One E-mail: (BBW Romance) (One Soldier Series)

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One E-mail: (BBW Romance) (One Soldier Series) Page 1

by Lovell, Christin

  One E-mail

  One Soldier Series

  Christin Lovell


  One Soldier Series

  Copyright © 2014 by Christin M Lovell

  US Army logo is copyrighted to the © United States Army.


  This book may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

  All characters and storylines are the property of the author and your support and respect is appreciated. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  To all those who serve, and have served, thank you. Your efforts will never be forgotten.


  1 Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.

  2 He is my loving God and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield, in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples under me.

  - Psalm 144:1-2



  It started with one e-mail.

  Madelyn Maxlyn sent one e-mail to the most feminine-sounding name on the list of soldier contacts her book club president managed to get. SFC Taylor Russell was the recipient.

  They exchanged seventy-seven e-mails in five months, and somewhere among those seventy-seven, they stopped exchanging words and began sharing pieces of themselves.

  Taylor is returning home from war, and it’s time that they meet and discover if a soldier with two years left on his contract with the army, and a plus size woman who has an entire life hundreds of miles away from his home, have a chance at a future together.

  Love doesn’t care about obstacles and risks, but surviving them isn’t always easy.



  I never knew that one e-mail could change a life, but it changed mine…

  One E-mail

  Chapter One

  From: [email protected]

  To: [email protected]

  Sent: February 11, 2014 12:52pm

  Subject: Thanks For Your Service

  SFC Taylor Russell,

  My fingers are crossed and prayers are going up that you’re a woman.

  What an intro, right? I’m hoping your years of service haven’t killed your humor. If they have though, feel free not to laugh.

  See, my book club, full of single women begging for the next Fifty Shades phenom to hit their palms, thought it would be a great idea to write single soldiers in hopes of finding love. I’m not okay with that. The last thing a soldier needs, in my humble opinion, is a group of persistent and saucy Sallies chasing them from across the pond under the false pretense of gratitude.

  So, I chose you. Because you had the most feminine-sounding name on the list of e-mail addresses Sandra somehow got her paws on. And perhaps that makes me as insensitive as them, but I wanted to offer my genuine thanks to a soldier without grappling for more. You owe us nothing and yet you give us everything.

  I couldn’t imagine leaving the little family I have behind. I couldn’t imagine having to wait a year to watch the newest season of my favorite TV show. I couldn’t imagine not having the common conveniences that I do. And I don’t have to because of you. You’ve sacrificed it all so that I don’t have to, and, for that, I’m eternally grateful.

  If there’s anything I can do to help you, to return the immense favor you’ve done for our country, please let me know. No PMS craving is too small.

  Keep your head up, your rear covered and your heart protected.


  Madelyn Maxlyn, A curvy fashionista with a penchant for book boyfriends.

  P.S. Feel free to plot revenge against the devilish six remaining in my book club. I will be happy to help execute it upon your return to the US.

  Chapter Two

  From: [email protected]

  To: [email protected]

  Sent: February 16, 2014 1:14am

  Subject: RE: Thanks For Your Service

  Hi Madelyn,

  It took me some time to decide how I wanted to respond. Like you, I don’t agree with what your friends have set out to do, but it happens more often than you’d think. We all receive a letter from at least one uniform bunny at some point during our service. They’re easy to spot and even harder to deter than a group of hopeful women hopped up on fictional dreams.

  I appreciate your morals as much as you appreciate my service.

  If you’re feeling generous, chocolate is always welcome. Baked chocolate is best because it doesn’t melt (as easily) in the desert heat. My address is at the bottom. For the safety of my fellow soldiers and myself though, please don’t share it.

  In the meantime, I’ll be passing my time here by plotting the best book club revenge I can muster.


  SFC Taylor Russell

  Chapter Three

  From: [email protected]

  To: [email protected]

  Sent: February 20, 2014 11:43am

  Subject: RE: Re: Thanks For Your Service

  Hi Taylor,

  Update: Four out of the six other women in my book club have received a response from their soldiers. Here are the stats: One has a girlfriend. Two are about to have their e-mails read publicly to analyze their boyfriend potential. And the final one might as well have sent a form letter. Sandra was mega depressed because the soldier she chose sent her a one-line e-mail saying ‘Thanks for your support.’ She was the organizer of this deceitful party and is disappointed she couldn’t show us how it’s done, as if procuring a soldier is a sport. She’s been sulking ever since she received those four words rather than rejoicing that the soldier she chose is still alive.

  By the way, don’t worry; I protected you. I told them you didn’t respond to me. That might bite me in the butt later, but I’ve got a lot of cushion in that department. It shouldn’t hurt too badly.

