The War Below
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forward torpedo room, 7
Foss, Joe, 281
fox messages, 144
France, 24
fall of, 25
Franklin, 222
Fraser, Bruce, 36
Frazee, Murray, Jr. “Fraz,” 134–35, 137, 139–40, 146, 149, 160, 173, 175–76, 179, 183, 187–88, 190, 202–3, 204
Freemantle, Australia, 42
Fuchida, Mitsuo, 63
Fujita, Frank, 293–94, 296–97, 301–2, 305–6
Fukuyama Maru, sinking of, 146, 147
Gambier Bay, sinking of, 224
Gar, 153
Gato, 143
Gemmell, Harry, 154
Germany, 41, 178
in European theater, 36, 37, 86, 145, 205, 218, 219, 235
expansionism of, 24, 26
submarines losses of, 316
submarines of, 5, 6, 34, 35, 41, 73, 78
in “unholy alliance,” 25
in World War I, 19, 34, 137, 240
Gibson, L. J. “Gibby,” 45, 77, 91
Gibson, Madge, 308
Gilbert, Charles, 157
Gilbert Islands, 39, 137–39, 153, 165, 194, 203, 205, 286
Gill, Aubrey, 159–60
Gimpy (Japanese woman), 295–96
Graef, Bobbie, 266
Graef, Calvin, 252–55, 263–68
Grand Escort Fleet, 178–79
Grant, Cary, 130
Grayback, 140
appendectomy performed aboard, 47
Gray Feather Bank, 136, 141
Grayling, 41
Great Barrier Reef, 59
Great Britain:
German air attacks on, 35–36
navy of, 25, 287
Pacific holdings of, 24
Pacific losses of, 38, 294
in World War II, 26
Great Depression, 20–21, 24, 74
Great Kanto Earthquake, 109
“Great Marianas Turkey Shoot,” 195
Greenland, 70, 116
Grenadier, 68, 275, 280, 283, 306
Grider, George, 129, 132
Griggs, John, III, 131
Growler, 77, 102
Gruebel, Robert, 159
Grumman Avenger, 154
Grumman F6F Hellcat, 157, 159
Guadalcanal, 126
Battle of, 86–88, 103, 116, 153, 281, 296
Guam, 104, 144, 169, 197, 217, 230, 256, 258, 293, 304, 310
Japanese control of, 2, 37, 124, 165, 166–67, 195
Guardfish, 125
Gudgeon, 68
gun battles, 12–14, 156, 197–98, 229
Gunreibu (Japanese intelligence division), 282–83
Gyoten Maru, sinking of, 142–43, 147
gyroscopes, 29
Hailstone, Operation, 138–44
Haines, John, 163
Halibut, 236
Hallicraft radio receivers, 155
Halsey, William “Bull,” 89, 115, 221, 304, 307
miscalculation of, 223, 225
Hammann, 65
Harbin, Mike, 12, 14–17, 73
Harder, 153, 195
Harding, Warren, 303
Harlfinger, Frederick, II, 225–26
Harper, John, 20, 193
Harris, Bill, 277
Hart, Thomas, 41
Harukaze, 265
Hashirajima Island, 28
Hawaii, 39, 65, 67, 69, 106, 124, 137, 138, 258
Haworth, Dr. and Mrs. Emerson, 104
Haws, Glen, 248
heads, 7
Heidel, Carl, 117, 220
“hellships,” see prison ships
Hemingway, Ernest, 19–20
hepatitis, 305, 310
Heubeck, John, 242
Hie Maru, 109–10, 192, 193
highways, Japanese, 22–23
Hill, Harry, 159
Hill, Robert, 158
Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, 25, 67, 256, 293
surrender broadcast of, 299–300, 303, 313
Hiroshima, Japan, atomic bomb dropped on, 297–98
Hiroshima Bay, 28
Hiryu, sinking of, 64–65
Hitler, Adolf, 42
Hiyo, sinking of, 196
Hoel, sinking of, 224
Hofuku Maru, 255
Hokkaido, 22–23, 133
Holland, 33, 42
Hollandia, 153
Holmes, Jasper, 106–7, 109
homesickness, 291
“honey dipper,” 284
Hong Kong, 24, 25, 38, 259, 286, 292, 294
Honshu, 11, 22–23, 174, 193, 202, 230
Hoover, Herbert, 303
Horaizan Maru, 169
Hornet, 61, 63, 86–87
hospital ships, 108, 304, 307–10
Hot Springs, Va., 283
Houston, sinking of, 306
Hranek, Joseph, 159–60
Hugh L. Scott, 235–36
