One E-mail: (BBW Romance) (One Soldier Series)

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One E-mail: (BBW Romance) (One Soldier Series) Page 2

by Lovell, Christin

  But now I can see this for what it is; and by this, I mean our connection.

  I suppose in my very roundabout way, what I’m trying to say is I like you too, Tay. I enjoy our e-mails and I enjoy you. And I enjoy the fact that you’ve seen a pic of me at my not-so-best and you’re still saying that.

  So, I raise my cup of iced coffee to whatever this is and whatever this becomes.

  Stay safe. Stay sweet. Stay sexy, because I just know that you are.



  Chapter Twelve

  From: [email protected]

  To: [email protected]

  Sent: March 29, 2014 6:17am

  Subject: RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thanks For Your Service

  You had me sweating bullets over here. I’ve snapped at every soldier sharing cover with me a minimum of three times this past week. They’ve been ready to cast me out and make me sleep in the dirt under the stars, Grayson included. It was even worse when I received another package from you. I nearly cried into the tin of cookies.

  Not really. But you did have me worried. It’s hell not being there. I wouldn’t have thought twice about driving down and demanding an answer in person. You were saved by the Army’s ownership of me.

  You’ve never told me what you do. For all you’ve told me, I don’t know that much about you, and I want to know everything.

  Can’t wait to hear from you, beautiful girl.



  Chapter Thirteen

  From: [email protected]

  To: [email protected]

  Sent: April 2, 2014 3:28pm

  Subject: RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thanks For Your Service

  That last line had me melting. It was better than any of my book boyfriends have delivered and made my day.

  As for me, where do I even begin? We could do the whole profile stats bit or I could summarize my life story. I’ve never been put on the spot like this. Lol

  Okay. So, I am a single child to a single mother who drops by unannounced regularly. I love my mom dearly, but she’s obsessed with me; the obsessive part really shows when you learn how many blind dates she’s set me up on. I had to put my foot down for good last year. She was getting out of hand. But I absolutely adore her. I can talk to her about nearly anything without fear of judgment. She’s always been a safe haven and someone I look up to.

  Seeing her work endlessly to provide for us gave me a strong drive. It’s why I’m so dedicated to working where I am. I have my own plus size fashion blog and I write articles for a popular women’s website. I get to do what I love – writing – from the comfort of my own home – well, apartment - in my pajamas if I want. Better, when I finally do have a family of my own, I won’t have to miss out on so many of the things my own mother did. This gives me the best of both worlds.

  My favorite color is teal, my favorite food is Mexican, specifically enchiladas, and I listen to a little of everything when it comes to music. I enjoy action movies, girlie TV shows like Hart of Dixie, and I have spent half of my life with my nose in a book.

  Now it’s your turn. Tell me all about SFC Taylor Russell and what makes him tick.

  Can’t wait to hear from you.



  Chapter Fourteen

  From: [email protected]

  To: [email protected]

  Sent: April 4, 2014 6:19am

  Subject: RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thanks For Your Service

  I got another package from you yesterday. I was not expecting that one. How long did it take you to bake all of those? The guys almost forgave me for being such a dick with that dessert buffet. Everything tasted amazing!

  My mom has never been a baker. She’s great at the motherly stuff, but only outside of the kitchen. We grew up fending for ourselves food wise most nights. In some ways, that prepared me for the Army at a young age. We can go days without a meal when we’re on missions. It’s why I have her send me endless pounds of jerky and protein bars. It’s what we live off of between mess hall trips.

  Myself and ten others are stationed at a small building just outside the city with limited power. Sandstorms tend to knock out the electricity fairly easily, which makes our tiny college-dorm sized fridge useless. And while we have a coffee maker, we don’t always have coffee, so that’s pretty useless too.

  I didn’t grow up with a lot though. My parents are third generation dairy farmers. We have hundreds of cows, chickens and goats across over ninety acres of property. While we always had milk, eggs and cheese growing up, there were many times when we didn’t have much else. Like most industries, farming and ranching - of any kind - has its good years and bad years. I can’t complain though. We always had the basics and never went hungry.

  I have three brothers that drove me crazy growing up. I’m the second oldest. My older brother, Travis, put me through hell and my younger brothers pestered the shit out of me. I couldn’t wait to get away. When the recruiter came around to our high school when I was sixteen, I signed up to be contacted. On my eighteenth birthday, I enlisted. Less than a month later I was on my way to basic training. I’ve been in the Army now for ten years. This is my sixth tour. I’ve got two years left on my contract and I think I’m done after that. You’ve got me thinking about something other than the military for the first time since high school. My mom will love you for that. She still hates that I ever joined.

  My favorite color is green and my favorite food is steak; I like action movies too, listen to mainly rock music and, believe it or not, I read on occasion. I stick to mystery and thriller books without the mush though.

  Damn. I haven’t written this much since high school. You’ve got me breaking my mold.

  Take care, beautiful girl.



  Chapter Fifteen

  Three Months Later


  My heart pounded in my chest. My palms refused to stop sweating. I was a fat girl in summer, swollen from the three-hour flight to the closest Kentucky airport and sweating faster than a greasy burger on a hot grill.