  I live in Orlando, Florida. I know what you mean about desert heat. It is hot, humid and hellish year-round. No chocolate is safe, even in “winter,” from the sun. Your first chocolate package went out. Let me know when you receive it so I know how long an item will have to be protected before arrival. I would hate to send something that should be eaten within a week if it takes two to get there. As a woman, I can only imagine not having chocolate at the peak of a craving. When are you set to return stateside? I’ll send you a fresh batch of something good regularly until then.

  Feel free to share your revenge ideas. I feel so terrible for the other soldiers these women have contacted. Best friends or not, they’re sitting in the heat alone on this one.

  Take care.


  Chapter Four

  From: [email protected]

  To: [email protected]

  Sent: March 4, 2014 5:26pm

  Subject: RE: Re: Re: Thanks For Your Service

  Hi Madelyn,

  I received your package an hour ago and it’s already gone. The moment the lid came off the tin I was practically jumped. I’ve never been that popular. Truth is, I’m a bit of a hard ass. Being a soldier for over a decade takes it toll on the best of us. The line between reality and fiction begins to blur. Worse, the more time I spend away from home, the more living in a war zone feels like reality, and the more my life back in Kentucky feels like fiction. Sometimes I swear my childhood on th
e farm was just a dream.

  But that’s what every soldier signs up for on some level. If Sandra experienced my reality for even a day, she would probably be happy she even received the response she did. All women can’t be like you though, I guess.

  I told Grayson about you. We’re partnered to do sweeps a lot. He said you sound like a great girl. He may have asked for your e-mail address. But, don’t worry; I protected you. It’s the least I can do. I don’t think I can handle another uniform bunny.

  I’m not set to return home until July. Feel free to send more chocolate anytime. I’ve always had a sweet tooth.


  Chapter Five

  From: [email protected]

  To: [email protected]

  Sent: March 6, 2014 10:19am

  Subject: RE: Re: Re: Re: Thanks For Your Service

  Hi Taylor,

  A farm? You’re definitely tougher than me. I’m a city girl through and through. I prefer sunsets to sunrises, Starbucks to home brewed, and department stores to boutiques. I suppose I could have a Green Acres moment and move to the country if I found the right guy, but I’m nearly thirty and he’s yet to make an appearance, so I won’t hold my breath. Although, I will admit that most any man looks better in a pair of tight Wranglers, boots and a cowboy hat. Throw in a sexy Southern drawl and he’d have my panties off in a minute. Funny how country boys are always more appealing than city boys, right?

  Speaking of sexy cowboys, that’s what Sandra has talked us into reading about this week. That might be why I’m so hot on the subject. And, our ringleader also e-mailed another soldier on the list I’m now convinced she stole.

  BTW, how is that revenge plot coming along? I’m attaching a picture of our book club so you know who you’re working against. We’re all a little rough as we had read two erotic ménage titles that week and finished off four large bottles of wine collectively before Amber’s mom discovered us and took the photo. I’m the one in the dark grey sweatpants, white tank top, messy dark brown hair pulled in a high bun, and glasses, in case you were wondering whom you’d been conspiring with. As you can see, we all get really comfortable for our book club meetings, unless an author is making an appearance.

  I’ve mailed another package to you. We all have our good days and our bad days, but none of my bad could ever compare to yours. Words will never be enough to express my gratitude. If you ever decide to visit Mickey Mouse, I’d be more than happy to buy you a round at the bar. It’s the least I can do. That’s how I chase away my bad days: packages of chocolate and a glass…or four…of wine. Best combo on the planet!

  Keep your head up, Tay!


  Chapter Six

  From: [email protected]

  To: [email protected]

  Sent: March 8, 2014 1:24am

  Subject: RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thanks For Your Service

  Hi Maddie,

  I’m a beer person. In the country, we chase our bad days away with an ice-cold beer and a lot of sex. But, I don’t swing the way you think I do. I’ve yet to find a single cowboy attractive. I don’t like to claim labels, but I will claim that one. I suppose, in a round about way, I can see the appeal they have to most women though.

  A lot of the uniform bunnies chase us after reading about a soldier falling in love from afar in a book. It’s a blessing and a curse that books have so much influence over society. I think it’s great that you read so much, but be careful all those book boys don’t go to your head. No man can live up to a fictional fantasy.

  Just a heads up, I’ll be out of contact for at least a week. This one’s top secret so I can’t divulge anything. I’ll message you when I return safely though.

  Take care, sweetie.


