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Strip Search (Too Hot Too Handle, #3)

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by Valentine, Aubree

  “I think you forget, I’m your employer. What you did was insubordination, and I could fire you,” He threatens with a brow raised, daring me to challenge him.

  Challenge accepted.

  “Bullshit.” I cough into my hand. Standing taller, I continue, “You and I both know you’re not going to fire me. When you finally calm down and pull your head out of your ass, you’ll realize this is the best way to get closer to Dallas. You know...the asshole you’ve been chasing for what, two years now?” I mimic his stance and cross my arms over my own chest, drawing attention to my bust, something that isn’t hard to do with the thin sleep tank I’m wearing. For a moment I see a flicker of something in his gaze, but as usual, he suppresses it quickly. “You’re over-paying me and not allowing me to work to my full potential. I have a master’s in criminology, you’ve been field training me. I know what the fuck I’m doing, Cole.”

  He moves closer to me, so close that I can feel his breath on my skin. I can smell his cologne, a scent that is totally and completely him. Straight to Heaven was aptly named for this man. Sometimes I wonder if he chose that scent, out of thousands, simply to torture women.

  “You lack experience. It’s my job to keep you safe. Not hand you over to a deadly criminal. Your degree means nothing stacked against a man like Dallas. You’re not ready for something like this. Goddamnit! You disobeyed me and as a result, made yourself a target.”

  “Lack of experience? Disobeyed? Interesting choice of words, Cole. You do realize I am not one of your whores? I’m an employee, a member of your team. You equal, like you, preach to us in all those team meetings.” I press my chest against his and stand on my tippy toes, though he still towers over me. “Or was that all for the show. You’re really in charge, and we’re just your minions. We do as you say and nothing more? Is that how this works?”

  The change in his breathing and the tick of his jaw, warn that I’ve pushed too far. But I don’t give a damn. He wants to be an asshole, fine. He’ll get exactly what he deserves.

  I’m not sure what I expect from him next, but it certainly was not his hands on my skin.

  His hands cup my face, so fast that I flinch, even though his touch is gentle. Cole notices right away and compensates by rubbing his thumbs across my cheeks.

  “No,” his voice is sharp at first. “You’re right, you’re not a whore. You’re so much more then you give yourself credit for. And, you are an equal. You know that. Mol, my business wouldn’t be what it is today without you,” he says softly.

  We’re still so close together that I can feel his thickening erection between us. My own heartbeat picks up, and I feel like I’m gasping for air.

  My God, when did he start having this effect on me?

  The closer we began working together, the sparing, the shooting practice when he’d wrap his arms around me to help me perfect my stance. The shoulder squeezes, how he would brush past me at the office. I’ve convinced myself all along that I was imagining the chemistry between us, he was just being kind, but I can feel it clearly now. I’m not imagining this.

  Not wanting this moment to pass, and before I can think twice, I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss his lips. Lips that I’ve longed to kiss for far too long.

  I’ve dreamt of this moment.

  A moment that, however brief, has already exceeded my expectations. Cole’s kiss is sweet, tender, and somewhere in my brain, I expect him to pull away quickly. Yet, he doesn’t. Instead, Cole takes full control and turns it into something so passionate that I feel like I’m crumbling to the ground. And falling head over heels in love with the man, all over again.

  My hands take on a mind of their own, tracing down his arms, across his chest, roaming the hard plains of his body. I have no idea where this will lead, but the minute I fist his shirt in my hands, he pulls back.

  Panting and visibly pissed.

  I know what’s next, and so help me God if he says the words, I’ll kick him right in the nuts.

  “Please. Don’t,” I beg, in a voice not much louder than a whisper.

  Cole looks at me again and runs his fingers through his hair that he’s let grow out a bit more since he retired from the Marines. “Mol–“

  “No,” my voice shakes. I won’t fall apart. I won’t let him destroy me, or at least I won’t let him know he already has.

  “I’m sorry.” He shakes his head. “That should have never happened.”