  It all happened so fast. Six months ago I didn’t even know who Sergeant First Class Taylor Russell was. Now, I couldn’t function without knowing he was alright. There were many days I simply stared at my inbox, impatiently waiting for his e-mail to calm my worried soul, to assure me that, despite being in a political war zone halfway across the world, he was okay. His e-mail meant that I could carry on a few more days without buckling under the fear. Each one carried me through to now.

  My flight landed six minutes ago, a little more than twenty-four hours after he arrived home. He knew what I looked like from that one lone picture I’d sent, but I didn’t know who I was looking for. He was always so coy. He was open, yet remained a mystery on many levels, which only made him more attractive.

  My stomach knotted tighter as I glanced down at my ensemble. I wore thin, stretchy, light-wash skinny jeans, neon coral sandals with touches of yellow gold that buckled around my puffy ankles, a white tank top, simple yellow gold stud earrings, a delicate necklace and a light-handed brush of make-up to even out my skin tone. I’d considered getting a prescription for contacts this past month, the length of time I’d known about this trip, but decided against it. This was me. I had unruly dark brown hair, extra curvy curves, nerdy glasses, a penchant for book boyfriends, and now, a penchant for a certain military man. Taylor brightened my days. He meant more to me than I ever anticipated. And that drove my nerves sky-high.

  I blew out a steady breath, clutching tightly to my oversized purse as I stepped into line with the other passengers, steadily strolling down the exit ramp. The moment I crossed the threshold into the airport, my heart rate doubled.

  Conversations blurred together; no one color, no one vendor and no one passenger stood
out in the crowd. They weren’t who I’d waited months to see. They weren’t the one I’d anxiously waited to hear had returned home safely. Every time he went out on a mission, every time he didn’t write to me for a few days, I worried; my body clammed up in fear, like it was doing now.

  He’d already seen me. He knew I had plenty of excess sexiness, he knew I wore glasses, and he knew I had quirks; he knew everything I might have been embarrassed by, yet it didn’t matter. I was still shaking. My heart was still thundering in my chest, banging against my rib cage and knocking every breath I took short.

  Because he knew all of those things and wanted me anyways.

  Because I hoped I still wanted him too after seeing him.

  Chemistry is a funny thing. Connections don’t always carry over.

  And I wanted it to. I wanted to want him. I prayed my heart felt the same. I longed to melt into him and have my body resonate his arms as its new home.

  I blew out a shuddering breath and trudged forward, moving with the crowd towards the baggage claim, where I would meet my soldier for the very first time.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I glared at my younger brother. He was twenty-two years of annoying as he stood beside me, hands shoved casually into his jean pockets. “You really didn’t need to tag along, Tater Tot.” I couldn’t resist the jab.

  Tate rolled his eyes at my childish tease. “I’m here as a favor to mom. I told her I’d check this girl out; you know, make sure she’s not a psycho before you bring her into our home.”

  I glowered at him, getting little more than a chuckle in response from him.

  “Ten years into adulthood and she still treats you like an irresponsible teenager.” He was enjoying this.

  It did me no good to argue with him. Every soldier knew when to pull back.

  “Be glad there’s only one of her,” he continued.

  I grunted, but, again, said nothing.

  I folded my arms over my chest, fighting the urge to pace. Tate’s presence was only adding to my nerves. This meeting was months in the making. I’d e-mailed Maddie every chance I got while overseas. Once, I’d even walked two hours to another camp to access the Internet. She was an addiction. There was something in her tone, something in the way she wrote to me that was alluring and comforting, in the best and in the worst of my time away.

  She - her e-mails - kept me hanging on. I fought to stay alive to read another one, and to write another one. There was something about the woman herself that drew me in and had me obsessing like an idiot over what I’d written, especially when she didn’t respond quickly. No other woman had that affect on me. Only her.

  I checked my watch again. Her flight had landed fourteen minutes ago.

  Tate snickered. “Damn, bro. It’s that serious?” He threw his hands up in surrender when I snarled at him like a caged animal ready to pounce.

  Every second that passed with him had me wishing I’d flown to see her instead. There was something in me that wanted her to meet my family though. I’d never been this serious about a woman, especially one I hadn’t even met.

  But I’d seen her picture. When I walked to the other camp, I’d discovered they had a printer and printed it out. I handled it every day. She thought she looked rough, but I only saw her beauty: carefree curves, a sexy pout and hair any man would happily thrust his fingers into.

  I studied the horizon, waiting anxiously for a new swarm of passengers to enter the baggage claim. The moment the crowd came into view, I stood taller, stretching to catch a glimpse of her.

  Tate did the same automatically, searching for her. The action irked me. He didn’t even know what she looked like.

  Then I saw her. And nothing else mattered.

  I swallowed hard. My heart picked up its pace, beating faster and harder than it ever had on the battlefield. She was a hell of a lot better than the picture.

  “Huh. I didn’t think you went for big-”

  I elbowed the shit out of Tate. I swore I was going to kill him before the day ended.

  “Fuck, man! I was going to say she’s pretty, for a big girl.”