  Chapter Seven

  From: [email protected]

  To: [email protected]

  Sent: March 15, 2014 7:43am

  Subject: RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thanks For Your Service

  Hi Tay,

  Not sure if the timestamp will show up on this e-mail for you, but it’s early, way earlier than a city girl should be awake on a Saturday. If this is a glimpse at what your family is going through, it’s not a joy ride. I’ve never had that personal connection with a soldier before. While the mentioned loss of one in the news is sad, it hasn’t affected me the way your absence has this past week. It’s got me worried sick. I couldn’t even drink my Starbucks iced coffee. (Anyone who knows me will tell you it’s serious then.)

  My fingers are crossed and prayers are going up that you and all the other soldiers on your special mission return safely. Sweet cherry pie, you’re going to give me greys and I’m straight as a nail! Who knew you could care so much about someone you’ve never met and never plan to date?

  I’m off to bury my nose in a good book, preferably one without a military love theme. One positive about this week? I’ve lost five pounds. I don’t know whether to thank you or curse you for filth. Lol

  Can’t wait to hear that you’re alive and well.


  Chapter Eight

  From: [email protected]

  To: [email protected]

  Sent: March 17, 2014 11:58pm

  Subject: RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thanks For Your Service

  Hi Maddie,

  It was nice to return to your package on my sleeping bag and your e-mail in my inbox. I hope you didn’t age too much or lose too many of your curves while I was gone. It was a hard mission with a few losses. There are days where experience helps, but others where it does nothing. This is one of those times when it does nothing. You never get used to death surrounding you.

  Distract me, please.


  Chapter Nine

  From: [email protected]

  To: [email protected]

  Sent: March 18, 2014 10:47am

  Subject: RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thanks For Your Service

  Your last e-mail broke my heart. I imagine a big heartfelt sorry wouldn’t make you feel better either. If I were there, I would squeeze you like a mama bear squeezes a honey pot. We all need a hug sometimes, and a good laugh at others. I’ll do my best to provide the laugh portion with a BC update.

  Soldier Letter Updates:

  The one who has a girlfriend is getting quite flirty in his e-mails, and continues to e-mail period, despite having a girlfriend. That’s not suspicious. (Yup. I just rolled my eyes.)

  Of the two whose e-mails were made public, one has dropped off the planet and the other one has been chummy but distant. It’s driving Amber crazy. She’s treating him like a locked safe she has to crack.

  Sandra, with her conniving curves, has managed to wrangle a soldier – the second time around I’ll remind you – who is either desperate or a big flirt. I haven’t decided. She’s been reading parts of their e-mails, claiming the others are too steamy to share…to a group that reads erotic ménages and discusses them openly, sex scenes and all.

  Yeah, I don’t get that one either. Lol

  One of the two who hadn’t responded as of my last update did finally write. He’s married, but Lucy has made the best of it. She’s actually begun talking to his wife. The new conspiracy gossip in our tight circle is that, since we read so many ménages, why couldn’t Lucy, her soldier and his wife have one? I’ll admit; she’s the best looking one in our group. (She’s the tall, slender brunette with a rack most men - and women - would kill for.) But, while most men I’ve met would jump at the chance for a threesome with two women, most women wouldn’t. So, I’m not holding my breath.

  While I read a lot of ménage romances, truthfully, I think one man would be plenty for me. What woman wants twice as much laundry, twice as many dishes to clean, and twice as many sex drives to satisfy? Perhaps that’s my issue though. I haven’t found a man to rev my engine like my book boyfriends do.
r />   One day, Tay. One day, you will get your luscious lady and I’ll get my handsome hottie.

  Until then, keep your head up, your butt covered and your inbox open. I don’t think I could survive that long again. I nearly shredded my Starbucks card. Thank God I work from home. I look frightening without coffee.



  Chapter Ten

  From: [email protected]

  To: [email protected]

  Sent: March 20, 2014 9:57pm

  Subject: RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thanks For Your Service

  You definitely distracted me. Grayson too.

  One thing I want to make clear before we continue though is that I am a man. Not a woman or a lesbian. And I like you, Maddie. I like you a lot. I hope this bit of information doesn’t change anything for you.

  Take care.



  Chapter Eleven

  From: [email protected]

  To: [email protected]

  Sent: March 27, 2014 10:18pm

  Subject: RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thanks For Your Service

  If I’m honest, in my heart of hearts, I think I already knew that. I wanted you to be something that you’re not, but that was wrong of me. You can’t change who you are or the fact that your parents gave you a name that is unisex.

  I’ve had to do a lot of soul searching this week. I’ve made a minimum of three Starbucks runs a day and have made only one blog post and completed one journalism assignment. You’ve distracted me now!

  Originally, I was only looking for a penpal. But then you replied to me, and within the first couple e-mails, I kept thinking you would make a great friend. But then I started sharing little snippets I don’t even share with my best friends, and that made you different. I even worried momentarily that I had switched teams, believing you were a woman.


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