Hunt, Richard, Jr., prison mistreatment and death of, 286–89
I-168, 65
IBM machines, 88
Icefish, 259–62
Ichi, Ni, and San (One, Two, and Three) prison barracks, 274, 284
Imel, Norman, 314
impulse bubbles, 120
inclinometer, 206
Independence Day, 188–89, 197
India, 24, 37, 67
Indochina, 2, 24, 25, 173
intelligence collection:
by Japan, 11–12, 197
by U.S., 59, 61, 116, 202
see also communications intelligence; encryption
interrogation, of Tang prisoners, 282–83, 289
Intrepid, 222
“Ironbottom Sound,” 87, 88, 194
iron ore, 187
expansionism of, 24
submarine losses of, 316
in “unholy alliance,” 25
Iwo Jima, 296, 297
Jane’s Fighting Ships, 283
aircraft industry of, 22, 25
air strikes on, 286, 293–95
anger and hatred toward, 5, 44, 132, 198
declining strength of, 203–4, 220–21
defensive perimeter of, 11, 26, 39, 59, 61, 165
dependence on merchant fleet of, 3, 23–25, 37, 39, 91, 177, 203, 316
early dominance of, 2–3, 33, 37–39, 59
expansionist policy of, 24–26
failed antisubmarine measures of, 178–79
geographic and economic vulnerability of, 3, 22–26, 177
islands of, 22–23
military buildup of, 137, 316
population density of, 22–23
primitive transportation system of, 22–23
as slow to embrace technology, 177–78
strategic errors of, 3, 26, 42, 60–61, 62–63, 88, 91, 177–79, 194, 221, 316
surrender of, 299–300
underestimation of, 39, 144
in “unholy alliance,” 25
U.S. as ally of, 314
U.S. drive toward, 137–38
Westernization of, 24
Japan, Sea of, 131
Japanese language, as taught to prisoners, 284
jaundice, 300, 305, 309–10
Java, 38–39, 255, 293, 306
Java Sea, Battle of, 38–39
Jews, 20
bias against, 4
JN-25 operational code, 104–6
Johnston, 224
Johnston Island, 69
Johore Maru, sinking of, 99
Jones, Sidney, 143, 145–46, 173, 176, 179–80, 189, 190, 242
Joshu Go, sinking of, 207–8
jungles, 87, 116, 203
junks, Chinese, 268
Junyo, 196
Junyo Maru, sinking of, 255
Kaga, 64–66
Kahili, 90, 281
kamikaze attacks, 225, 257
Kanze, Robert, 157–58
Kawasaki, 28
Kazan Maru, sinking of, 98–99, 164
Keegan, Tom, 44, 77, 91, 116
Kellogg, Frank,
Kennedy, Marvin “Pinky,” tensions between O’Kane and, 126–29, 130, 180, 182, 192, 241, 317
Kennichi Maru, sinking of, 182
Kiirun, Formosa, 209, 271
“Kiirun Clink,” 271
Kikusui Maru, sinking of, 261
Kimikawa Maru, sinking of, 259–60
Kimmel, Husband, 20, 106
Kimmel, Manning, 20, 193
King, Ernest, 19, 41, 86
Kingfisher floatplanes, 156–57, 159–60
Kirkpatrick, Donald, Jr., 161
Kitamura, Kazue, 276, 314
Kitamura, Sueharu (“the Quack”; “the Butcher”):
brutality and sadism of, 276–77, 280–81, 282, 314
conviction, commuted sentence and clemency for, 314
Hunt’s mistreatment and death under, 286–89
klaxon, 8, 27, 49, 77, 142
Kleinschmidt stills, 174
Kobe, Japan, 22, 28, 175, 272–73, 294
Kodak Medalist 620, 52
Kodiak, 69
Kofuko Maru, 163
Kokuryu Maru, sinking of, 261
Konoe Fumimaro, 91
Konron Maru, sinking of, 132
Korea, 24, 132, 183, 185–86, 302, 316
Kori Go, 211
Koshiki Islands, 175
Kossler, Herman, 196
Ko-To Island, 185, 186
Kroth, Richard, 172, 176
Kuril Islands, 106
Kurita, Takao, 222–25
Kwajalein, 137, 138, 153
Kyushu, 22, 57, 174, 230
Landrum, Denny, 306
Langley, 159
Lanphier, Thomas, Jr., 90–91
La Perouse Strait, 133
Larson, Paul, 206
in Tang explosion, 248–49, 250