  Dagger. Straight to the heart.

  “Yeah. You’re right it shouldn’t have happened. I’m not the dirty slut you need.” Every word is laced with venom. “I don’t know what the hell I was thinking. Forget about it.”

  “I’m not the man you need, Molly. You’re just confused. You’ll find someone, but it ain’t me, babe.”

  “No. Nope. You don’t get to do that with me. We’re done.” I keep backing away, building a wall around my heart with each step. “As for business, I got your message loud and clear about the whole situation. The thing is, Cole, you don’t get to dictate my life. I’m going to do what I want to do, with or without you. So, either set it up to give me the protection you think I need or watch me do it all on my own.”

  “Molly,” Cole groans in frustration.

  I have nothing left for him. “We’re done here. Get out. I’ll see you at work on Monday.”

  Chapter Five


  Leaving Molly’s apartment, I’m so worked up that I could break something. I’m eager to go home and pull my little brother Cody out of bed and kick his ass for even thinking that letting Molly step foot in that club was a good idea. But if I do that now, I may seriously hurt the kid. Something I don’t want to do.

  I spent two hours driving around in an attempt to calm down before I went to Molly’s. And now, I’m right back where I started. Except I’ve got a raging hard-on to boot.

  There’s only one fix for this.

  When I hit the red light at the end of Molly’s development, I take a left instead of the right to go back to my place and detour to an old friend’s house. No more than a mile in the opposite direction, I quickly dial the familiar number and wait for her to answer.

  “Tell me your home,” I greet her.

  “Just. Lucky for you,” her sultry voice fills the line.

  “I’ll be there in less than five.” I hit end and throw the phone on the center console.

  It takes me three whole minutes to reach her house. She’s standing in the doorway, a cream-colored silk robe wrapped around her waist, waiting for me as I pull into her driveway. I toss my truck into park and shut it off, pulling the keys from the ignition and making a hasty exit from the cab.

  Jade holds the door open and doesn’t bat an eye as I rush past her like some sort of wild animal.

  “Strip,” I order as soon as I set my keys down. I’m already pulling my own shirt over my head as the command leaves my mouth.

  One pull of the silk ribbon holding together the front of her robe and her naked skin beneath is exposed. Like always, she’s ready for me, anticipating my needs better than anyone else. The robe slithers to the ground leaving her completely exposed before me as I work my way out of the confines of my pants and underwear.

  My cock is throbbing with need.

  “How do you want me?” Jade hums with appreciation as she gives me a once over.

  The condom I pulled from my wallet is already open, and I’m sheathing my length. One look around the room and I decide the quickest way is going to be with her bent over the couch. “There.” I point.

  I’m so worked up, so out of control that I can’t string more than one-word responses together right now.

  Jade leans over and presents herself to me, and I take full advantage. Like the greedy asshole that I am, I line up my cock and don’t even check to see if she’s ready for me. Hands on her hips, I shove myself all the way inside her. She’s already wet. I try not to overthink that realization as I pull back and slam into her again.

She was probably out with someone else tonight. Another one of her fuck toys. Walking in the door when I called. I think of Molly and the fact that this could be her right now. She wouldn’t be soaked from someone else. It would be mine. All mine. And I would own her heart and soul.

  If only I could let myself.

  Anger spurs me on as I fuck Jade harder. Something she’s always enjoyed. Her moans of pleasure, our skin smacking together, echoes around the room as I feel my balls begin to tighten. I know by the way she’s pushing back against me that she’s ready too.

  “Cum,” I bark at her as I slam inside her again and slap her ass.

  Jade screams out in pleasure, milking me as my cock explodes.

  “Holy fuck,” she sighs the minute I pull out and tug off the condom. “That was pretty intense. Even for you.”

  “Sorry,” I apologize as I pull on my boxers.

  “Don’t get me wrong, Cole, I don’t mind at all. But, don’t you think you would be better satisfied if you were with her, instead of imagining I’m her?”