  I cut my eyes at him. Anger boiled in my veins, burning through me. I spoke through gritted teeth. “You implied a hell of a lot before that.”

  His groans of pain morphed into spurts of laughter. “Oh! She’s got you by the balls, dude.”

  I took a deep breath, praying silently for patience, patience to not bludgeon my own brother, and patience not to drag Maddie and her sweet curves into a dark corner and have my way with her immediately. Fuck. The pressure in my groin was rapidly becoming uncomfortable.

  I cleared my throat, adjusting my jeans before stepping into her line of vision.

  She cocked her head, her hair kissing the lower swell of one breast as she did so. She pointed a finger, raising a questioning brow in my direction. There was something so innocent and sexy about the move, but then again, the woman herself was innocent and sexy.

  I took her in, from her neon pink pedicure to her soft brown eyes and all of her dangerously rounded curves in between. She was more than I ever imagined and yet not in an overwhelming way.

  My flesh tingled and the drive to touch her, to hold her and feel her, took over, forcing me to close the distance between us. I was standing before her in three short strides, gazing straight down at her, directly into her brown depths.

  She blushed, biting back a nervous smile as she looked up at me. “You’re a little bit sexier than I thought you would be.” Her eyes glittered, sparkling as the sun reflected through the windows on her.

  Tate snorted as he moved near me. “Oh, brother.”

  I backhanded him, feeling his presence without confronting him. He couldn’t ruin this. There was nothing he could do to interrupt the current of electricity sizzling between her and me. It was a cheesy romantic comedy moment that had me pining for more.

  I lifted my fingers and trailed the tips down her soft skin below her glasses. Her cheeks flushed beautifully as she unconsciously leaned into my touch. She felt like warm satin. I slid a few strands of her hair across my palm, as I got lost in her. There was nothing rushed about the moment. And, for once, I didn’t feel the need to speed things up, crowd or not, disgruntled brother or not.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I was absorbed in him. He was tall, dark and dreamy. He was a far cry from what I’d set myself up for.

  When he wouldn’t send me a picture of himself, I’d set myself up for a short, skinny weakling, the runt of his pack; someone with a military career but not a military body.

  Damn was I wrong.

  He was at least a foot taller than me with a shaved head and the hottest five o’clock shadow I’d ever seen on a man. His t-shirt grazed his muscles, hinting at the bulk of him; the cords of his arms beyond his sleeves made me wet. I wanted to rip the article off of him and dowse him in water before rubbing myself against him.

  Sweet cherry pie indeed, I would bake for him any day.

  And the chemistry I’d been so concerned about was not only present, but amplified. Somehow attaching this man with the words in the e-mails only made me want him more, only intensified my desire for him. This farm boy turned soldier had brains, wit and sex appeal galore.

  My skin burned where he brushed his against it. I felt suspended in mid-air, frozen in place before him, caught up in the glory of him.

  After what seemed like so long, I was finally here. After what felt like so long, he was finally home. After so long, we were together, and there wasn’t a more perfect moment in time.

  I startled as a bell rang out across the space, breaking the moment. My luggage was about to be dumped onto the conveyor belt, yet I didn’t move.

  “Hi.” His voice was deep, masculine, and seductive enough to make my toes curl.

  “Hi.” I averted my gaze, feeling my cheeks color even more as I breathlessly returned his greeting.

  He crooked a finger beneath my chi
n and lifted my face up to him again. “You’re much prettier in person.” This time I heard his sexy Southern drawl, the one you always imagine a cowboy having.

  I fought back a smile, but lost. “You’re much prettier than my imagination.” I cracked, chuckling. “You don’t even want to know what I was dreaming up for you.”

  He laughed, his face lighting and hazel eyes twinkling. “Now I have to know.”

  “Nah. A girl has to have at least one secret to take to her grave,” I teased.

  He leaned in, lacing his fingers through my hair, raking it back. His palms cradled my head gently, making me feel adored. His breath at my ear sent chills chasing down my spine. “Not if I can help it.” He pressed his lips to my neck tenderly, eliciting a shiver from me. “I want to know all of your secrets, Maddie.”

  My breath hitched. Warmth swarmed my body, pooling low in my stomach.

  I didn’t see the crowd. I didn’t hear the crowd. The others were insignificant in comparison. I only felt him. I only knew he was there.

  …until the man beside him slapped his arm. “Get a room, bro.”

  Taylor straightened, his smile disappearing behind a scowl as he turned. Any man, or woman, in their right mind would back off at the sight of him. When I pictured a hard soldier, this was what flashed in my mind: lips sneering, nose scrunching, eyes piercing, brows furrowed dark and dangerously. He was a fierce warrior you wouldn’t survive.

  I was intimidated, but the guy was not.

  “You should lay off the hot and heavy before we get to mom’s.”

  I frowned. Mom’s?

  Taylor blew out a heavy breath. “Maddie, this inconsiderate asshole is my brother, Tate. He’s like a damn leech I can’t get rid of.”

  Tate gave me a charming smile, only to rile Taylor up more it seemed. “Hey.” He thrust a hand towards me.


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