Layton, Edwin, 88–89, 106
Leach, Gilbert, 85
League of Nations, Japan in, 24
Legion of Merit, 230, 313
Leibold, William “Boats,” 173, 176, 179–80, 189, 207, 210, 215, 278
postwar experience of, 313, 314
as prisoner of war, 269–70, 273, 280, 286–89, 305, 308, 310–11
in Tang explosion, 232–33, 242–43, 249–50
Leigh, Charles, 164–65
Lenahan, James, 158
Letter of Commendation, 263
Lewis, Robert, 298
Lexington, 222
sinking of, 59–60
Leyte, 205, 221, 222, 223
Leyte Gulf, Battle of, 221–25
Life, 172
Lindbergh, Charles, 20
Lipes, Wheeler, 47
Litchfield, 124
“Little Boy” bomb, 297–98
Livingston, James, 159
Lockheed P-38 Lightning fighter planes, 90, 277
Lockwood, Charles, Jr. “Uncle Charlie”:
as architect and commander of U.S. submarine warfare, 33–34, 38–41, 73, 107, 114–15, 120, 131, 133, 201–2, 204, 217, 256, 278–79, 300, 309–10, 313
background of, 34–35
torpedo failures investigated by, 68–69
Japanese, 30, 59, 88, 91, 103, 120, 143, 169, 182, 189–90, 196, 197, 221, 225, 256–58, 261–63, 276
U.S., 34, 37–39, 59, 62, 70, 74, 88, 91, 124, 138, 154, 178, 197, 224
see also fatalities; specific vessels
Lucky Bag (yearbook), 19, 74, 102
Luzon, 20
Luzon Strait, 195, 204, 223, 255, 259
MacArthur, Douglas, 38, 39, 130, 132, 153, 203, 221, 253, 256, 286, 303–4, 314
McCann Submarine Rescue Chamber, 6
McClintock, David, 221
MacDonough, 102
McFadden, Ralph, 199
McMahon, Bernard Francis “Great White Father”:
appearance and personality of, 58
education of, 58
as skipper of Drum, ix, 57–58, 70–71, 101, 192–93
success record of, 101, 193
as warm and relaxed, 58
Maher, Arthur, 306–7
Majuro, 138, 153, 192
malaria, 87, 203, 253
Malaya, 2, 24, 33
Malay Barrier, 37, 39
malnutrition and starvation, 264
of prisoners, 275, 285–86, 288, 290, 295, 305, 308
Malone, Eugene, 57, 75, 86, 92, 114–17, 120–22, 162–65, 167, 169, 201, 218
Manchuria, 20, 26, 203
Japanese control of, 24, 25, 298
maneuvering room, 7
Manila, 38, 39, 204, 253, 254, 259
man-overboard maneuver, 155
Mare Island Navy Yard, 6, 130, 155, 192, 217–18
Tang’s proposed refit and recreation at, 204, 214–15, 231
Marianas, 137–38, 144, 163, 164, 174, 178, 194, 205
Japanese control of, 37, 39, 40
as Japan’s last hope, 165
U.S. invasion of, 195–97, 217, 220, 256
Marines, U.S., 37, 62, 156–57, 200, 277, 303
Mark 14 torpedoes, 28–29
Marshall Islands, 39, 125, 137–39, 152, 153, 165, 194, 203, 205
“maru code,” 107, 316
Maryland, 48
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 73
Massachusetts Nautical School, 44
MATA-30 (convoy), 254, 259–60
Matsumoto Maru, 212–14, 232, 241
Matter, Alfred, 158
Mavis flying boat, 169
Maya, 222
Mayrant, 205
Medal of Honor, 281, 303, 313, 317
medical procedures:
creativity in, 47, 50, 206
on hospital ships, 307–9
at Ofuna, 286–89
on submarines, 10, 15, 45–54, 199, 229
megaphones, 220
Meiu Maru, 109
merchant fleet, Japanese:
collapse of, 219, 257
dependence on, 3, 23–25, 37, 39
“maru code” for, 107
military value and importance of, 40–41
as submarine target, 3, 39, 40
Merthiolate, 51
mess, 7
methanol, 257
Mexican good luck coin, 76
Meyer, Donald, 253, 265–67
Meyer, John, 198
mice, 81–82, 84
Micronesia, 137
Midway, Battle of, 60–67, 86, 87, 116, 137, 153, 195, 221
as decisive, 67
Japan’s strategy for, 61