  “Jade,” I warn as I slump down on her couch in defeat.

  She’s right. I probably would be. And this is the problem you run into with a fuck buddy. Or at least a fuck buddy who is as awesome as Jade.

  Not exactly fair to Jade to fuck her and pretend she’s someone else, but...she knows the score. I haven’t always pictured Molly when Jade and I are together either – that’s a more recent change, which only makes me feel slightly better about this fucked up situation.

  Jade wraps back up in her robe and sits next to me on the couch. “Would it really be so bad, Cole? She’s a great woman. And you know she’s in love with you.”

  “She can’t be.” I snap. “She can’t love me. That’s not how this works.”

  “Oh, you foolish man. That’s exactly how this works. She loves you, you let her in to love you, and you return that love.” Jade turns toward me and places her hand on my cheek. “Cole, you’re not unlovable, and you know as well as I do that you’re capable of giving love.”

  I gently wrap my hand around her wrist and pull her hand away from my face. “I didn’t come here for comfort or pity Jade. I came here to get laid. This isn’t a psych session.”

  Jade laughs and leans her head on my shoulder. “I never said it was. I only want to see you happy, truly happy. You’re a good guy and eventually, the time is going to run out on you and me.”

  My body tenses. “You’ve met someone?” I don’t even have to ask. Jade immediately sits up and looks me in the eyes.

  “It’s still new. We’re not exclusive...yet. But, I like him. A lot.”

  I run a hand through my hair and let out a curse. “Shit. You should have told me. I wouldn’t have come over tonight.”

  “Cole, it was you or I was going to seek someone out. This guy, we’ve gone on one date so far. Nothing’s happened, and I needed what you gave me just as much as you did.”

  There’s one difference between Jade and me. She still enjoys the scene. I do not. Sometimes I think I miss it but then I realize, I really don’t. That chapter closed with Smitty settling down, and my feelings for Molly ramping up.

  “One date and you're hooked? You haven’t even had sex with him yet? What if he’s a bad lay?” I tease.

  She swats my arm and shakes her head. “Stop. If he’s a bad lay, I’ll just call you.” She blushes. “Besides. I’ve known him for a while, I’ve only recently convinced him that we should try a little more.”

  “Alright, I’ll bite.” I get the feeling she wants me to be interested in this. “Who is he?”

  “Oh no. I’m am not telling you! You’re not running a background check on him and going to interview him and threaten him within an inch of his life, thank you very much.”

  Her retort earns her a glare from me. “Jade. Who’s the fucker who’s got you all swoony inside?”

  “I’m not telling you. I mean it. You’ll find out when I’m damn good and ready.”

  “You would have been better off not saying anything at all.” I wink at her. “I’ll figure it out all on my own.”

  “Whatever. Moving right along. Do you want to tell me what Molly did this time that had you in a horny rage?”

  I probably shouldn’t tell her. “She kissed me.” Apparently, my brain thinks otherwise, and my filter is broken.

  Jade’s eyes go wide. “She...kissed you?”

  “I kissed her back.” I lean forward, resting my elbows on my thighs and hang my head. Tugging on my hair, I let out a frustrated groan. “And then I told her it should have never happened.”

  She doesn’t even hesitate to reach over and smack me upside my head. “And then you came here? You’re an asshole.”

  I snort. “Right, because we didn’t know that already.” I should have known Jade wouldn’t take my side on this one. “I think I’m going to call it a night,” I tell her as I stand up and put the rest of my clothes back on.

  “Cole,” she whispers.

  “I’m fine, Jade. I’m going home to work something out with Cody and going to bed. I’m fine. Thank you for tonight,” I say as I pull my shirt down over my head.

  I give her a kiss on the forehead and walk out the door. She’s shaking her head at me as I climb inside my truck and back out of her driveway.

  Chapter Six


  The last thing I expect to see Monday morning is Cody walking into the office with a black eye and busted lip. Certainly not the way to start a week.

