’d uncovered a shameful secret on par with getting herpes from a Minotaur. And Jack wouldn’t share that one with Roux in a million years.

  He snorted and squeezed Roux’s paw, just to feel that soft fur give under his touch again “That’s it? Really? There I was thinking you were going to tell me you have a secret harem hidden away somewhere.”

  Roux groaned and waved his paw dismissively. “I don’t have time for such things. But this is very shameful to me. At the last meeting of JUSTICE I
was dismissed from a job because they assumed I couldn’t handle water. So like the dumbest chat out there, I said I was nothing like that, and that I’d do what was necessary, but then I arrived here, I tried it a few times, and I just can’t do it. My fur gets heavy and I feel like I’m going to die.”

  The smile died on Jack’s lips, and he stretched his neck. “My sister’s like that about spiders. One time, she actually fainted when she saw one crawl from under her pillow. Hit her head and all that,” he said, trying to comfort Roux, even though he couldn’t help but imagine Roux cutely fretting about waves while he stood on the beach. “What’s JUSTICE?”

  Roux sighed. “The Jolly Union for Sovereignty, Truth and Interdimensional Creature Equality.”

  Jack gave a short laugh, but when Roux’s eyes narrowed, he recognized the chat wasn’t joking. “That’s quite a mouthful. Jolly?”

  Roux groaned and reached to the water with just his toes. “That was this stupid leprechaun’s idea. We don’t love it, but he’s funding most of our work, so nothing can be done about it, really.”

  Jack smirked, even though what he was about to voice made Roux’s request feel much less special. “Must be nice to be a leprechaun. Is that why you called me? You need someone who can enter water without getting a panic attack?”

  Roux’s big eyes and flattened ears expressed such sadness Jack wanted to pet his head and soothe him in an instant. “I will pay, but I do ask you to keep this to yourself.”


  Pay? Pay?

  Jack shot to his feet with fire raging in his chest so ferociously its heat reached his face. “So that’s how it is,” he said through clenched teeth. Of course Roux didn’t consider them friends. Why would he after getting ditched for a centaur gold digger?

  Roux looked up with a frown. “What? Not enough glory for Jack Addison? You have to get credit for everything?”

  Jack hissed and poked Roux’s chest. “I was under the impression you asked me for help, not offered employment!”


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