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Black Bear Buns: A BBW Bear Shifter Menage Paranormal Romance Novella (The Twelve Dancing Bears Book 3)

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by Sable Sylvan

  Black Bear Buns

  The Twelve Dancing Bears Book 3

  Sable Sylvan


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11


  Sneak Peek: “Cinnamon Bear Buns”

  About the Author

  Copyright © 2016 by Sable Sylvan

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum

  Chapter One

  Ann had never been anywhere like Bear Buns. The large exterior facade of the building was done up in stone and wood and looked like it belonged on a Colorado ski lodge, not on a strip club in the middle of Seattle. Ann had been expecting something dark and seedy, barely lit by neon lights. This place looked warm, friendly, the only clue to its nature the hordes of women streaming in, a large marquee sign reading ‘The Twelve Dancing Bears ft. Nick and Liam’, and a set of six posters showing off various pairs of dancers and their shifts.

  The posters went from oldest members to newest, in the order that the dancers would be featured on stage. While most women in the group were busy looking over the newest members, a set of polars and a set of grizzlies, who had joined the troupe in the last month, she couldn’t peel her eyes off of Nick and Liam’s poster.

  Each poster had a colored background with text done in a different set of colors. Nick and Liam’s poster was done in shades of black and grey, featuring their shifts on the bottom, a pair of two black bears illuminated by a dark blue and a bright magenta light. Above were two faceless men, their chests conspicuously bare, their lower bodies covered by sequin covered hot pants. The handsome muscular man on the left wore magenta shorts and was hanging onto a pole, while the man that was on the right was wearing aqua blue shorts that looked as bright as the summer sky. The text on the poster was white and read ‘Black Bear Buns’, the word ‘Black’ outlined on the inside with a bright pink, the words ‘Bear Buns’ outlined in a shade of bright blue-violet, and a white square behind the words outlined in cyan.

  “I guess little miss virgin’s ready for the show,” said Chastity.

  Ann turned. Her friend, Chastity, was next to her, wearing a white veil headband and a sash that said ‘Almost Married’ in blue letters on a white background.

  “Chastity, hush, I don’t exactly go around advertising my, you know…lack of experience,” said Ann.

  “Huh? That’s not what I meant,” said Chastity. “Oops. I forgot to explain. So…I’ve been here before. So has everyone else in the group. But, people who haven’t been here before are called ‘virgins’ by the DJ. Sometimes, there are special things that happen on stage for first timers.”

  “Special things? Like what?” asked Ann.

  “Oh, you’ll see, you wouldn’t want me to spoil the surprise, that’s for sure,” said Chastity. “Come on, the show’s gonna start in twenty, and we want to get settled in beforehand.”

  Curvy Chastity took Ann by the arm and led her inside. The Bear Buns strip club was just as nice inside as it was on the outside. It wasn’t seedy in the least. There was a big brightly lit merchandise shop that looked more like a high-end boutique than a salacious back alley sex shop. There were two entertainment areas. One was a typical strip club, the other, a stage with tables and chairs beneath it. Chastity and her crew were headed towards the second room, where The Twelve Dancing Bears were going to be putting on their show.

  Chastity filled Ann in as they walked and talked. Yes, every man in The Twelve Dancing Bears could turn into a bear. No, the club didn’t just hire bears, there was actually a brand-new set of tigers, Chad and Thad, in the other room. And yes, all the strippers were looking for more than just getting a tip…or slipping in just the tip. They were all after their fated mates.

  “Fated mates. It seems like something out of a fairy tale,” said Ann, sipping at a diet soda. She couldn’t afford to get any more cocktails. She was already over budget.

  “That’s what I thought…until Kade and I did it, and, well, it’s funny what fate can do to a person. I had dated Angel for six years, and we could never agree on anything. I just thought that’s what shifter relationships were like. But, when I met Kade? Trust me. I thought we weren’t meant to be, even though I felt a connection, because I wasn’t sure I was ready to try again. That’s part of why I just…did it, with him. I wasn’t afraid of losing him,” explained Chastity. “Then, well…the rest is history. The mark on his hips? It glowed.”

  “Like, when he realized he loved you?” asked Ann.

  “Oh, Ann…I guess you could say that, but, I mean, when we came,” said Chastity. “You know. Together. At the same time. Hard.”

  Ann’s cheeks turned bright red. “Wait. So in order to know who your fated mate is, you have to do the deed?” asked Ann.

  “How did you think it worked?” asked Chastity. “But it’s no matter. Trust me. My wolf had moves, and he knew what to do. You just need a nice shifter guy…or two.”

  “Two guys? No frikkin’ way,” said Ann. “I can’t handle one guy, so there’s no way I could take two. And shifters? Aren’t they a lot to handle? And you know I need a third arm to help carry my baggage.”

  “Maybe you need four more hands…from two strong, sexy shifters who can show you a good time,” said Chastity.

  One of Chastity’s friends was bumped and her glass of red wine spilled onto Chastity’s chair. Ann pushed Chastity’s torso forward in time so Chastity stood up and looked.