  “What the...Cody, what happened?” I push back from my desk and walk around to get a better look.

  Cole comes barreling in the door right behind him and growls, “He deserved it.”

  “Cole Anthony Davenport, you did not!” I instinctively scold the arrogant asshole as he stomps past us and into his office, slamming the door behind him. “Cody,” my voice softens as I turn my attention back to my friend and co-worker.

  “I’m fine, Mols. Not the first time he’s tried to kick my ass,” he defends.

  He’s right. It’s not the first time he and Cole have come to blows. In fact, back when I first started, I used to find their impromptu wrestling matches entertaining to watch. Those were usually always in fun in nature though. And those were never because of me.

  “It’s because of me, isn’t it?” I already know the answer, but a quick nod from Cody confirms it.

  “He’ll get over it. He knows this was the best option,” Cody reassures me.

  “He still had no right to do this to you!” I yell loud enough that I know Cole can hear me behind his closed door.

  “Let it go, Molly. Let’s get to work and forget about it.” Cody gives me a side hug then heads down the hall to his space as I circle back behind the receptionist desk and take a seat.

  What I really want to do is march into Cole’s office and give him a piece of my mind, again. Except, that didn’t work out so well the last time. Never mind the fact that I’ve slept like shit since he stormed out of my condo in the wee hours of Sunday morning.

  Brushing off the reminder of how incredibly wrong things went, I try to focus on the work in front of me. Keeping my mind off the fact that I’ll be heading over to The Landing Strip to ’work’ for the first time tonight. No. I have better things to do than dwell on the nerves in the pit of my stomach. There are phone calls to be made. Appointments to book and clients to call back.

  I am able to bury myself in my work until lunchtime finally rolls around. Then, the two brooding men that have avoided me all morning emerge from their offices and grace me with their presence.

  “You’re not going to The Landing Strip tonight,” Cole grumbles demandingly.

  Cody leans against the wall behind my desk. “She has to. You need to get over it. If she doesn’t show up, he’ll come looking for her, and you run the risk of blowing our cover.”

  Cole lunges forward, but I quickly jump between them.

  “Knock it the fuck off.” I push against Cole’s chest, forcing
him back only an inch or two. “Grown the hell up. Put your head on straight and help me do this the way it should go down.”

  He looks down at me for a brief moment, long enough that I can see his eyes soften. “You being involved was not part of the plan.”

  “Yes, so you’ve said. Too late now. You’ve lost this round so give in already. We should be hashing out what the plan is once I’m inside, instead of you acting like a hot head, beating up your brother and effectively ignoring me all morning.”

  “She has a point,” Cody quips from behind me.

  Cole bucks at him again, earning himself a punch right in the solar plexus from me. “Enough, Cole. Get your shit together, or I’ll quit.”

  I take great pleasure in the pained look on his face as he gasps for air from my hit.

  Six hours later...

  I’m standing in front of the mirror at home and wondering why I ever decided it would be a good idea to go against Cole’s wishes and sign up for this.

  He was right. I am in over my head, but it’s too fucking late now, and I’m not about to let any of these guys down. I made the decision to do this for them. All of them. And Zoey. To get back at the group behind everything bad that has happened to Smitty, Zoey, Rhys, and Cole – they’ve all been caught up in bullshit because of this little group of assholes for far too long.

  What Cole doesn’t know, is that Cody’s been backing up this idea of mine for a few weeks now. Unlike his big brother, Cody realized I wasn’t going to back down and figured it was much better to prepare me for what might happen next. Yet, I still don’t feel confident about this.

  “You’re going to be late,” Cole sneers from the doorway. I didn’t even hear him come in. Though can’t say I’m surprised he’s here. “If you’re going to do this, you have to play by the rules, and that means you cannot draw any unwanted attention to yourself. You’re there to do a job. Keep your eyes and ears open. Being late on your first day is only going to piss Dallas off.”

  “Jesus Christ. Can you stop?” The irritation in my voice is clear.


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