Nimitz’s strategy for, 61–62
Midway Island, 10, 15, 26, 59, 106, 125, 153
naval base at, 69, 202, 206, 230, 278
Mikage Maru No. 18, sinking of, 168
Mikuma, 66
Milne Bay, 164, 165
Mindanao, 195
Missouri, 304
Mitchel Field, 10
Mitscher, Marc, 161, 196
Mitsubishi, 22, 25, 176
Mitsubishi G4M Betty bombers, 89–90
Mizuho, sinking of, 28–30, 58, 126
Mogami, 66
Moji, Japan, 184
Molotov cocktails, 130
Momsen, Charles, 6
Momsen lung, 6, 47, 243–45, 248
Moore, Tom, 45–54, 165
American, 34, 42, 68, 69, 317
on Drum, 30, 70–71
Japanese, 59, 88–89
of prisoners, 293, 305, 308
on Silversides, 17
in Tang explosion, 246, 248
morphine, 229
Morse code, 54, 125, 220
Morton, Doug, 130
Morton, Dudley “Mush”; “Mushmouth,” 18, 124, 127, 136, 174, 192–93
accomplishments of, 129–30, 132
appearance and personality of, 128
death of, 133, 313
health issues of, 131
instability of, 129, 131–32
and O’Kane, 124, 129–30, 133, 148, 152, 173, 202, 214, 241
popularity of, 128, 132
nbsp; reckless and aggressive tactics of, 128–29, 131–33
as skipper of Wahoo, 128–33, 172
success record of, 133, 189–90, 193
Mount Fuji, 304
Mumma, Morton, Jr., 103
Murphy, John, 66–67
Musashi, sinking of, 222
camaraderie in, 44–45, 122
Coye’s background in, 73–74
Mussau Island, 96
Nagano, Osami, 256
Nagara, 64
Nagasaki, Japan, 173, 176, 180
atomic bomb dropped on, 298
Nagoya, Japan, 18, 22, 27, 58, 165, 273, 294
Nagoya Maru, 110
Nagumo, Chuici, 62–65
Nansei Shoto, 174, 175
Narowanski, Pete:
as prisoner of war, 269, 277, 285, 305
in Tang explosion, 235–37, 246–48
Nasusan Maru, sinking of, 182
Natsumoro, Chono, 199–200
Nauman, Harley, 226–29
Nauru, 138
Nautilus, 66, 139
Naval Academy, U.S., at Annapolis, 2, 3–4, 19, 34, 43, 44, 58, 68, 74, 92, 101–2, 106, 125, 128, 140, 164, 263
Naval Personnel Bureau, 102
Navy, Japanese:
decline of, 25, 220–21
intelligence division of, 282
nonregistered prisoners as outside official domain of, 273, 274, 279
Navy, U.S., 25, 62, 303–4
submarine force in, 39–40
Navy Code Box, 19
Navy Commendation Medal, 313
Navy Cross, 19, 160, 204, 230, 263, 313
Navy Regulations, 128
Nelson, Robert, 159
Nevada, 205
New Britain, 2
New Caledonia, 67, 115
New Guinea, 2, 37, 39, 59, 70, 72, 77, 96, 116, 137, 153, 164, 165
New Ireland, 92, 282
New York, 218
New York Times, 10, 24, 87, 172, 279, 293, 302, 310
Nicholas, Nicholas, 20, 31, 70–71
Nichols, John, as skipper of Silversides, 230
Nichols, Keith, 163
Nikkin Maru, sinking of, 184–85
Nimitz, Chester, 39, 41, 87–89, 133, 144, 152, 203, 204, 221, 278, 300, 304, 313
Midway strategy of, 61–62
on Rice, 58
Normandy, storming of, 171, 205
Norquist, Ernest, 291, 292–95, 297, 301
North Africa, 70
North Carolina, 156–59, 222
northern force (Japanese), 221, 223, 225
novocaine, 51–52
Oahu, 65, 107
officers’ country, 7
“Ofuna Crouch,” 276
Ofuna Naval Interrogation Center:
brutal and sadistic treatment at, 274–90, 308
daily routine at, 283–84
physical conditions at, 274, 285, 288
rations at, 274–75, 278, 284, 288, 290
as secret and nonregistered prison, 274–75, 279
oil, Japan’s wartime need for, 23–25, 257
Oita Maru, sinking of, 208–9
O’Kane, Ernestine, 310, 313
O’Kane, Marsha, 313
O’Kane, Richard Hetherington:
aggressiveness of, 135, 202, 278
appearance and personality of, 125