  “Darn, the chair’s soaked,” said Chastity. “I can’t sit in it, what with this white dress.” Chastity motioned over her outfit. She was wearing a provocative white dress which looked like the kind of thing one would wear for a Vegas wedding.

  “Don’t worry. I’m wearing these old beater jeans, I’ll sit there,” said Ann. “We’ll swap.”

  “Really? You’re a doll,” said Chastity. She sat down in Ann’s seat and Ann sat down in Chastity’s old seat. Even though they’d managed to mop up most of the wine, she didn’t want anything to get in the way of Chastity’s special night.

  The lights flickered and everyone took their seats. A DJ turned his mic on and tapped it.

  “I know this mic is turned on…and so are all you lucky ladies,” said the DJ. “I know what you’re thinking. Just shut it and let the bears do their thing. Well, ladies, we have to go over the rules. For those of you that are returning, I wish you a big, warm Bear Buns hello. For those of you that are new, listen closely...virgins.”

  “That means you!” said Chastity.

  “I got that,” said Ann.

  “Virgins. What you will see tonight will change everything you thought you knew about sex. You will see things tonight that will make you shiver. You will see things that will make you tingle. There are things you won’t even know how to process mentally, so let your body do the thinking, and do what comes natural. This means, if you have to let out a moan? Get loud. If you want to throw your hands in the air? Do it. If you want to shake ya booty, well…why don’t you sit back and leave that to the prof
essionals,” said the DJ. The audience laughed at his joke. “Without further ado…presenting, the first act of The Twelve Dancing Bears, the black sheep of the Bear Buns family, Nick and Liam.”

  The spotlights didn’t go on. Instead? A laser grid covered the stage in a checkerboard pattern, sectioning the stage into cubes. The lasers were in purple, and a fog machine went off. Out onto the stage walked two shadowy figures, their silhouettes barely visible in the low light. But then, as they reached the edge of the stage, ‘80s style electronic rock music played. A black light illuminated the stage in dark purple light that had the very special property of making certain colors glow in the dark.

  The figures on stage lowered their black hoodie hoods, revealing hair that glowed bright pink and bright cyan in the light. The ladies went nuts. The hair was fantastic. Then, the bears stripped their hoodies off, revealing their chests, which were covered by fluorescent shirts that glowed under the black light. The bear with pink hair had a yellow shirt, while the bear with cyan hair had a lime green shirt. Next order of business? Taking off those shorts, and the men tore their shorts off, tossing the scraps into the crowd. The ladies were attracted to the fabric like sharks to blood in the water.

  “Wow, this is intense,” said Ann.

  “I know, but trust me, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet,” said Chastity. “Wait and watch.”

  Underneath the black shorts, the shifters were wearing the same hot pants from the poster. The one with pink hair was wearing magenta shorts, while the one with cyan hair was wearing aqua shorts. The shorts were covered with sequins that glittered even though the stage was dark.

  The men danced on the stage and a cyan spotlight started zooming around the audience.

  “Tonight, we have a very special guest. Virgins, don’t worry, there’s five more pairs of bears that want your attention. The special guest is a young lady who is having a bachelorette party…give it up for this fine young lady!” said the DJ.

  The spotlight landed on Ann. Ann stopped herself from groaning out loud. She’d swapped seats with Chastity, and obviously, Chastity was meant to be illuminated by the spotlight, hence why she had the special chair that, under the blacklight, glowed a bright green instead of white.

  “Chastity, get on up there,” said Ann.

  “Girl, this night’s all about me having fun…and the best present you could give me? Going up on that stage yourself,” said Chastity. “Go on!”

  “Fine, fine, but just for a minute,” said Ann.

  Ann got up and the crowd hooted and hollered with approval. A shifter in red hot pants led her to the stage’s stairs and she walked up the side stairs to get onto the stage, where a large black throne was sitting. It was all matte black, hence why she hadn’t noticed it before. As she sat on the stage, the throne lit up. The sides had light wires built in that at first, glowed pink, then blue, then flashed.

  Up close and personal, the dancers were even more handsome. Their biceps were glistening with sweat, and as they walked towards her, she couldn’t help but check out their girthy packages. She looked up. The men had huge muscles, and they smelled amazing, like primal musk. Their faces looked as if they were chiseled out of pure marble. That much was obvious, even in the low light.

  “Hey there,” said the one with pink hair. “The name’s Nick.” Ann saw his eyes flash a brilliant green.

  “I’m Ann,” said the curvy goddess. “And you are?”

  “Liam,” said the blue haired man, whose eyes flashed an icy Siberian blue. “It’s a pleasure…and we’ve got more pleasure in store for you. Just lay back, watch the show, and when you feel ready, get in that box of props, pull out what you want to use, and go nuts.”

  “Absolutely nuts,” said Nick. He and Liam looked over her one last time and Ann had the distinct feeling that they were eating her up with their eyes…but it had to be an act, right? It’s what they were paid to do. There was no frikkin’ way they really felt the chemistry she was feeling, as much as she hated to admit it to her no-nonsense self.

  Nick and Liam turned back towards the audience and did their routine, gyrating their hips some more, until they each pulled something out of their hot pants! Whatever it was, it was glowing. They opened the items, and started to use them on each other.

  It was fluorescent body paint. Of course it was. The men rubbed the fluorescent paint on each other’s bodies. Liam painted Nick with pink paint while Nick painted Liam with blue paint. The ladies were going nuts watching both of the hot, sensual men feel one another up.

  Ann had never understood the appeal of male strippers. She thought that they’d put on some jokey show, dressed as a cop or fireman, dancing to a bad ‘90s rock song, and leave after a few songs. After watching Nick and Liam do their thing, she knew she was absolutely wrong about what male entertainment was about.

  Nick and Liam got close to each other…and started to touch each other in ways that were unexpected. Nick and Liam got close to each other and pressed their bodies together, wrapping their arms around one another, pressing their hands over one another’s bodies. The paint on their bodies mixed together, so the two glowing silhouettes were now covered in swirls of pink and blue and various shades of lavender.

  It was definitely time for Ann to pull out a prop.

  Ann opened the box of props and looked for something easy and tame, like a feather boa or a gun that shot money. No. Instead, it turned out the box had been tailored for the bachelorette party. It made sense, given Chastity was the one that should’ve been in the chair. All the items in the box looked pretty juvenile, from giant double ended grape scented dildos to vibrators with small dolphin shaped bits that were supposed to pump in and out of the honeypot while tickling the clit at the same time…except for one item.

  Balloons. How inappropriate could a bunch of balloons be?

  Nick, having heard Ann open the trunk with his shifter senses, came over to Ann.

  “Balloons, eh?” asked Nick. “Sit back down and we’ll get this ready for you.”

  “What? I thought I just needed to blow them up,” said Ann.

  Nick chuckled.

  “No, no, these are for balloon art,” said Nick. “And we’ve got to give these people a show.”

  Nick brought balloons over to Liam, who put one in his mouth and started blowing, hard. The balloons were in fluorescent colors. He put a full-blown balloon down his underwear and put one down Liam’s underwear.

  The crowd went wild. The huge balloons looked like penises. Nick and Liam had a sword fight with their balloon cocks and then, took the balloons, and threw them out into the crowd, where they were passed along like beach balls at a concert. They made yet another set of balloons and gave them to Ann.

  “Now you know what to do with these,” said Nick. “Put on a show.”

  “Yeah, we dare you,” teased Liam.

  That teasing tone pushed Ann over the edge.

  “A show? I can put on a show,” said Ann.

  She took the shirts that were on the guys and tore them away, hard, throwing the scraps out into the audience. She spotted Chastity and the crew all cheering. She made sure to toss one of the shirts their way. This revealed the men’s chests, but in the low light of the club, she couldn’t make out their mate marks. It was no matter. She took some of the body paint that was on Liam and drew a penis on Nick’s chest. She used some of the paint on Nick’s chest to draw a big, fat, hairy, veiny dick on Liam’s chest. The crowd went nuts.

  Finally, she took the big balloons and asked Liam to do something crazy with Nick…and they both agreed!

  Liam sat down on the throne, messing it up with body paint. Nick got down on his knees and started…blowing him! This wasn’t real oral sex, just simulated, but Liam was, at the same time, literally being blown. Liam pretended to feel absolute sexual ecstasy while Nick blew…up a plastic balloon to stick down Liam’s hot pants!

  The crowd went nuts. They’d never seen anything like it. All the while, Ann stroked the balloon cocks i
n her hands as if they were dicks, and let go of one of the balloons, which she had secretly untied carefully, letting the balloon shoot off into the audience as if it was a hot load of white cum.

  Ann was shocked by her own behavior. Who were these men to do that to her? To make her do these naughty things? She had never had these urges before, but on stage, she’d blossomed…and was that a mistake on her part, or a sin on theirs?

  The bears all of a sudden stopped, as a new song played, and got on the ground. They were holding each other, rolling around and spreading paint everywhere. The balloons in their pants popped, but it didn’t seem to bother them. What was going on?

  Ann was about to learn why Bear Buns was different than any other strip club in Seattle.

  Before her very eyes, the men that were tossing and turning about…turned into bears.

  Big tufts of fur burst forth from their skin and their skeletal structure and muscles changed. In place of the two handsome men was a pair of big, dark, furry bears that looked like shadows. The shorts they were wearing burst, and Ann was kind enough to grab the scraps and throw them out as souvenirs to the audience.

  The lights came on. The bears were big black bears, smaller than many other types of bears, but big for black bears. These shifts were huge. Paint covered the bears’ fur. Which one was which? Ann had no clue. She hadn’t had a chance to see the guys in regular lighting before they’d shifted. It was no matter. The show was only just beginning.

  Chapter Two

  Even though she lived in the Pacific Northwest, Ann had never been this close to a bear, not to mention two bears. Black bears were one of the smallest species of bear native to America, but they were still giant compared to Ann. Ann was a big gal, with curves, but these bears were big, and it wasn’t just because of the lighting. These bears didn’t look like they’d have fluffy fur. No, their fur was slicked back, and it almost looked oily. One of the bears brushed up against her hand. She stroked the fur, and it didn’t feel greasy at all. It felt more like a cat’s fur than she expected, but while sleek, it was also fluffy.


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